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Posted by: sylvanllewelyn - July 10th, 2007, 09:37 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (1)

Short version: 1695AD.

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  Adventure 20 - Feedback's report
Posted by: FeedBack - July 10th, 2007, 08:22 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (2)

Hello all!

I hope I'm not late. Yesterday was a holiday here and I had no internet access.
I changed my site yet again, so, if you have any comments on the layout, I'd be grateful. Also, if you see some broken stuff, please say it! wink

The report is here.

Domination in 1610 AD

Now I'm off to a intense reading! smile

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  Adventure 20 - KMad's report
Posted by: KMad - July 10th, 2007, 01:22 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (8)

pre-game thinking: i am horrible at early warmongering. and early is like, before modern armor just about. probably even on settler level! i do the political "oh don't fight me" thing, which isn't really going to get me a domination victory here. for me, axemen are barbarian protection, not a weapon to go capture somebody's capital with. i'm really really bad at axe-rushes. so i knew i'd be taking my sweet time at this one. and i knew health would drive me crazy. no grocers was going to be HUGE, and oasis was probably going to lack resources in the first place. in fact, it did even more than i realized it would, because it was small so people didn't have enough to share in trades even when we got along, ugh! nobody knew mysticism, so i could get a hydra, but i decided that i did not want a hydra. i know my style, domination will take me the thousands upon thousands of years. shrines are lovely even if religions don't spread, since apart from money, they let you run 3 more priests if you have the food. so given that, and no banks for wall street if i have less than 5 holies, and knowing that grocers give me health, so 4 cities with grocers is better than one, i was going to do everything in my power to avoid a hydra.

i read a few reports sunday night and those people settled on the spot. so i'll explain why i moved. i didn't want that many peaks and water tiles with no seafood. in-place i was stuck with 8 tiles that would never give me any hammers, or any food surplus to whip, no matter how many worker turns i was willing to invest, and no chance of resources revealed later. well ok, oil in the water, if i ever got to plastics. i settled one south on the grass hill. kept sheep and wheat, got rid of a peak and 5 water tiles, made the 2 remaining water fairly worthless, but overall i think it was a good deal. and with the health concerns i knew i'd have, i wasn't about to chop those forests for cottages. i would need health at my capital since i knew this would be a long game and i hate staring at green ugly clouds. i needed more flatlands tiles for cottages and less water, so i moved. this is a snapshot from the inside i took from the earliest save i found:
[Image: insidePV3720.jpg]
on a river still, production, flatlands to cottage (the time it took me to get around to building them ... let's not go there!!), forests i figured i could keep. i did it, hoping there wasn't bronze or iron on that hill. to me the move was worth losing a harbor, particularly on a map where i wasn't sure i'd get all 3 types of seafood. in fact, i was missing crabs until literally the turn that i won, haha on me!

i researched meditation first to be different, since i always go polytheism when i'm aiming for a religion. most of my huts were gold, which annoyed me but ended up getting me two free cities without making any new enemies smile. i marked some potential city spots on the map while some warriors were out exploring, but because i hadn't built a settler yet i didn't continue the religious tech path. often i like to control religious spread in normal games, but bizarrely here it didn't matter as much to me ... if i had to dominate the world, then by definition i wasn't going to be able to get along with everybody anyway, so if they want to make holy cities for me, that would be great.

napolean founded hinduism in 2480, and judaism in 1720 BC. it was good luck that the same guy founded both (and in separate cities!), so there was only one AI with a self-founded religion to deal with. but i never did bother with trying to make anybody one religion or another, we all got along well enough even as heathens until i declared war on 'em, it was odd. i self-researched CoL to found conf and then oracle CS, self-researched philosophy for once (rather than lightbulb it) and popped a prophet for most of DR, so i got all 5 of the religions that he didn't. i didn't use the "only i know mysticism" advantage to hog all the religions, actively avoided hogging the early ones, but i really loved being spiritual and i did about a zillion anarchy-free swaps. if i had to pick a favorite trait, on most days spiritual probably would win.

my cities: by 2200 i'd seen 3 sets of horses, 2 were in spots i'd already marked as "oh maybe think about a city here" before AH came in. my second city was to the west, on the coast towards cathy, getting the fish/ponies/wine. i left the marble/fish/ponies for later.

