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Adventure 6 - Berrie's incomplete game |
Posted by: Berrie - May 22nd, 2006, 16:09 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (4)
I so wanted to finish this game but RL issues intervened with that.
I played up until 1850 AD but could not yet nail the victory
But I'm still gonna finish this game and the report in the next couple of days.
For now, I will just give a short summary of my game...
I started with a pre-game analysis, but I had to trow that away very fast as the resources and, most important, the opponents were not very... uhh... favourably (crazy Monty ).
Monty declared war twice and intervened thus twice with the strategy I laid out. I took in both wars a couple of cities. But in the meantime my economy and thus also my science rate was hurting. Hatsheput and Washington were close buddhist buddies and with the usual cottage spam, they run away techwise. Meanwhile I had declared war on Tokugawa and wiped him nearly of the face of the earth (he got to keep one icy city in the south).
At 1600 AD I was 5 techs behind Hatty. I managed to build up my infrastructure and economy and by 1700 AD I was first in GPN. By 1800 AD I was technologically the equal of Washington, but Hatty managed to keep her lead by using several Golden Ages (Taj Mahal and lots of Great People).
I had to stop at 1850 AD. I was leading the score with about 800 points, but I was behind in techs. The demographics showed I was almost in every category first.
However, I had no clue what victory condition to pursue. I had tried for a cultural victory but the wars with Monty intervened with that. Maybe Space, maybe domination. Regular Diplo very unliky, as is cultural victory.
Now I'm going to bed. Will read up on the reports tomorrow!
Adventure 6 - Shaihulud's Report |
Posted by: Shaihulud - May 22nd, 2006, 12:01 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (2)
This is the first Realms Beyond game I've played, hope you enjoy the report! Oh, and sorry for the image size but I couldn't find decent hosting.
Alright, we started in 4000BC, I found on the stating square. Not a bad starting position, Rice, cows and ivory, not bad at all. I start building a warrior why my capitol grows to size 2 and start exploring.
The borders of Persopolis expand in 3880 BC and in 3800 I meet:
Tokugawa, hmmm, that could be a problem later. I later spy Toku's borders; down to the south of me.
I discover the wheel in 3720BC and start working towards Animal Husbandry.
And in 3440BC, I meet Montezuma. Alright, DEFINATELY a problem.
So I'm going to do what I always do in when faced with a complete psycho civ, work on the principle that we're already at war, he just doesn't know it yet. Rest assured Monty, I'm comming for you!
I complete Animal Husbandry in 3400BC and work towards Writing. My scout kills a lion, and spends a few turns healing. Finish writing and head towards Bronze and iron working. By then I have a second warrior, who kills another warrior. Scout gets killed by a warrior. Finish Iron Working and head towards Alphabet. I didn't really document my research bath well in this game, so I'm sure I've left a lot of wholes.
Get a settler in 1000BC and head him off towards a pre-planned city site. Thus I found Susa in 950BC:
A lot of worker stuff happens, collect resources and the like. Trade Writing to Monty for Masonry, fishing and mysticism; and send a scouting part to his lands:
Complete the Hanging Gardens in 100AD:
And declare war on Monty in 100AD:
I capture Tlaxcala in 150AD and Tenochtitlan in 375AD:
I make peace again briefly to rebuild my forces and delcare war again in 640AD. Caputre an Aztec city of which name I can't remember, and capture Texcoco in 980AD. I capture Tlatelolco in 1070 and find time to complete Chichen Itza in 1090. A weird thing with the AI here: while I was capturing all of Monty's cities, he wasn't building military to combat me, he was building settlers. During the war he founded at least three new cities up against my northern borders, where they were suffocated by my culture, wierd :S.
Xochicalco falls in 1230 AD, and that's the end of the Aztecs (always wanted to use that smilie ).
By this time I'd formulated a plan, this was obviously a continents map, so I would capture my continent and then build for a space-race victory.
With that in mind I invade Toku's land in 1340:
I capture Tokyo, then Kyoto, then finally Osaka; and that's the end of Japan!
Now I had to concentrait on my economy, as it was truly terrible. With that in mind I build the Collosus in 1590 (late I know, I'm not good at speed).
Not a lot happened for a little while, mostly I cottaged vast ammounts of land to improve my economy. I discovered both Hatshepsut and Washington in 1645.
Here's a big shot of my empire from 1765:
I control my continent, and have no real interest in spreading elsewhere, time to go towards confortable space-ship victory.
