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Adventure 19 TheArchduke - Treehugging Mao |
Posted by: TheArchduke - May 21st, 2007, 02:56 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (9)
A free tech, like many others I spent quite a bit of time contemplating which tech to choose. And after careful consideration I came up with 4 possible ideas.
.) Rifling (Although hammerwise, axeman are more effective, those guys would never get out of date in a quick conquest game.)
.)Astronomy (Conquer that 2nd continent soon)
.) Communism (City Sprawl)
But in the end I decided on Medicine for Enviromentalism. Not only do you get free health but +1 happiness for every forest in the city radius, even if the borders haven´t popped! And who can actually say that they used Enviromentalism in one of their games? So Medicine it was. 
The early years
4000 B.C. In a move I hope I didn´t regret, I settled my settler north to get those cows into my BFC. Enviromentalism was adopted asap, to make use of that wasted turn. Onwards you peaceloving, treehugging Chinese.
3980 B.C. Worker, Hunting->AH and warrior starts exploring.
3600 B.C. Turning South I encounter Huyana.
3300 B.C. Worker finished, starting scout. Worker snatches a hut before building a pasture, to get my cities bigger.
2760 B.C. Huyana snatches Buddhism, Victoria is encountered, and I decide to settle my first settler on a possible copper nearby.
2360 B.C. My scout perishes in the west to an archer, but my settler is done and on the move.
2320 B.C. Copper near the capital, a nice gesture, my settler goes south to get a cows city on the river, to thwart Huyana.
2120 B.C. Buddhism spreads to Shanghai. Most excellent, no obelisk will be needed. Barracks enroute in Peking, to build Axeman.
2000 B.C. Hindu Tokuwaga shows up, hating me already. A 2nd worker goes in between, to hook up the copper more quickly.
1640 B.C. My third settler will establish a economy city in the floodplains to the west. Whilst I start granaries/barracks/axeman in my core.
1440 B.C. Axeman or stonehenge? Axeman. I decide to show my unfriendly side and conquer the Incas.
875 B.C. Belated with 6 axeman, I go to Cuzco, as Buddhism is massive.
At that point Enviromentalism really began to shine. Whilst normally my cities would have been capped at size 7-8 at this stage, my cities were on a non-stop growth curve upwards, making any whipping unnecessary, as Shanghai soon became a turn 2 axeman city which lateron built the Heroic Epic.
When you think everything goes right, a suprise comes along
625 B.C. The second city is conquered.
575 B.C. My 4th settler is finished who should have settled near the marble. But the japanese were quicker, and as they are hindu, plans are taking them on next.
Saladin adds the oracle to his stonehenge, pops a GP, builds the Kong Miao and has Confucianism. I fear he will become quite the hassle.
450 B.C. Monarchy is started to combine my enviromentalism with hereditary rule for huge cities.
400 B.C. My belated attempt at the pyramids is thwarted. Manchu Pichu is razed as it is one tile away from the coast. The Incas are gone.
350 B.C. The lack of wonders gets me started on specialists, one GP to start.
The intial aztecian suprise assault comes close to taking cities and seriously throws back my cities as I am forced to whip axeman that late in the game.
300 B.C. If not for my inca-war axes, the aztecian attack would have killed me. But I whip 1-2 spearmans. My southern axe gets lucky against 2 chariots. beijing begins axeman building in 2 turn intervals.
75 B.C. I take my first aztecian city, but at a cost, several cities have been whipped for axes, and my only GP points are from a lone priest. Not one wonder has been built by me so far.
The huge buddhism bloc I invisioned has broken apart. Saladin as Confu, Victoria as Christian and the Americans having one city and the Aztecs fighting me as my only "friends".
25 A.D. Alphabet comes in. Despite marble being in japanese hands, I decide on Literature for the GL. Monotheism, Mathematics and Sailing secured against Monarchy in tech trades.
125 A.D. GL started, finished in 22 turns in Beijing. As my only unwhipped city, she is huge. Tlateloco and Monty´s source of horses is taken? Do I get peace? No.
