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  Bonus Mission Pack
Posted by: KingOfPain - January 12th, 2008, 14:05 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (6)


Quote:Does the Guild Wars Bonus Mission Pack offer bonus missions or quests?[indent] The Bonus Mission Pack consists of four bonus missions. They are not quests. They play just like traditional Guild Wars missions and are of the same approximate gameplay length. However, unlike traditional missions, these bonus missions are managed through your Quest Log.

[/indent]Are the bonus missions repeatable?[indent] Yes, you can replay the bonus missions as many times as you like.

[/indent]Are the bonus missions designed for solo players or are they for parties?[indent] These bonus missions are intended for a solo player only.

[/indent]Are the bonus missions available to all of the characters on my account (much like the bonus items) or are they available only to one character on my account?[indent] These bonus missions are available to every character on your account, not just one.

Is there a required character level for the bonus missions?[indent] No. You play through these missions as a historical character that is scaled to the appropriate level for the tasks at hand. You do not play as your own characters.

[/indent]When can I play the content in the Bonus Mission Pack?[indent] The Bonus Mission Pack will be available for purchase on January 28, 2008. You can play the missions immediately upon purchase.

[/indent]Will the missions expire?[indent] These missions have no expiration date. Once added to your account, they remain available for you to play as often as you desire.


Anyone got more info on this, specifically -
Quote:No. You play through these missions as a historical character that is scaled to the appropriate level for the tasks at hand. You do not play as your own characters.

So I assume you play one of the NPCs, solo (no partying). The mission may or may not offer heroes as companion. Which is a good testing ground for GW2

Quote: These bonus missions are available to every character on your account, not just one.

If you play an NPC, why would it matter how many, or which toon you use? Maybe only the class level is changed and with premade dialogue as if you are the NPC, but you keep your class and skills?

Is it worth 10 bones?


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  mythos beta
Posted by: cb-13 - January 11th, 2008, 20:58 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (7)

Mythos (the other FSS game) has been in beta for quite a while now. Seems they have decided to give all the beta testers some invites to give away. So if anyone is interested post here or PM me. I have 3 to hand out.


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  Submitting RB Epics
Posted by: LKendter - January 11th, 2008, 13:14 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (4)

Can someone point me to the thread that talks about summitting Epic ideas? After all these years it seems about time that I submit one.

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  Memory Cleaner
Posted by: Bede - January 11th, 2008, 11:49 - Forum: Hellgate: London - Replies (1)

For those of us bedeviled by memory leaks and the consequent feeze-ups and CTDs I found a solution over on the Hellgate Official Forums.

It's called Instant Memory Cleaner and does the trick.

You can use it with Hellgate running, just Alt-Tab out to the desktop, activate it and in seconds you are back in the game.

I run it every time I go back to town and it appears to have eliminated all those annoying freeze ups even if I run with the higher level graphics.

The Installer is here.

See you in hell!:kisskiss:

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  Ironman and Nudist on hold
Posted by: KingOfPain - January 9th, 2008, 22:50 - Forum: Hellgate: London - Replies (3)

Until the issue of stair traps is resolved, I am not too inspired to carry on with those 2 characters. Stair traps are all too common and just too brutal for Ironman. Even tho Nudists (as well as other variants) are free to die and fight another day, it does not feel right to rack up death counts.

I mean, if deaths do not count then one can play without a keyboard and still be meaningless as far as challenge goes. Sure I am not one of those who counts every deaths. as soon as I find my character and my skill level can handle certain difficulty I would push it even harder to find where the limit is - often that means till it dies. But, these deaths would have meaning whether its another challenge met, or another challenge to take up. Dying is a lesson to be learned. But stair trap deaths a la HGL is just cheese gone bad. It corrupts. I am sure all of us here play our new characters with much care trying not to rack up that first death which seems to mean the most. You care less and less after every death; and when many meaningless HGL stair deaths are forced upon you deaths means next to nothing. This is a game breaking element for me...

Just a random rant [Image: tongue.gif]


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  Looking Ahead to 2008 at RBCiv
Posted by: Sullla - January 8th, 2008, 13:09 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (19)

The start of another year is upon us here at RBCiv, and so with this thread I'd like to look forward to what we can expect in 2008. It's hard to believe that it's been almost a year since I took over running the Epics, and the community interest in Civ4 has remained strong. We had plenty of great variant ideas and exciting game reports during the past year, and I'm looking forward to more good things yet to come! thumbsup

The release of Beyond the Sword notwithstanding, Civ4 has been out for quite some time now. It's been two years and counting (three for me due to my testing work!) so it's inevitable that interest will slowly decline as time moves forward. This is perfectly understandable, and not anything to get upset about. We will continue to run events here at RBCiv until the next major turn-based strategy game (Civ5?) appears on the horizon.

I will be making some minor changes to reflect the reality of the situation, however. As 2008 progresses, the pace of games will slow down somewhat, and the duration of each game stretched out longer in order to allow for more participation. Instead of a new game every two weeks, expect to see them appearing a little more along the lines of three weeks. This seems like the best way to keep participation up without totally burning out the community on Civ4.

I would also appreciate feedback from all of you on this issue: do we need more/less games, longer/shorter durations, what types of games you would like to see, etc. The variant "points" scoring systems seem to be popular, so we can probably work a few more of them into the schedule. I'd also like to hear more ideas coming from you guys; I haven't gotten a scenario proposal in months! The calendar is wide open now for you to sponsor your own game, if you can come up with a compelling idea. nod

Later in 2008 (probably in late spring/early summer), I plan to revive the Imperia, our Master of Orion version of the Epics. For those of you who are burning out on Civ4 and interested in finding something to bridge the gap before the next TBS game, you can head over to this post in the RBMoo forum for more information. We went back to MOO in 2004 when we were between Civ3 and Civ4, and I think it will be fun to do so again now in 2008 as we're between games again.

