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Voices in the Wilderness

The Turning Tide
* Mission: Nundu Bay

Wyrm - 02 Jul 2007

When we arrive at the village of Ronjok, Nightfall has already spread and beaten us back; the countryside has been desecrated by eruptions from the torment. The Harbinger of Nightfall bellows from the Kournan fortress nearby, now more ruins than anything else. He says we're all going to die and that Abaddon will feast on our eyes. Right, not today buddy, sorry. Let the waves of attacks begin.

Elder Jonah tells us that according to legend, the Harbingers are invincible and cannot be hurt. To get around this, he gives us vials of holy water and tells us that if we smash them in the Harbinger's faces, then we'll be able to hurt them. Well, ok; Ginger and I grab a bunch of the vials and get ready to use them.

The Margonites start attacking. They're not much of a threat to us anymore since we've gotten used to fighting them and, the more I think about it, the more they look like weird, demented mermaids than actual demons. Wirr and Ginger agree. After a few waves of them, the Harbinger of Nightfall announces he's sending a Harbinger of Twilight at us. Apparently, he doesn't believe in surprise tactics, which is unfortunate. By the time the Harbinger of Twilight arrives, we've cleared all the Margonites away from the village and are standing ready with the holy water. Which works like a charm. The Harbinger dies very quickly.

More waves of Margonites charge at us and more waves of Margonites get stamped down. The groups are becoming more frequent now, but they're still hardly anything for us to worry about. After another few waves, the head Harbinger announces another mini-Harbinger on the way. Does this guy learn nothing? We repeat the same process as before with one minor hitch. This Harbinger somehow manages to dodge one of my vials so Ginger has to use one of hers on him. No biggie, and he dies just as easily. After this, there's one more wave of Margonites for us to destroy and then the big Harbinger announces that it's waiting for us to come to him at the Kournan fortress. I guess he's going to Plan B.

We work our way to the fort, taking out Margonites along the way. When we get there, we notice that there are still more Harbingers of Twilight in a section of the fortress away from where the Harbinger of Nightfall is. Worried that his taunts might be a distraction, we decide to go attack them before him. Really, he probably didn't have the brain capacity for something that devious, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

These prove to be a bit trickier than the others as we have to fight them at the same time as a rather large group of Margonites. We have to do a series of strategic retreats so we can thin the Margonite numbers out without taking too many hits. Several res sigs are used but eventually we triumph. One down, one to go. Fortunately, this next one is easier since he and his Margonites are at the bottom of a staircase which means Ginger, Jenova, and Wirr can stand at the top of it and keep them from coming any further. The plan works for the most part and only a few get through.

With these two Harbingers out of the way, we move on to the big one. We start by going around back and taking out the nearby Margonites, then heading back around to the front and taking out all nearby Margonites there. Eventually, it's down to just us and the Harbinger of Nightfall. We move in and start beating on him. Things go rather well and we've got him hobbling around. In an act of desperation he calls more demons to himself, but to no avail. We ignore the incoming Margonites and keep attacking him. Just as they arrive he falls, and with him goes the Margonites and the torment. The countryside is still in ruins, but is safe for now.

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  Voices In The Wilderness

 - The Journey Begins

 - LoL brigade makes friends
 - Grave Digging
 - Twisting Fate
 - Preparing for War
 - Take that, Kourna!
 - Restoring the Sunspears
 - Backwards and Forwards
 - New Allies
 - Reaching Vabbi
 - The Gilded World of Vabbi
 - Downhill Slide
 - Bad to Worse
 - The Turning Tide
 - Garden Nightmare
 - The Lesser of Two Evils
 - Turning the Tables
 - Into the Darkness
 Finishing What We've Started



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