200 A.D. I am slaughtering Monty by now, nearing his capital, but does the mad hatter accept peace, no? I am on -28 gold per month on 80%, but CoL comes soon.
225 A.D. Despite a wounded army I decide to take on Technolitian as only 3 archers are left of the jaguarman/chariot madness. If this was warlords I would have been dead by now thanks to zounds of Chariots.
I take Tech, with 6 axes lost against 3 archers... But Monty is finally ready for peace. I decline his offer of a jungle city, but he gives up Construction.
I start on 5 workers in my cities and my new Great Prophet heads to Cuzco.
To be continued..
Adventure Nineteen- scooters game (Biology) |
Posted by: scooter - May 21st, 2007, 01:14 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (1)
This one is incomplete unfortunately, and I won't have time to finish before the deadline hits, but since it's been so fun so far I figured I'd give a brief synopsis anyways and explain some reasoning. When I read the scenario overview the very first tech that popped into my mind was Biology, so it was kinda hard to change my mind (Democracy was screaming at me too but I was stubborn)... My reasoning was, Biology is powerful enough, but excess food to run even more specialists (once you hit caste system preferably) for a Philosophical can be just plain scary if used right. I founded Beijing 1E of the starting location, figuring that since I had corn and Biology, I'd easily be able to support all of the hill tiles at one point or another, add that to beaurocracy, ironworks, and maybe heroic epic and you have a sick military pump. Maybe I'll post a shadow game in the near future if I manage the time to finish the game, I just ended up being a bit busy finishing up the school year. Thanks to Darrell for the fantastic scenario idea, and to Sullla for investing the time spent making and emailing out all the saves, the effort was appreciated. 
Edit: one more thing, I literally laughed out loud when I saw the starting location for Washington... Darrell was that intentional or did it just roll that way?
Adventure Nineteen - Kodii's Game (Communism) |
Posted by: Kodii - May 20th, 2007, 23:42 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (3)
Woohoo, same tech as Sullla! 
I haven't read his report yet, but I am definitely looking forward to it.
My game is currently incomplete, and I will not be able to finish this Victoria long weekend, so I might as well report now.
I chose Communism to play with State Property and "No Distance Maintenance"
I expanded extremely rapidly and set up a cottage economy (all those floodplains ) which quickly brought me into the clear lead. I also had an early war with Monty which allowed me to expand even further.
Before long, I had a commanding tech lead. I lightbulbed Astronomy in the early AD years, which allowed me to discover and settle the empty continent, as well as the unoccupied sections of the archipelago to the south.
With such a commanding lead, I began to get bored and was unable to complete the game.
Choosing Communism was definitely an interesting choice, as it allowed for relatively painless expansion (Civ3 flashbacks!). I also set up the Kremlin and Scotland Yard rather early.
I will dig up an "incomplete" date for record purposes. I do not have any screenshots, but for an idea of how much I expanded at the start, take a look at Sullla's report.
Thanks to darrelljs for the awesome game idea!
Barbarian Tribe |
Posted by: FoxBat - May 20th, 2007, 18:40 - Forum: Variants
- Replies (5)
BAR tribe many. BAR tribe strong. Conquer many lands, kill many Big Uglies, pillage many loot. So BAR have many enemy, enemy threaten land. BAR not worried, BAR become Guardian of land, Vanquish all foes, Kill ALL BIG UGLIES! Also, kill small uglies, get many loot! BARs strong, have strong weapuns, strong armor. No use majik upgrades or insignia juju, no read runes or inscriptions. BAR like tough, clean, rugged gear more dan sissy frillies. BARs shud look strong, SCARE coward before CRUSHING dem!
Some BAR gud at some, some BAR gud at other. Young bars fierce Savages. One experienced BAR in raid party become Chieftan. Some BAR get old, become Elder, but still strong. All use gud powers, NONE use BAD JUJU!
Savage: have gud training. Five kind of training, but all BAR. Savage use one, two of trainings.
Warrior: Is gud BAR. SMASH big uglies gud! Big and strong BAR, but not smart with Tactics. Tactics better for Cheif.
