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Adventure 29- I Lost [/spoiler] |
Posted by: Quotey - May 13th, 2008, 18:10 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
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Swiss Pauli Wrote:Iâd be surprised if we see a game without a Great Wall gambit.
I didn't go out of my way to prepare a report.
I didn't try for the Great Wall. If I did, I would have missed it. It was completed BEFORE Stonehenge- Kublai must have popped masonry, or something.
So how did that work out for me? Fine, I guess. I never lost a city. Mainly because I settled few. Barb cities appeared very fast, and blocked my expansion. I did settle a St. Petersburg, but could not get any tiles improved for long. There is no "+50% Defense on Plain, +25% Defense on Wheat" Promotion. Nor is there a "Stay healthy after 3 barbs hit you" promotion. If the barbs made stacks they would have got me.
I will have to play a game PA'd with the barbs as I find their BTS behaviour fantastic, with the building roads and stuff. Pretty cool. I hear there's a mod where barbs can grow up and found cities.
Eventually I just got bored as the barbs got all the strategic resources (actually there might have been an Iron Mine in my borders but I could not keep tiles improved). The AI was far aead as the guys on the other side filled up the space very quick.
And yes, Justinian's borders are invisible.
If you want a rough retirement date go with 700AD. I have lost all saves (and pictures, though i am sure we have all seen the 50 barbs converging on the capital one).
After reading some of these I'm really impressed. I am unsure if my AIs were behind, I don't play Immortal. I do know Genghis brought a massive stack over to Justinian.
Adv 29 - mostly_harmless far from immortal |
Posted by: mostly_harmless - May 13th, 2008, 07:41 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (1)
just a quick report, since I rather read the reports of other players than bore you with mine.
I don't play alot of games due to time shortage, so I don't know what to expect from boreal map, immortal AI & raging barbs.
So I played probably too conservative.
I moved the scout east and decided to settle 1 E of the orignal spot for the addtional deer.
In my game Lincoln was the founder of Hinduism.
I never built it before, so I went for the Great Wall as a protection from the barbs. Year was 1880BC. I had my second city up by then.
The Pyramids next in 450BC.
I could not keep pace with the AI speed and was enclosed in my corner by Lincoln. I only managed to get up to five cities in that confined space with one late-time four-tile exclave in American territory.
The good news is that Lincoln and me were on good relations (+25 towards the end) all the time and he completely shielded me from the more aggressive AIs.
We were in defensive pacts and mutual wars for many many turns. Too late did I realize that Permanent Alliances are still an option that was not active for that game. I was aiming for that. So the realization really was a showstopper for me.
Towards the end I was fighting a loosing cultural battle against Lincolns encroachment.
Lincoln, HC & Pericles were the dominant AIs in my game. Lincoln was full speed ahead for a space race victory, when Pericles surprised everyone (well, should have checked the victory conditon screen more often) with a Cultural Victory in 1960.
I am confident, that with a PA in place Lincoln and me would have finished the spaceship sooner.
Ah, well.
Still enjoyed the game.
With only 5 hours invested it was one of my quick games really. (small empires do have their plus points for the real life)
Cultural Defeat in 1960AD.
Adv29 - Defrosting Stalin's Corpse |
Posted by: Olodune - May 12th, 2008, 19:50 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (5)
Extreme Adventure 29 Game Report
Pre-Game Thoughts (and misconceptions?)
Raging Barbs
Boreal Map
ânuff said, really.
I really like the scenario design (based on the info page). The idea of a frozen Siberia-like landscape headed by Stalin is too good to pass up. Visions of Russian Gulag style forced labor means that slavery will feel very natural for a change. Besides, everyone knows that an invasion of Russia during winter is doomed ⦠hopefully our local raging barbarians read history too.
Iâve played three test games {with Stalin/Immortal/Boreal/Raging Barbs} to ~500bc and expect a few things.
-There will be lots of reindeer, sheep, wheat, and gems. But little else.