Rest assured that there are still many fun ideas ahead for Epics and Adventures. Epic Seventeen will be announced on Monday, and it will be something that I think will appeal to almost everyone. So here's to another great year ahead of us - thanks for all your participation, and we hope you'll continue to stick around! smile

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  The Imperia (MOO Tournament): Coming in 2008
Posted by: Sullla - January 8th, 2008, 12:54 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (13)

As some of you have picked up on the forums, I am planning on reviving our friendly Master of Orion tournament known as the Imperia later this year. With interest in Civ4 slowly tapering off, we're going to go back to this classic game to help bridge the gap until the next big turn-based strategy game (Civ5?) is released. For some of you, this will be like returning to an old friend again after a long absence. For others, it will be an entirely new gaming experience. I hope that we will have a nice mix of old and new when everything is up and running again. smile

First, some links to share with you. Here is the official RBMoo website, which has been lying dormant for the past few years:

We won't be starting up any events for a little while yet, but you may want to go ahead and familiarize yourself with how things operate by looking at the Intro and Rules sections. On the whole, things should look relatively familiar to RBCiv vets crossing over to this game for the first time.

Secondly, Sirian's website is the authoritative source for how to acquire and run Master of Orion:

You may also want to look at his excellent Tutorial for information on a typical MOO opening.

The Imperia are meant to be a laid-back community effort. After all, Master of Orion is more than ten years old at this point! Games will appear roughly on a monthly basis, with fairly long durations (4-5 weeks) to allow for casual play. In other words, the Imperia are meant to complement the Epics of RBCiv and give players something else to do - not replace our signature events! Of course, we'll have to wait and see what happens. RBMoo could take on a life of its own if it gets enough players involved. nod

I'm planning on relaunching the Imperia in late spring or early summer of 2008. For those who are interested right now, be patient! You can always run a new MOO succession game at CivFanatics, or play on your own. I have a little bit too much going on right now to handle running two tournaments at once, but things should open up later this year.

Anyway, that's a head's up as far as what's being planned for the future. Thanks for reading, and I appreciate any comments/questions. smile

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Posted by: darrelljs - January 7th, 2008, 11:10 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (5)

Anyone know the name of the painting at the beginning of the wonder video for Adam Smith's Trading Company? Also, just for fun my favorite civ wonder video ever.


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  Fun moments in gaming
Posted by: ShadowHM - January 7th, 2008, 09:21 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (6)

I thought I would share this one, and see if anyone has other moments to share.

On the weekend, I was playing Hellgate: London and using Ventrilo to talk as I played. The quest of the moment was to find and slay a number of Tormenters in the Abandoned Tunnels. As I announced over Ventrilo that I needed one more Tormenter, my husband happened to be passing in the hallway. He immediately summoned the three children who were at home to troop into my presence and demonstrate their finely honed Tormenting skills. lol

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  New Alliance
Posted by: Sciros - January 6th, 2008, 22:44 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (27)

Hi guys!

As some of you know, our Alliance has hardly progressed lately. This is in large part because GW has become quite stagnant and folks are either farming or doing long dungeon crawls, but adding more people into the fold is still going to help things improve for many.

Recently I have been in contact with a guild -- Pirates of the Searing [YoHo] ( -- with the hopes that they would join our alliance. They are a large guild, with many Euro members as well as US ones, and are growing (presumably because of their recent GotW honor).

Anyway, over the holidays YoHo started its own alliance, being so far joined by one guild that I have not yet met but hear good things about.

I think that our guildmates can benefit if we as an alliance join YoHo's new alliance. A merger of sorts, but YoHo will lead. I think this would be good for a number of reasons.

1 - As much as I'd like to take this Alliance in a good direction alone, I don't really have time to. It's hard to find enough officers with the inclination to take up this burden, and we are losing members due to inactivity. RB seems to be doing well enough regardless of its "position" in the alliance, as long as it's not bothered by politics and simply has social folks to play with. Having an active guild in charge of growing an alliance with us taking a backseat seems to fill our needs as I see them.

2 - YoHo seems to be social and friendly. And smart/mature enough. This isn't a "first alliance to come along" sort of thing because they seem to be up to at least my standards of what a good guild should be like.

3 - We have nothing to lose. If we join and don't like the situation, we go back to the way things are now. In the worst case scenario, nothing changes.

4 - Having more Euro players means good things for our Euro members (and our Euro guild, [Life]).

Because YoHo seems to do things "by the book" and wants guilds to apply separately, I propose that we apply as a "group." That is, I post an application on behalf of the "Arch/RB/Life/KTHX" collective. From there, if YoHo likes RB/Life and thinks Arch is rubbish (for instance), we'll reconsider what options we have and either apply separately or stick together, whatever ends up making the most people happy.

Because I am literally seeing my "___ has left the guild" list grow consistently as each day goes by, I want to reach a decision to move forward as fast as possible.

Let me quickly address a few concerns folks might have.

1 - YoHo is a stuck-up/stupid/whatever guild that we end up not getting along with. --- I think this is not going to be the case. The members I've talked to all made good impressions on myself and my guildmates. The RB folks I know have the same criteria for "good folks" as I do, hehe, so I trust you'll be happy with them. In any case, please contact them since the whole point is to play with them at leisure.

2 - YoHo doesn't want "inactive" or "small" guilds so they take Arch/RB and reject Life. --- Another unlikely outcome, but if it happens we'll either consider a merge of some kind or call off the whole thing altogether. I'm not about to break up our alliance over this, just improve it ^^

3 - Indiana Jones 4 might suck huge --- Yeah I'm worried about that too, but Harrison Ford rules so it should still be watchable.

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