my third city was a gift from the barbarians. gold hill, corn, cows, plains hill, oasis, more FP than your doctor wants to know about. in 1800 it was only pop 1 so it would autoraze, but it was working a floodplains so i hoped it would grow fast and nobody would beat me to it. they didn't! in 1320 Cuman belonged to me. i used some of the gold from those huts way back when to upgrade a warrior to an axeman to get it. i hadn't built a single axeman yet, but i did have the copper hooked up. the barbs in the city were still only warriors then, not archers, he didn't even have to use a promotion to get a heal between the two fights! i felt very powerful *giggle*. many years later, in 1180 AD, i ended up moving my palace there to help with distance costs, and because the commerce was really good enough that bureaucracy was worth it smile. when i later traded for ironworking, Cuman, turned out to have iron yay! it was my only source of iron until after i took over France, now that i think about it.

in 1040 i saw another juicy barb city. it wasn't on the exact tile i had marked, it missed the freshwater bonus, but it had 2 elephants, 3 floodplains, lots of rivers in the BFC. i knew oasis map only had horses in the north. if i could control who got access to elephants to some extent too, so much the better! it grew to pop two in 800 BC, and my brave axemen convinced them by force to join the Candyland Empire. when SciM came in and i could see oil, the two cities that had oil closest to them were, you guessed it, the former barb cities *giggle*. i needed oil about as much as barbs did, mind you, but still cool. Medina i placed myself, and had to move because of the barb gift of Ellies, and i think i could have placed it better, but, that's okay.

by that point i did have some commerce finally, and was working on oracle. i still didn't know masonry because i was ignoring religions still, and seeing it on the trade screen gave me important information: nappy and fred "had their reasons" for not wanting to trade it to me. that gave me hope that they'd build the pyramids for me, and leave me the oracle, and maybe i'd have time to self-research CoL and pick CS from the oracle. it would take 11 turns to research CoL, but this is vanilla so then i could get CS right away, so i took the gamble and won, yay!

this is the Candyland Empire is 500 BC:
[Image: Candyland500BC.jpg]
as usual, i renamed the capital Peepsville. so the first city i founded with a built settler is named Mecca, fish/pony/cow/double wine northwest. Medina, i ended up not liking where i put it, but hey what can you do. the free conf missionary is on his way from Mecca to PV, he failed. what's even worse is that i had whipped Mecca to size 1 hoping that it would not be picked as the conf holy city, since the other cities would have more health issues. the RNG did not reward me for my cruel oppression grrrrrrrr.

i had basically no barb issues. PV had a ton of culture fogbusting for it (holy city, stonehenge, now the oracle too), mecca had cathy fogbusting to the west, and cuman had nappy to the south. medina and ellies were where my two big beefy axemen were, so the few barbs that did try to harass me had to come to the places i was best prepared to handle them. so the barbs weren't troublemakers for me. they were basically free exp and free cities, except for Bulgar which made Fred mad at me, more on that later.

my first GP was a prophet from stonehenge. since Buddhism was as well spread as any other religion on the planet as far as i could tell, being in a total of one city, building the shrine seemed an obvious choice. it did spread the faith some after that, including to a nappy city that was EXACTLY where i was going to place my own, by the east coast ponies and marble grrrrrrrr. i'd been actively not fogbusting that spot, i was saving it for the barbs to make me a free city you dork! i was not amused.

so, my next city, Damascus, went over there in 150 BC a bit north. it got the clams, and i got culture on those ponies before nappy did (stonehenge and buddhist missionary, his city was buddhist but his state religion wasn't buddhism haha). so cathy and i were the only ones with horses ever. i didn't realize until writing this report that Damascus was the last city i ever founded that was part of what i considered "my real empire". at the end i'd settled 12 cities, but most were crappy "claim these land tiles as my own before somebody else does" cities. looking at the list on the turn after i won, there are 12 cities i think of as "real" cities. i built 4 of those, but that's counting my initial settler. 2 the barbs built for me, and 6 nappy built for me. i didn't settle a single city after Damascus for more than 1000 years, and then i went on a little "okay, let's block this land so that they don't annoyingly make one" spree of 3 cities within 80 years, but they weren't great cities by any stretch of the imagination.

375 BC Pyramids BIADL. but nobody changed civics, and nobody had changed in the last 5 turns so nobody was in a waiting period? that was really odd. napolean finally went Representation in 100 BC, which is 11 turns later, so then i knew it was him. the biggest bummer about the pyramids being built was that i didn't know currency, so i couldn't ask fred for the gold he got for losing the race /sigh.

my original plan was to attack cathy first, figuring it would be best to just own the north, easiest on the economy, etc. also she had crabs in moscow's cross, but no spares to trade, and i didn't have crabs. then in 75 AD i decided to go for nappy first instead. he didn't have horses, he didn't have elephants, he had cities real close to me that wouldn't cost a lot and would be productive, and he had the pyramids. welllllllllllll, it takes a while for me to get ready for a war. and i'd never had open borders with him, since he held a grudge, something about me being buddhist while he was hindu or something. so i never got to see paris itself, and couldn't judge until i actually declared and went inside the closed borders how many troops he had in there. that is my defense for my weedy behavior later.

in 350 AD i got the message "Ananda is born in a foreign land." nappy's is the only land i haven't seen, ananda is a prophet, make the hindu shrine for me buddy! he did, in 375. and then in 400 AD the absolute OMG thing. Parthenon BIADL. smile Parthenon is just as sweet captured as it is using my own hammers, i want that one! that was when i 100% decided "cathy honey you can live, nappy made me presents that i can get much more use out of than he can!" i got homer in 500 AD for being first to music, and saved him for the war.