-Raging barbarians donât mess around, they will start hitting hard before 2500bc
-Stalin has fantastic traits/starting techs for making a run at the great wall
-Health and especially happy caps will be low
-The AI is slowed considerably
I would *really* like to see a game played without building the great wall, but if the start looks promising Iâm going all out for it â itâs obscenely powerful for this game type.
An early rush doesnât make too much sense as there will be plenty of mediocre city sites, and early military will be on barb duty. In fact this game may even lend itself to some old fashioned wonder spamming.
Thawing Stalin
Well, the revealed tiles leave something to be desired, even for a boreal map. Iâm willing to gamble and âchase the riverâ a bit, at the cost of a turn or two. I have absolutely no idea if it paid off, but itâs nice to start next to deer tiles. Agriculture can be delayed (I hope the gods-who-look-over-those-who-foolishly-try-for-early-wonders are on our side this day).
Moscow is Born:
![[Image: st1_riverchase_final.jpg]](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/olodune/st1_riverchase_final.jpg)
Research is set to bronze working, and initial build to a worker. Our scout finds some gold along with a fellow scout. After only 5-6 turns of research our second scout locates a tribal group wielding dull metal tools
![[Image: st2_bronze_pop_final.jpg]](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/olodune/st2_bronze_pop_final.jpg)
Thanks! Masonry is selected next, and our chances at the great wall are looking better yet.
Moscow builds worker->warrior->warrior. Just before the second warrior is complete the first barbarians raise their fists, brandishing their bows :wow:
![[Image: st3_firstwave_final.jpg]](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/olodune/st3_firstwave_final.jpg)
Both my warriors move onto the forested camp and Stalin calls back a scout to help. One warrior wins and the other looses. The surviving archer kills my scout and my wounded warrior but a newly trained warrior saves the city â the deer camp is pillaged.
More warriors are trained and by 2480bc Iâve built 6 warriors, lost 4, and killed 5 barbarian archers. Luckily, it looks like I wonât loose this game just yet; our salvation is at hand:
![[Image: st4_GW_done_final.jpg]](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/olodune/st4_GW_done_final.jpg)
Building Stalin a Campfire
With the great wall done we slowly expand to four cities. Iâm using stacks of two warriors to scout â they seem to survive a bit better than the lonely variety.
![[Image: st5_1000bc_final.jpg]](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/olodune/st5_1000bc_final.jpg)
Iâm trying to chop out a fairly late oracle, it works and we choose monarchy. I considered metal casting since we are industrious and have gems, but hereditary rule is just too attractive. The pyramids are still open too â I suspect they will play a part in someoneâs game, but not mine.
A great spy is born, who is promptly instructed to use his guile to scout and avoid barbarian patrols.
Many warriors are trained, allowing several cities to grow quickly. Stalinâs domain in 1ad:
![[Image: st6_1ad_final.jpg]](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/olodune/st6_1ad_final.jpg)
![[Image: st6_2_1ad_final.jpg]](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/olodune/st6_2_1ad_final.jpg)
Plains cottaging and research building (we know alpha) has allowed the Russian Empire to build a small tech lead (Iâve done zero tech trades so far this game):
![[Image: st7_tech1ad_final.jpg]](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/olodune/st7_tech1ad_final.jpg)
Looking ahead to the coming years I see no reason to halt our peaceful expansion. Three settlers are currently under production. Snagging the southern marble means that a run at a few marble wonders is in order. The Great Library and the Mausoleum of Maussollos would be ideal.
Warming Stalinâs Cold Heart
A newly built settler and her sword escort run into an unguarded goody hut in 400ad. Does this count as luck?
![[Image: st8_music_final.jpg]](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/olodune/st8_music_final.jpg)
The free great artist is born. Our marble proves to be a real boon, helping along the construction of the Parthenon, Mausoleum of Maussollos, The Great Library, and our two Epics.
