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  Adv 17 report (haha)
Posted by: uberfish - April 16th, 2007, 07:35 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (7)

I decided to play without Slavery. This turned out to be a bad move because I couldn't whip an emergency defender when I needed it.

I founded and adopted Hinduism and let HC declare on me. With all my forces on the Incan front I then got viciously backstabbed by... no, not Monty. I thought relations with Hatty were good because she had kept requesting open borders and resource trades and she is generally well behaved. So I didn't garrison her front. Anyway after losing one of my 3 cities and my copper in two turns (ouch War Chariots are nasty on the enemy side), I couldn't see a way out of this mess and resigned. Well played Hatty, I completely didn't expect that move and it wouldn't have been effective coming from someone like Monty.

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  Adv17 - Ruff's Report
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - April 16th, 2007, 05:57 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (5)

I think I can self-nominate for the earliest game completion with this one.

Report is here.

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  Adventure 17: Michelangelo's First try at RB-> Major defeat
Posted by: Michelangelo - April 16th, 2007, 02:44 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (3)

After reading a lot of the excellent reports on the events on RB, I've decided to give it a go myself.

Though this game was a bit of a leap in difficulty (I've been playing on Prince, but winning consistently) I was set for a challenge. As the title contains a small hint of the outcome wink I can tell you it was too great a challenge for me. After losing (the first time cry ) I've tried a second time, and still lost, but survived about a 1000 years longer.

Anyways, I still liked the event, drawing up a plan, trying to execute it. I'm curious to see other reports and what they did differently. It's probably even more interesting reading up on them, while having given it a shot myself. I'm not putting up a major report as I lost in 500 AD but will sum up my "game-plan"

So here we go:
- I've decided to go for maximum points, so no war declaration of my own, no forbidden civics.
- At some point I had to have a war to rescue more animals, so I had to get bad relations with some other civs. It couldn't be done the non-war way, bc you cannot pillage roads in your own territory, so cultural acquisition was off.
- To get bad relations I wanted to have control over who gets what religion, so I could pick the one I didn't have the same religion with and try to get them agry with me. 8) (If it wasn't difficult enough to survive at all.....)
- So I went for buddism and hinduism first. Got buddism, but failed on hinduism. Seeing this would bring me that far, I gave up on this quest for now.
- Meeting the neighbours I knew I wouldn't have a problem getting a war at some point. Seeing mad-Monty brings back some nice memories of winning wars against him, but I forgot this is one step higher on the difficulty ladder.
- I've build up a bit, scouted most of the continent in the BC-years, so I knew where the animals were that needed to be rescued, founded my 2nd city south of Delhi near the sheep and a third one west of Delhi, near the mountains, when Monty declared war. My military was quite thin at that time, to thin for what Monty brought along. I lost Delhi somewhere around 500 AD and I decided this was a lost cause, being last in score and all....

I hope other's had more luck (or actually more skill) in this game, and I'm looking forward to reading up on them.

See you on some other event. thumbsup

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  Alliance GvG Tournament
Posted by: FoxBat - April 15th, 2007, 23:24 - Forum: PvP - Replies (5)

Next weekend starting Friday Zos is setting up a GvG scrimmage tournament. They should get started around 9:30 or 10 EST. I would suggest everyone try to make it to our 8:30 match and we work on getting set up. If we are ready early, we can play a few ladder matches until our allys are ready.

We can either run the Conjure Cripple build to play at our best, or the Paras if we want to be silly, I suppose that should be up to wyrm since he (should) be leading that night.

Anyway what I would like is a posting of who knows they will be avaliable around 9:30 this coming friday. We can't afford to wait around an extra hour while scrounging up guests if that is needed, so it's best to know who will be around before hand. (And hopefully we can pull ally guests for this one as it's an alliance event...) In the likely event that we win tongue, we may go onto elimination rounds probably saturday and sunday although this is flexible. So please post saturday/sunday times that are good for you as well. (Pretty much all times should work for me next weekend, sad I know...)

More importantly, we need a slick team name for signing up on the ZoS forums. Taking suggestions!

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  Restoration Ritualist Build
Posted by: Icicle The Magician - April 15th, 2007, 23:10 - Forum: Builds and Templates - Replies (1)

[Restoration Ritualist Build;OACiEyk8M5kmEvq34kgJOvYA]

In English for those who can't read GW Template Code:

Spawning Power 12, Restoration Magic 12

Spirit Light
Mend Body and Soul
Vengeful Weapon
Generous Was Tsungrai
Flesh of My Flesh

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  Adventure Seventeen - PETA Crusaders - Closing Day
Posted by: Sullla - April 15th, 2007, 23:00 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - No Replies

Adventure Seventeen is now open for reporting. Please post your reports in the Tournament Discussion subforum. smile

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  Build: Conjuring Cripples
Posted by: Lurker Wyrm - April 14th, 2007, 08:51 - Forum: PvP - Replies (4)

Nifty name, eh? Anyways, this is an AB build we ran for this week's GvG and it worked really well, so we might as well stea...borrow it from them for a bit longer. I'll upload templates once I get them all done.

