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  Epic 17 - Romans for Domination
Posted by: zeka - March 17th, 2008, 08:53 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (1)

Greetings, I’m Brazilian (so sorry for the eventually English mistakes) and new at Realms Beyond. Although I’ve played civ 3 for a long time and now civ 4 for one year.
I’ve played only Adventure Twenty-six - Holiday Surprise (I retired from the game when I discovered the other civs with plenty of resources and points ahead…) and I’m new in reporting games, so I forgot to take screenshots of the game (epic 17) and started writing the report after finishing the game. This will contribute to my small report.

Talking about my leader choice, I choose the Romans because of the aggressive praetorians and Organized Julius Caesar to build courthouses faster in the new cities to not break the economy. So I went for a fast domination victory. Actually I was impressed when I read the domination reports and discovered no Roman games. I enjoyed reading the different strategies, like Sulla with the HRE Rathaus and sooooo with Gandhi(!).

I decided to adopt my favorite strategy in domination victories: I build Stonehenge (if not being a creative leader) after building my first settler (Cumae was founded getting 3 gold resources and some flood plains!), and then build the oracle to get metal casting and forges to accelerate the military production. Then I research the technologies (Judaism was founded in Cumae) needed to get Theology with the Great Prophet generated by Stonehenge and The Oracle. With this I build units with 5XP (3 of barracks + 2 of theocracy). This means stacks of city raiders II swordsmans and macemans to easily destroy enemies’ cities.

The game starts and my research path is the following: Agriculture – BW - AH – Mysticism – Masonry – Polytheism – Priesthood – The Wheel – Pottery – Monotheism – Iron Working. In the city I built worker warrior (2 or 3 I don’t remember) settler Stonehenge. In 2275BC it was completed and Oracle was built in 1825BC with the help of marble of the 3rd city Neapolis (I founded it on the marble to get the corn for city growing but I realized later I could found it on the coast and another city on the ice fur south). I got Metal Casting and started to build forge in my cities. Temple of Artemis was completed in 1275BC (one of my mistakes on the game but it was very cheap with the forge built and having marble…). Meanwhile I generated a great prophet and saved him for Theology which I get in 925BC. Before building my praetorians I decided to focus on researching currency to avoid economy breaking with the high number of military units. Currency was researched 550BC and then I went for construction and Code of Laws for pults and courthouses.

In 500BC J.C invited me for the war with Alex and I accepted it (after, I made peace with him when I could) but my first really war was with Kublai Khan in 440BC, which gave me one great general which I used to get medic III chariot. The Mongolians were gone in 40AD. I used the second Great prophet to build The Temple of Solomon in 335BC. The next victim had to be Julius Caesar (they were doing well in the game with great expansion), so in 190AD I declared war in JC. Machinery was discovered in 415AD (C.S. was yet discovered) and it made easier to destroy the Romans in 670AD, same year I got Guilds! This made things even easier! Engineering was researched in 890AD for faster unit moving and trebuchets (which I used very few… knights are faster!). In 595AD I declared war on Montezuma, who fell in 950AD. War with Alex came in 900AD and I managed to take Athens before the end of the game.

I had 5 great generals in the game with the Imperialistic help. The first I put in a single chariot to get medic III (which helped me a lot in the whole game), the 2nd on a single praetorian to get combat VI (I didn’t upgrade him to see his XP at the end of the game… it was 54/65!), 3rd went to a single war elephant with combat VI, 4th on a single crossbowman (I wanted to test drill IV but I didn’t like it) and the 5th went to a knight who didn’t have time to get combat VI.

I had to achieve 64% of land area since the population score had been achieved long time ago. For this, I built 3 settlers to fill spaces between cities (1 settler did not have the time to settle a new city) and put the culture slider at 100% (actually I realized this too late… I researched 400 breakers of gunpowder when I switched to drama and then took off science research). Nearly all cities switched to wealth to support the 100% culture. In 1010AD I achieved 63.97% (!) of land area and so I won the game in 1020AD.


I made some mistakes during the game and I’m sure I could win this game near to 950AD. Temple of Artemis was a waste of time for Rome as well as Mausoleum of Mausollos smoke smoke smoke , I founded my 2nd city on the marble when I could have founded this city on the coast and another on the ice fur south, I declared war to Kublai Khan too late, and I started the research of gunpowder without researching drama and putting the culture slider to 100% and cities to wealth. On the other hand, the wars between Alex and J.C, and Mansa Musa vs. Hannibal helped me a little bit. Mansa was my only friend in the game and helped me trading techs and resources.
Thanks Sulla for the game, my first epic in RB! thumbsup

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  Adv27 - Ruff's Shadow Report (and sponsor comments)
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - March 17th, 2008, 04:59 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (6)

My shadow report is here. Did anyone work out the name of this game?