Moscow is developing nicely:
![[Image: st9_capfinal.jpg]](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/olodune/st9_capfinal.jpg)
Stalin is feeling imperious these days, and commissions a giant statue in his likeness:
![[Image: st10_stalin_statue_final.jpg]](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/olodune/st10_stalin_statue_final.jpg)
By 1000ad our corner of the known world has mostly been settled:
![[Image: st11_over_final.jpg]](http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj294/olodune/st11_over_final.jpg)
Preparations for an invasion of America are under way. (I always enjoy playing against a leader that Iâve played recently. Letâs see how honorable Lincoln does this time around, shall we?)
Research is going well and most of the Russian core is at (or slightly above) the current health cap.
Adventure 29 - sooooo's report |
Posted by: sooooo - May 12th, 2008, 18:44 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (4)
Adventure 29 - Winter Wasteland
I was excited about this event since I missed the Azteskimos adventure the first time around. This time we're on a higher difficulty level (immortal) but on the plus side it's not just us that gets the crappy terrain because we're on a boreal map. If I was sensible I'd have loaded a few boreal maps to see what they're like. I didn't, but after playing the game I can tell you: Lots of tundra, forests, plains and deer. Very little grassland, no jungle or floodplains. There is also a lack of resources, since there is no gold, silver, wine, calendar happy resources etc. Basically there's a lot of deer, a moderate smattering of gems and a few sheep, corn, occasional fur. It's a rectangular map similar to highlands.
Oh, and it's raging barbs. This is awkward - barbs are pretty bad anyway on highlands and I was expecting them to be a pain here on boreal too. But immortal, raging barbs? Eeek.
Note that there isn't a particularly good reason that I didn't build the great wall. I just didn't think about it. I don't think I've ever built that wonder before actually. Maybe I should.
I think the first tech is fairly obvious: archery for barb defence. I moved the settler a few squares. Normally I like to settle on the spot but all those tundra squares meant the capital was a bit rubbish. I wandered south. I wanted to find a spot where I had a couple of deer in the first ring, not the second. This is because there's a period of time where barbs won't enter your borders unless you have something pillagable on the second ring. So if your first food improvements are in the first ring you'll be safe from the barbs that little while longer. I settled here:
![[Image: capitalstartro0.jpg]](http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/9784/capitalstartro0.jpg)
The early game with raging barbs is not much fun. You are just building archer after archer, hoping to fogbust and keep your capital safe. However, those fogbusters on immortal soon cost you in unit supply. My early targets for city sites were the gems sites, as they could pay for themselves. There was plenty of food out there, the problem was a lack of grassland to cottage and the barb threat to deal with. The plan was to run cottages at the plains city sites, and at the tundra sites to just improve the food/gems resources, whip a library and run a couple of scientists. My first 3 cities had to be close to the capital to defend them, so I could not grab any gems yet. They went here:
![[Image: first3citiesco6.jpg]](http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/4/first3citiesco6.jpg)
I expanded a little more, and as usual my science goes down to losing money at 10% science. Unfortunately I have to raze this city for some cash, and would rebuild it later on.
![[Image: axesrazephoenicianux0.jpg]](http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/843/axesrazephoenicianux0.jpg)
One of those WHACKY events reveals oil to us!
![[Image: oilrevealeddn2.jpg]](http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/6505/oilrevealeddn2.jpg)
The main issue on this map is hapiness. The only hapiness resource we have in our corner of the map is gems! That's +2 happy with a forge. There is fur in other parts of the map which I can trade for later. But for now it seems obvious to me that monarchy is a high priority. So I research it, but it's a little slow to arrive making +1GPT at 0% science.
![[Image: 250adfp8.jpg]](http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/1212/250adfp8.jpg)
When it finally came in I revolted to hereditary rule and traded it for alphabet. Now that I secured a marble city I decided to persue the great library for some academies in my plains cottage cities.
![[Image: 1000admg6.jpg]](http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/9457/1000admg6.jpg)
By 1000AD I had almost filled out my segment of the map. There was a natural ridgeline separating me from Pericles. My two immediate neighbours, Justinian and Lincoln, were both the same religion as me and friendly. So it seemed that the best path forward was to tech onwards peacefully.