Here are the demographics from 1804:
As you can see, first in almost everything. Cruising along.
If we look at the beakers ber turn:
Over 1000! Not bad.
What followed was building the space ship parts, The Apollo programme completed in 1939. And various other wonders completed. UN completed in 1973, and some useless votes followed, and not much ever came of it.
And in 2017 (like I said I'm not good at speed)...
Final stats:
Space Race Victory.
In game score: 5308
Hall of Fame Score: 7405
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed the report!
Adventure 6 - Professor12's first report |
Posted by: Professor12 - May 22nd, 2006, 10:28 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (7)
Well I've been a lurker here for quite some time and participated in the last adventure, waiting for the patch, and won my first prince/space victory. I didn't feel ready to tackle Epic 2 (and being a university student I certainly didn't have the time) but this adventure seemed to be right up my alley.
My initial incination here was to go for space again, mostly because I have only won one space race victory (this is only my 7th game or so overall... damn school : ). Given the leader traits and the size of the map, my early focus should be on quick domination of at least one of my neighbors and then a land grab, exploiting my naturally popping borders. Overall this game was a lot of fun and I ended up winning (unexpectedly ) in 1808 by domination.
Initial Thoughts:
As Persia my two traits are expansive and creative, both conducive to major early land grabs without the expressed need for a religion. Also my UU is an immortal which replaces the chariot and could be used both for early scouting/fog busting but perhaps an early war. With the map being small I think an early war against my closest neighbor may be beneficial in securing my position. Right now the preliminary plan is early war to defeat one neighbor and then consolidation for an early space victory.
Initial spot looks pretty good with 3 flood plains, at least 4 hills, freshwater, and forests. The only resource I see is the ivory. I will settle in place as long as my scout doesn't reveal anything more interesting from the hilltop in the west.
And the scout ventures fearlessly west.
Some cows are revealed southwest but nothing to motivate me to move so I settle in place.
Well even better we have our own cows up north and some rice near... what's that? The sea! Thanks to those trusty villagers I have a view of the ocean and it looks pretty frosty up north. Now however I am wondering what kind of map this might be. Continents? Inland sea? I'll need to do some major scouting to find out and soon.
I go worker first, working a flood plain and set research to animal husbandry.
Explore a bit with my scout. Border pop in 3880 and another goody hut with gold. Meet my first neighbor in 3720 and who would have guessed? Why the friendly Monty is right on my doorstep. Buddhism falls in 3680 (it was Monty) and I choose to go Mining---->Bronze Working next as AH revealed no horses. I go worker --> warrior and start on the cows. With further scouting I spot a couple horses and make an important discovery. It looks like Monty and I are buddies on our own continent or at least section thereof. If this is one larger continent then I am stuck near the top and Monty and the rest of the gan seem to be lower down. Further scouting should iron this out.
Uhoh looks like I have another friend in Toku to the southeast. Things may be getting a bit hairy here soon.
Bronze Working comes in but no copper! I decide to go for the wheel in the off chance I discover some horses in the north west or some copper. I also spot a nice potential city site in the east with stone, wheat and fish.
Hinduism falls, rather late, and the goody hut by the capital gives more gold.
City grows out to 3 and I decide to make a bold move for my second city. I will try and capture the horses between Toku and Monty. I set to work on a worker then a settler.
Wheel comes in and I set to work on IW hoping for some iron and to cut the enormous jungle to the south.
Copper at last in the inhospitable north. It's in such a bad spot I think I might forgoe it for now.
My scout, dodging a barb lion, discovers copper in the west and I have a change of plans. My second city will take the copper and my worker/warrior road team heads west.
My first settler is built and heads out to the copper spot while my warrior defends my road building worker.
Iron working comes in and what do you know? Iron right next to my capital. Looks like Toku is going to be having a rough day
My scout finally dies to a barbarian in the south. Also my next settler heads out and my first axes get queqed up. This city for the stone should be the last one I found for awhile. It's conquest time
I found Susa by the stone and discover Masonry in 1320 to get it hooked up.
Not much happens for the next few years as I slowly build up my army and think about the pyraminds. Stonehenge gets built in 1160, not that I am much concerned but it's the first wonder to be built so far.
More building. I connect the stone up in Susa and my time for the pyraminds drops to 18 turns in pasagardae. My research path until now has been pottery, fishing, writing, alphabet, and now mathematics. Looking at the trade screen I am only up alphabet on either Toku or Monty so not much to do there. My invasion force is going to be four swords and a couple axes which I hope will dominate Toku's two cities.
