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Goodbye for now . . . |
Posted by: ajaxfetish - June 11th, 2007, 15:07 - Forum: Guild Wars
- Replies (2)
He everyone,
With the end of the semester, I've moved to a new apartment, and am currently without an internet connection at home. We may be installing one soon, but I'm not yet sure if we will, or how fast it will be. So anyway, for the time being I won't be logging on. Hopefully I'll be able to rejoin you all before too long, but in the meantime, have fun and take care of yourselves.
Warlords 3 - Swiss Style |
Posted by: Swiss Pauli - June 11th, 2007, 13:43 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (9)
Given weâre on Prince and facing AI who donât have Mysticism, I think itâs a pretty safe bet that many players will look to grab all the religions, then try to push their UN opponent into a heathen religion, and use shared religion to shore up the vote. As the Swiss as followers, not innovators, I shall be conforming to type. Not sure about voting for my opponent, as the AIs voting decisions can be rather, erm, idiosyncratic, and I wouldnât want the embarrassment of voting myself a loss!
As expected, we bag all the religions. Three double Holy cities, and one single.
![[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0002-1.jpg]](http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u113/Swiss_Pauli/Civ4ScreenShot0002-1.jpg)
![[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0024-1.jpg]](http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u113/Swiss_Pauli/Civ4ScreenShot0024-1.jpg)
![[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0009.jpg]](http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u113/Swiss_Pauli/Civ4ScreenShot0009.jpg)
![[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0012.jpg]](http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u113/Swiss_Pauli/Civ4ScreenShot0012.jpg)
I used Judaism and Pacifism to spam out Prophets, two of which weâre burned on techs (Divine Right and Theology). Unfortunately, I had quite an even spread of religions which does not suit me so well. A dominant religion would allow far more manipulation that a world where Judaism, Christianity and Confucianism all have many followers. However, the silver lining to this cloud is that I can build three shrines:
![[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0031.jpg]](http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u113/Swiss_Pauli/Civ4ScreenShot0031.jpg)
![[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0035.jpg]](http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u113/Swiss_Pauli/Civ4ScreenShot0035.jpg)
Warlords 3 - blid's report |
Posted by: blid - June 11th, 2007, 13:02 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (4)
Looking at the starting location, there are 2 corns and pigs. That's clearly too much food. Being financial and having those grasslands on rivers, I didn't want to waste the capital on a pure GP farm, so I just went one tile south on the coast to found the capital.
![[Image: 01.jpg]](http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f191/blidblid/RBW3/01.jpg)
The picture shows the map revealed by the hut. Since no one has mysticism, and this is mainly a diplo game, I'm going to chase religions. I put some turns into agriculture, because if an AI runs after buddhism, I want him to realize too late that he can't have it. This would give me a shot at hinduism too. I want to have it in my second city or nowhere. I start immediately with a settler. Agri was chosen for the corn of course, but also as a pre-req for AH. If we had hunting, I'm not sure I would have started with a settler, since a pig pasture is huge and would compensate for 15 turns worker very fast. Unirrigated corn is another matter.
So the research path went like this
Agri (5/8t)->meditation and buddhism->agri
I researched hunting partially to be sure hinduism is discovered in the new city, P'yongyang
![[Image: 02.jpg]](http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f191/blidblid/RBW3/02.jpg)
This city has 2 gold, picks the corn and flood plains. A wonderful science center. It also helps claiming space, especially with it being the holy hindu center
I'm counting on my culture to expand enough to ensure me protection against barbs so both cities start on workers.
After poly, I finished hunting, researched AH to hook the pigs. AH reveals horses in capital BFC. I choose bronzeworking next, for slavery more than the copper itself. But I do need the wheel, before I'm able to build chariots, and then cottages to cottage P'yongyang. Research speed is awesome with the gold mines
I met all the AIs early except america. Of course I was first in culture
![[Image: 03.jpg]](http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f191/blidblid/RBW3/03.jpg)
The next city went to choke england, claiming more territory inside
![[Image: 04.jpg]](http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f191/blidblid/RBW3/04.jpg)
Stalin was the first to convert to buddhism which was doing better than hinduism.
