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Voices in the Wilderness

Into the Darkness
* Quest: Uncharted Territory
* Mission: Gate of Pain

Wyrm - 05 Jul 2007

It occurred to me that, while I have explained the manner in which we go about getting and using our equipment, I have not yet explained how we have been making use of our combat skills. As you are already aware, we have sworn off spending money for equipment, runes, insignias, dye, etc.. This also includes spending money to have trainers teach us new skills, doing so would go against how we are. We will, however, accept the training from masters that are willing to teach us skills as a part of a quest we must do for them, and we are also not opposed to learning skills from the sunspears and other trainers that recognize our achievements as both sunspears and lightbringers.

Also, it should be noted that from when we arrived in Vabbi and onwards, we have been training with the order of whispers to be lightbringers, that is to have additional offensive and defensive capabilities against the servants of Abaddon. This is not something we have made known as much as our other achievements because it is something we each have worked on independently and mostly when we have had the chance to do so when not rushing to try and stop Nightfall. In any case, that is all there is to say about that.

The realm of torment is very dark and bleak, but I guess it's supposed to be that way. Shortly after arriving we learn that Kormir is waiting for us and wants to meet with Dunkeroo as well. We bring the old guy with us and head out into the nightfallen lands, where we run into Kormir. She is glad we have come and says that we need to hurry and get moving. We move out, avoiding as many of the enemies as we can so that we're not overwhelmed by converging groups of enemies.

As we advance, Kormir explains that we must bring the fight to Abaddon, fighting him here in the realm of torment instead of the world above. Dunkeroo does not agree with her and instead wants us to go back to the world above and prepare defenses there, so we can keep the dark god at bay. Right, that type of plan always works. We also soon learn that Dunkeroo changes his mind easily, because, after we fight a few demons and miniature titans, we come face to face with his son, who was a sunspear and is now trapped in the realm of torment. Dunk quickly changes his mind and decides that we need to do what we can to free the souls down here from torment.

We keep moving until we happen upon a conversation between a demonic spider and the soul of a walking dead. Great, more walking dead. We attack the demonic spider and notice that he's unlike the other demonic spiders we encounter here, he's a champion of them. That means his spells hurt a lot more than most others. This would be a problem if it weren't for us having figured out a way to deal with them easily. Kali drops a meteor on their heads, knocking them down, and while they are on the ground I step forward and knock it on the head which, while it doesn't cause damage, does daze the foe enough so that spell casting is an impossibility.

When we start attacking the spider demon, another demon shows up and starts attacking us. He isn't anywhere near as much of a threat as the spider demon is, so we wait and finish him second. When the demonic spider falls, souls are released from within that it must have been either feasting on or storing it for later transportation. In any case, the souls are free now. We continue on and spot another giant spider surrounded by torment demons. Fortunately, the demons are patrolling towards us and we are able to fight them before taking on the giant spider. With both the demons and spider dead, we spot another of those demons we saw with the first giant spider to the south. Worried that he might try to surprise attack us like the last did, we take the fight to him. He has several smaller spiders with him, but they are no challenge for us.

We spot another of the surprise demons up to the north of where we were that is guarded by quite a few other demons, so we begin luring them a few at a time to their deaths until we have taken both them and the surprise demon out. We then continue on the way we were going. We destroy several more of the giant demonic spiders, freeing even more souls, and then spot another surprise demon to the west, across a bridge. We move to attack him but are unsuccessful in our early attempts as the three smaller spiders he has with him, combined with the lack of room to move around in, makes it very hard to avoid the meteor showers of the spiders, which is quite irritating. We are almost wiped out several times and have to use almost all of our res sigs in addition to quite a few uses of Rebirth. Eventually, though, we are successful at taking down them all.

We continue on again and take out the remaining giant spiders, freeing souls. We complete a circular pattern, freeing as many souls as we can. Once we free all that are in the area, Kormir speaks to us and says that we did good, but now we must move on and bring the fight directly to Abaddon. In order to do that, we will need to invoke the aid of the five gods.

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  Voices In The Wilderness

 - The Journey Begins

 - LoL brigade makes friends
 - Grave Digging
 - Twisting Fate
 - Preparing for War
 - Take that, Kourna!
 - Restoring the Sunspears
 - Backwards and Forwards
 - New Allies
 - Reaching Vabbi
 - The Gilded World of Vabbi
 - Downhill Slide
 - Bad to Worse
 - The Turning Tide
 - Garden Nightmare
 - The Lesser of Two Evils
 - Turning the Tables
 - Into the Darkness
 Finishing What We've Started


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