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Guild Wars Variants 

What is a Variant?

The RB definition on Variant:
- a system of play designed to differentiate, limit, and make a character more challenging;
- a character that plays by some variant set of rules.

To learn more about variants, a detailed explanation, "On Variants, Roles, Subclasses and Styles", is available over at our Diablo site.

  The Nudist  


Rules are currently under discussion at the forum - Items are for Wimps



  Living Off the Land - LoL 

They have chosen to live in the wild!

Most people enjoy living their glitzy lives, buying and selling what they want; however, there are always a few who live their lives by a different code; people who still cling to a form of the age-old rule of earning your way through life. Because of this, combined with their strict devotion to remaining free from the yoke of merchants and peddlers, they have chosen to live in the wild, spending as little time as possible among people who are too concerned with money and profit to realize their skills as warriors are declining. They are generally thought of as outsiders and anti-socials by people who don't understand their way of life; they only appear this way, however, since they refuse to use anything they didn't earn themselves.

That's the basic background. The idea of the variant is that you're only allowed to use stuff you find.
- This is going to be a Nightfall based variant. Our main goal will be to get to the end of the Nightfall campaign using characters created and brought up in Elona.

- The once per week meeting time will be limited to storyline quests and missions. Side quests are your own responsibility.

- Henchmen can be used if no one else is available, but you can't hide behind them (i.e. calling a target to have them draw all the aggro first). All contact with enemies must be made by you (bow pulling is allowed).

- The only things you're allowed to buy are ID and Salvage/Expert Salvage Kits.

- You may only use the skills aquired from skill quests and Sunspear/Lightbringer points. You may not buy skills from anyone, including Captain Greywind (the only skill merchant outside a town, IIRC).

- You can get collector armor but you're not allowed to craft any from an armorer.

- The only weapons you can use are the ones that drop from enemies or are traded for at a collector. Buying weapons from a crafter are not allowed. You may make use of any special-preorder equipment you have.

- You may not take anything out of the stash, including gold.

- You may not purchase or borrow runes from another player. All the runes you use must be salvaged from a monster you help kill. **If you do kill a monster and it drops a rune you can use, but is assigned to another player, that player may drop it for you to take. You may not, however, get a rune from another player if you weren't there when it dropped. Example: if I'm using a W and am out with Zedf, using an E, and we kill a monster that drops a W rune and is assigned to Zedf, then he can drop it for me. However, if he's questing with his E without me and a W rune drops, I can't use the rune.

- You may use the characters outside the variant scope if you want, just be forewarned that should you choose to buy armor in a town, you may not use it when we gather for the events. You'll have to keep your set of collector-found armor on hand -- if you throw it away that's your own fault and you'll have to walk around without armor on. The same applies with weapons.

Original Thread - Living Off the Land





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