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Voices in the Wilderness

Kormir knew something was odd about this new group of Sunspears when they refused to use the tools she gave them. "No thanks, I use what I can get for myself," was what they each said.

That was how these people worked. No freebies, no handouts, nothing they couldn't get out in the wild. They lived by the credo that the test of a true warrior was to ignore the urge for gold and to claim armor and weapons from the corpses of enemies.

That was how they came together. They recognized their kindred spirits when they saw them and worked together without any elaborate explanations.

This is their story - Voices in the Wilderness

The Journey Begins
Lurker Wyrm - 09 Nov 2006

How many times can one village be attacked and burned down before it's no longer on the map? How many Sunspears does it take to deliver a package? Find out as a new group of stalwart adventurers begin their quest to make the lands of Elona safer for all, while they disregard the perks of society.

It was sometime early in the morning when the Corsairs decided to attack. Groups of sunspears were forming all around Chahbek in order to mount a defense and take the town back. Most were still green and running around in a panic, completely clueless. There were some, however, who recognized the smell of battle and grew eager. Then there were those who just weren't paying attention.

And there was one other group. A group of fighters who weren't bound by the normal constraints of having to worry about whether their armor matched their hair color or whether they wanted to look glitzy to show off themselves. They lived off the land, and the land provided all they need. Their armor was the corpses of their enemies, their weapons the bones of their enemies. They lived in the wild, they communed with nature, baths were optional. They were: the LoL brigade.

Wait, the LoL brigade?

Yes. The LoL brigade. Even the name they chose for themselves was representative for how they felt about society and it's pre-occupation with appearances. They kept things simple, clean (well...), efficient. More to the point, they lived off the land and this was the abbreviation of that.

Some had gone ahead and were already in Kamadan for the Halloween festival. Others had just arrived. While one group busied themselves carrying out the requests of townsfolk, the other rescued Chahbek from the seemingly endless assault of the Corsair. Neither was very difficult. The townsfolk mostly needed errands run and the Corsair decided to land their ships within the line of fire of Istani catapults. Don't ask why, no one has been able to figure that out.

With Chahbek saved, the groups both found themselves running around doing errands for the people of Kamadan, just to prove that they were worthy of being Sunspears. How delivering packages would prove their mettle in combat, no one knew, but it did.

The liberation of Chahbek was short-lived, however, as Corsair once again decided to attack the poor village. And so, another group formed and saved the village. Again.

As chance or fate would have it, the 3 groups found themselves face to face with each other. Deciding that 2 full groups would be more efficient than 3 partial groups, they agreed to work together. When they finally decided on their groups, they went out into the wild where they belonged. The desert-like Plains of Jarin were soon covered with dead plants and insects, much in the way that deserts normally are.

Once they completed the requests of the villagers and went back to Kamadan in order to inform said villagers of said completions, they found themselves standing in front of Dehvad, the First Spear, who had new orders for them. Trouble was starting and battle awaited them. But first, they had to finish up a few loose ends.


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 Realms Beyond Guild Emblem
  Winning entry in the Feb/2005

  ArenaNet's Emblem Contest

  Voices In The Wilderness

 - The Journey Begins

 - LoL brigade makes friends
 - Grave Digging
 - Twisting Fate
 - Preparing for War
 - Take that, Kourna!
 - Restoring the Sunspears
 - Backwards and Forwards
 - New Allies
 - Reaching Vabbi
 - The Gilded World of Vabbi
 - Downhill Slide
 - Bad to Worse
 - The Turning Tide
 - Garden Nightmare
 - The Lesser of Two Evils
 - Turning the Tables
 - Into the Darkness
 Finishing What We've Started



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