Writing and alphabet were my next research targets, letting me trade my religious techs for iron working and sailing and some cheap techs. Vicky took judaism and had priesthood. I was not sure she'd chase oracle, but I preferred to go right after the gret library and not risk racing for it. It proved later that I could have gotten it quite safely. I still went for priesthood after literature, not for the oracle but to build a temple and start collecting priest points. I built the temple in Pyongyang to avoid polluting the capital scientist points
My fourth city went in the south, to claim the fist and wheat
![[Image: 05.jpg]](http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f191/blidblid/RBW3/05.jpg)
I'm not sure this was a good choice. At the time I was avoiding borders clash with Stalin whom I want as a friend. I was also counting on my holy city to claim enough land for me to settle more cities later in the russian direction
I finally met Roosevelt in 650 BC and he was annoyed because I trade with worst enemy Mao. I gifted him polytheism and he turned please. Not a difficult guy. Yet still, he converts to judaism, bad bad boy. We'll care about that later.
Confucianism was founded in the wheat and fish city.
![[Image: 06.jpg]](http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f191/blidblid/RBW3/06.jpg)
I would have preferred to found it in my northern city, fighting both russian and english culture but buddhism spread on its own there a few turns before.
After Code of laws, I went for monarchy to improve the happiness situation since the cities had a decent amount of food and were growing quickly. The fifth city claimed the rice
![[Image: 07.jpg]](http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f191/blidblid/RBW3/07.jpg)
My cities were using a lot of coastal tiles. Four coins water tiles is something I love in CIV when playing with financial civs and colossus is so cheap with copper. Of course no AI had metal casting yet. They were quite backward in fact but maybe this was going to change, as Mao asked for alphabet and I gave him. I was more thinking about letting them tech enough to be able to trade with them. And getting the bonus modifers won't hurt too of course.
The great library was done in 175 BC in Seoul and I discovered metal casting a few years later. Stalin grabbed the great wall.
The pyramids fell very lately in 75 AD to Mao, just when my first scientist was born. He popped philosophy and taoism, this time in my northern city, Wonsan. Some turns later, Nappy finished the great lighthouse and Stalin discovered christianity. These turns were used to consolidate my little empire, building granaries, libs, lighthouses and forges.
I got civil service and went bureaucracy in the early 200 AD's, colossus in the 300 AD's. The plan was going well, the only exception to it was this :
![[Image: 08.jpg]](http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f191/blidblid/RBW3/08.jpg)
I delayed building my settler too much and it was already too late when I spotted Stalin galley. When I closed borders, I just helped him get quicker to my eastern part where he put that ugly city, blocking my 2 cities pattern in that part, and getting a fish resource. With me having the colossus, the loss was huge. So I finished by settling that hill, the only possible location reamining though it was overlapping with the capital a lot.
My second scientist built an academy in the capital since I was already well advanced in education and didn't want to loose beakers. After education, I went for gunwpoder. Being protective, the muskets would be enough to defend for a while. Mind that all those techs were on the beeline for mass media. I chose the chemistry path to scientific method to get the maximum profit from the colossus. I researched engineering and machinery myself to open chemistry, realized I needed printing press too and finally got chemistry in 1060 AD. I traded for a lot of techs of course, like currency, optics and calendar.
Warlords 3 - sooooo's report |
Posted by: sooooo - June 11th, 2007, 11:21 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (11)
Warlords 3 - Wang Kon and His Minions
This game was played as Korea, aiming for a diplomatic victory against France, England, America, China and Russia. The map is a small balanced pangaea and prince difficulty. Note the screenshots may say RBCiv-Adventure20, but I assure you it's Warlords 3.
