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  Adventure Twenty-Nine: Closing Day
Posted by: Sullla - May 11th, 2008, 23:01 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - No Replies

Adventure Twenty-Nine is now open for reporting. Please post your reports in the Tournament Discussion subforum. [Image: smile.gif]

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  What you CANNOT access when you are dead!
Posted by: KingOfPain - May 11th, 2008, 16:54 - Forum: Hellgate: London - Replies (1)

We already have 2 deaths within the first day of starting HCE [Image: eek.gif]

First one was CB's cute little guardian (lvl5?)who was to cute to die young [Image: lol.gif] Apparently, she was in a fight and in bad shape when I sent her a party/guild invite. Not cool.

Lesson learned: communicate via chat or Vent before doing things like that.

Second to go was my guardian (lvl8) who wasn't 10 feet tall at the time (Great Defender makes her 10 feet tall with added armor and fast health regen). She was running from a mob and noticed health injectors weren't working. Type /quit but still "Unknown Error" beat me to it.

Lesson learned: learn to type faster [Image: rolleye.gif]

Anyway, you can still log on with your dead toon and chat, as a ghost with eerie sound and graphic effect. You can also use the Station Travel rig to go to another station. Other players can see your dead toon - How cools is that, eh?

What you CANNOT do pretty well includes everything else:
- CAN'T distribute saved points anymore. Don't know why you would want to tho [Image: tongue.gif] However, you can still view all your stats.
- CAN'T interact with any npc, or players via right clicking on them, nor they to you.
- CAN'T use the radial menu (when you right click on a name in the guild or buddy panel). It is disabled.
- CAN'T go outside to questing areas. The entrances are red'd out.
- You can open your inventory and see what you have in it, as well as what you are wearing (just to rub salt on injury) as you normally would. But, you CAN'T move them in any way.
- You can still use email but you CAN'T attach items.
- I would assume if you have items attached with incoming mail, you CAN'T get at them. So clean out attached items before you play. Question - Do attached items get deleted when they expire, or returned to the sender?
- CAN'T open storage, so those items are gone too. Store your PRECIOUS in the Shared Stash, or a mule!

Any questions before I delete the dead toon?


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  Next Adventure Coming on Tuesday
Posted by: Sullla - May 11th, 2008, 09:48 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (2)

Just a quick note to let everyone know that Griselda is out of town this weekend, and thus our next game (Adventure 30) will be opening one day later than usual. This one was designed by Compromise, and should be worth a look. smile

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  Postcards for Drasca
Posted by: FoxBat - May 10th, 2008, 21:22 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (12)

No-one else in the guild likes the look, but I know Drasca wants to see where I put his err... resources. [Image: thumbsup.gif]

[Image: chaosgloveskk7.jpg]

Happy Sails (ugh [Image: tongue.gif]) from RB!

Now let's get Hawkmoon to post her fissure already... [Image: rolleye.gif]

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  Hardcore Elite
Posted by: KingOfPain - May 9th, 2008, 10:10 - Forum: Hellgate: London - Replies (7)

CB and I are talking about starting HCE anytime soon. This will be a losey scheduled team game such as our Sunday Hookup. So anyone who would like to share the suffering are welcome to hop in.

The initial idea for our first taste of HCE is to put safety first so the basic idea is/was to have a team of guardians. With enough guardian, we can chain spam Healing Prayer, Great Defender and overlap Deflection that should make most otherwise dangerous situation survivable. Each guardian can still master a slightly different (set of) skill for synergy. such as
Max Shield Wall with taunt skills to tank. (and Aura of Defense)
Max Shield Turn (and Shield Master) to stun and apply status effects.
Max Sword skills for damage.
Or even throw in a Gundian (with or without a shield) to deal with range attackers, and punish melee mobs before they get in range.

All that depends on how many players we have. We can go with any other class combo and tactic as long as you don't mind dying.
I don't mind playing an evoker for added damage, with Brom's Curse for team support.

