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  CIV-Warlords Screenshots
Posted by: Rowain - May 10th, 2006, 08:17 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (11)

Some screenshots for Warlords can be found here including Churchill and Augustus.

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  Mod Approval Process - Event Logger
Posted by: Qwack - May 9th, 2006, 16:09 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (27)

My Epic 2 report will be a shadow because I used this. I can understand how Mod A which makes information not available in the vanilla version available is unapproved, or Mod B which will give players who use it an advantage is not approved, but this program changes absolutely nothing in game.

The reason I think this mod should be approved is simple, its just a substitute of screenshots which is easier to work with when writing a report. It makes it easier to take notes in game, once again helping with the report. And ofcourse saves some space on the hard drive when you dont have to take 5000 screenshots to log everything. I dont believe it will give any player who uses it an unfair advantage, although that player might get an unfair advantage in terms of writing the report wink Heres the link to the thread on CFC.

Quote:Is a mod "Graphical"? (Affecting appearance).

Quote:Is a mod "Utilitarian"? (Affecting player's interface).
Its an utility, but it does not affect the players interface in game.

Quote:Is a mod "Rebalancing"? (Affecting game rules).

Quote:Which components are modified? (World Builder, XML, Python, C++)
Its a command line program, so I dont believe any civ 4 components are modified.

Quote:Which files are affected?
The save files are used to extract the event log..

Quote:If Python or C++ are involved, the mod needs to be certified free of trojans.

Quote:VISUAL EVIDENCE showing and explaining what the mods actually do.
Heres a screenshot:

Once again, basically what this program does is extract the event log/chatlog from the save files, and makes them into a readable txt file. This is in my opinion, easier to work with when writing reports. And you dont have to take screenshots of every event, which is nice.

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  A Hope for an Inspiration
Posted by: Zyr - May 9th, 2006, 10:50 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (7)

[Image: shadowhmbday.jpg]

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  European Players - regular RB PvE slot?
Posted by: BeefontheBone - May 9th, 2006, 06:53 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (12)

Apologies if this is a duplicate thread. I was wondering if anyone on something resembling a GMT (give or take a few hours) schedule would be interested in organising a regular slot for some PvE guild action, preferably starting some new characters or running some sort of variant. I've only just started playing the game, and I reckon it would be fun to play through it with the same group of players - AFAIK the only regular thing we've organised at the moment is Nudist Night, which isn't very Euro-friendly smile

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  Adventure 5 - mihau's close call
Posted by: mihau - May 9th, 2006, 06:47 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (2)

I know it is after the deadline, but what the heck. I did NOT cheated, as a matter of fact I finished the game on time, but had no account on RB and prevented from making one.  

I have seen nobody posted lately so I will give U mine until U will be able to bite on the Epic 2 reports :]

This is my first post here (and report as well), I would like to add some screenies, but I have no webspace bought :(.
I have seen Sirian's post about the free sites, but they forbid my IP  :mad:
[b]How can I get to the RB upload ??[/b]

The game Was fun. I will make a shortage now since it was not breathtaking utill 1935AD:

I had no military units for nearly 3 millenia, with 3 scout units I searched the land in notime, and was pretty scared with the lack of copper of iron - I was sure that it is to be found on the other continents... so I made a galley soon ... and sailed in the OPPOSITE direction than I should have. I circled the whole continent before reaching Isabel rant in 1240AD.
All the good place to settle were already taken beside the small islands in the north.
I managed to place a city at Sallys backyard, and prevented him from doing the same to me thumbsup
Thanks to war between French and Chinese I managed to squeeze a city between them but it was soon taken over by French :[. This started (almost) everlasting war between us.
I only managed to wipe French out of tiny islands, my continental expeditionry force was struck down gaining NOTHING.
Afterwards I turend away from military and started tech racing. Beelined for Liberalizm, and for [/b]Hooverdam: no coal & cities mainly on 1 continent = this dam was the thing I needed!!!
Afterwards a spacerace began which I won in 1993AD - now see the dates to get the dramatizm :D - it started from Inca having SS casing in 1935...

4000BC - Settled on the starting position - being cultural will give us those stones in notime, and corn in range will help to grow fast, going for wheel -> pottery. Started working on a scout. Land sure is rich: 2x gold,

MEANTIME - I popped 2 huts, got $$ and extra scout smile, reconsidering building scout... keep him, since the ony variant is barracks

3720BC - Budda FIDL, Saladin in the W and no military on our side...

3560BC - Hindu FIDL, Saladin wandering but not getting closer - still building scout..

3520BC - Incense found, in the meantime popped huts for $$, Saladin converts to Hindu, still not closing to the capital and me not building military wink. I micromanaged to get the scout sooner, not harming the growth or tech.

3440BC - Lions NE (good to have scouts just finished), starting on a worker

3360BC - scout slaughtered a wolf smile

3160BC - scout slaughtered a panther way W uff... nothing interesting beside it.

MEANTIME - Many animals killed, settler produced, popped a hut rigth from Sally's nose, farmed corn, mineg gold, started library, still not a single miltia wink

2400BC - Founded a city to SW for blocking Sallys way to E

2000BC - adopting slavery, started Animal Husband, absolutly no military, 2 Sally's warriors wandering around my terrain ..., whipped library

1360BC - Sally got Judaizm, I got writing, Sally wont trade any tech ...