560 AD, Imhotep born IAFL, from parthenon-powered pyramid-GE points i'm sure. so i'm wondering what nappy will build for me? i got my own lucky engineer in 600 AD, had run a forge for a few turns in PV which had a mix of GP odds but no GE sources other than the forge. so i sent my engineer to build angkor wat in Ellies, which was food-rich but poor in hammers. AWat makes priests awesome everywhere, as many hammers as an engineer + 1g and i need gold. and the building itself lets you run 3 priests in the city where it's built, so bingo, use a GE on it to get it somewhere that would by definition benefit the most but be least able to build it! several turns went by, nappy didn't make anything with his engineer. i decided to gift him a tech, as a sort of subtle request for a present. i gave him theology, and...
[Image: HeBuiltSistineForMe.jpg]
bingo! of course seeing the theocracy part first i was like oh CRAP i forgot that comes with it i am sooooooooooo dead now! he'd gone to EOOHRN status in 600 AD. i was not his worst enemy, freddy was since he some other kind of heathen, and i was #1 in power. i figured that nappy would declare on fred but of course i'm paranoid and would have freaked if he had declared on me. i was definitely going to joyfully try to conquer france while nappy was distracted if he declared on fred.

in 800 AD (remember how i said it takes me a long time to prepare?), Heron was born in a far away land. in vanilla it doesn't tell you what type they are, so i checked the xml, bingo, engineer. notre dame was on my "this is just as good captured" list, but nappy didn't even know alphabet yet lol, so it took a few turns to gift him up to music. these are my actual turn notes from 860 AD: "oh napoleon, bless your predictable heart! Notre Dame has been built in a far away land!!!! and gifting him music got him up to cautious hahahahaha. nappy will even give me open borders, yay, i wanna see paris! combat1 medic march axe, archer, cg1 archer, cg2 archer. behind 60% defenses. that's IT. holy crap i've been ready for CENTURIES! but no, actually i wasn't, i needed the extra shinies." Lyons i'd been able to see into the whole time, it was paris i couldn't, and i figured it's his capital, it would be better defended. well, not in this case, he had way more troops in Lyons than in Paris *giggle*.

so ummm, yeah, i kind of took a long time preparing and was ready really a lot earlier than i thought i was lol. but i got two special ordered presents! and in 920 AD i told nappy his head belonged on a pole...

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  Adventure 20 - The Judge's Report
Posted by: The Judge - July 10th, 2007, 00:14 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (6)

I’m on the tail end of moving from DC to Portland, so my write up and supporting screenshots are going to be slipshod. Opening is in note form and there are few pictures. Apologies in advance.

Found on starting spot. Worker is first in the queue, Meditation up for my attempt to claim all religions.
Roving Exploration Team pops Agriculture from the village to the south. Woot.
RET picks up 93 gold from village to west.
Buddhism obtained on schedule. I head for Mining next.
RET snags 52 gold to the south. Worker done - warrior next.
Mining - Priesthood next. RET dodges bear attack.
Priesthood obtained. - BW next.
Warrior - warrior next.
BW – and copper is right next door to Home Base! No one to Poly yet, so I’m going for it.
RET gets healed from a village when they don’t need it. Clear this is karmic payback for the early tech. They also get 35 gold from village at the end of the world.
Time the second city founding just before Hindu on the nose. Medina in 2400BC. And: Boom. 2 for 2.
Finally run into somebody (the French) in 2360 - to my south.
Masonry next (sending the next Settler to the east for the marble) - Writing next.
I meet Fred and Cathy in 2080 at the same time. Both coming in from the west.
I meet Washington in 1650. 3rd settler built and heading east with an escort. I pick up Animal Husbandry before going for Monotheism and see that I’m getting Horses out there, too. I up the research and look for a 3-for-3 showing. Damascus in 1320 aaaaaaand . . . Score.

