Opening Date: Monday, November 5
Duration: Four Weeks
Map Script: Arboria
Game Speed: Normal
Civilization: Germany
Leader: Bismarck
World Size: Standard
Victory: Any
Random Personalities
Version: Beyond the Sword v3.13

you sick of games that point you to a certain victory type or tell
you to play a certain way? Games like Adventure
24 - It's a Wonderful Life, where you have to be a wonder
whore, Adventure 17 - PETA Crusaders,
where you have to look after the animals (and get killed in
the process) or Warlords 3 - Wan Kon and
His Minions, where you have to manage your relations trying
for a UN victory? Well, this game is for you! I don't care how you
play the game. The game set up has been customized, but customized
for fun. The map has been edited, but edited for fun. The AIs have
been 'adjusted', but adjusted for fun. The general theme for this
game is fun, fun to play, fun to explore, fun to report, fun! Oops
- I suppose that this game is also telling you how to play ... oh
well, you can't have everything .

The aim of this game is fun! To that end, I have hidden a vast array
of items in the game that you need to discover. Well, 'need' is
a bit strong, you don't 'need' to do anything (except have fun).
How about
there are these things hidden in this game that
you might want to possibly consider maybe looking for
that's the ticket. To help you, all of the hidden things center
around the number 2. You will need to supply evidence for any item
that you claim is a 2 related item.
The results will be listed in the order of the players self confessed
score based on the number of items relating to '2' that the player
the fun begin

Day: Monday, December 4. Reports due by the end of December
5, your local time.
Adventure Twenty-five!
Adventure Twenty-five results!
