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AtWaS - DaveV's unfinished work |
Posted by: DaveV - April 2nd, 2007, 11:50 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (4)
I ran out of time on this one, even though I played on Normal speed in hopes of finishing.
Summary: built Pyramids, founded Confucianism, fought three wars with Napoleon (375-1040, 1190-1400, 1500-1570; he declared the first one, I declared the second two). Each time, he paid for peace.
I was planning on domination/conquest, but after I got Nappy's map and lost Taj Mahal to Washington on the same turn, there was no way I could finish the game in two days.
3 great artists, 4 wonders (Pyramids, Hanging Gardens, Notre Dame, Globe Theater, all in London), 9 size-10 cities.
My calculation of points: 39. Huzzah.
Drama in 50 BC; London's culture in 1500 was 6314.
Big mistakes: I'm so used to playing aggressive civs, I thought I had to get a unit to 17 experience to build the Heroic Epic. I probably should have saved an engineer for Taj.
![[Image: AtWaStech.jpg]](http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b119/DaveV/AtWaStech.jpg)
![[Image: AtWaSscore.jpg]](http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b119/DaveV/AtWaSscore.jpg)
TJ Eckleburg's All the world's an asheap |
Posted by: TJ Eckleburg - April 2nd, 2007, 08:07 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (2)
How do you spell schadenfreude? Retired in 1685 AD under pressure from the Little Corporal. The scoring details follow, but you can read about it here.
Great Artists
Ling Lun: ca 1130 AD
Valmiki: ca 1500AD
Wonders Built
Notre Dame
4 Cities of size 10 - but arguably I don't earn this because I retired when I figured Napoleon would definitely take them. I was at 5 before the war started.
Other Gruesomness Never won
Culture in 1500 AD 2766 in ComedyOfErrors. Obviously there are no great works in this city.
Never built the Globe (was rudely interrupted by the French)
600 AD for Drama
Never built mass media, any broadcast towers, the internet.
ATWAS - sooooo's report |
Posted by: sooooo - April 2nd, 2007, 02:33 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (11)
All the world's a stage
This is a shadow game, because I peeked at the worldbuilder before I set up the game to check what type of custom continenets were set. I really like the map, but occasionally it gives an "S" shape, which is horrible, or another type has 1 long thin continent which is all tundra. But this one was quite balanced. I was quite amused at the AIs I saw too - some of the toughest to beat.
So, starting off moving the warrior onto the hill 1SW revealed stone. Perfect! I wanted a few great engineers to start with to rush some wonders. So I settled here.
![[Image: startnz1.jpg]](http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/3118/startnz1.jpg)
Borders would hopefully pop onto the stone before I wanted the quarry if I founded a religion. Unfortunately, I did not realise that this city would be unhealthy at size 3 (!). No fresh water and only 1 forest. I started with a worker and agriculture. After that, I wanted a religion (religion is always useful on continents map, and we can't lightbulb/oracle one unless we wait for Islam) so researched meditation and polytheism. Well, someone else got hinduism before me, but there was still judaism. Very nice luck here as I popped masonry from a hut, and managed to found judaism.
![[Image: judaismba4.jpg]](http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/5759/judaismba4.jpg)
Hut-luck continued with pops of hunting and sailing. Borders expanded to encompass the stone and I quarried it. Got slightly worried when someone built Stonehenge very early (someone with stone?), but with the help of organised religion we got the pyramids OK.
![[Image: pyramidskm7.jpg]](http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/778/pyramidskm7.jpg)
Settled my first city quite late. I wanted a city near the marble for the Parthenon or Sistine Chapel, but that turned out to be pointless because the Sistine was BIDL before I even got Theology and the Parthenon was built crazily early. But here is York:
![[Image: yorklv9.jpg]](http://img161.imageshack.us/img161/1425/yorklv9.jpg)
Shortly after, Canterbury, which can work 3 3/0/3 lake tiles (when it builds its lighthouse).
![[Image: nottinghamem0.jpg]](http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/1418/nottinghamem0.jpg)
Judaism was getting my border pops, my production bonus and put Napoleon up to pleased. I wonder how lucky that hut-pop of masonry was for my game. First great engineer was settled in London. Having a high-production capital with stone meant that after worker techs I went for mathematics and built the Hanging Gardens.
![[Image: hgww8.jpg]](http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/757/hgww8.jpg)
Then onto alphabet and towards drama for the points for first to drama and also first to globe theatre. Napoleon wouldn't trade me anything despite being pleased - I think he needs to meet some other civs first. Qutie annoying though to be stuck on a continent with him. Of course for the globe theatre I would need to build 3 more cities. So these went here:
![[Image: 6citiesuf1.jpg]](http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/5711/6citiesuf1.jpg)
Maygar was an ex-barb city that I was hoping to capture, but Napoleon sent about 10 chariots to capture it. Drama was researched in 200 AD. Then it was towards Music, but I missed the great artist. Geez, I practically beelined to that tech and missed out on it! These AIs sure are teching well for monarch level. I had 2 great engineers set up, both of whom rushed buildings in my designated GP farm Canterbury. Firstly Notre Dame, then the Globe Theatre.
![[Image: notredamecl5.jpg]](http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/1128/notredamecl5.jpg)
![[Image: rushglobeyv9.jpg]](http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/3703/rushglobeyv9.jpg)
To finish the Globe in 780 AD. Next was literature to get the National Epic up in Canterbury.