1240BC - G. Scientist in BERLIN :] --> Academy!


700BC - Stonehenge BIFAL, took Math to research Calendar pronto, found 3rd city: NW Block, biulding forges

600BC - Confucianism FIDL, Oracle BIFAL

225BC - Piramids built smile, G. Scientist in BERLIN :] --> join!, Revolting to Representation

50BC - city of S Fish found.

125AD - G. Engineer in BERLIN -> Machinery (gotta go for optics...)

250AD - beated to Great lighthoose with ...1 turn :/

300AD - 0.5M citizens

325AD - Christ FIDL

540AD - Optics found, still no land with metal in sight frown

520AD - G. Scientst born in BERLIN smile 17 turns cut on astronomy (11 left...)

600AD - SW built Collossus, commerce is nice GP point are nicer

620AD - traded alphabet for 2 techs + 140$$ with Sally.

700AD - hanging Gardens built, 1M civilians smile 2 turs for astronomy ...

820AD - spotted Sally sneaking on my N border with settler :/

1180AD - Adopted Pacyfizm and Beurocracy - it seems that all terrain is occupied already frown

1210AD - In act of desperation traded maps with Sally - no result


1300AD - Islam FIDL, G. Scientist found 3/4 Printing Press for me

1370AD - beelining for liberalizm successfull - Nationalizm taken for free tech smile

1460AD - French declared war - my unguarded city collapsed frown

1570AD - Physics biult, 2 G. Scientist: one helped with Steel 2nd with Biology

1625AD - Small French City captured.

1730AD - Striking army wiped out in France frown

1928AD - Racing for techs, built HOOVER DAM - now I have the POWER smile, relationships go down...

1935AD - Inca have 1st SScasing (I don't have Apollo jet...)

1947AD - hurried Space elevator (still no Apollo :/)

1951AD - completed Internet - got a bunch of 4 tech (not as usefull as I hoped for but still OK)

1969AD - Starting on SS, late (other civs lack only 3 parts - big ones though)

1977AD - Mao only has 2 parts to finish SS. Since I forgot about SSengine I will be delayed. Big misteake. I need to make dyrastic accion(s): I declare war on Mao (and Inca too since th
ey have def. pact). I manage to sign peace with France and talk 'em into war witch China as well. We now have an east world conflict wink

1984AD - Out of the blue: Aluminium POPPED near one of my cities - THERE WAS MINING ALREADY, Industrializim is long but discovered... wow!

1985AD - 8 turns to finish last SS part if I get beaten it will be only my misteake (with SS engine)

1986AD - DAMN - someone sabotaged my newest aluminium source... grr! (I wouldn't expect this much trickery from AI smile )

1993AD - VICTORY - a turn sooner than expected (I have joined a city with a G. Scientist that gave me +1 shield ...was it enough? smile)) probably not: I have also made 100% $$ for culture to have celebrations - does they still give bonuses ?)

Great game !
I know I made MANY misteakes
I have few screenies but I can't post them

I don't know if U noticed, I played without religion finding (preparing for epic 2).
Hope U enjoyed the report. Can't wait to post Epic2 (finished).

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  A question on mods.
Posted by: Blake - May 9th, 2006, 02:09 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (6)

I was thinking about writing a mod that would keep track of certain things for a player to reduce attention span required. For example, it would inform the player when whip-weariness is about to wear off, and also when a specialist has been automatically created (this is critical to keep GP points pure).

If at all possible it will be save game compatiable, so it could be put in and out of custom assets on a whim.

The thing is, I only really care about such attention to detail in competitive games.

So the question is, would such a mod be legal, or ever considered for legality, in RB Civ games?

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  Newbie (I'm talking about me)
Posted by: Todestanz - May 8th, 2006, 20:16 - Forum: Diablo - Replies (10)

Hey guys, I'm new to this forum, but I've been a guest for about 4 months now, making diferent Diablo 2 variants. I've been playing for over a year and have made atleast 30 variants of different chars. This site is great cuz there are guides to so many variants that no one plays, but that are still good in the new 1.11 patch. Right now im making a ninja (necromancer version) on single player. His name is Heterometrus which is the scientific name for the asian forest scorpion. He's level 83 right now and I've only been playing him for 2 weeks (I play like a mad man). I also play on USeast, and I have 2 accomplished characters over lvl 80.

This forum is great and I hope to meet alot of you soon.

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  Epic Three - Rise of the Incans - Info Thread
Posted by: Sirian - May 7th, 2006, 17:56 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (62)

Game info available here:

Any questions? smile

- Sirian

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  TeamSpeak overlay - KoP?
Posted by: Hawkmoon - May 6th, 2006, 07:56 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (3)


You had mentioned a while back that you use a program that overlays the TS info on your GuildWars screen, so that you didn't have to run GW in a window. Could you point us to that program, so that we can all start running it? You did promise to do that...

Thanks![Image: thumbsup.gif]

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  Luxons or Kurzicks, for real this time
Posted by: Drasca - May 6th, 2006, 03:13 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (16)

I'd like our guild to be Kurzick. What does everyone else want?

Luxon? Kurzick? Either?

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