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  Timmy tanks Adventure 39
Posted by: timmy827 - September 21st, 2009, 10:40 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (3)

My comment in the game thread (worth every minute!) was rather cynical and sarcastic, as this was one of the shortest games I've ever played - 2320BC!

Techpath was AH->Mining->BW. I figured that since Holkans are resourceless, I could rely on them for barb defense and skip Archery, also without Hunting to start the path to BW isn't much longer. I was on lower barb alert after discovering how close neighbors were, although maybe I should have been more careful after the closest one (Mehmed) built GW at 2880BC. However, I thought I was doing a good job of warrior spawn-busting (can't find a link, but barbs can't appear within the 5x5 square centered on a player or AI unit, even if that unit can't see all the tiles. So it's actually not that hard to mostly block out spawning. Credit DanF at Civfanatics) - only a little land to the north, which was usually filled by some AI's wandering scout, and a barb city to the south, helping out.
One warrior came near:
[Image: 1.jpg]
I was planning on mining the hill 2E of capital, so parked my worker and warrior there, hoping to lure the barb into suicide rather than pillaging - had just gotten BW, so no holkans capable of fighting on level ground yet. Plan works, except that the barb wins at 3.3%. I had built a 2nd worker so this was not quite game over; had to rush another warrior out of the capital. The wounded-but-promoted barb laughs at the innate defensive bonuses and wins again at 3.5% for elimination.
[Image: 2.jpg]
Note Lakamha in the above picture - I couldn't access the combat log after losing, so I WB'd in a 2nd city just to see what the odds were. Then oddly enough, that act reset the random seed and I won the battle. Too bad real RBCiv play can't work like that....


I had hoped to run a bunch of deity pangaea starts to around 1000BC or so, just to get a handle on balancing the higher barb defense and the need to expand ASAP before the AI grabs it all, but didn't have time. With AI's close, I intentionally went for faster expansion with lighter defense, mostly by building a 2nd worker and intending to turn that into a settler-chop-storm. Lesson learned, although it does rather sting to lose a game to a near-literal one in a thousand RNG results...

I really hope no one else has such a bad outcome, although from how quickly the "game completes" were rolling in before I started I thought we might see a lot of early defeats or retirements. Deity pangaea is always cramped but it seemed this map was more so than average, and while the capital was strong and lots of grassland in vicinity was good, there wasn't a lot of food resources availabe in the expansion areas. I went into WB after losing...I think I was going to get the cows to the NE, banana just east of start, and the fish/ivory to the SW if everything went well for a total of 5 food resources...maybe get the barb city at cows/corn to the south (in my limited experience this is tough, a lot of archers defending means that an AI will surely try to take it before you can assemble enough units, and they are much less likely than on lower diffs to bring force insufficient to win on their 1st try). It looked to be a pretty hard map even considering the player had the advantages of no violent neighbors plus a strong leader/civ. Not to criticize Sullla - Deity is SUPPOSED to be hard, and I'd rather have something on the harder side than a HOF-style start.

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  Guild Wars 2
Posted by: JoeDigital - September 19th, 2009, 17:05 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (1)


Guild Wars 2 is looking awesome!

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Posted by: WarBlade - September 18th, 2009, 15:21 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (7)

So Courin sent me a PM...

Quote:Hey WB,

I wanted to follow up with you in regards to your post in the Guild Direction thread. The instructions asked for a "Yes" or "No" vote on a three month trial of the guidelines, not a break down on section-by-section support. I appreciate that you may like and/or dislike certain aspects of the guidelines more than others; however, just like when you are electing a representative, you cannot mark your ballot "I vote yes for you on the issue of Capital Punishment, but no for you on the issue of Tax Increases", you can't pick and choose from the guidelines in this case. It's a choice between "Yes I am willing to try this" or "No I am not willing to try this". We will never have something that satisfies every member of the guild 100%. What we are aiming for is a compromise that the majority of people can live with.

1. This is not a general election. We are not voting in a country's leader and/or political party to represent us according to our political affiliation. We are a small group making decisions for ourselves.

2. What we are voting on is a constitution. As far as I can see we are doing this roughly along the lines of an incorporated society, albeit on a very small scale. Typically constitutions are defined on a point by point basis.

Constitutions should be hammered out with consideration to all of their points before being adopted.