So after that I went towards optics to meet some AIs. Napoleon got optics first, and when he met some new AIs he was finally able to trade with me. I actually forgot about currency because I don't normally self-research that tech, so that cost me a bit. Another mistake was not researching meditation for too long. Monasteries are one of the few allowed science boosters and I forgot about them. At this point I had decided on a culture victory. It would be hard without cathedrals, but hopefully I can get the 3 modern artist wonders (each gives 50% culture) and broadcast towers to give me enough culture.
So anyway, I send out a couple of caravels to seek out new civilizations and complete Magdellen's voyage. Met HC and Washington, two financial civs on the same continent who were a long way ahead of me. The only thing I had to trade was music to HC, for which I picked up. Then we met Caesar, who was less far ahead. I could trade quite a bit with him, picking up paper, feudalism, guilds. Was wondering where the final AI civ was when this message popped up:
![[Image: nomalitb7.jpg]](http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/659/nomalitb7.jpg)
The Malinese civilization has been destroyed? Wow, I guess JC has been busy down there! So all AIs met (dead or with heads on a stick) in 1480 AD. With a revolt to pacifism, I was producting a nice number of GA points in Canterbury.
Finally the point I was waiting for - gifting Napoleon Physics put him up to friendly and let me sign a defensive pact with him.
![[Image: dpwithnapoleonft4.jpg]](http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/6907/dpwithnapoleonft4.jpg)
Missed out on the one great artist I wanted:
![[Image: shakespeareqh5.jpg]](http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/6576/shakespeareqh5.jpg)
But the rest of my GPs except for the first three and one more later on were artists.
This is an amusing picture:
![[Image: exmalibp5.jpg]](http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/7337/exmalibp5.jpg)
Years pass, and HC is feeling claustrophobic.
![[Image: hcdeclaresad8.jpg]](http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/6/hcdeclaresad8.jpg)
He declares on Washington with a technology advantage. It is infantry and artillery against riflemen. I fear for washington, but he holds his own, only losing net 1 city over the long war which lasts until the end of the game. Mass media is researched in 1870 AD. Trade for biology, order up broadcast towers everywhere and turn research off.
So, years pass with the normal thrilling events of your standard culture push. HC went crazy in terms of tech and built broadway, rock and roll and holywood all before me. It seemed whenever there was less than 10 turns left for me to build one of them, he got it. So HC is building space parts but he still has the last two parts to go. Caesar has also caught up, but is behind HC in building the spaceship. It is 1962, JC build his penultimate space part this turn, so HC and JC now only have the engine left. No money/tech for spies but I will win in just 2 more turns. Ah, all's well that ends well.
![[Image: endoq1.jpg]](http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/7555/endoq1.jpg)
Wait ... I cannot believe that just happened. JC builds the engine the turn after he builds the life support and launches his spaceship 1 turn before I can set off my culture bombs. UNBELIEVABLE! Don't think I've ever had that happen before. That's 1 turn folks. 1 turn of extra anarchy, 1 turn of not starving my city down to get the last artist out quicker. How annoying! And how badly played by me. I had cancelled my resource deals to HC, believing him to be the main threat because he build apollo about 50 turns before everyone else. But I did not imagine JC launching, being the last to complete Apollo, so I still had resource deals with him. I wish I could have built Scotland Yard, but no one would trade Communism with me for ages because they were building the Kremlin. By the time they would trade, I had nothing to offer them for it. I reloaded from an autosave 10 turns away, starved next GA city heavily to make the artist 1 turn quicker and would have won a culture victory.
After JC built his spaceship I played 1 more turn and sent my 3 cities legendary on the same turn he flew away.
![[Image: legendarycitiesvs5.jpg]](http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/3520/legendarycitiesvs5.jpg)
There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
So scoring:
20 pts - For winning the game
3 pts - Per great artist you acquire
3 pts - Per (legal!) world wonder (not project) built
1 pt - Per broadcast tower your civilization contains at the end of the game
2 pts - Per city you control of size 10 or greater at the end of the game
5 pts - For building The Internet
8 pts - Earliest conquest win
8 pts - Earliest domination win
8 pts - Earliest diplomatic win
8 pts - Earliest space win
8 pts - Earliest cultural win
5 pts - First to Drama
5 pts - First to Mass Media
5 pts - First to build the Globe Theatre
5 pts - First to make contact with all 5 AI civs
5 pts - Highest culture in 1500 AD in a single city. Great works do not count, so subtract the culture each city gained from any great works.
I got 15 great artists. They were:
Thespis, Wang Xizhi, Valmiki, Kalidas, Du Fu, Dante, Amir Khusro, Ibn Muqlah, Michaelangelo, Rembrandt, J. S. Bach, Mozart, Victor Hugo, Johannes Brahms and Mark Twain.
Quite a nice selection, but 1 too few. That makes 45 points.
So I had 9 cities at the end of the game. Each had at least 10 population and a broadcast tower, making 27 points here.
Wonders: I built Pyramids, Hanging Gardens and Notre Dame. 9 points.
Did not build The Internet.
That makes 83 points before any additions.
Notable Dates:
Drama - 200 AD
Globe Theatre - 780 AD
Mass Media - 1870 AD
AI contacts - 1480 AD
Highest culture in single city in 1500 AD - London, with 4124 culture points.
CiV MP |
Posted by: TheArchduke - April 1st, 2007, 11:41 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (4)
I wanted to ask around if there is a regular Realms Beyond MP crowd around here, or if those MP players hide all at CivF. or the Ladder Site. Or if anyone could give me a hint where to find one.
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