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Neopugilisticism |
Posted by: Lurker Wyrm - December 5th, 2007, 03:42 - Forum: PvP
- Replies (12)
Christmas New Years are coming up, so our college performers should be around for an etude or two sometime in the next couple weeks. This could be a good chance for us to gather an 8-man orchestra and orchestrate orchestral renditions of such classics as "Laying the Smack-Down" and "In Your FACE Noob." The virtuosoness of our performance will be a crescendo to the magnanimity of our fortissimo.
Anyways, GvG over the X-Mas break, who's in?
Wanna Patch! <Cries> |
Posted by: theGrimm - December 4th, 2007, 13:18 - Forum: Hellgate: London
- Replies (1)
This is...annoying. The HG:L patching system is so wonderfully simple, and ultimately useless. Every attempt to connect to multiplayer ends in the same result...25 minutes of downloading the same files ("I thought you got those last time"), followed by "Could not connect to server".
Single player patch also times out. Thanks. Maybe if I keep trying, the final boss might actually spawn. Maybe.
By the way, does anyone know if there is a trick to connect to the official forums? I might have thought I could use the same username and password I used (once upon a time when it was still possible) to connect to a multiplayer game, but apparently not.
SGOTM6 - Gyathaar's Mystery Game |
Posted by: Kodii - December 2nd, 2007, 15:41 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (32)
AlanH Wrote:Gyathaar is playing this one close to his chest. So far, we know only that it is Prince, Always War, Any victory condition allowed, Epic, Standard size. There's no start position map yet, I'll add it as soon as it's available. The sign-up thread for SGOTM6 is now UP!
We have five members signed-up already but we are still looking for at least another person (preferably 2) to join the Real Ms. Beyond and her crazy crew of:
Swiss Pauli
Anyone in the community can show interest, but preference will be given to RB "veterans". If more interest is shown than expected, a second team can be set up.
Another issue that needs to be discussed (within the team) is the choosing of a new team captain. Lee has braved treacherous waters to lead the team in SGOTM4 and SGOTM5 and has decided to step down, so we need to elect another person to drive insane...I mean worship.
And from there, hopefully we can play a game that will run more smoothly than the last four
GvG, Sat Dec. 1 |
Posted by: Lurker Wyrm - December 2nd, 2007, 14:21 - Forum: PvP
- Replies (4)
So, yay! We finally got a few matches in after several months of drought. Originally we were just going to do a couple rounds of AB, and we had me, Mucco and Doc looking for a fourth. I bugged Fox on im and he grudgingly (I think I woke him up or something) said sure, only to completely disappear on me when he was supposed to be signing on. A couple minutes later I figure he decided to ditch me and just go to bed, so I ask around for a 4th and get Hawk, who was questing at the time but decided to join in. Around the time she finishes her quest and comes to the hall Fox shows up again, giving us a surplus.
At this point I think Fox, Hawk and Mucco all said they would step out in order to make room for the last person. Rather than lose people, I threw out the suggestion of hey, why not just GvG instead? People liked the idea so I told Hawk to grab her monk and we'd go with what we already had, Doc was on his ele, Mucco would be the other monk, Fox had a rit that could run flags and I was using a hammer war and would lead (I think I won that one by default). All that was left was to fill in the rest of the slots, so I went to my friends list. Rad from AB just signed on so I grabbed him before he had the chance to start anything else. When I asked him if anyone else from AB wanted to come his response was that nobody was on TS, so, yeah. I then messaged some of the people from the alliance that said they had an interest in GvG and, sure enough, they agreed to come along.
The build we used was casual, meaning nothing specific. We wound up with 2 wars (hammer and axe), a cripshot ranger, dom mes (surge/burn), dual attuned fire ele (rod's invocation spam), 2 monks (RC and WoH), and a channeling/resto rit running flags. After spending a few minutes or so getting people on vent and dealing with the fact that Mucco couldn't join us due to firewall issues we were ready to go in and started playing. We had 3 matches and went 0-3, though it wasn't as bad as the score made it out to be. Here's the rundown:
The Good: Our first matches in at least 3 months. We had people get the chance to experience GvG for the first time. We did something together as a guild, with a few friends along. We all learned something. When we co-ordinated the warriors we got kills and even started to pressure the other teams.
The Bad: It was our first GvG outing after a 3+ month drought; people were rusty. The overall experience level with GvG was pretty low, so things didn't go as smoothly as they could have. We were a bunch of people that, really, aside from Fox, me, Hawk, and Rad, had never actually done GvG together before and even the 4 of us had hardly ever played in the same matches (I've played with Rad a lot, but he hasn't really played with Hawk all that much, stuff like that). I hadn't led a GvG in at least 6 months, so I was pretty much a space case most of the time.