Case example for a Realms Beyond Constitution:

Throw some ideas together, make a forum thread to open it up to critique or amendment, then decide what parts to adopt or reject.

Quote:This was the reason I approached you while the guidelines were being formulated, to make sure that your point of view could be heard, considered, and incorporated into the various areas, over and above what was said in the forums. You chose at that time not to take that opportunity, and I respect that decision. I am, however, disappointed that having refused to give your input during the formulation, you now have chosen to criticize the results of other's inputs and the hard work that was put into this whole process.

I am furious with you.

You lied to me.

You said you were thinking about where the guild was going. Then you asked me for my position on recent forum posts and I told you that a vibe I had been getting from a few people (and something I was feeling myself) was that we've just been through a fair bit of unpleasantness and some of us were feeling like taking a break from that now and just get back to enjoying the game.

Now you inform me that I have refused to give input.

That's bullshit.

Not at any stage did you bother to enlighten me to the fact that a "future planning" group had formed and were busily gathering data to write up a constitution. If I had known that I would have provided my thoughts to the matter and submitted ideas.

Quote:As it stands now, your vote would probably be considered a 'spoiled' ballot as it were, given that it is not a clear "Yes" or "No", and so cannot counted in the results for either side. If you want to come down on the "Yes" or "No" side, please consider editing your post to clearly state your position with a simple "Yes" or "No" to the entire set of guidelines. However, if you want to protest this whole process by "spoiling" your ballot so to speak, that of course is your right as well, and would be reflected in the results as a "spoiled" vote.

My concern is making sure that your opinion is heard, whichever way it goes.


You have not made sure that my opinion was heard.

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  Guild direction - time for action
Posted by: Hawkmoon - September 17th, 2009, 09:50 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (12)

Having read through the many forum posts in the last few months regarding how the guild has been functioning and the differing ways people see it going, it seems clear that in order for RBGW to survive and thrive, we need to get some consensus on a number of issues.
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Realms Beyond is, at its heart, about the people. It states this very clearly in our philosophy, and RBGW is a continuation of this philosophy.
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The events of this summer have made it clear that while we all want a “laid back”, “relaxed”, and “mature” gaming experience, this hasn’t been happening, and that the problems seem to stem from differing expectations of the guild. The guild has in the past been largely operating under a set of ‘unwritten rules’. People seem to associate this with us being ‘laid-back’ but this leads to people getting upset when they perceive violations to those ‘unwritten rules’, or when they feel they are being ‘reprimanded’ for breaking those ‘unwritten rules’ that they were not even aware of.
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In order to try to move forward from this point, a group of RB-ers undertook a review of various threads in the forums this summer, looking at the issues, the proposed solutions, and the arguments for and against these ideas. In addition, several individuals who posted in the forums regarding the issues were contacted, asking for their opinions. While some chose not to participate in the process, most seemed to genuinely want to resolve these matters once and for all. Based on this, a written set of guidelines for how the guild could operate moving forward was developed.
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The purpose of this thread is to propose the idea of adopting these guidelines for a trial period of 3 months.
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At the end of the trial period, the guidelines would be up for review, to either be abandoned, amended, or adopted on a more permanent basis, keeping in mind that as the game and the guild’s needs change, the guidelines could be modified to reflect those changes.
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Given that what we are deciding on is a potential route for the RB guild within GW, it seems logical to suggest that only those who are currently playing the game vote on this issue. To this end, anyone who has played within the last 2 months as of this posting is ‘eligible to vote’. Screenshots taken this morning of the guild roster are here:
[Image: 3928343719_8ef64beff3.jpg][Image: 3929127176_7d15276300.jpg]
The "within the last 2 months" criterion means that everyone down to and including Torcail Lagos is eligible to vote. Voting will be considered open for 1 week. In order to facilitate this, we will NOT be using the poll function in the forums.
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Instead, please reply to this thread, clearly stating your Primary Character Name, and your answer (Yes or No) to the following question:
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->
Do you agree to accept the guidelines as proposed in this thread for RBGW for a trial period of 3 months?

