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Member Time Zones |
Posted by: Lurker Wyrm - April 30th, 2007, 13:30 - Forum: Guild Wars
- Replies (10)
Considering how many different time zones people are in across the guild, I'm a bit surprised no one has done this yet. Anyways, I'm going to attempt to list all of the different time zones that people are in so we know who's where, which could/should make finding someone to play with semi-easier. Maybe.
Eventually this will be alphabetical (I could have another list grouped by time zone). If there's a question mark in parenthesis after the time zone that's because I'm not 100% sure about it and haven't had the chance to ask the person yet.
Wyrm: Eastern US & Canada - GMT -5
Fox: Eastern US & Canada - GMT -5
Hawk: Eastern US & Canada - GMT -5
Zed-F: Eastern US & Canada - GMT -5
Sir Salamandastron: Eastern US & Canada - GMT -5
Roland: Eastern US & Canada - GMT -5
cb-13: Eastern US & Canada - GMT -5
Jude: Central US & Canada - GMT -6
Kafziel: Western Canada - GMT -6
Vort: Mountain US & Canada - GMT -7*
Skeet: Mountain US & Canada - GMT -8*
Reprobate Rogue/Occhi: Mountain US & Canada - GMT -7 (?)
Soul Flayer: Pacific US & Canada - GMT -8
Seijin: Pacific US & Canada - GMT -8
KoP: Pacific US & Canada - GMT -8
Icicle: Pacific US & Canada - GMT -8
Sylva: Pacific US & Canada - GMT -8
Xyn: Pacific US & Canada - GMT -8 (?)
Green Gloom: GMT (?)
Havral: GMT (?)
Hureg: UK - GMT
Moo: Central European - GMT +1
Arctic: Central European - GMT +1
Mucco: Central European - GMT +1
Mithras Dravidion: Central European (?) - GMT +1 (?)
Grimm: South Africa - GMT +2
Fight Chunk: South Africa - GMT +2
WarBlade: New Zealand - GMT +12
*Arizona uses Mountain Time but does not follow Daylight Savings adjustments.
Skull Ugoth
Drasca (he was US East, but I'm not sure where he is anymore)
Hidden Viper
Stefan Mathias
Kangi Winyan
Maal Feanc
Tylen Eon
Zikani Shakan
I'm not listing non-officers that have been inactive for over a month due to space issues, and because I don't have a clue who most of them are. If they ever come back I'll add them.
Edited with changes/updates
Elementalist hero builds |
Posted by: Lurker Wyrm - April 30th, 2007, 12:27 - Forum: Builds and Templates
- Replies (4)
Anyone got any that work? In the past I've been trying out either ye olde standard SF build or GvG builds but one is getting boring and the others are a bit too advanced (aka require target selection) and so don't really work well.
So what do you guys run? I'm thinking of trying out Invoke, that seems pretty neat. If they would maintain double attunements that could even be worth considering.
Here's (basically) what I have so far:
Searing Flames, Liquid Flame, Glowing Gaze, Immolate, Meteor Shower (disabled and manually cast, of course), Glyph of Lesser Energy, Fire Attunement, Res Sig
Savannah Heat, Searing Heat, Teinai's Heat, Breath of Fire, Fire Storm, Glyph of Elemental Power, Fire Attunement, Res Sig
Shatterstone, Deep Freeze, Ice Spikes, Freezing Gust, Blurred Vision, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Water Attunement, Res Sig
I've tried experimenting with Sandstorm/wards and Blinding Surge builds, but neither seems to work very well at all. None of the heroes/hench will stay inside wards and they target casters with BSurge.
Anyone know about/running Vista 64-bit? |
Posted by: Lurker Wyrm - April 30th, 2007, 11:59 - Forum: Guild Wars
- Replies (3)
Right now I'm running 32-bit Vista (yeah yeah yeah) and would like to make the switch up to 64. My question is, though, will Guild Wars run on it? So far the only mention I've heard about that is from 1 person on a forum who said GW wouldn't run on their 64-bit, but I'd like to know whether that was an isolated incident (aka driver issues) or not. Running Guild Wars is one of the primary funtions of my computer and if there are issues with that, well, I don't see much point in upgrading. As per usual, the official site was pretty much useless.
