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  Adventure 53 - Shoot's Report
Posted by: Shoot the Moon - July 22nd, 2012, 23:18 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - No Replies

I'll edit in my report later this week (after I write it, just finished the game today lol) but I won a conquest victory in 1520 AD. For kicks, I reloaded to the turn before victory to build culture in some newly conquered cities and pop their borders and also was able to win a domination victory in 1520 AD (while still also winning conquest).

For a very short summary: I had been kind of just aimlessly playing until Toku and Justinian decided to both attack me at the same time primarily with HAs, cats, and longbows. Of course, they did that right after I finished research rifling and nationalism rolleye I hadn't particularly planned to win by domination or conquest, but at that point said "screw it you guys will pay" capitulated both of them, Ramsses offered to be my vassal, which left only Hannibal left for victory, whom I rolled over with inf and tanks (he research rifling the turn the war started). His capitulation gave me the simultaneous conquest/domination described above.

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  Adv53 - Ruff's Report [Two games in One]
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - July 22nd, 2012, 23:03 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (12)

Here is my report of my Adv53 game.

I won via domination in 1625 AD (T235) but that was only the first of two games (and three objectives).

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  Modding and the AI
Posted by: Anthony - July 22nd, 2012, 20:07 - Forum: Mods and Modding - Replies (6)

To what degree is the AI capable of recognizing modified units and spells? If you alter the prerequisites to build a unit, will the AI try to create it even though it can't? If you change the type of a spell, will the AI try to cast it as if it were its original type? If you add special capabilities to a unit (say, roadbuilding), will the AI try to use it, or will it only use those capabilities on a unit of a type it remembers having that ability?

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  What do we want in Civ 6?
Posted by: Atlas - July 22nd, 2012, 17:21 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (188)

Comment here at RB or over at CivFanatics

With an anticipated release date of late-2015 and the fact that developement has almost certainly not started yet.

We should begin to think about what we as a community would like in the next iteration- I am thinking big ideas not minutia. Gotta get our ideas firmed up before the devs start a Civ 6.

Hex tiles?

1 unit per tile?

How to limit expansion (aka preventing the early game farmer gambit, the past this has been Corruption & maintainence)?


How should Diplomacy work?


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  PBEM 41 Setup and Tech Thread
Posted by: Shoot the Moon - July 22nd, 2012, 17:10 - Forum: PBEM41 - Replies (223)

Turn order:

kyan: 20:00 - 22:00
musicman: 22:00 - 01:00
shoot: 01:00 - 05:00 [17:00 - 21:00 local time]
nakor: 05:00 - 16:00 [06:00 - 17:00 local time]
ad hoc
sian: 18:00 - 20:00 [19:00 to 21:00 local time]

Tracker email:

Tracker page:

Rules for the game:

Standard size
2 Continents (3 players per continent) with islands mixed in
no Barbs
no Huts
no Events
no Pyramids
no Great Lighthouse
no Change Religion/Civics
no Nukes
no Corporations
no cheese AP wins
no War Elephants

And the picks were:

1) Sian plays Julius Caesar of Vikings
2) Kyan plays Louis XIV of Carthage
3) Shoot the Moon plays Catherine of Mali
4) Nakor plays Pericles of Korea
5) mackoti plays Rameses of Sumeria
6) MusicMan plays Pacal of Inca


My original post:

Although we're still waiting for Sian to finish picking (and also the map to get finished?), figure we might as well start getting this side of things figured out.

Things we'll need to do:

  • Figure out a turn order (have everyone post their timezones and preferred playing time)
  • Randomize said turn order
  • Get everyone's emails
  • Set up a turn tracker

Anyhow, to get it started, I'm GMT -8 (U.S. Pacific time zone) and will prefer to play in the evening, although will probably also be able to do most afternoons so can get to the save earlier if it comes earlier most days.

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  Any interest in a new FFH Adventure?
Posted by: Bobchillingworth - July 22nd, 2012, 12:02 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (21)

Several months ago, Square Leg placed me in charge of the FFH Adventure series. I've had a few people approach me about various Adventures concepts they were thinking of running, but nothing has gotten off the ground. I've been thinking of making a game myself for a little while now, but I'm aware that the last few FFH Adventures saw diminishing returns to the point where I'm not sure if anyone even attempted the last game (to be honest, I don't remember what the last game was).

So, asking in a general sense, are people interested in me throwing another FFH (EitB) Adventure out there? I realize that the type of game makes a big difference- the two concepts I have in mind are either for a High-to-Low + Final Five game or a scenario where the objective is to gather equipment for score.

Because I know that people are busy with vacation and stuff this Summer, the game would run for significantly longer than usual.

I could also attempt a Planetfall Adventure, if people would prefer that- I don't have a completely formed concept for one, but I could come up with something simple.

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  [SPOILER] Kyan + thestick. Is that the best you can do?
Posted by: Kyan - July 21st, 2012, 17:56 - Forum: PBEM41 - Replies (239)

A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark
Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me
Satisfy me baby

Baby close your eyes and listen to the music
Drifting through a summer breeze
It's a groovy night and I can show you how to use it
Come along with me and put your mind at ease

A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark
Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me
Satisfy me baby

Come on baby I'm tired of talking
Grab your coat and let's start walking
Come on, come on
Come on, come on
Come on, come on
Don't procrastinate, don't articulate
Girl it's getting late, gettin' upset waitin' around

A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark
Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me
Satisfy me baby

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  [no players] Mocking the Continental Drifters -Lurker Thread.
Posted by: Commodore - July 21st, 2012, 15:16 - Forum: PBEM41 - Replies (36)

[Image: continents.gif]

Nice and "creative" picks you guys.