Please note that we're looking for a Yes/No vote here; this thread is NOT for open-ended discussion of the details.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->
RBGW Philosophy and Guidelines
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->
Guild Administration
All members of RBGW are first and foremost members of Realms Beyond. As such, there is an expectation that we will all embrace the Realms Beyond philosophy:
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We're a community, not a clan, that are spreading across the traditional lines of game title and who are like-minded on several key points...
... to seek challenge and fun, not simply 'high score' or 'the most elite stuff!'
... to excel is virtue
... to look to become friends with those you play with
... to treat others with respect, whether you agree with them or not
... to steadfastly avoid cheating
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Within RBGW, there is an additional expectation that all members will abide by the RBGW guidelines as outlined here. Membership in RBGW indicates a member’s agreement to be bound by these guidelines.
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Members, Officers, and Guild Leaders
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> Within GW, the roster is broken up into 3 groups, (not including Guests):

  • Members
  • Officers
  • Guild Leader
While Guild Wars assigns different administrative tasks based upon “rank”, within RBGW, there is no fundamental difference between a Member, an Officer, and the Guild Leader in terms of their voice within the guild. All members have equal voice, equal rights, and equal responsibilities. The only difference is the access they have to administrative tasks.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->
Members can:
  • Leave the guild
  • Use guild and alliance chat
  • Wear a guild cape
  • Access the Guild Hall
  • Participate in GvG battles
  • Use Faction Transfer
  • Access the exclusive area of a town or outpost
  • Add NPCs to the Guild Hall
Officers have all the administrative access of a Member, and can also:
  • Make announcements
  • Kick members (not officers) out of the guild
  • Promote other members to officer
  • Invite players to the guild
  • Give guest status to visitors
  • Authorize a rated GvG match by their presence
Guild Leaders have all the administrative access of an Officer and a Member, and can also:
  • Demote and kick guild officers
  • Change the guild's cape design
  • Disband the guild (must be the only person in the guild)
  • Promote someone else to leader (which demotes themselves to officer)
  • Buy or change a Guild Hall
  • Join/leave alliances
In summary, a Member enjoys all the privileges of a guild without the ability to make changes that affect the guild or other Members. Officers have the ability to make minor changes, while the Guild Leader can make major changes. While only 1 individual can be Guild Leader, there is no limit to the number of Officers vs Members, only the guild size limit of 99 + 1 Guild Leader.
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Any member who wishes to invite someone else to join RBGW should discuss the guild philosophy and guidelines with that individual, or refer them to the RB web-site and forums. It is an expectation that anyone inviting a new member to the guild will make reasonable attempts to make that individual feel welcome, by introducing them to other guild members, and trying to involve them in guild events. Should the RB member wanting to invite someone to join the guild be listed as a Member on the roster, they can request an online Officer to invite the individual. Should no Officers be online, a request can be made through a forums thread that will be created and/or maintained for that purpose.
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New members of RB will be on the Guild Roster as “Members” for the first 2 weeks, allowing some of the existing members to get to know them and ensure that they embrace and live the Guild Philosophy and Guidelines. During that time, they are encouraged to get to know the other members of RBGW and let the other members get to know them. This can be done both in game and through the forums. At the end of that time, they will be promoted to “Officer” barring any serious concerns being raised as to their behavior. These expectations should be communicated to new members by the RBGW member inviting them into the guild.
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Should a Member not log on within 6 months, the Guild Leader or an Officer may choose to kick them from the guild, provided that we are at maximum guild size and a spot is needed for a new member.
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Should an Officer not log on within 3 months, the Guild Leader may demote them to Member if there is a concern that the number of inactive officers is preventing members from easily seeing the entire Guild Roster. Upon resuming activity, that member could request re-promotion without delay from any Officer or the Guild Leader.
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This will enable RBGW to maintain an active Officer list, which will allow administrative tasks to be done in a timely manner, while also eliminating frequent changes in the Officer roster and any perceived “us vs. them” mentality.
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Change of Guild Leader

Should the Guild Leader voluntarily plan to step down, an election to find a replacement Guild Leader should be held through the forums. Any member can indicate their interest by posting in the thread. After 1 week, all interested names will be put into a poll, and all members would be able to vote for the Guild Leader of their choice. The outcome of such a vote would be based upon a majority finding by respondents.
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At any time, a member of RBGW may ask for a ‘confidence’ vote in the forums for the replacement of the Guild Leader. However, they must provide an explanation, including detailed examples of why they feel the individual should not be Guild Leader. The outcome of such a vote would be based upon a majority finding by respondents.
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Secondary Accounts/Minors Accounts

