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Voices in the Wilderness

Turning the Tables
* Quests: A Deal's a Deal; Horde of Darkness
* Mission: Ruins of Morah

Wyrm - 04 Jul 2007

There are a lot of walking dead here. I don't like that. Although, I suppose it can't be helped as this place is home to the walking dead and demons. We leave this small outpost and head north to find Joko waiting for us. I don't like forging an alliance with this fool, even if it is only temporary, but we need to stop Varesh and his resources will help us do that.

First, we need to gather his forces which, until now, have become dormant and anarchist, which means we're going to have to subdue them. Great. We climb into wurms and follow Joko to someone he claims is his most trusted general, who naturally attacks us. We pummel the general and he comes to his senses, then summons more walking dead to "serve" in the army. We move forward and, with the aid of the walking dead army, any fighting we have to do, be it with the other walking dead or with Margonites, is over quickly.

We reach the sulfurous haze again and climb into wurms, then proceed North and find Joko's Bone Palace inhabited by Margonites. We easily destroy them and Joko reclaims his throne. I hope we don't end up regretting this. While Joko busies himself at trying to reorganize his army, one of his priests, if it's even possible for the walking dead to have priests, tells us that we need more firepower from our wurms if we want to move forward. The only way to do this is to go kill elder wurms and have ours consume them, thereby gaining their powers. That's just gross.

We take the long trek through the desolation in our wurms, and eventually reach the elders. After our wurms gobble them up they "inherit" the ability to perform their own siege attacks. We take our now even more powerful wurms and head to where Varesh is trying to complete the ritual to summon Abaddon into the world, the Mouth of Torment. There are only two things in our way: first, a horde of darkness from the realm of torment and secondly, a giant solitary colossus that is blocking our path. How the colossus got there, we're not exactly sure, but it's there. Both of these interferences are easily dismantled by our wurms and their new siege abilities.

We depart the wurms one last time and thank them for their help, then head towards the Mouth of Torment. Waiting for us is one of Varesh's captains, that she had placed on guard duty. Fortunately, this captain is more loyal to General Morgahn than he is to Varesh and escorts us in. As we prepare to fight Varesh, Morgahn insists on coming along to atone for his earlier crimes in assisting Varesh. We agree to this and Captain Mehhan helps us sneak in. Then he runs away.

Varesh is standing in the middle of the Mouth of Torment surrounded by three Margonites. We manage to lure her away from them and back up the hill to us, where we start beating on her. She has gained many powers from Abaddon and we take quite a bit of damage, needing to use several res sigs, but we are determined and we eventually weaken her to the point where she falls back to her spot for meditation and begins summoning demons from the realm of torment. Some of these go down to the mouth itself and help surround her, while others stay near where we are. We destroy the ones that are blocking us from attacking Varesh.

As soon as we are able to, we once again lure her over to us where she has to fight us without the aid of her demons. Even with her new powers from Abaddon, she is unable to bring us down. We are able to defeat Varesh and bring an end to her tyrannical reign. Unfortunately, we are not able to celebrate because she was able to complete enough of her ritual for the gateway to begin to collapse and, with her death, it is opened enough so that we are pulled into the realm of torment itself.

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  Voices In The Wilderness

 - The Journey Begins

 - LoL brigade makes friends
 - Grave Digging
 - Twisting Fate
 - Preparing for War
 - Take that, Kourna!
 - Restoring the Sunspears
 - Backwards and Forwards
 - New Allies
 - Reaching Vabbi
 - The Gilded World of Vabbi
 - Downhill Slide
 - Bad to Worse
 - The Turning Tide
 - Garden Nightmare
 - The Lesser of Two Evils
 - Turning the Tables
 - Into the Darkness
 Finishing What We've Started


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