I pull the trigger on war with Toku. I take Osaka on the first turn of the war and raze it. The extra cash comes just in time to keep up deficit research.
Adventure 6 - Bede |
Posted by: Bede - May 22nd, 2006, 09:32 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
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Gentle it was not.
Japan conquered in 350AD
Azteca conquered in 1110AD
Egypt conquered in 1740AD.
Domination in 1775AD.
Details and film in the late night newscast.
AVDSix- My First Game/report, noob power! |
Posted by: Coolhand - May 22nd, 2006, 08:23 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (11)
I am a noble level player and this was my first Adventure game. Wasn't all that "gentle" as I seemed to have spent the first 2/3 at war- LOL. Anyway here is the punchline:
I won it in 2023 - Space Victory. Final score was Coolhand- 7144, Hatty - 4866 and her stupid lapdog Washington 3023 (not that I am bitter )
The fun stuff- despite the seeming boring ending, the game itself was a utter grudge match between Me vs Monty and Toku. Almost 1500 years of war! Research at zero for long stretches, a city swapping hands three times. Numerous sneak attacks, including one nasty blind siding.
And romance too- as Washington's puppy love for Hatty turned him into her willing lapdog.
Here is the long version:
I start out, first city about where my settler was placed. I start exploring and after a while determine that I want to try and reserve the top area for myself. After builing my second settler- Pop, there's Monty. Grrrr! I start building extra military.
During the build up, Operation Cut-off is slowed down. Toku announces himself. Swell. Hopefully the old Zenophobe will leave me alone, or piss off Monty. Once my military is strong enough to defend against Captain Zerg Rush (Monty), I build my third city to try and cut off the top of my continent. Several turns later, I have one space left when Toku sneaks a settler party through. The NEXT turn the culture gap is filled. Grr. Oh well I think. I will just surround that city and give it the ole culture anaconda.
Heh, little did I know. . .
Adventure 6 Herbies Report... |
Posted by: Herbie - May 22nd, 2006, 06:30 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (3)
Hello there...
first of all: I wanted to have some Screenshots, but the upload Server would not let me log in... strange.
I've got no time for long searches, so I'm afraid: here's another report without a Screenshot.
Since my Laptop-Harddisk is about to be broken (at least, that's what I think due to the strange behaviour of my Laptop recently...), I will skip Adventure 7, exchange the Harddisk, setup the Laptop again and hopefully play Epic 3... and then have some Screenshots and hopefully will be able to load them up...
but for now: a Screenshotless Adventure6-Report. A Fun Game, easy enough even for me to win
But I found two fundamental Questions, worth of asking (at the End of this Report...)
Goodies from huts: map, Mining, Gold, Pottery
Science (in this Order): Mining(Hut), The Wheel, Mysticism, Pottery (Hut), Polytheism (Hinduism founded), Archery, Animal Husbandry, Masonry, Mining, Bronze Working, Iron Working, Fishing, Priesthood, Sailing, Meditation, Writing, Metal Casting, Alphabet, Mathematics, Currency, Construction, Literature, Music (got the Great Artist), Drama (Great Artist), Code of Laws, Philosophy, Calendar, [Monarchy, Monotheism and Horsebackriding (Peace with Monty)], Machinery, Engineering, Theocracy, Compass, Optics, Paper, [Feudalism, Civil Service(from Hatshepsut)], Guilds, Banking (Great Merchant), Gunpowder, Nationalism, Printing Press, Education, Liberalism, Economics, Replaceable Parts, Rifling, Military Tradition, Chemistry, Corporation, Steel(from Washington), Democracy, [Scientific Method, Astronomy (from Washington)], Steam Power, Physics (not the first one...), Assembly Line, Communism, Combustion, Fascism, Biology, Electricity, Artillery, Refrigeration, Radio, Mass Media, Rocketry, Flight, Medicine
Wonders (not necessarily in this Order...): Stonehenge, Pyramids, Great Lighthouse, Hanging Gardens, Colossus, Angkor Wat, Great Library, Notre Dame, Oxford University, Hagia Sophia, Spiral Minarett, National Epic, Hermitage, Heroic Epic, Ironworks, Wall Street, Pentagon, Kremlin, Broadway, United Nations, Rock'n'Roll, Hollywood
Great People (in this Order):
Great Engineer: Built the Great Lighthouse
GreatProphet: Build VashniWishiwashi...