One thing I will say about Vista, there may still be some (ok, quite a few) driver issues and the whole lack of Direct Sound thing is kind of a bummer, but there are a few areas where it's leaps and bounds above XP. Superfetch is great and the new Task Manager is an infinite improvement over the old one. Also, you can edit what runs at startup without having to go into the registry and you don't need TweakUI to disable autoplay. Nothing really major, but it's a few nice changes that give me less of a headache when trying to make changes or see what's going on. Just turn off User Account Control (UAC) when you're installing or doing administrator stuff (changing command line options for programs counts) or you'll wind up with a massive headache.
GvG Build: Hex and Degen pressure |
Posted by: Lurker Wyrm - April 29th, 2007, 16:54 - Forum: PvP
- Replies (11)
This is the build we've been running the past few days and I thought I would write it up for those interested. It was mostly an ad-hoc build Demonclaws came up with when we went from the RB hall running a specific build to the AB hall being more casual and some people bringing what we had at RB over to AB. If I got some of the attributes and skills wrong, please let me know and I'll make the corrections.
Expertise: 13; Marksmanship: 12; Wilderness Survival: 11; Protection Prayers: 1 (whatever's left)
Burning Arrow, Savage Shot, Distracting Shot, Apply Poison, Natural Stride, Mending Touch, Purge Signet, Res Sig
Hammer: 16; Strength: 13; Restoration: 3
Backbreaker, Crushing Blow, Irresistible Blow, Bull's Strike, Flail, Rush, Enraging Charge, Flesh of My Flesh
Swords: 16; Strength: 9; Air: 10
Crippling Slash, Gash, Sun and Moon Slash, Shock, Conjure Lightning, Rush, Frenzy, Res Sig
Illusion: 14; Inspiration: 10; FC: 10; Heal: whatever's left
Migraine, Conjure Phantasm, Images of Remorse, Spirit of Failure, Power Drain, Signet of Humility, Mantra of Persistence, Res Chant
Soul Reaping: 14; Curses: 13
Reaper's Mark, Faintheartedness, Parasitic Bond, Reckless Haste, Price of Failure, Signet of Lost Souls, Glyph of Lesser Energy (not sure about that one), Res Sig
Prot: 14; DF: 11; Heal: 7; Shadow: whatever's left
Restore Condition, Reversal of Fortune, Gift of Health, Spirit Bond, Mending Touch, Signet of Devotion, Deny Hexes, Return
Heal: 14; DF: 11; Prot: 7; Shadow: whatever's left
Light of Deliverence, Infuse Health, Signet of Rejuvination, Dwayna's Kiss, Reversal of Fortune, Dismiss Condition, Holy Veil, Return
Water: 14; E Storage: 10; Restoration: 9
Blurred Vision, Icy Shackles, Freezing Gust, Deep Freeze, Armor of Mist, Weapon of Warding, Wielder's Boon, Glyph of Lesser Energy
Edit: updated build
GvG Report: 4/27/07 |
Posted by: Lurker Wyrm - April 28th, 2007, 20:18 - Forum: PvP
- No Replies
We had an abundance of people last night, so people were rotated in and out. We used the melee pressure build that was posted earlier that day with a change to the flagger, making it an ele/rit instead of the monk.
SF - rc monk
Fox - flagger, conjure war
Moo - cripshot
Hawk - paragon
Wyrm - backbreaker, rc monk
Roland - backbreaker
Demonclaws - bha ranger (guest)
Derezer - flagger (guest)
Kousei Doragon - conjure war (guest)
Rad Monkee - lod infuser (guest)
Match 1: Order Of The Fallen Soldiers - win
This guild had a rather low rating and they weren't very good. We started at teleporter and wiped the people they sent that way, then the split team went in the back door and started ganking while the flagstand team went to the front and took out the npcs. Flagstand team then joined the split team through the back door and we wiped their GL in under 6 min.
Match 2: Eyes of God - loss
This team was rated about even with us but we lost because Soul Flayer, one of the monks, was unable to join the game. We decided to fight it out anyways and had an early match gank where we took out a knight and their bodyguard, then had to go turtle with our lord. Even though we were down a monk we still managed to put up a good fight.
Match 3: You Is - loss
This team was ranked somewhere between 400 and 500, they had a lot of hex pressure keeping the warriors shut down so we had to play defensively and ultimately lost around 16 min or so.