Ranger: vicious fighters. Use strong bow, big hammer, fierce animalz. No needs cowardly traps, and rituals fur Droods only. NO many-arrow Juju (Barrage) or slowed arrow juju (Broadhead Arrow), dey for majik sissies.
Paragon: bring sharp, pointy spears. Imaple emenies, make tasty Kebab. Proud savage, but not cheiftan. No Command or Motivate cause dat Cheifs job.
Assassin: like knives. Some throw knives, some stab knives, all hurt! No use hex or enchant juju, no need cowardly shadow step, stay and fight, Slice n dice lots!
Dervish: holy fighter. First dey prey to Gods on wind, then CRUSH enemy! Not need (other) magic juju.
Cheiftan: special man. He strong leeder, tell BARs what do, win great victory! Cheif trained like Savage, but also use good Tactics, Command and Motivate BARs. Cheif use at least one skill which affect BARs, else he not good leeder. Only one chief in war party, BARs not know what do if too many cheifs!
Elder: Some BAR get old too! Most BAR die young, but some BAR grow wize Elder. Elder Bar need walking stick, so drop weapun, but still help BAR be strong. take much time on one new training (primary), but still remember some of old training (secondary).
Shaman: good holy BAR. BAR get hurt, shaman heal, make BAR strong again. Some munk use prut and heel enchant juju, but that for weak sissy, BARs not sissy. So shaman make BARs strunger with smite power, SMASH DEAD JUJU!!!
Druid: like BAR land. Druid use nature ritual, nature traps, nature hex. Also use nature spells that not hurt other. No cause mess like Elementals who burn and churn land with damage spells and enchant juju.
Witch Doctor: strange one. Like to drink blud and slit wrists, somtimes curse when slit wrists. But Witch Doctor blud strong, so BAR drink, then SMASH foe. Necro use VERY BAD Death juju, use bad Hex juju too. Good thing Witch Doctor EAT bad Necro!
Lorekeeper: know old tales. Remind Bars of hero like four BARs that conquer helliest Hell. Use sacred jugs and weapuns, inspire hurt bars with brave legunds. Know story where evul Ritz who bind juju spirits and hurt others lose soul to Big Uglies!
Judge: very honorable. Watch tribe for bad juju use, stop and punish dem. Some mezmurs use tricky hexes, but Judge only use hex that hurt juju spells and enchants. Judge purge juju from BAR lands!
BARs also have friend! Hero BARs help out tribe, but sometime hire non-BARs. Hires be Warrior, Ranger, Blood n Cultist, or Healers. Sologon lead when cheif sick. No trust other hires, use juju or stab BAR in back when sleep.
BAR tribe many. BAR tribe strong. CRUSH enemy, CONQUER land, RULE ALL!!!
Intended for Hard Mode, but playble anywhere. Can be done "open team" with any character that follows the rules during a team session. Heroes can be used if they follow the rules. Warrior, ranger, paragon, blood/cultist, and healer henchmen (not khim post-istan) may also be used. Sologon counts as a cheiftan.
No runes, inscriptions, insignias, or upgrades (or equivalents) on items.
Three roles, with skill restrictions.
Savage: Primary and Secondary must come from below list. (Or don't use your secondary)
Warrior: No Tactics skills
Ranger: No Traps, Rituals, Barrage, or Broadhead Arrow
Paragon: No Command or Motivation skills
Assassin: No Hexes, Enchantments, or Shadow Steps
Dervish: Wind Prayers are the only allowed spells.
Cheiftan: As savage, but may use Tactics, Command, and Motivation. Only one per party. MUST use at least one skill that affects allies.
Elder: Must wield staves and no other weapon. Primary comes from the list below, Secondary from the Savage list (same restrictions unless noted)
Monk: Any enchantment used must be Smiting.
Elementalist: May use hexes and any skill that doesn't deal damage. No enchantments. May also use nature rituals and traps from ranger secondary.
Necro: No Death Magic, no Hexes.
Ritualist: No binding rituals, no skills which target non-summoned foes.
Mesmer: Hexes must specifically inhibit or punish spellcasting or enchanments. (trigger on spell cast, increase casting time, etc.)
Version 2 of this variant now...
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