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  [SPOILERS] Shoot Plays Another Restricted Diplo Game
Posted by: Shoot the Moon - July 21st, 2012, 13:53 - Forum: PBEM41 - Replies (87)

If you're from another team in this game, this would be the point where you leave.

And now for some random pictures from my photobucket account lol:

[Image: warshot2.jpg]

[Image: Warshot8.jpg]

[Image: Warshot9.jpg]

[Image: Warshot7.jpg]

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  One More Mod
Posted by: Twan - July 21st, 2012, 07:31 - Forum: Mods and Modding - Replies (9)

Since I discovered the tweaker I couldn't stop making changes to the game. Here is my version, made for my own enjoyment (it has no pretention of being a "balance" mod), but some may like to test.

last version :

My most important changes were in the building tree, as I wanted to offer more choice in early game / for new settlements while also opening alchemist guilds and war college to more races but slowing a little the military and powerful buildings developpment.

- I removed the builder's hall requirement for granary, shrine and library. Builder's hall is instead used to enable tier 2 buildings (temple, guilds, etc..), and has a slightly increased cost.
- I made a smithy needed for sawmill and barracks, and barracks + builder hall needed for city walls
- A temple is now needed to produce shamans, so no building allowing to build troops better than spearmen is directy available
- I changed requirement for alchemist guild, now only needing library and armory, but increased its cost a lot
- as well for war college, the requirements have been lowered to fighter guild and sage guild
- armorer's guild is so now more optional than before (for races not getting good units at this stage nor needing it for fantastic stables) but I gave it a cool effect : it now reduce a lot the upkeep of fighter's guild (from 5 to 1)
- there are cross requirement for religious and research buildings, slowing the access to mage and priests (sage guild is needed for parthenon, temple is needed for university)

The effect of these changes is to offer more interesting choices in early and mid game. For example with fighter guild, armory and sage guild you have the possibility to directly research the very expensive war college to get better troops, or first go for armorer's guild to reduce your cost, or another possibility is to make the alchemist guild all races can now build.

I also made a lot of change to units and races...

As I wanted to make terrain more important and combat less predictable, a lot of units (notably all non dwarves swordsmen and most elite racial units) get an extra 0,5 movement point, allowing them to move 2 tiles through clear terrain, and making harder to use fire and retreat against them in combat.

Halberdiers and spearmen remain as slow as before, but halberdiers have been largely boosted (at the price of an increased cost) all getting armor piercing attack and better defense, and spearmen, while still crappy, now have negate first strike for most races.

To compensate the melee units being faster, all bowmen have recieved +1 to their ranged attack, or some other bonuses.

For the races, my main goal was to make generic races less generic, so I mostly changed orcs and nomads.

Orcs have now more special units : their swordsmen have 2 movement (haven't they outrun Aragorn ?), their bowmen and shamans are mountaineers, and they get very special "mages" (in fact more necromancers), not good at range but able to teleport in combat and turning defeated enemies into undead. On the other hand orcs have lost the ability to build cathedrals, making harder for them to developp big cities.

Nomads are more nomads and the globally fastest race (only equalled by gnolls). All their troops got increased movement at the price of reduced combat stats. They also get settlers moving at 2 and able to defend themselves, and the fastest outpost growth, but an as bad city growth as elves, and they have lost the ability to build cathedral, mechanician and animist guilds, while now having access to their own mages, who don't use fire ball spell but have a wind walking ability.

Dwarves is the only race to remain as slow as in vanilla, with only move 1 units, but now all dwarves have the construction ability, while their engineers have been replaced by (rather crappy) slingers, their melee units got increased defense, and their golem is now the only recruitable magic immune creature (an ability I removed from paladins).

Halflings, to simulate their small size making hard to hit them at range have all recieved the large shield bonus (which was also increased to 3 shields).

High elves have a scouting bonus for their cavalry and longbowmen, who also recieved the long range ability. Their mages now use nature magic, and instead of fireball are now able to cast a heal spell.

Lizardmen have special shamans, more expensive than others but who have learned from lizards replacing their tails how to regenerate, and their javeliners use poison now. While still having no access to buildings increasing production, lizardmen can now build sage and alchemist guilds as well as war colleges.

Dark elves non caster units have lost one ranged shot, while their casters have gained one. Their warlocks now use the web spell instead of doom bolt, more thematic for a race worshiping a spider goddess and a little less frustrating when you have to take their cities in endgame. They are also now able to planeshift, so beware of surprise warlocks attack.

Trolls now have war mammoths that should be feared, being the strongest unit with first strike and armor piercing and also cold immune. Out of that and the ability to build alchemist guilds they also get mountaineer swordsmen and shamans.

High men paladins have been made more paladins than immune tanks, losing their magic immunity (replaced by a death and stoning only one) but gaining healing abilities (finally that's an healer unit that should survive some fights especially as their defense has been increased too).

Barbarians and draconians are mostly unchanged but their special units got a little boost (first strike for berserkers, more defense for doom drakes)

Finally I changed many spell casting costs (and some effects) too.
- All nature summons as well as early death and chaos ones have largely reduced casting costs, so expect to see large armies of skeletons, bears or hell hounds early
- I nerfed some spells I find very annoying / overpowered like disenchant area (cost increased to 90, so it should be rarely seen on battlefield before very endgame ; on the other hand I reduced the costs of standard dispell magic and disenchant true), flame strike (reduced damage by half), crack calls (cost increased), meteor storm (casting cost doubled) and confusion (save a little easier and now not affecting illusion immune creatures)
-I made harder to resist against warp creature
-I reduced the cost of some death globals like eternal night, which combined with cheaper summons should make death as powerful as other schools
-I reduced a little spell of mastery research cost but increased its casting cost to 8k mana

First version : [url="

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