Match 4: The Holy Undead Kingdom - win
This was this guild's first GvG (they were unrated beforehand) and we had a pretty shaky start, with a few deaths early on. Once we settled into the match and found who needed to be shut down we were able to take control and take them down.
Match 5: Savage Grave Diggers - win
This match was one of the longer ones, we went until about 26 minutes; however, we had the NPC advantage and won rather easily once VoD came around. They turtled for most of the match. The one change I would have made to this match was that we were playing a little too defensively. Once we had all of their NPCs except the bodyguard and GL down (around 16 minutes) we should have made a full press to wipe them out. We played somewhat more defensively though and so we waited. They tried to gank our GL a couple times but both were unsuccessful.
Edit: forgot to mention this before, but after we finished the matches out of our hall we took about a half hour break and then did some matches out of AB4.
Build: Melee Pressure |
Posted by: Lurker Wyrm - April 27th, 2007, 18:50 - Forum: PvP
- No Replies
Demonclaws posted this over on the AB forums. I think it's worth a try, it's a simple enough build. I would guess that the split would be the Cripslash and the Broadhead with the ZB monk, which means the others at the stand need to take turns running. There are a couple changes I would make that I'll just put in parenthesis.
#1 W/X Backbreaker (-> W/Rt)
Hammer Mastery 12+1+3
Strength 12+1
Backbreaker {E}
Crushing Blow
Protector's Strike (Irresistible Blow)
Bull's Strike
Enraging Charge
Resurrection Signet (Flesh of My Flesh)
#2 W/E CripSlash Conjurer
Sword Mastery 12+1+3
Strength 9+1 (-> 8)
Water Magic 9 (-> Air at 10)
Crippling Slash {E}
Sun and Moon Slash
Bull's Strike (Shock)
Conjure Frost (Conjure Lightning)
Resurrection Signet
#3 R/Mo Broadhead Shooter
Expertise 11+1+1 (-> 10, 9 +1)
Marksmanship 10+2 (-> 16, 12 +3 +1)
Wilderness Survival 10+1 (-> 10, 9 +1)
Protection Prayers 1 (whatever's left)
Broadhead Arrow {E}
Distracting Shot
Savage Shot
Apply Poison
Mending Touch
Natural Stride
Purge Signet
Resurrection Signet
#4 R/Mo Crippling Shooter
Expertise 11+1+1 (16, 12 +3 +1)
Marksmanship 10+1 (10, 9 +1)
Wilderness Survival 10+1 (10, 9 +1)
Protection Prayers 1 (whatever's left)
Crippling Shot {E}
Distracting Shot
Savage Shot
Apply Poison
Mending Touch
Natural Stride
Purge Signet
Resurrection Signet
#5 P/Me Paragon Con Conditions
Spear Mastery 12+1+2
Leadership 9+1
Command 9+1
Cruel Spear {E}
Spear of Lightning
Harrier's Toss
"Go for the Eyes!"
Anthem of Flame
Mirror of Disenchantment
Aggressive Refrain
Resurrection Signet (Signet of Return)
#6 Mo/E RC Prot
Protection Prayers 12+1+1
Divine Favor 9+1
Healing Prayers 9+1
Restore Condition {E}
Reversal of Fortune
Gift of Health
Spirit Bond
Mending Touch
Glyph of Lesser Energy
(Hex Removal for the 8th slot, Smite Hex or Holy Veil)
#7 Mo/E LoD Infuser
Healing Prayers 12+1+1
Divine Favor 9+1
Protection Prayers 9+1 (don't need the +1 rune, the Aegis bp is at 9)
Light of Deliverance {E}
Infuse Health
Reversal of Fortune
Signet of Rejuvenation
Draw Conditions
Holy Veil
Glyph of Lesser Energy
#8 Mo/E Zb Flagger
Protection Prayers 12+1+1
Divine Favor 10+1
Air Magic 8
Zealous Benediction
Reversal of Fortune
Mending Touch
Holy Veil
Storm Djinn's Haste
Optional / Up For Suggestion (Guardian)
Adventure 18 - Results |
Posted by: Sullla - April 27th, 2007, 16:10 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (2)
The results for Adventure 18 are listed at the following location:
Everyone who managed to finish the game was a victor, and also managed to achieve Tycoon status. (Ruff_Hi did not indicate how much gold he had at the time of victory, but I'm going to assume it was over 10,000.) Since this was an unscored event, I'm just going to allow sunrise's slight gaffe on the civics swap and TheArchduke's late entry to go into the main category with everyone else, rather than creating a separate shadow group. That won't be the case with competitive scored events, so remember to follow the rules closely.
