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  Master of Orion - The Role-Playing Game
Posted by: Akito Yagami - August 3rd, 2005, 21:55 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (2)

Sure we've all thought about it, and sometimes being the ruler isn't as exciting as what could actually be happening on the frontlines in the battle field of the Orion Universe.

So I've taken it upon myself to fan-create a Table Top, Pen & Paper Role-Playing game. It is based loosely on the Tri-Stat system and functions mainly on d12's.

As of right now I've done the rules for Basic Hand-to-Hand combat and the Races. but I'm currently working on Ship-to-Ship combat as well as Ship Types, Planet Types and Planet Sizes.

Obviously the MoO Universe has alot of explore from the adventure's point of view and being able to create a unique party makes things that much more interesting.

The idea originaly hit me when I was playing MoO2 a few years ago and I noticed that the Leaders you hire, are alot like your little party of Hero's who Help maintain planets, or attack enemies.

Obviously this game focuses more on exploration and adventure then taking over the universe as the PC Game does.

People may be asking why I decided to set it in Masters of Orion 2 Period. One it is personaly my favorite game (MoO3 really disappointed me although it had alot of good story ideas). It also is after the Dark Age of the universe (MoO1) And during a time of Galactic Renaissance so to speak (New Races emerging and old races evolving).


Also to those who want to keep up with how the progress of the game goes I've created a blog for the game so please feel free to visit it

'Master of Orion - The Role-Playing Game' Game Status Blog

And on another note please visit Arioch's Page to see some of the art I'll be using. Arioch's Gallery. Also don't forget to view his web comic Outsider. It's been a big source of inspiration as far as the feel of the game.

Outsider Webcomic


A bit of teaser really for the alpha release of the Master of Orion RPG. so tada, the Offical Character Sheet.

Nothing too fancy as of yet but it really is something I feel proud of.


Character Sheet

Ship Sheet

Note: the webspace I am using is currently Geocities so if your having problems downloading the character sheet drag and drop the link into your address bar.

If you Still have problems let me know and I will try to work something out.


But I would like a little feedback from the Community.

- Possible Ship/Planet schematics or designs would be most helpful

- Fanart and In Game art, I haven't been able to take in game screen shots of MoO2 (ala the Print Screen > Paint Method). So anything would be great!

-As well as any Feed back and/or encouragement.

If your interested in Helping please let me know.

Thank you all in Advance
-Akito Yagami-

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  Epic Fifty: Wine, Women, and Song! - Reports and Discussion
Posted by: Griselda - July 31st, 2005, 23:38 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (29)

Well, it looks like we might have some new players' reports for this one, so here's a brief explanation-

The game closes today- Monday, August 1. If you've completed the game and the report, you can post it (or a link to it) in reply to this thread.

If you haven't completed the game, you have until tonight to finish playing. If you're not done, save your game and make a note of the date. That date will be your "official" end date for scoring purposes.

To be eligible for scoring, you will need to post a report that includes at least the minimum information needed for scoring by tomorrow- Tuesday, August 2. Some people do post smaller, "placeholder" reports with just barebones scoring information, then post a more detailed report later.

Also, in case anyone's out there deleting save files right now, remember to save your 1500 AD save. You don't need to do anything with it at this exact moment, except make sure not to delete it. Thanks.

Well, enough talk- on to the wine toast, women kiss, and song mike!


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  Armaments for the Fashion Concious!
Posted by: KingOfPain - July 31st, 2005, 11:27 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (14)

Spatha. This is one nasty saw. Just dropped this morning outside of Ironmine - Max dmg with a couple of mods too smile

[Image: gw239Spatha.jpg]


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  Yet another patch
Posted by: Bam-Bam - July 29th, 2005, 12:14 - Forum: Diablo - Replies (11)

Blizz is acting crazy again.

Some interesting screenshots, including what looks like a new world event (this chick looks familiar...), and some nice shots of the big guy in Tristram.

Also, from a quick search of the reliable rolleye forums, there is a translation information from a Taiwanese site that one could interpret as the death of oskills.

Patch could occur as soon as Monday, given that the D2 servers will be down for about four hours.

That's about as much as I could find in 5 minutes worth of search.

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Posted by: Halcon Rojo - July 29th, 2005, 11:18 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (5)

Good morning all

i am one of fridge's friends i was woundering if i could join your guild.