The Ugly: We didn't have much co-ordination. One person wasn't on vent, 1 didn't have a mic, and 2 others were having volume/mic issues with being heard. All in all, there wasn't that much communication or co-ordination among teammates.
The Humorous: At one point Hawk said something about having targets and my response was she should worry about keeping people alive and we'd worry about the damage. Had I thought of it at the time, I would have added "Owwwwwwwnnnnnned!" Here's hoping Hawk got as much of a laugh out of that as I did. Also, before one of the matches Hawk asked if there was a way to request an unworthy opponent. I chimed in that we already had all the members of AB that were on. That was pretty funny.
The "ZOMG they're cheating!" Ridiculous: The last team we fought had a member of Rebel Rising [rawr] on their team, which is one of the gold cape guilds. At the start of the match we were pounding on them pretty hard and my best guess is that he decided to take over the match and lead, and you can see where things started to fall apart on us if you watch the replay.
The End: Overall I think we all had a good time and have something we can take from the event. Considering the setbacks we had and the fact that we were all pretty rusty I think we had a pretty decent night. Hopefully we'll be able to have another sometime soon. And maybe win a match or two.
Permanently on BTS now? |
Posted by: Clovis - December 1st, 2007, 19:28 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (2)
I'm back after a rather long absence and I see that all the recent tournaments have been run in BTS. I was wondering if there are any plans to do more epics/adventures in plain old vanilla. If not, I'll have to plan on picking up BTS, which I would probably do eventually anyway.
Hello, newbie reporting :) |
Posted by: Sissl - December 1st, 2007, 11:37 - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (5)
Hello all,
I was encouraged to drop by here by Zed-F. I figure his recommendation has to count for something, since he's my brother.
A bit about myself:
As any of you who have actually bothered to come in through the front door may notice, there's an excellent interview a couple years back with Zed-F that gives some interesting details about his life, and mentions me -- so I might as well start there.
I'm a game collector by heart, and I enjoy playing many different types of games, from MMORPG's to shooters, to RTS games. If I particularly like a game, I usually end up recommending or loaning it to Zed-F. Lately it's been the former, as since meeting my wife who lured me down to Texas, the opportunities for family to get together have been fewer, and the last time I was able to visit with my brother we were all too busy for gaming!
I'm looking forward to hanging out with all of you folks, though I have a slightly different gaming philosophy than my brother, whereas he is a glutton for punishment, and a masochist when it comes to how hobbled he can make his variants (and we love him for it) I have always been drawn to the 'efficiency in builds' aspect of games like diablo / diablo 2, and in every MMORPG that I've played that supports it, I've been drawn to the high end raiding aspect of the game. While I was playing Everquest, I was a member in the #1 ranked guild on the server, until a server merge brought a higher ranked guild onto the server and we dropped to #2. I enjoy 'high end' play rather than intentional limitation -- but that brings it's own challenges. When you have a 'tight' family and you're all geared to the 'nines' so to speak, you start to try to challenge youself in other ways.... adds? sure bring them, more for us.... a 8-pull that would wipe any other group? WHY NOT? Sometimes the crazy stuff my friends would bring back would get us all killed, but we would generally laugh it off, and when we actually lived through the chaos that followed -- that is it's own reward. While my brother and I approach the RB philosophy from different angles, in the end I really don't think we are that far apart.
As far as real life goes, I'm an Escalation Engineer for a network security company. Likely if any of you are firewall administrators you either use or are familliar with the product. I met my wife at an Everquest Fan Faire in Las Vegas, so like my brother, gaming runs in the family. I look forward to having an opportunity to join yours.
Current games playing:
Hellgate London
World of Warcraft
HL2: Orange Box (completed portal, working on ep.2)
mega events not occurring? |
Posted by: vmxa - November 29th, 2007, 15:47 - Forum: Galactic Civilizations
- Replies (5)
Well it does not look like much is going on here for GC2. I was late to the party, so I missed any info.
Anyway I was wondering why I no longer get any event, especially pirates? I got the gold version and I played one game on the Dread Lords and got lots of pirate events, almost too many.
Then I tried Dark Avatar and thought I will turn of Mega Events. Then I went back to Dread Lords, which does not have a feature to enable or disbale events and no longer got any?
I fired up Avatar and enabled events and got none on that either? Is there a time factor involved or have I hit a bug or what is the trigger?