-- Split Team --
W/E Crip-Slashing Conjurer
Swords: 16 (12 +3 +1); Str: 9 (8 +1); Fire: 10
Crippling Slash, Gash, Sun and Moon Slash, Bull's Strike, Rush, Frenzy, Conjure Flame, Res Sig
*Must use a Sword with a Fiery Hilt on it
Equipment: Pk5hnOhgkkaikpWDsGh5IRxOj5IJLnipI/SfgpIHrvhpI9E
Skill Bar: OQYTo0IS55noVOsAmpGTxWIAAA

E/Mo Mind Blaster
Fire: 15 (12 +2 +1); E Storage: 10 (9 +1); Prot: 9
Mind Blast, Liquid Flame, Meteor, Mark of Rodgort, Aegis, Reverse Hex, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Res Sig
Equipment: PkphmOZTkeq4gpI90AjpIBLVirIzRRgpIBrhhpI9AA
Alt: Pk5hmObTkiaIqpW/r4gpI90AjpIDLVirIzRRgpIDrhhpI9A
*The alt setup is just a different weapon and 2 vitaes instead of 2 attunements.
Skill Bar: OgNDoMnfO+5m2uwXEQgaIDBA

Mo/A ZB Prot
Prot: 14 (12 +1 +1); DF: 11 (10 +1); Heal: 7; Shadow Arts: 4
Zealous Benediction, Gift of Health, Reversal of Fortune, Shielding Hands, Spirit Bond, Dismiss Condition, Holy Veil, Dark Escape
Skill Bar: OwcU0uHD1PNX6ZSYclsp1i1kGIA

-- Flag Stand Team --
W/E Crip-Slashing Conjurer
Swords: 16 (12 +3 +1); Str: 9 (8 +1); Fire: 10
Crippling Slash, Gash, Sun and Moon Slash, Bull's Strike, Rush, Frenzy, Conjure Flame, Res Sig
*Must use a Sword with a Fiery Hilt on it
Equipment: Pk5hnOhgkkaikpWDsGh5IRxOj5IJLnipI/SfgpIHrvhpI9E
Skill Bar: OQYTo0IS55noVOsAmpGTxWIAAA

E/Mo Icy Shackles Snarer
Water: 15 (12 +2 +1); E Storage: 13 (12 +1); Heal: 3
Icy Shackles, Freezing Gust, Ice Spikes, Rust/Armor of Mist, Blurred Vision, Water Attunement, Glyph of Sacrifice, Res Chant
Equipment: Pk5xTPbTkiaIqpW/r4gpI9wAjpIDLXirI5RRgpIDrhhpI9E
Skill Bar: OgNDsMz9MrOz60Yd4OgGKD0I
*The skill template has Armor of Mist and not Rust.

Me/E Mantra Diverter
Dom: 14 (12 +1 +1); FC: 12 (11 +1); Air: 6
Mantra of Recovery, Diversion, Shame, Mirror of Disenchantment, Energy Burn, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Gale, Res Sig

Mo/E RC Prot
Prot: 14 (12 +1 +1); DF: 12 (11 +1); Heal: 7 (6 +1)
Restore Condition, Reversal of Fortune, Gift of Health, Mending Touch, Deny Hexes, Signet of Devotion, Aegis, Glyph of Lesser Energy
Equipment: Pk5BnOZTkiaIqpW/rAhpINxIjpIDLdipILRZgpIDrphpI9E
Skill Bar: OwYT0sHD3hiUSmJ51w43LggMAA

Mo/E LoD Infuse
Heal: 14 (12 +1 +1); DF: 10 (9 +1); Prot: 10 (9 +1)
Light of Deliverane, Infuse Health, Dwayna's Kiss, Healing Touch, Holy Veil, Protective Spirit, Aegis, Glyph of Lesser Energy
Equipment: Pk5BnObTkiaIqpW/rAhpINxIjpIDLbipIHRZgpIDrphpI9E
Skill Bar: OwYT04HC1puuRyJkkNd9IggMAA

Edit: condensed it to our normal format. Moo had the ele template already so I added his. I might fine tune it a bit, though I might just leave it as is.
Edit 2: added warrior templates. I might change the runes and attributes on the monks a bit, not sure the gank monk needs that much in healing - would rather have it in df. Also, Deny Hex or Smite Hex are better options for hex removal, unless you want to maintain Veil.
Edit 3: added the templates.