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  Adventure Twenty-seven - Project Beyaz Peynir [Closing Day]
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - March 17th, 2008, 04:59 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - No Replies

Monday the 17th is closing day for this game. Please post your reports / comments / other in the report forum.

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  Any class variants
Posted by: Rothos - March 15th, 2008, 18:50 - Forum: Hellgate: London - Replies (2)

by Charis
Ported by Rothos
Class: Any
Tag: BEN
A quiet but not meek order of monks, the Benedictines live simply to maintain their focus and detachment from the temptations of the world. Although they would rather remain in their cloisters, the great evil that is Sydonai has required their participation in the resistance.
The Benedictine may be considered more a role than a variant, and may be dual-classed with any other variant.
The Benedictine may focus on might or magic in his fight. They have two distinguishing features:
i) They consider their backpack to be a small sack. The last four columns may never be used to carry items between games, although they may be used during a game to carry things to and from town.
Together these simple disciplines help maintain purity and focus.
Restrictions are few. They should not use cruel, vain or prideful items.

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  Another Great Run with RB
Posted by: Demon - March 15th, 2008, 07:42 - Forum: Guild Wars - No Replies

Just wanted to say that it was a terrific run through FOW last night. Thank
you to everyone that came along and pitched in. I don't think I had ever
cleared it totally so it was great to be able to do that at least one time.
I wasn't quite as useful towards the end as I got kinda sleepy and died a
few times. Hopefully no one minded.

I'm sorry for being a little anti-social there on TS. I wanted to catch up with
Lady Aeryn Sune about some things. Ordinarily I'd hop down with ya all.

Look forward to questing with you guys again! thumbsup

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  Thanks guys! Great Urgoz Run!
Posted by: Demon - March 11th, 2008, 08:59 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (2)

Just wanted to say thanks to all the RB members who gathered together and
decided to do Urgoz this past weekend. Appreciated the invite to come
along and have some fun. It was a great run.

Please keep me in mind for future stuff! If I'm free I'll gladly come along and
help. Still need the title for The Deep and FOW, and I haven't done anything
yet in DOA. Willing to try anything though!

Mostly do stuff with Raven, my title character, but have all classes if you
need something in particular.

Thanks again and good luck to you all!

Demon - Greg

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  Hot deals thread
Posted by: Drasca - March 11th, 2008, 02:16 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (11)

Normally, I don't do this, but since I know certain folk are hesitant, it can't hurt to have a thread for sales and bargains.

At Eye of the North is selling for 15$ us right now for the next day or so.

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  I win!
Posted by: Jaffa - March 8th, 2008, 09:50 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (11)

I been playing old-school CRPGs. Who remembers this? smile

[Image: werdna.gif]

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  Team variants
Posted by: Rothos - March 6th, 2008, 07:56 - Forum: Hellgate: London - No Replies

Here is the BTVS team variant:
Buffy/ the Blademistress

First off, Buffy is a white blonde female not extremely short but short still. Buffy is melee only and will not even touch accuracy. Everything else will be leveled up. All her battle sets will include swords, shields are optional.

Buffy will lead the charge and when she runs out of skills to put points in they go into Sprint. She will only put 1 point into a skill unless the next one requires more into it then she will put the absolute minimum into it.

Angel/ The Guardian

Angel is a white brown haired male vampire with an intense dislike of Xander, thus he cannot activate any auras when Xander is in the group any and all auras may only be at slvl 1 unless more points are required for the next tier. Angel can only adventure in two instances, when they are underground and when they are going to an area with an active Hellrift.

Willow the Evoker
Willow is a redheaded white female Evoker, she must place at least one point into every skill. Willpower will be steadily increased.

Giles/Ripper the Summoner

Giles is a balding brown-haired white male librarian, he is required to keep Willpower as high as possible. He will identify items that the party acquires and will loan them as the need arises. He will be the party’s packmule. If a party member has a question on monster abilities, he must retreat to the nearest station and discover them or research the abilities on the Internet. Unless going up against a boss, he will decide the party’s composition and strategy, otherwise Buffy does.

Xander the Hunter

Xander is a brown haired white male human, he is required to pump his accuracy to the utmost and have a Thermal bolter or a Firefox launcher available at all times. He is required to guard Dawn. I recommend the Marksman.

Dawn the Hunter

Dawn is a white female brown-haired human, she is required to maintain accuracy and power within 5 points of the other. She has a crush on Xander although must be the opposite class of him. I recommend the Engineer.

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  Happy birthday Griselda
Posted by: T-hawk - March 4th, 2008, 01:20 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (6)

[Image: birthday.gif] to our esteemed admin and moderator!

And if you view her profile before she sees and replies in this thread, you'll see her at precisely 666 posts... [Image: flamingdevil.gif] (Hey, what happened to that avatar of Hello Kitty with the demonesque wings? That was so adorably evil!)

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