I take Hunting and Fishing in my next couple of turns. No real bothers on the horizon. I go for Archery. Build another Settler. Build the Oracle to get the GP train running on Prophets. Complete in 775 and I take Metal Working to get some production chops for the impending expansions. I again make the smooth move of founding Baghdad in 625 one turn before picking up Code of Laws. 4 for 4 - so the money problems will likely ease up a bit. IW next, and I spy the edges of a barb city off to the west. I’m thinking of invading and then going for Christianity right after IW. A couple of axemen take care of the new city. I spend a few turns attempting to build monks for Buddha, prepping for the on-the-way GP Prophet. Right on time – Moses hooks me with a piggy bank. I’m on the verge of founding yet another religion and then heading for finance techs, but agony: 7 turns out, Cathy beats me there:

Damn. Quick-change to Sailing for some immediate cash boostage. And we continue from here. GPs come every so often and I keep focusing on keeping the cash flow steady with my empire. I eventually get Currency and the whole scope of the game starts to change. I breathe a little easier about money. After all, I’ve got four Holy Cities (with a fifth hopefully on the way as I immediately shoot for Philosophy. It works again. Okay, now we’re going to be rolling in dough if I work this right. I turn the trick again a few years later: new city, aim for Islam. I’m on the verge of dropping in the fourth house of the holy in with the Taoists and things are still rolling along.

Catherine hates me while the rest of the world loves me. She finally declares and we spent a few decades dancing back and forth. That finally settles down. I slowly keep moving forward, trying to snag some sort of Military tech advantage while keeping my empire in the black. Right about the time that I’m set to build up and invade Russia:

You can immediately see some bad work as we’re talking 1750 or 1760 here. Also, for a guy trying to Dominate, I'm packed in on all sides. I really ran into a problem getting a big army plus a tech lead. Anyway, I cross the border and after a few turns, I get sneak-attacked by the French. I quickly call in Frederick to assist against France, stave Cathy to a standstill, and manage to invade and subdue Napoleon with the judicious use of Gunships.

I did not balance the timing of my Attempts To Conquer very well at all. It took 200 years to finally wipe them out and it was 2000 before I could effectively snuff Russia.

I am not the best player in the world on offense and never can seem to get the hang of grouping invasion task forces. 35 turns or so left in the game, no tech advantage, and the remaining two players in the midst of a Defensive Pact. I even try blowing out the Culture levels to absorb invaded lands faster, but alas: Washington launches in 2043 and I lose.

Fun game and things were going very well for awhile in terms of getting many, many Holy Cities and end-arounding the limitations on the scenario. I founded five and had cash generating structures in all of them. But somewhere between getting that set up and maintaining the idea that I had to dominate the world, I failed to keep military tech in line and press my advantages. I also need to learn how to effectively invade. All of my stuff seems scattershot at best.

Anyway, final total: Loss. (Washington, Space Race) in 2043. 5 religions founded, All holy cities in hand at the end of the game. 60.50% pop. 55.52% territory.

Thanks for the game. smoke

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  Adventure 20- Crenor's report
Posted by: Crenor - July 9th, 2007, 22:11 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (1)

Hi everyone. This is my first report. I bought civ IV just 2 months ago but I am a vet of other civ games, such as civ II and Alpha Centari. After reading some of Sulla's reports about RB events, I decided to try one for myself. smile

I figured I would like this game because I tend to use a monk economy of sorts. I like to run science at or near 100% while trying to found as many religions as i can and then spreading them around to pay the bills.

As for this game, I planned to play it in three phases:

1) grab as much land and as many religions as possible
2) build up cities and spread religions to the AI
3) go to war until i win wink

I found Mecca in place and begin researching Meditation. Nothing too exciting in the early phase, although I do get 2 lucky breaks:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0009.jpg]

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0003.jpg]

Agriculture allows me to use the wheat next to Mecca and keep persuing religions. Priesthood will be handy when I build the oracle later on.

I found Hinduism and Buddhism in Mecca and Judaism in Medina, which I build south of Mecca. I went on the build Stonehenge and the oracle in Mecca, and I took Theology to get another religion. Christianity was founded in Damascus, which I build on some flood plains to the south as a science city.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0025.jpg]

I get alphabet in 950 BC and start making trades.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0029.jpg]

I also get the first of many great prophets and start building shrines.

Attack of the Barbarians

I've heard that large, oceanless maps get a lot of barbs, but I still wasn't prepared when the first barb axeman showed up.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0035.jpg]

Yes, all I have to protect Damascus is a warrior. Luckily, Damascus will grow just in time for me to whip an archer for defense, which defeats the axeman in its first turn of existence.

The barbs also start building cities, such as Magyar, which is right next to Mecca. Washington tries to take it with his axemen and fails, leaving me to take it from one wounded archer in 475 BC. Thanks buddy! lol

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0040.jpg]

A few turns later, I take Navajo from the barbs, which is located between Damascus and the edge of the map.

