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Voices in the Wilderness

Garden Nightmare
* Mission: Jennur's Horde
Wyrm - 03 Jul 2007

With Ronjok safe for the moment, we head back to Vabbi to clear the demons out of the gardens of Seborhin. Hinon is waiting for us. He will give us the Lights of Seborhin, which will instantly destroy the Harbingers within. There's only one catch though; there is a rift up ahead that spawns Margonites and every time we use a Light to destroy a Harbinger, the number of Margonites summoned will increase. That's a bit of an interesting catch. Fortunately, though, these Harbingers are weaker than the Harbingers of Twilight that we faced back in Kourna. Because of that fact, we can move past them without them being much of a danger.

We begin our attack and run the gauntlet past the first few Harbingers, who give up chasing us rather quickly. When we reach the staircase up to the courtyard, we run into a rather large group of Margonites and have to fight them there. While we are fighting, more Margonites show up and we end up having to use a few res sigs. There is also a Harbinger fighting us, one that was waiting at the top of the stairs. We decide we won't be able to go on if we don't deal with this one, we'll just have to deal with the larger number of Margonites. When the Harbinger dies, a Spirit of Seborhin rises in its place and creates another light for us.

We clear out the central area as much as we can until we reach a newly created ravine. By this time, we've got the timing of the spawns down, so those are no longer an issue for us, we simply wait until the spawn arrives, attack it and then target one of the already existing groups. When we decide it's time to move to the other side of the ravine, we take out the northern Harbinger, again risking the increased spawn numbers.

With the rest of the area now accessible, we clear the Margonites in the area, including a group on the staircase near us, which we find we can't destroy without also destroying the Harbinger along with it. This Harbinger seems different than the others for some reason, but we're not quite sure what it is about it that makes it so. When the next spawn arrives we figure out that it's because it doesn't increase the number of Margonites spawned. In any case, we go back down the stairs and see another group like the one we just battled on the other staircase, so we use the same strategy to destroy them and their Harbinger.

Now that just the Harbinger of Nightfall is left, we head in and start fighting it and Kali, our designated Light of Seborhin carrier, drops the Light on the demon. It doesn't die. We're in trouble. Then we notice that it did get hurt, quite a bit, by the Light. Oh Boy. Kali goes back for another Light and drops it on the demon. It still doesn't die. Argh. She goes back and gets yet another one and this time, when she drops it on the demon, it dies and the rift closes, taking the other torment demons with it. Now that we've successfully averted Nightfall for the time being, we decide to take a rest.

I suppose now is as good a time as any to update you as to our equipment situation. As you know, we only use what we find and refuse to spend gold, except on the rare occasion of buying identification and salvaging kits, even then that's only some of us. Others will instead barter for these items. Ginger's sword is somewhat dull, as she's been using the same one for quite a while now. The rest of us have managed to find weapons that suit our purposes, some from the corpses of enemies, some that we traded for, some that we found buried in the ground. While they are not the most powerful weapons in existence, they do what we need them to do, and that is enough.

Our armor is still the same that we got back in Lahtenda Bog before we left Istan and, though it may be battle-worn at this point, it still protects us. No, it does not offer as much protection as something we could have custom tailored for us in one of the cities, but at the same time it does not leave us defenseless. Throughout our journeys we have been able to find enough runes and insignias from the armor of our slain foes that we all have good enough armor for what we are doing. We do not need perfected armor, just as we do not need perfected weapons, in order to win the day and it is unfortunate that so many people place such a high importance on the quality of their armor. Yes, armor is important to have when going into battle, but if you depend on it more than your own ability to survive then you will certainly fall. That is all I have to say on that.

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  Voices In The Wilderness

 - The Journey Begins

 - LoL brigade makes friends
 - Grave Digging
 - Twisting Fate
 - Preparing for War
 - Take that, Kourna!
 - Restoring the Sunspears
 - Backwards and Forwards
 - New Allies
 - Reaching Vabbi
 - The Gilded World of Vabbi
 - Downhill Slide
 - Bad to Worse
 - The Turning Tide
 - Garden Nightmare
 - The Lesser of Two Evils
 - Turning the Tables
 - Into the Darkness
 Finishing What We've Started


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