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Voices in the Wilderness

Backwards and Forwards
* Mission: Venta Cemetery
* Quests: The Council is Called; To Vabbi!; Centaur Blackmail

Wyrm - 30 Jun 2007

We've gathered up all the injured sunspears at Venta Cemetery. Now, all we have to do is get them to Koss' contact somewhere on the coastline to the West. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but unfortunately there's a really big garrison in our way. We wanted to just plow through the thing but Dunkeroo said no. Killjoy.

One of Koss' friends, Rojis, shows us how to dismantle the traps the Kournans have set up everywhere. Can't say that I expected something useful from someone Koss knows. Neither did any of the rest of our party, if their looks of surprise are any indication. Since the injured we're escorting all have monkish abilities, we decided to send Dunkeroo and Tahlkora separately. That's one headache we don't have to worry about.

Our team also found another dervish out in the wild, named Jenova. Ginger seems to know him so she persuaded him to travel with us. Our pack is now once again at full force.

We lead the injured out of the cemetery and make for the western beach. Unfortunately, the Kournans have guard posts set up everywhere now so we have to take those out as we go along. It's easy enough for us to do with the aid of the injured. I know that sounds a bit strange, but, believe it or not, they're more useful than a certain other monk we know. Go figure.

Having to disarm traps and fight down guard posts makes the going a bit slower, but we move along nevertheless. Once we get close enough to the coast to smell it, everyone is relieved to get there and not be dead. This is somewhat short-lived though, as we decide to do the nice thing and take out the rest of the guard towers in case there are any others that want to follow us. This goes well enough until someone steps a bit too close to the garrison and lets them know where we are. Then things get loud. Very loud. And we start running like chickens. Very fast. Fortunately, we clear out the rest of the guard towers with ease and get to the coast without taking too much damage from the siege. As it turns out, Koss' contact is a Corsair. Big surprise there. In any case, she gives us a ride back to Kamadan.

We head to the consulate and let the old guys know what happened in Kourna. They agree that we have a problem and suggest we seek aid from the princes of Vabbi. Great idea, except you can't get to Vabbi without going back through Kourna. That's where the old people pass the buck to us. They're idea people. Jerks.

We make our way back to the sanctuary and Dunkeroo says we should go scouting with Nerashi. Does he have any other scouts or just her? Nerashi takes us past the fortress of Jahai. We want to just plow through it, but she seems to think it's a bit too dangerous. Wuss. Well, whatever, we continue scouting and she sees some centaurs being taken away as prisoners. Not really sure what that has to do with us, but it makes her get careless and we get spotted by a Kournan patrol. They're easy enough to deal with.

We head back to the sanctuary to tell Lonai about all this and she, too, says going through the Jahai fortress would be too risky. Wuss. It's not like she has a better idea. Lonai seems to be ordering us around a lot after having asked each of us to be the new leader of the sunspears. I'm starting to think that was just a smoke-screen. Well, whatever, there's some centaur bugging people in the command post so we might as well go deal with him.

What an annoying centaur. He wants us to help his kin get rescued or he'll go blab to the Kournans our location. I wouldn't mind just making dinner out of him, but that would go against our teachings as sunspears. Maybe I should have been a disciple of Grenth after all. In any case, we figure we might as well go help his fellow centaurs, it's not like we have anything more important to do. It's not like Varesh is trying to bring forth a banished God or anything.

Zhed takes us to see some old guy. Great, another idea man. He wants us to work with the centaur to free his people and, help him take out a Kournan he needs dealt with. Are we assassins now? I suppose it can't be helped. We go meet up with his other centaur buddy to find out what the plan is for freeing the prisoners. Turns out, it's to get us all arrested. That sounds like a well thought out plan. Rescuing prisoners seems to be a recurring theme for us. At least this time we get to be prisoners ourselves. Oh, wait, that's not supposed to be a plus.

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  Voices In The Wilderness

 - The Journey Begins

 - LoL brigade makes friends
 - Grave Digging
 - Twisting Fate
 - Preparing for War
 - Take that, Kourna!
 - Restoring the Sunspears
 - Backwards and Forwards
 - New Allies
 - Reaching Vabbi
 - The Gilded World of Vabbi
 - Downhill Slide
 - Bad to Worse
 - The Turning Tide
 - Garden Nightmare
 - The Lesser of Two Evils
 - Turning the Tables
 - Into the Darkness
 Finishing What We've Started



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