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May/30/2001 - NEW HOME :) Incase you are redirected here from the old site without knowing, this is Realms Beyond Diablo's new home. Cheers! Also, the DSG (Dreams of the Sleeping God), my CD site, and Charis's Diablo Page will be hosted under the same domain. You will be informed when the uploads are done. In the mean time, don't forget to change your bookmark(s). Want to see what Glacial Spike, Frost Nova, Chilling Armor would look like in a movie? There are more spells FX than I have mentioned but I will leave that to you to spot them. I can only hope the rumored D2 movie will have sequences as good as this. Thanks to more sever space, I will leave the mpg clip up for awhile but not for long. Click on the link to view it with your default browser viewer, or Shift Click to download it. Enjoy :) 29/May/2001- Seem like an endless task to find and upload all the CD variants. This update includes the Animal Right Activist and Bushido, as well as a bunch of variant ROLEs by Charis. The CD Death Knight variant by Charis is now ported to D2 fit for 3 classes, looks good :) Death Knight 28/Apr/2001
- 2 variants by Sirian is now hosted on this site - The Isolationist
and the EST (Elemental Strike Team) are
well suited for team play that's been gaining popularity of late. 24/Apr/2001 - Rejoice! The story of Garda by LemmingofGlory and The Chronicles of Erim Lera by Whyte Tyger are upload to the site along with KoPhanTom's Ironman continuation into NM (including a summary of his Normal IM run). 13/Apr/2001 - Finally, I have located the missing rules for the CD variant Rage, a variant cursed by WitchFire and starts life as Ironman. Looks like Drasca has been busy lately with four new uploads from him: Orchids, Mentat, Forger, and Nova Mistress. Check them out, as well as the new team variant designed by Charis, The Pacifists In Party Expedition Society (PIPES). 10/Apr/2001 - I am happy to announce the Tales section is finally up and running with many more tales to come as fast as I can convert them. With 5 new uploads, CGW, FoM, Savage, Samurai and Ninja, there are now 67 CD variants hosted at the RBD - check them out and... enjoy :) 3/Apr/2001 - Yet another article for the strategies/tips section. WWology - takes a look at the fine art of Whirlwind and an introduction to the Dance of Death. Enjoy :) 1/Apr/2001
- 2 new articles for the strategies/tips section worth a look. 28/Mar/2001 - It's time for Ironman! I have been playing a solo IronBarb (PhanTom lives :)) for the last few days and hope to have the report up soon. The working D2 Ironman rules is uploaded now but there are a few issues I'd like others opinion on. So please look it over then head over to the Forge Forum and give some comments. 27/Mar/2001 - Tons of CD variants from Charis is now uploaded making a total of 62 variants on the CD master list. And, don't forget to check the revised Juggler Rule if you are (or thinking of) playing one. 2 new
additions in the strategy section - 28/Feb/2001
- Maaloch's Juggler can now be found here.
update will come after I get my ISP hookup back home. It might be as soon
as a week or as long as a month. Fear not, the time offline will allow
me to finish some researches I've started, as well, start playing solo
Ironman. Some of the things I am working on (in no particular order):
21/Feb/2001 - Lok is lvling fast with his Mageazon, Arrowitch made Clvl 50 this weekend. Click here for the new update. Maaloch's new version (many changes to the original rules) of his Juggler variant is looking good :) and will be uploaded soon. Also, a couple of TBA variants were caught in action having fun play testing this weekend...hope to have more info on those later. Added
a couple of new links to the Links section: 13/Feb/2001 - The D2 variants section is now active with 13 variants so far :) Expect to see at least 3 more variants uploaded in the next day or 2. On vaporware - I am working to finish up writing 3 new variants, a DoomSlinger using sorc (actually, this gals been around for a few months but she was put on hold. See what I mean when I say vaporware?), a dagger weilding warcries barb based on the Dune stories, and a punching Barb (weapons are for wimps). The Strat section also has a couple of new articles - A quick necro startup guide by LemmingofGlory and a Mageazon updated report by Lok. 06/Feb/2001
- House of RBD is up, and with a whole fleet
of (West Realm) mules to boot. This section is where we keep track of
RBD mules, and Team Variants accounts. 29//Jan/2001
- The Variants section is up :) Links to Diablo II Variants Master list is not yet active, it'll be on once I have the pages up. Here's the new link to Dreams of the Sleeping God - KingOfPain's CD site. 28/Dec/2000 - Strategies and Tips section is now opened. To start things off, we bring you The Charis Report covering the first Baron in each of the five classes... Happy Holidays - From all of us at the RBD 02/Aug/2000
- Been slow to update this site because we are still busy playing the
new game. Although we (the Variants Community) are being cautious not
to rush to create new variants until we know more about the game, we just
can't help ourselves. Some new and port-over-from-D1 variant prototypes
are being presented at the RBD forum: The "Tales from Beyond" and "Beyond Classes" section is being actively worked on. There are already 3 awesome series of stories in the Tales section by a couple of well known writers in the Diablo community, something not to be missed. The sections should be online within a few days so check back soon. 04/July/2000 - The Beyond Classes section is now opened. In this section you will find tips on different Classes and Styles in the form of diaries. Our Diablo veterans will share their insights on item choices, skills building, and playability as the characters are being developed. 01/July/2000
- Chat feature implemented on the
RBD forum. The chat feature will be implemented on the Forge forum as well when I get them to share and show the same chat room. 11/May/2000 - Site goes public! At the moment, only the top four buttons are active, the other buttons are there (in no particular order) as an introduction to some of the features we have planned for the site. We are quite excited about the future of this site, together, with your input and contributions the RBD will become the best D2 site we can all benefit from. 26/Apr/2000
- Charisleepless managed to upload the first batch of Screenshots between
gaming to tease us some more. Quote "Four days, 9 hrs combined sleep,
2 days at work shot to hell. Gotta love it :P". If the amount of
hours Charis puts into the game is any indication of how cool D2 is going
to be, it's going to be one awesome game ;) - Now moved to the Archive
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