In order to facilitate a better gaming experience for all members, secondary or “mule” accounts belonging to members of RBGW may belong to the Guild as Members to facilitate easy transferring of in-game items between accounts, but should not be Officers.
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Given the administrative tasks that Officers are capable of performing, Officer status should not be given to accounts that belong to minors (defined as age 16 or lower).
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Guild Changes
The Guild Leader has the administrative ability to make major changes that affect the guild and it’s members. As these changes affect all members, and as all members are equal, it is expected that the Guild Leader will act upon the wishes of the majority of the guild for such changes. Any long term change to the Guild Cape (e.g. lasting longer than a holiday season), any change to the Guild Hall, or any change to the RBGW alliance status must be voted on and approved by a majority of respondents.
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RBGW Code of Conduct
Respect for our members
All members of RBGW have the right to expect a pleasant gaming experience. While this definition is different for every person, at a minimum, all have the expectation of being treated in a respectful manner within the guild, as persons, as players, and as part of a team in the game environment.
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Personal Respect is defined as “esteem for the worth of a person”. Every person brings value to our community, and while individual opinions will vary, by treating others with respect, even when we disagree with them, we build a stronger guild. As such, any comments that are threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, or libelous (including but not limited to comments based upon an individuals race, ethnicity, religion, sex, or sexual orientation) would be considered disrespectful of that individual as a person.
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Player Respect is defined as “esteem for the sense of worth of a player”. Just as every member brings something different to the game, every player wants something different from it. As such, non-constructive criticism of an individual’s playing style, or what they enjoy about the game, for example, would be considered disrespectful of that individual as a player.
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Team Respect is defined as “esteem for the sense of worth of a team”. GW is designed to allow players to explore the game environment on their own or as part of a team. Should a RBGW member participate in team activities within the guild, they are expected to work with the team, with all opinions heard with respect. Working with the team could include being a constructive team member (being willing to adopt a specific role, and possibly a specific build, for the success of the team), accepting constructive suggestions without rancor, and in situations where team setbacks occur, to refrain from assigning blame to particular teammates, etc. Failing to work cooperatively within a team environment would be considered disrespectful of the team.
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Dealing with disputes
Given that we are a community of individuals, it is inevitable that conflicts will arise between different personalities. Any member having an issue with another member of RBGW should attempt to address those issues directly with that individual using the ‘Whisper’ function of chat, so as not to lessen the enjoyment of the game for all Guild members.
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Should the attempt to resolve the issue directly between the parties not work, the individual with the concern can approach the Guild Leader or a Council Leader (described below), who can attempt to provide guidance, and act as a mediator, if necessary.
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Should that not work, and should the member feel they have received disrespectful treatment that negatively affects their enjoyment of the game, they may make a complaint against that individual for consideration by an impartial Peer Review Council. Such a complaint should include a description of the incident, steps taken to resolve it to that point, and any documentation (e.g. screenshots, names of witnesses, etc) relating to the complaint.
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Peer Review Council
The Peer Review Council will work to confidentially resolve any disputes having to do with behavioral issues within RBGW, by allowing all involved parties the opportunity to explain their point of view. While no member of RBGW is required to participate should a complaint be laid against them, they will still be bound by the finding of the Council.
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The Council will be comprised of 5 RBGW members: the Guild Leader, 2 ‘Council Leaders’ which are Officers who would be elected by the Guild with a 6 month term, and 2 ‘Council Members’ which are Officers selected by the 3 permanent members on a case-by-case basis to ensure impartiality. No individual is allowed to be on the Council to hear an issue that they have a direct role in, nor that of a spouse or other family member. Should the Guild Leader or one of the Council Leaders have a conflict of interest, they will remove themselves from hearing that complaint, and a suitable unbiased replacement will be appointed by the remaining 2 Council members.
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Should a member have a complaint, they would notify the Guild Leader privately, either through the ‘Whisper’ chat in game or through a private message in the forums. Should the Guild Leader be involved, the complaint can be provided to either of the Council Leaders.
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The Council will consider all factors available to them, including any provocation and acknowledgement of wrong-doing, before making any disciplinary decision.
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The Council may utilize in-game channels like Team Chat or out of game channels like private messages on the forums or meet through VoIP channels to review complaints, discuss opinions, and form a majority consensus.
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The Council process would be confidential. Anyone serving on the Council is expected to be discreet about any information provided to them by any member of RBGW for the purpose of a complaint review, and any discipline arise from those findings.
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Guild Discipline
Any individual found to be disrespectful to another RBGW member in such a way that it negatively affects their enjoyment of the game will be subject to disciplinary action.
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For a first complaint, a verbal warning will be issued to the individual, clearly describing the inappropriate behavior. For a second complaint, the individual would be considered “on probation” within the guild for a period of 2 months. Should the individual be found to be disrespectful to a guild member while on probation, that person may be kicked from the guild. A 3rd infraction after an initial probationary period is completed would automatically result in a 2nd probationary period. Should a 4th infraction occur at any time, the individual may be kicked from the guild.
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For severe offenses, and at their discretion, the Council may, with a unanimous consensus, choose to kick a member regardless of any previous discipline level or lack thereof.
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Posted by: Jude - September 16th, 2009, 15:20 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