In 1100 AD I found Basra, which takes up the last available free land, and completes the first phase of my game. I ended up founding only 5 religions. I underestimated the teching rate of the financial civs, and Cathy got Confucianism and Taoism. I also build a number of wonders, including the great library, the spiral minaret, and the sistine chapel.

I start building up an army to invade France, but Napoleon has a ton of units in Lyons.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0084.jpg]

I build two guerilla II musketmen and place them on the two hills between Lyons and my cities, hoping that Napoleon will suicide against them. Sure enough, after I declare war in 1490 he does.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0006.jpg]

Anyway, France is easy to defeat once all those units come out and lose. One thing I hate is the placement of Lyons and Paris- Major overlap, but both cities have wonders, so I keep them.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0010.jpg]

Oh, and I revolted to Police State after I captured the Pyramids to deal with the mounting war weariness. here is Paris when I took it:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0012.jpg]

It has a courthouse, a marketplace, and merchant specialists! lol I change the merchants to citizens but I can't do anything about the buildings.

My cavs quickly overrun Napoleon and I defeat France in 1580.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0017.jpg]

Next up is Cathy, who only has 5 cities. This war goes quickly as I have amassed many cavalry and CR2 genadiers by this point. In 1670 I defeat her.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0024.jpg]

At this point, i'm over 40% land area and I figure taking over Germany would be enough to win. I attack Frederick in 1700 and defeat him in 1735. I revolt to caste system and free speech in the hope of winning quickly. In 1745, I win. smile

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0036.jpg]

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0042.jpg]

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0043.jpg]

As you can see from the stats page, I built 0 courthouses and 44 cavalry. I think this game was a good variation, but it was made easy by the fact that many of the AI cities I captured had courthouses already. I never had problems with finances in this game, partly because of the captured courthouses and partly due to the fact that I made money faster by taking AI cities than I lost it due to maintaining them. lol

I'm sure I could have won earlier, but I admit that I'm not much of a warring player. I probably waited too long to invade France, and then made the mistake of not having any medic units after I took Lyons. frown

Anyway, it was a fun first adventure for me, so thanks to Sulla for creating it. thumbsup

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  Adventure 20 - Turfit's Report#2, the shadow
Posted by: TurfIt - July 9th, 2007, 21:40 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (4)

Note: This is a second run through the scenario approaching the variant differently. See [here] first for the 'real' game.

Round 2 - A shadow game.
As round 1 was played with distributed Holy cities nullifying the variant, round 2 will go the other way... All religions are to be founded in Mecca!

4000BC - Again Mecca founded in place.
[Image: rbciv20b0000lh0.jpg]

3920BC - Agriculture popped from hut. Again.
3680BC - Buddhism in Mecca. Again!
3680BC - A map. Finally something different happening.
3520BC - 59 gold.
3280BC - Hinduism in Mecca.
3040BC - Catherine met.
2920BC - Napoleon met.
2360BC - Washington met.
2320BC - Frederick met.
2320BC - Stonehenge built in Mecca. 800 years earlier than round 1.
[Image: rbciv20b0011aj7.jpg]

2080BC - 32 gold.
2000BC - Judaism. 80 years later than round 1. Strange... I must've went for some other tech here although I was sure I beelined the religions so I could move beyond Mecca sooner...
[Image: rbciv20b0014mt9.jpg]

1840BC - Horseback riding popped.
1000BC - Moses arrives to found Christianity.
[Image: rbciv20b0016sr4.jpg]

975BC - The Parthenon built. 925 years earlier than round 1. Not having to build/support settlers sure helps the wonders.
[Image: rbciv20b0021am7.jpg]

700BC - Oracle BIFAL. Guess I spoke too soon! 24 gold from the hammers... round 1 seen the Oracle at 400BC!
575BC - Confucianism in.
575BC - Mahavira burned for Civil Service. 575BC vs 740AD due to Philosophy not researched because of the Oracle loss. Interesting.
[Image: rbciv20b0027fa7.jpg]

150BC - Taoism in.
25BC - Chichen Itza built.
100AD - Zoroaster finishes off Divine Right yielding Islam completing the mega BudHinJewConfChriTaoIsl hydra!
[Image: rbciv20b0032eg6.jpg]

100AD to found all 7 religions in Mecca vs. 50AD to found all 7 in 6 different cities in round 1. Surprisingly close considering Taoism had to be done the long way this time...
500AD - Angkor Wat built.
660AD - Mencuis delivers The Mahabodhi. My first shrine. Now it's time to make an empire...
[Image: rbciv20b0038gj5.jpg]

740AD - War with Russia.
[Image: rbciv20b0060da1.jpg]