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  Anyone want a Mythos invite?
Posted by: Thecla - April 13th, 2007, 23:41 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

Mythos is a Diablo1-esque/Fate-ish type game, currently under development by Flagship Studios/Seattle (an unexpected satellite of Flagship Studios/San Francisco, which was started by the main originators of D1, plus Bill Roper, who is making Hellgate:London, a possibly deformed version of D3...).

Anyway, I have one invitation to the Mythos beta-test to hand out (all I need is an e-mail to send it to), so pm-me with your e-mail if you're test starts in 12 hours (10 a.m. US pacific time).

Sorry I never saw where GWs was going in the long run...

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  Basic Para Conjure Build
Posted by: Lurker Wyrm - April 12th, 2007, 22:55 - Forum: PvP - Replies (11)

Just a random build I thought up. It's not original or anything, but it should do the trick. Attributes are just guesses since I didn't look up the point distributions.

Spear: 13 (11 +1 +1); Leadership: 8 (7 +1); Air Magic: 10; Earth Magic: 6
Weap 1: Shocking Spear of Enchanting; Weap 2: Shocking Spear of Fortitude
Conjure Lightning, Iron Mist, Anthem of Flame, Aggressive Refrain, Swift Javelin, Cruel Spear, Disrupting Throw, Signet of Return

Spear: 12 (10 +1 +1); Leadership: 8 (7 +1); Command: 4 (3 +1); Air Magic: 10; Earth Magic: 6
Conjure Lightning, Iron Mist, Aggressive Refrain, "Go for the Eyes!", Angelic Bond, Vicious Attack, Anthem of Flame, Signet of Return

Spear: 12 (10 +1 +1); Leadership: 8 (7 +1); Motivation: 4 (3 +1); Air Magic: 10; Earth Magic: 6
Conjure Lightning, Iron Mist, Aggressive Refrain, "It's Just a Flesh Wound!", Song of Power, Swift Javelin, Disrupting Throw, Signet of Return

Spear: 12 (10 +1 +1); Leadership: 8 (7 +1); Motivation: 10 (8 +2); Air Magic: 10;
Conjure Lightning, Aggressive Refrain, Glimmering Mark, Zealous Anthem, Leader's Zeal, Swift Javelin, Wild Throw, Signet of Return

Spear: 12 (10 +1 +1); Leadership: 8 (7 +1); Command: 9 (8 +1); Air Magic: 10
Conjure Lightning, Aggressive Refrain, Water Trident, Awe, Godspeed, Swift Javelin, Wild Throw, Signet of Return

Prot: 14 (12 +1 +1); DF: 12 (11 +1); Heal: 6
Return, Dash, Divert Hexes, Dismiss Condition, Reversal of Fortune, Spirit Bond, Signet of Devotion, Gift of Health

Heal: 14 (12 +1 +1); DF: 12 (11 +1); Prot: 6
Return, Dash, Light of Deliverence, Infuse Health, Dismiss Condition, Signet of Rejuvination, Orison of Healing, Smite Hex
Restoration: 14 (12 +1 +1); Channeling: 11 (10 +1); Spawning Power: 6; Air Magic: 6
Weapon of Remedy, Weapon of Warding, Splinter Weapon, Bloodsong, Life, Mend Body and Soul, Gale, Storm Djinn's Haste

Edit: added 8th char, fixed the skills of the Divert monk, switched Iron Mist for Zealous Anthem on the motivation para.

Edit 2: added a few skills that can be used as the 8th for the rit. Don't forget it's the flagger, so Soothing Memories would give the energy back while holding the flag. Splinter would add a lot more damage, but also require a new att distribution. Put Wild Throw instead of Disrupting on the paras that seem to have a higher energy demand.

Edit 3: changed the rit, ignore the edit 2 notes for it.

Edit 4: changed Dwayna's Kiss to Smite Hex on the heal monk.

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  Help us with our study on Sim City and Civilization!
Posted by: gusandrews - April 12th, 2007, 18:21 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - No Replies

Hello players! Could you help us out with game research?

We are three graduate students at Teachers College who have a grant to study the possibility that commercial games prepare people to do better in school. By taking our online survey, you'll be helping us figure out just how these games might be useful for learning. (Bonus: you'll also get a chance to enter a raffle for an Amazon gift certificate!)

We admit the survey is long. You will be reading two PDF texts and answering about ninety questions, which will be about games, urban planning, and history. However, if you work on your personal computer (not a public one), you can save and quit the survey in order to come back to it later. You can finish it at your own speed!

NOTE: There are a lot of questions in this survey about Sim City and Civilization. If you have NOT played Civilization or Sim City before, please FEEL FREE TO SKIP THE QUESTIONS ABOUT THOSE GAMES. We want you to take the survey even if you have not played these games!

If you're willing to help us out, please take our survey here: . It's for a good cause: if we find out how games help people learn, we will encourage more teachers to allow or even use games in school.

Thanks for your time!
--The Spencer EGGPLANT Team

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