We want to start this soon, at least, create a toon before the new patch so that it may have a chance of grabbing a Skill Retrainer Token.

Also, do we want a team themed name for our toons in the tradition of Ironman?

PS: I would suggest each of as create a HCE mule at the same time to lug around our second best items as well as some extra good items for other classes. We can also power lvl the mules when it is convenient.
We may one day be playing the mules so give them appropreiate name ;p


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  The Abyss Chronicles - aka Patch 2.0 Info
Posted by: Nougan - May 8th, 2008, 17:31 - Forum: Hellgate: London - Replies (6)

Official info of this new content update is available. Looks like besides the new content, a lot of much requested improvements will be included. Pretty much every single improvement they mentioned is something I care about... Can't wait. Unfortunately, still no Set Items... Also I hope they test it more thoroughly this time and there won't be any major bugs. <I know, just wishful thinking...>

For those who love PVP, patch 2.1 seems to be what you've been waiting for. :-)

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  Realms Beyond Life
Posted by: Kylearan - May 7th, 2008, 15:34 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (11)


I've played the Geek and Gamer classes to death in that fantastic MPORPG called "Real Life", so some time ago I started to search for a new variant I could try out. I came along the "Father" class and thought it sounded interesting: Easy to acquire, really long playing time and a lot of fun, albeit a bit costly.

So here's my first try, a daughter born on May, 2nd, weighing 3200g, size 53cm:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=381&stc=1]

...and it's really amazing already! Her birth was a lot more complicated than hoped unfortunately, but she's so cute that this doesn't matter the slightest anymore. smile

The first days were spent farming XPs, and I'm already an expert in Summon Fresh Diaper and Calm Children. The skill I'm trying to advance next will be No Need For Sleep - a lot harder to learn than the other, it seems.

Sorry to the Team Realms Beyond of the Civ IV demogame for not taking part in the discussions - I hope the game has begun finally? - I will join again in a couple of days, when things have cooled down a bit here. If that ever happens, that is... wink


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  Calls for Cthulhu
Posted by: Hawkmoon - May 7th, 2008, 10:31 - Forum: Off Topic - No Replies

Hi all,

Those of you who enjoy H.P. Lovecraft's work should find this amusing:
Calls for Cthulhu.

The blog is okay, especially if you're really into All Things Cthulhu. But where it really shines is the podcast - go to the Episodes page, and make sure you go back all the way to the first episode. Then, just enjoy! [the podcast is also available on iTunes]

Personally, I find it just hysterical! lol


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  which Class represents you best ?
Posted by: Dr.Disaster - May 7th, 2008, 07:15 - Forum: Diablo - Replies (8)

A Role Players question: if you had to classify yourself which of the 10 basic Diablo Charakter Classes would represent you most?

Make up your mind!
To ease decisions multiple choice is allowed.

Most of us can imagine what the classes represent RPG-wise. If you need help on class' attitudes go to

Judging myself ... *grabs mirror* eek wink
Years ealier i'd prolly have come up with either the Amazon for her nomadic untamed nature or the Rogue being a jack-of-all-trades.

With more insight (no pole required tongue ) my "habit" on following things catching my interest is somewhere between "enthusiastic" and "fanatic". No matter if it's work, play, love or seeking knownledge; it's either 120% or none at all. No-no's: brute force, trickery or callings on the occult.

Persuiting deeds like a Paladin with a Sorcerer's curious mind seems to be it.

Dr. Disaster

PS: Please don't let this end up as a boring favorite-class-poll.

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  Realms Beyond Mario Kart
Posted by: Griselda - May 4th, 2008, 21:52 - Forum: Off Topic - No Replies

Over at the LL, a few people have posted their Mario Kart numbers so that we could possibly meet for some races. It's about the only game that I have the time and mental energy for with my current schedule. So, if anybody here has it, and is interested in racing sometime, my code is 4768-8031-9031. Post yours and I'll add you.

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