1060AD - St John brings in The Kong Miao.
[Image: rbciv20b0048ex1.jpg]

1070AD - The world has gone Confucianist. Join them.
[Image: rbciv20b0049ys9.jpg]

1140AD - The Americans finally get a religion - Confucianism and join the rest of us.
1210AD - Finally found my first city. Medina founded to hopefully grab that iron.
[Image: rbciv20b0058xq2.jpg]

1300AD - St Paul builds The Kashi Vishwanath.
[Image: rbciv20b0065yo9.jpg]

1330AD - The capture of St. Petersburg eliminates Catherine.
1370AD - Chartres revolts and joins us.
[Image: rbciv20b0068ln9.jpg]

1410AD - All those veteran Maces just sitting around.... get to work!
[Image: rbciv20b0069ts7.jpg]

[Image: rbciv20b0070gi2.jpg]
Yes, that's Seattle twice! Washington manages to sneak a catapult and mace back at my lonely mace in the city taking it back for a turn.

1515AD - Moscow builds the Colossus. For a whole 4 turn investment, why not? Mecca should have enough Prophet points coming in that I don't end up with a whack of Merchants again!
[Image: rbciv20b0072kf9.jpg]

1530AD - Mani for The Church of Nativity.
[Image: rbciv20b0073qb5.jpg]

1615AD - Frederick steals The Spiral Minaret.
[Image: rbciv20b0086uu5.jpg]

1625AD - Liberalism. Steel taken again even though I still don't have iron.
1625AD - Round 2 sees us to Liberalism. Round 1 had achieved Domination now.
[Image: rbciv20b0089hh0.jpg]

1630AD - With New York captured, the American were down to 1 city deep in French lands. Peace made for some tech.
[Image: rbciv20b0092lo3.jpg]

1680AD - St Patrick for The Masjid al-Haram.
[Image: rbciv20b0096xi2.jpg]

1680AD - Once again veterans sitting around. Time for Napoleon to go.
[Image: rbciv20b0110qp9.jpg]

1750AD - Zhang Qjan (GM) yields +1300 gold.
[Image: rbciv20b0104sb2.jpg]

1755AD - Damascus founded cutting off Fredericks settling party by one turn.
[Image: rbciv20b0108xb7.jpg]

1760AD - Redeclare on the Americans and finish them off by capturing Los Angeles.
[Image: rbciv20b0109rp6.jpg]

1760AD - Marseilles capture also finishes the French. Now to wait for the border pops.
[Image: rbciv20b0112sy8.jpg]

1804 - Domination.
[Image: rbciv20b0114ct1.jpg]

State of the hydra.
[Image: rbciv20b0126fb8.jpg]

Compared with round 1 and its distributed Holy cities, the economy definately crashed harder here as the conquered city count grew. Just look at that economy tank!
[Image: rbciv200156cg1.jpg]

More cities definately pays off in manufacturing.
[Image: rbciv200157bf5.jpg]

[Image: rbciv200158eb5.jpg]

[Image: rbciv200159ng0.jpg]

Religious units and buildings top the lists.
[Image: rbciv200162rh1.jpg]

[Image: rbciv200165yf9.jpg]

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  Adventure 20 - Turfit's Report
Posted by: TurfIt - July 9th, 2007, 21:31 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (3)

No courthouses. OK. No markets/grocers/banks??? Ummm. This economy will stink. Oh, except in holy cities. Well this leads to one obvious conclusion - let's make every city holy. There - all fixed!

7 religions, 7 holy cities? That might be a bit much / risky. How about 7 religions in 6 holy cities? Sounds like a plan...

4000BC - Lacking anyplace better, found Mecca in place. Research set for the first religion - Meditation
3920BC - Agriculture popped from hut.
3680BC - Buddhism founded, in Mecca of course! Research set for Mining to give my worker something more to do, then onto Polytheism
[Image: rbciv200022dv7.jpg]

3640BC - 69 gold. Wonderful city site sighted W of Mecca - fish, wine, cows.
3560BC - Catherine met
3440BC - 49 gold.
3360BC - Frederick met
3320BC - Napoleon met.
3200BC - Hunting popped from hut.
3040BC - Hinduism founded in Mecca. Right on track...
[Image: rbciv200033fj5.jpg]

2720BC - Another Wonderful city site sighted E of Mecca - marble, horses, fish, river, and lots of hills. Also horses have shown up at the Western city site.
[Image: rbciv200035lp0.jpg]

2600BC - Scout popped from hut.
2280BC - Medina founded on western city site. 5 turns to Monotheism...
2080BC - and Judaism founded in Medina. Bronze working up next.
[Image: rbciv200038ni5.jpg]

