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Voices in the Wilderness
  Twisting Fate
* Quests: Bad Tide Rising; Special Delivery; Big News, Small Package; Following the Trail
* Mission: Blacktide Den

Wyrm - 29 Jun 2007

I cannot help but wonder what is going on. First, the walking dead attack and then Dehvad told us that there are strange demons attacking Kamadan through demonic rifts. It seems as though our fight in Fahranur caused more chaos than we realized, but I am at a loss as to why. There are Zaishen here now, fighters that guard the battle isles. When we fought back the demons so many others were there to aid our battle that there was little for me to do, other than to motivate the fighters and keep people organized.

After the demons were destroyed, Kormir decided that the demons were more than we sunspears could handle alone, so she left Elona to go enlist the aid of other countries. In the meantime a new spearmarshal needed to be appointed, even if it was only a temporary position. Kormir chose a man named Jerek, whom she had been appointed spearmarshal in place of. In any case, we relay the message to him and then report for our orders once he reaches the Sunspear Hall.

A young monk named Talhkora was talking to Jerek when we arrived. She needed babysitting, we were elected. I dislike babysitting. She seems a bit eager to rush ahead, much like Ginger. The girl leads us out to Mehtani Keys and runs us around the waters. We run into a few Corsair so we kill them. They have some sort of map on them, along with Kournan coins. This girl is starting to be credible; still not very useful, though. While we are out here, I find a man willing to trade me a new spear for some battle trophies I've kept.

When we return to Jerek, he is dismissive of the girl still and tells us to deal with her. She leads us to Dohjok where we find more Corsairs guarding pieces of paper. We kill them and take these pieces and they slowly form into a map. There is only one piece left and as we are about to kill the final Corsair captain to take from him, he offers to give it to us and have his aide help us decipher it. It will reduce the headache I have from all this back and forth so we agree to his request.

We wind up in a swamp. This unwelcoming place looks... unwelcoming... Here, we run into others that have chosen to live off the land, as we have, and so we decide to team up with them in order to be a more formidable force. It is easy to recognize those like us as we all wear armor that looks almost haphazard; we do not bother making our armor shine or have it match our hair. In any case, Ginger and I now have our forces strengthened by Kali, Uca, Lafeu, Wirr, and Zed. And Tahlkora, who insisted on coming along.

Our goal was to impersonate corsairs and sneak our way through with the Kournans to figure out what it was they were really after. Since we were already there, however, we decided to kill two birds with one stone by taking care of a rinkhail population issue, i.e. killing off a bunch of their healers. Things progressed smoothly and our population control measures were easy. The Kournans didn't like when we would take detours to smackdown rinkhail though. Kournans, at least the military, are starting to annoy me.

The Kournan we're escorting to his secret meeting with General Kahyet talks a lot, and is a coward. I wonder how many of the Kournan military are like this? Ginger and Wirr seem to enjoy making fun of him at every opportunity. Those two are strange, but this Kournan had it coming. We reach the location where Kahyet is supposed to be, despite the failings of our "guide," and wait for her to show up. After a few minutes, she does.

She is suspicious of us and upset that Ironfist, her corsair contact, didn't come personally. Things seem like they might start taking a turn for the worse until Tahlkora reveals her identity and speeds the process up. A lot. We only have one thing left to do, which is to beat these two up. Peculiarly, Kahyet has some demons with her that are exactly like ones that attacked Kamadan earlier. The fact that this old hag is associated with those vile creatures is enough to make us go the extra distance and kill her. In retrospect that might not have been the wisest course of action, but it felt good.

After we kill Kahyet, we leave the swamp and head to the Sunspear Hall where we prepare to tell Jerek everything that's happened. I'm not exactly sure how we're going to explain all of this, but I'm pretty sure we can blame Tahlkora for most of it.

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  Voices In The Wilderness

 - The Journey Begins

 - LoL brigade makes friends
 - Grave Digging
 - Twisting Fate
 - Preparing for War
 - Take that, Kourna!
 - Restoring the Sunspears
 - Backwards and Forwards
 - New Allies
 - Reaching Vabbi
 - The Gilded World of Vabbi
 - Downhill Slide
 - Bad to Worse
 - The Turning Tide
 - Garden Nightmare
 - The Lesser of Two Evils
 - Turning the Tables
 - Into the Darkness
 Finishing What We've Started



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