These results are still intended to be a placeholder until a proper page can be uploaded to the main RB server (for this game and Adventure 17). However, Gris appears to be out of town this week, so it will have to wait a bit longer. I won't forget about it though, I assure you!
Congratulations to all participants, and especially to our new faces!
Better AI balanced? |
Posted by: Chacal - April 27th, 2007, 05:36 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (6)
I've heard it said here (by Sulla, I think) that Blake's Better AI mod is a great idea in principle, but ultimately leaves the game unbalanced. I've just seen someone on CivFanatics referring to a Better Handicaps mod which is intended to be used with Better AI and scales back the AI bonuses. Has anyone used this? If so, does it address the balance problems associated with using Better AI?
Adv 18 Moneymaking Duke |
Posted by: TheArchduke - April 26th, 2007, 11:55 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (1)
This is my first Report on RB, so bear with me, also notice that thanks for a new CPU/savegame screwup I couldn´t finish the game completly, not that the outcome was in doubt though.
The game was a blast to say the least.
It was easy on noble, as I tend to play on Monarch but the simple idea of accumulating vast amounts of money really enhanced my game. That and listening to:
I've got ninety thousand pounds in my pajamas,
I've got forty thousand French francs in my fridge,
I've got lots of lovely lira, Now the Deutschmark's getting dearer,
And my dollar bills would buy the Brooklyn Bridge.
There is nothing quite as wonderful as money,
There is nothing quite as beautiful as cash..
Well, you get the idea.
I settle in place. I plan to let my sole city research Currency as to not risk any deficit/defence/barb problems before I can cope with them as having no archery/horses/metals could become a problem..
Early on I got lucky by popping Mysticism and Hunting. As I couldn´t build anything else I build early cottages and 2 mines with my first worker.
In 1720 B.C. Currency comes in, and I hasten to get to Bronze Working. In my game Washington founded Buddhism and Huyana Hinduism, which didn´t make for a peaceful continent. About that time I renamed Timbuktu to Moneybag and renamed several other cities.
Bah, Bronze is found outside of Goldriver, where else..
Marvy Marble is founded in the west. Timbuktu is renamed to Musas Moneybag and Gold River to More, More Gold I think I will go with the flow.
Tech rate is boggling soon, 2 turns for priesthood?? Thanks to cottages and goldmines, so true. And having mathematics/currency, this calls for CS slingshot.. Code of Laws: 7 TURNS. And it works.
Research money runs out in 575 B.C. so I decide to run only profit from now on. And with 90% this is +7 gold, phew Civil Service is sick in a Flood Plain Capital. I also decide to rush a southern city to the spices and the sugar now
Musas Mansion is founded in the south before AD, cutting of Huyana from the north. Lateron I found Taoism there. Meanwhile I build the GL, TGL, Coloss, Oracle, Stonehenge and pretty much every wonder I can get my greedy hands on. And closely missing the Parthenon. I also found Christianity and Islam.
In 375 A.D. Expansion phase is over, I begin to race for Liberalism by researching Paper.
I adopt Free Speech ASAP as I gain Nationalism, as well as Free Religion and take Nationalism as free tech. Free Religion/Free Speech and Caste System adopted, I haven´t whipped once in this game, cottages need to be WORKED.
1030 AD Taking shot of GNP GRAPH.
The next years involve 2 GM sent off for gold and several techs researched at an insane rate.
In 1575 War is declared on Huyana. Cory... Merry Merchant is taken first with other cities following soon after. In 1700 A.D. All cities of the incas are taken, so peace is declared, and to celebrate the SoL is completed.
And in 1710 A.D. 10000 gold pieces secured for the greater glory of Mali..
1725 War is declared on America and soon later my game crashes.
A very nice adventure, that I would have loved to play till the end. I shortened the report, as I doubt that anyone would have enjoyed the multitude of screenies and notes I have taken during the game.