2040BC - Washington met.
1800BC - Damascus founded south of Mecca. Picks up cows and gold along with some invisible corn. Founded here to thwart Napoleons northward expansion...
[Image: rbciv200042lf2.jpg]

1800BC - First barbarians met. Time to put some defenders in all my empty cities.
1760BC - Copper right at Mecca. Nice. Code of laws for Confucianism next...
[Image: rbciv200044nh1.jpg]

1520BC - Mecca builds Stonehenge. Great prophets here we come...
[Image: rbciv200046df7.jpg]

700BC - Confucianism founded in Damascus. Religion #4 and Holy city #3.
[Image: rbciv200047sf8.jpg]

675BC - Baghdad founded S. of Medina. Ivory and Flood plains.. Destined to be Holy city #4!
[Image: rbciv200049rf2.jpg]

675BC - Moses burned on Theology -> Christianity founded in Baghdad.
[Image: rbciv200050qn8.jpg]

550BC - Iron! Right beside Damascus. Good stuff.
[Image: rbciv200054hz3.jpg]

500BC - Najran founded. Flood plain central. Taoism's next I believe...
400BC - Mecca completes The Oracle for...
[Image: rbciv200058ko2.jpg]
- why Taoism of course!
[Image: rbciv200059qg9.jpg]

275BC - Frederick comes knocking... but of course ole chap.
[Image: rbciv200061ih8.jpg]

125BC - Kufah founded finally claiming the marble site. Islam anyone?
[Image: rbciv200062rx6.jpg]

50BC - Medina builds The Parthenon. More prophets for...
50AD - Mahavira burned on Divine Right..
[Image: rbciv200065xm1.jpg]

- 7 Arabian religions in 6 cities. Plan complete. Time for phase 2 - build up those markets/grocer/banks for a rocking economy and go forth...
[Image: rbciv200069nj9.jpg]
- pop into No State Religion for some culture boost in the border towns...

150AD - Napoleon wants me to cancel deals with the Germans.. No way.
175AD - Basra founded. The first non holy city. Settled simply for German land denial.
[Image: rbciv200071gz8.jpg]

560AD - Catherine comes looking for Philosophy. Nope.
620AD - Medina builds The Colossus. 3 holy cities on the coast can make some use of this.
[Image: rbciv200074ua1.jpg]

640AD - Catherine comes looking for some Wine. Nope.
700AD - Got everybody converted to one big happy family. 'cept Napoleon of course. Somebody needs to be the target!
[Image: rbciv200077ro1.jpg]

740AD - Zoraster comes alive. Since the Oracle was spent on Religious stuff, It's only fitting for Religion to provide...
[Image: rbciv200078wg8.jpg]

860AD - Catherine comes looking again... well actually comes declaring war.
[Image: rbciv200081rl0.jpg]

880AD - Mecca builds Angkor Wat. More prophets...
900AD - Damascus builds The Sistine Chapel. +10 culture to hold off Paris.
[Image: rbciv200084wo8.jpg]

920AD - Harkuf (GM) born in Medina. Harrumph. Where's my prophet? Oh well, +1100 gold it will be.
[Image: rbciv200088xy1.jpg]

1010AD - Kufah builds The Great Lighthouse. Remember - 3 coastal holy cities?
[Image: rbciv200086me2.jpg]

1040AD - Onto the War... Silly girl declaring on me as I'm building up to take on Napoleon... Yekaterinburg captured.
[Image: rbciv200087cj4.jpg]

1100AD - Napoleon declares! Sends in his massive attack stack - one archer. The spearman at Damascus gave me a start. I actually upgraded my lone warrior garrison to a mace before realizing 1) The enemy can't end up 3 squares inside my territory on the first turn of war. and 2) The spearman is Washington's!!
- Asked Frederick to join in keeping Napoleon busy while I'm off with the Russians. He joins for nothing.
[Image: rbciv200090ac1.jpg]

1110AD - Iron popped at Najran giving some actual production at floodplain central...
[Image: rbciv200092ah5.jpg]

The Russian front:
[Image: rbciv200093sc6.jpg]

1160AD - Catherine comes offering 80 gold and Calendar for peace. Nope. You started it. Can't take the heat?
1170AD - Washington comes offering Literature for Civil Service and 200 Gold. ummmm. What do I think of this deal? sheesh. nope.
1210AD - Mencius arrives to build The Church of Nativity.. 18 gold/turn.
[Image: rbciv200098bl3.jpg]

1270AD - With war weariness hitting the double digits in my core cities.. time for a break. Peace brokered with Catherine for 3 old techs. Much better way of getting literature than Washington's way!