Great Engineer - Got Angkor Wat from him.
Got a Great Prophet - Took Theocracy.
Great Prophet - stored
Great Prophet - stored, see below
Great Engineer - Used him with a Great Prophet for a golden Age.
Great Prophet - stored
Great Prophet - stored (now three in stock... no researching technologies with them, no golden age... what to do with them ?
(Sorry: some Dates are missing)
Found Huayna to the South - he founded Buddhism.
Thoughts: Huayna: Special Unit Jaguar: Strength 5, Bonus against Archers ? -> Immortals not good enough ! -> quick row for bronze/iron working.
Found Tokugawa
Thoughts: What special Unit do the japanese have ???? Answer: Samurai... also an early warrior unit... Strength 8...
Pathenon bifl... I had just 6 turns left...
760 AD: Monty declared War. Sigh...
took three Cities from Monty, burnt the fourth. Lost about 6 War Elephants, 8 Spearmen, 3 Axe Warriors and 3 Catapults (Suicide attacks...). He has lost some more...
Got Monarchy, Monotheism and Horsebackriding for a peace Treaty ! :-)
Washington came to say hello... in a caravel. I just did research Optics last Turn !
1490 AD: Monty declared War again. Must have forgotten his last Experience...
1510 AD: found Hatshepsut, traded Philosophy,Metal Casting and Compass for Feudalism, Civil Service and her World Map. Now I have a chance to get Magellan...
1530 AD: Tokugawa tries his luck too and declares War on me...hmmm.... need more Units !
1535 AD: Yes ! Magellan !
1540 AD: Traded Divine Right and 90 Gold from Hatshepsut for Engineering and Paper.
1630 AD: got a Great Engineer: Rushed the Spiral Minarett with him.
Took Montys Capital City, with the Buddhistic Shrine intact !! :-))
1710 AD: War Weariness kicks in bad. Made Peace with Tokugawa after taking his Capital (for 250 Gold, 2 Gold per Turn, World Map and him converting to Hinduism... He did not want to give a City... :mad: )
Monty on the other Hand will not get away that cheap... after declaring War for the second time I am going to spank him BAD !
hmmm.... Tokugawa launched a culture Bomb while a freshly captured Aztecian City was still in resistance... The AI is always good for new Surprise... (and later on, this City went into revolting - but I could build enough cultural Buildings to finally keep it)
1780 AD: No more War... (no Opponents left for now... - No Aztecs no more...)
1785 AD: Washington completed Tadj Mahal - 11 Turns before I could do.
1864 AD: Now I declared War on Tokugawa. I think, it's the first Time ever in Civ4, that I did so without any provocation... Must have read to much of Sullla's Epic2-Report...
1882 AD: Traded Steel, 10 Gold and his World Map from Washington for Liberalism and Constitution.
1898 AD: Tokugawa eradicated...
1902 AD: Scientific Method and Astronomy from Washington for Corporation and Democracy.
I am the less advanced Civ on this World...
I AM doing something wrong... but what is it ?
Is it possible, that since the Patch it's getting a lot harder ?
1944 AD and I am researching Fascism... how... hmmm... historic...
Why am I so behind in Tech ? Sullla, Kylearean, Sirian and all the others would by now research Future Tech 15 or so... What's the key to research? Early Expansion ? Concentrating on Commerce ? The sequence in researching techs ? Perhaps someone can enlighten me on that...
1988 AD: Election for diplomatic Victory FAILED !!! Washington abstained !! Have to please him some more...
Industrialism from Washington for Radio. Now we are on +10 (was +6 before).
1991 AD: This Time it worked. Diplomatic Victory in 1991. 52% of World Population.
Nice Game with a first Time ever aggressive Act without Provocation. Perhaps I am turning from being a builder towards something else...
Now my Questions:
- What Do I do with three "spare" Great Prophets at the End of the Game ????
- And what is the secret to gain techs very quickly ????
Adv 6 - Ruff's Report |
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - May 22nd, 2006, 05:27 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (13)
Hi All. This is my first RB report so I am still learning the rules and sorts of reports that 'work'. As it is, I played my game with mods (Blue Marble and Ruffs Cobbled SG Mod) so this will have to be a shadow report.
In fact - I am soooo new that I reported under the sticky - oops.
Results: Domination, 1930AD Score=19974. Fuller report to follow.
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