Since we start with mysticism and none of our opponents do, I decide to go for the get-all-the-religions plan. I settled 1N as it saved a forest and there was a chance of more resources up there vs only unworkable coast in the south. I started with meditation and polytheism. Build order was warrior, warrior, settler, warrior, worker, stonehenge. Settler before worker is a bit strange, but I wanted to claim the nice gold site before Stalin did (we are pretty boxed in here). When I go settler before worker, I have my new city start on a worker straight away and build another at the capital. After masonry and monotheism, the first three religions are ours and we have our first new city.
![[Image: 2400bcod5.jpg]](http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/6822/2400bcod5.jpg)
I temporarily converted to buddhism to get organised religion, to speed up stonehenge and also I built the Oracle afterwards in my capital, taking code of laws and founding confucianism.
![[Image: oraclecx9.jpg]](http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/7118/oraclecx9.jpg)
Confucianism is the first religion to arrive with a free missionary, so this is the one I like to spread. Having 2 prophet wonders in the capital let us lightbulb theology when priesty was born, founding christianity. Self-research of philosophy got us Taoism too, and I converted to pacifism for the rest of the game. I researched literature and built the great library in gold+gems city. After hiring a couple more scientists there, I could pump out some GSs.
The terrain is quite hard to dotmap. I figure since Seoul is my financial, cottage, bureaucracy monster, it doesn't need all its food (no need for specialists) so the two corn can be used by another city. I wasted some seafood, but ho hum.
![[Image: 300adcn2.jpg]](http://img76.imageshack.us/img76/7294/300adcn2.jpg)
I got The Colossus 450 AD, and then was amazed to grab The Parthenon in 800 AD (!). This was built in my production city in the south so as not to dilute the great people pool. These two wonders were really good.
Napoleon was expanding quickly and had 22% of the land - it was clear he was going to be my UN opponent so I spread confucianism to everyone except him. Everyone converted, a few needed a bribe. I tried to make Nappy found Islam by gifting him theology and a great prophet, but he didn't. Mao would found it, but too late to spread it very much so he stayed confucian. I built about 10 units the whole game - you don't need military with friends surrounding you.
![[Image: 820adlg3.jpg]](http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/4277/820adlg3.jpg)
My main aim was to win the game before many civs had liberalism for too long - to stop all the free religion shenanigans.
Got Civil Service and heavily cottaged Seoul. I made a mistake in saving all my GSs for lightbulbing - the first one should have made an academy in Seoul. Next was education to build/whip 6 seowons and start Oxford University in Seoul as soon as possible.
After that, it was printing press, most of liberalism, astronomy, sci meth (lightbulb), physics (lightbulb), electricity (lightbulb x 3) then finish liberalism to take Radio.
![[Image: liberalismlj1.jpg]](http://img242.imageshack.us/img242/2995/liberalismlj1.jpg)
Napoleon declared war on Roosevelt, which was bad because it was French cavalry vs American longbows. So I bribed peace before any cities could change hands. After mass media, I started the UN, then researched constition and democracy, revolt to universal suffrage and buy the UN in 1570 AD. Sec general votes:
![[Image: secgeneraltt1.jpg]](http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/1848/secgeneraltt1.jpg)
And Nappy's population of 22% meant that I didn't need my own votes to win. So I slaved all my cities to size 1, voted for Napoleon and bagged a diplomatic victory in 1600 AD.
![[Image: diplowinlq4.jpg]](http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/9059/diplowinlq4.jpg)
Final relations listed below. Quite annoying getting the -3 in the last few turns from Roosevelt and Elizabeth - all for bribing Napoleon to stop beating the tar out of America!
![[Image: relationslp6.jpg]](http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/6743/relationslp6.jpg)
100 pts for the win
43 points for net relationship modifiers
90 pts for voting for an opponent
Makes 233 points.
Thanks to the sponsor. It was a very quick, fun game that made for an entertaining evening.