I researched Music and snagged the free Great Artist who started a golden age for my civilisation. Golden ages are quite a bit better when you have a load of plains cottages compared to grass cottages.
Two wonders complete in consecutive turns to ramp up my great scientist production:
![[Image: 2wondersnb2.jpg]](http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/9091/2wondersnb2.jpg)
I am first to liberalism. The final three cities are also now founded.
![[Image: liberalismpx4.jpg]](http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/1931/liberalismpx4.jpg)
I took nationalism with it and built the Taj Mahal. Note I am also at (phoney) war with HC because my good buddy (and religious nutcase) Justinian asked me.
I headed to early democracy, both to get the statue of liberty:
![[Image: statueoflibertyuq4.jpg]](http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/5620/statueoflibertyuq4.jpg)
and to get access to emancipation. That's a great civic for us since we don't really need slavery with our plains for production, and our cottages will grow very quickly now.
Shortly afterwards I got biology. This was the first time I had really used the forest preserves. Preserving those otherwise useless tundra forests gave me enough hapiness to abandon HR for representation to supercharge my statue of libery. Biology also let me build a national park in a tundra forest wasteland and get 9 free specialists!
It was about this time that the AIs went a bit crazy. Genghis had been beating up Victoria, and capitulated her. Also Justinian became a peacetime vassal of Pericles (who was the best performing AI in this game). I wasn't too pleased, but there was nothing I could do. Then Genghis declared on (I think) Justinian and the first of many world wars began. Next turn HC piled in on his neighbour Victoria (the weakest AI) for good measure.
![[Image: ww1ww3.jpg]](http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/7082/ww1ww3.jpg)
I prioritised mecicine and revolted to environmentalism. That's a civic I usually adopt for my BTS space races, since factories and coal plants are now much more unhealthy. As a side effect they make forest preserves worth working. Not that I actually had any coal. I had neither coal nor aluminium - this wasn't going to be a quick space race in terms of production.
In the crazy AI quintet, peace errupted. A big vassal switcheroo occurred: Genghis fared predicably badly against Pericles and became his vassal. Justinian made gains against victoria, renounced the protection of Greece and became master of Victoria, who had become a free state for a short while after Genghis capitulated. Following OK there?
Meanwhile I was teching away quite nicely, looking on with my buddhist pal Lincoln at the mental AIs. Just as I had started the space techs Pericles had had enough with his former ally and declared war on Justinian. That also brought Genghis and Victoria in. HC, ever the opportunist, declared on Vicky too. World War 2 began.
![[Image: ww2fz1.jpg]](http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/6067/ww2fz1.jpg)
OK, after a lot of fighting, which mainly consisted of Pericles and his puppy dog Genghis beating the crap out of Justinian and Victoria (who got wiped out), Justinian capitulated to Pericles. This put Pericles at war with both HC and Genghis now, and my explorer watched plenty of entertaining fights in what I dubbed World War 3.
![[Image: ww3xc8.jpg]](http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/900/ww3xc8.jpg)
Meanwhile, I was busy building a spaceship.
![[Image: sshv2.jpg]](http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/3610/sshv2.jpg)
After the final space part tech is researched we are still in a golen age so I revolted to universal suffrage to boost production. I took this fella along with me to the stars:
![[Image: lincolnvassalvj0.jpg]](http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/7443/lincolnvassalvj0.jpg)
And we win a space victory in 1930 AD, yay!
![[Image: spacevictoryax4.jpg]](http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/8866/spacevictoryax4.jpg)
Only one other AI had built the apollo program, and hadn't built any parts yet. A few graphs:
![[Image: graphsof7.jpg]](http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/4879/graphsof7.jpg)
After dealing with the barbs, the rest of the game was OK. I presume the AIs had their fair share of barb problems. Also my land was pretty nice for the map type since I could block off a large area for myself with a couple of cities. I noticed I built a lot more cottages than the AIs, who had more farms than me. Thanks for the game!