As most of you know I and a few others will be joining Aion. This does not mean that I will be giving up on GW, but I do want to see what Aion has in store.

I spoke to Viper and he will be the one of the Legion leaders on Aion. He's taking me in to AB with them. He has also welcomed the other RBers to their Legion when the game comes out.

The Pre-Select is on the 18th. In which players will be able to pick their servers and their character names. The Basin has not yet picked a server because NC is all its wisdom still hasn't settled on the times that the Fortresses will open. The Asmodian/Elyos thing is still under scrutiny.

Please register on the Basin forums to keep up with all the happenings on what will be going on.
Jude smile

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  Apolyton Demogame Writeup
Posted by: Sullla - September 16th, 2009, 10:40 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (41)

Olodune has pointed out that we never made any official announcement here that the Apolyton Demogame had concluded. There's a (very lengthy) writeup on my website for those who may not have seen it posted a couple of weeks ago. So if you haven't seen this already, enjoy. [Image: smile.gif]

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  Solo-Heroes for FoW/UW
Posted by: KingOfPain - September 15th, 2009, 15:05 - Forum: Builds and Templates - Replies (3)

Now that I got my Charisena the first track of Survivor title (no big deal), I want her journey to Indomitable Survivor (maybe beyond) to be done solo with only 3 heroes; and farming Fow and or UW exclusively. Of course, if there's going to be double exp cap weekend, she will do that too.

She current enjoys using Necrosis with Anthem of Flame, Vicious Attack and Barbed Spear, (and there's always one hero with Epidemic). Necrosis current does 80 damage. One handicap thinking up builds for herself is that she is barely out of noob island so she has only Cautery Signet as an elite skill, and Barrage (as well as any elite caps nearby) is a consideration since it's only a short hop away and I may need Koss. She can buy almost any non elite skills.

She has only unlocked these heroes, monk, necro, ele, ranger, dev, and war (but Koss needs to be rescued). They have access to mostly all non-EotN skills. Jin is only lvl17 but not a big deal.

So lets put your thinking caps on and give me some team builds. :catapult:

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  Imperium 23 - Resistance is Futile - Now Open!
Posted by: RefSteel - September 14th, 2009, 02:39 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (4)

I think the time is right for our first Extreme Imperium in a while: Can you assimilate the galaxy?

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  CivFanatics Teamer Pitboss Game
Posted by: Sullla - September 12th, 2009, 21:41 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (25)

I'm sure some of you saw the announcement go up for this game over at CivFanatics today. (Some details here.) It's a little weird, but they are putting together a game with two teams, 5 vs. 5, with CivFanatics fielding one team and Civplayers the other team.

So since we all seem to be active on the Pitboss game front right now, is there any interest in organizing a Realms Beyond contingent to represent CivFanatics? Or does everyone have their hands full right now? I might be interested if we could get a fair group together once more. I daresay that if we could pull Krill and Memphus in along with most of the Realms Beyond Apolyton team, we could pull off some interesting team stuff. [Image: groucho.gif]

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  Always Peace PBEM game
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - September 11th, 2009, 08:57 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (9)

Anyone interested in playing an 'always peace' pbem game?

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