With the Russians well in hand. Onto the French...:
[Image: rbciv200101pb6.jpg]

1330AD - Catherine comes looking for Theology. That girl just never stops...
1330AD - Najran builds The Great Library. Flood plain central, Great Library, Oxford is soooo going here.
[Image: rbciv200105mh1.jpg]

1400AD - Hanno (GM) brings in 900 gold. That's the second Great Merchant from Medina - maybe The Colossus wasn't such a great thing to build!
[Image: rbciv200107yf0.jpg]

1420AD - Frederick comes looking for Banking. Not this time buddy.
1420AD - St. John builds The Kong Miao. Finally back to prophets...
[Image: rbciv200110mu3.jpg]

1450AD - Paris captured. Finally! I got held here for ages killing 3-4 French units, healing my CR3 maces for a couple turns, then repeating. Hopefully the remaining French cities don't still have a dozen units each!
1470AD - With 2 AI capitals down - time for a 3rd. Declare on Washington. Seattle destroyed.
[Image: rbciv200115hp2.jpg]

The American front:
[Image: rbciv200116lo7.jpg]

1520AD - Again the war weariness is getting out of hand. Make peace for 50 gold and Marseilles - a runt town where I can hopefully generate some culture to punish Fredericks settlement incursion into my lands...
[Image: rbciv200120qg2.jpg]

1540AD - Marseilles revolts to Germany. Oh well. The grasslands on my side of the border...
[Image: rbciv200123jf5.jpg]

1545AD - Liberalism reached. Steel baby. mmm. Cannons.
[Image: rbciv200126qc9.jpg]

1545AD - Bi Sheng rushes Versailles.
[Image: rbciv200127wt6.jpg]

1560AD - Zu Chonshi (GS) builds an academy. Still 5 shrines to go and not a prophet to be found.
[Image: rbciv200131ji9.jpg]

1585AD - Capital #3 is mine. Washington captured eliminating the Americans.
1590AD - Frederick comes offering Fur for my Wine. Sure thing.
1590AD - Mecca builds the Spiral Minaret. Come on prophets...
[Image: rbciv200136bn9.jpg]

1600AD - Finally. The Mahabodhi adds 10/
[Image: rbciv200138gd9.jpg]

1600AD - Declare on Catherine. Time to finish what she started...
1605AD - Pytheas (GM from economics) adds 1100 to the treasury.
[Image: rbciv200143hw3.jpg]

The final Russian strike:
[Image: rbciv200145zt6.jpg]

1620AD - Russia eliminated. Silly girl...
- And that's it!
[Image: rbciv200148ku3.jpg]

1625AD - Domination.
[Image: rbciv200166ds7.jpg]

A peak inside the holy cities.
[Image: rbciv200149mm9.jpg]

The monk economy never had time to materialize.
Only 3 shrines got built yielding 8, 19, and 25 base gold. 2 more prophets were close though...
The Spiral Minaret was also only around for a handful of turns yielding its ~30 base gpt distributed around to cities without multipliers. Somewhat annoying that.

I kept a slight research lead the whole game despite a 30-40% typical slider setting. 3 coastal, and 3 flood plain cottage heaven holy cities with the allowed Grocer/Market/Bank multipliers kept the economy humming. As for the lack of courthouses... whip baby. Keeping the conquered cities <6-8 with the whip sure keeps the maintenance costs down.
Distributing the holy cities to allow the variant 'forbidden' buildings has somewhat nullified the variant! To remedy this, I decided to play a second (shadow) game...

{end game graphs are found at the end of the shadow game for comparison}

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  Concerning VOLUNTEERS
Posted by: KingOfPain - July 9th, 2007, 20:48 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (7)

I am splitting up all the current alliance issues to simplify things. Hopefully we can make some progress before long and move on to some alliance fun.

- Lets also aim to have all the issues workable by the end of the weeks. Secondary concerns can be addressed afterwards.

- Lets split up the responsibilities. Please volunteer to moderate the “Concerning…” threads.

Moderate as in gathering all the inputs and write up a final version.

Please reply which topic you want volunteer for.

Please don't make things more complicated than needed be!


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  Concerning VENT SERVER
Posted by: KingOfPain - July 9th, 2007, 20:47 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (3)

Since GW players are the ones using it mostly at this point we will have to take the initiative to set the structure and come up with some guidelines.

BTW, if you missed it, allied guilds are welcomed to use it as their Vent server. I volunteer Foxbat to set you guys up.

Here’s the server info.
Port: 4698

For now, talk to any RB officer for the pw


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  Concerning ALLIANCE NAME
Posted by: KingOfPain - July 9th, 2007, 20:45 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (23)

[font=&quot]Lets get a move on this already ;p



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