Halcon Rojo

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  The 5 Hench Thunderhead
Posted by: WarBlade - July 28th, 2005, 18:14 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (3)

I was pretty sceptical about reports of the five henchman Thunderhead Keep success prior to last night, thinking a success would be a case of luck of the draw as much as skill and tactics. Last night I actually pulled one off myself and I suspect the tactics I employed would be fine for pulling off a 7 hench victory.

Player characters
Somewhat Zen - The Mo/R zen archer you all know and love.
Midnight Mick - W/R Sword and shield guy known for archery in many situations.
Bozack Maximus - N/R minion summoner with a few wells and the most hideous cape in Tyria.


We zipped out of the base and killed the Mursaat packs, went back in and catapulted the giants, then launched the defence. I re-tried my suggestion of camping the king again and we ignored the bonus.

I lead throughout the mission and most importantly, called the shots. That kept everyone's firepower focused on the targets as they came and kept the henchies perfectly aligned with us instead of running around trying to attack different targets. For the big boss encounter we drew the Mursaat Elementalist at which point we suffered the only hench death during the entire defence. We did have to switch targets away from that boss to pick off a few lesser groupies, but fortunately that proved to be almost all of the target switching confusion. The guys followed my lead pretty quickly, the target switching didn't become a problem.

I was able to snipe from the walls at a few enemies outside during quiet moments too, although these opportunities were few and far between. Mostly that consisted of one or two bow hits that broke up a pack a little as some White Mantle or other came barreling into the fort alone instead of waiting for two friends to form a bigger group. There was also one Mursaat who proved capable of hitting back when I was firing from next to the West cat location and I was able to stand there trading shots until it died while the rest of my team duked it out with a larger Eastern assault. I even killed one or two things with the West catapult throughout the whole excercise too. ^_^

So that's it basically. Camping the king worked for me provided that the firepower was focused by decent target calling. Jalis never gets in much danger and won't move from his spot. Long range archery and a touch of catapult magic can also be employed when the opportunities present themselves.

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  Painted Hand Animals
Posted by: KingOfPain - July 26th, 2005, 15:58 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

Just thought I would share this batch of pix someone mailed me. Enjoy smile

[Image: image001.jpg]

[Image: image003.jpg]

[Image: image004.jpg]

[Image: image005.jpg]

[Image: image006.jpg]

[Image: image007.jpg]

[Image: image008.jpg]

Nice doggy, but wow, this elephant head can pass for a real photo at first glance.


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  State of the RB Mules Address
Posted by: Occhidiangela - July 24th, 2005, 10:05 - Forum: Diablo - Replies (18)


I was trying to put a Cruel Winged Axe on the correct mule this morning, and discovered that quite a few were due to expire. Did a little probing about. RBD-17 Charged Babba II and RBD-16 ITDRB are expired. I checked most of RBD2-19 mules to burn off the caffeine.

Most of the mules "to expire in XX days" (about two dozen) were cleared. There are a few more high number mules to check when I no longer get the Realm Down. I am sure I tripped a Blizzard Bnet Bot sensor with all my going in and out of games to find out what has been lost.

My, what a lot of junk we have collected. smile


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  My Cat Has Taken Over an Apartment Building
Posted by: Griselda - July 22nd, 2005, 01:37 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (5)

I got Circe at the pound when she was about 12 weeks old. They called her "Houdini" because she would break out of just about any cage they put her in. Even as a kitten, she liked her freedom.

She has always been a dominant cat, one who likes people (as long as they don't try to restrain her!), but hates other cats. She has a rather large territory, and tends to do her "rounds" every day overseeing all of it. She sprays her territory, too, but luckily she's never sprayed indoors. She will also follow us on walks for quite a distance from home.

I'm sort of used to getting calls about Circe asking if she's a lost cat. This is mostly due to her tendency to cover the same ground every day, and her apparent lack of concern for human-style barriers (she'll go into people's houses through open doors and windows). I know that she is cared for at home, and she seems pretty happy with the current situation and with us- she returns home at least daily, sleeps here, eats here, and responds to us when we call her, pet her, take walks with her, etc. Also, I know that she tends to wander longer during the dry summer months, and that during the winter she is here most of the time. I've had a dominant-type cat in the past, so I've sort of accepted that about her. Our other (current) cat never leaves the property. They are opposites in a lot of ways, actually.

But, I've received two calls and had a conversation with a third person about Circe just in the past week- apparently she has taken over an entire apartment building as her own! I'm not sure how to take this.

The apartment building is about two blocks from our current house. It's only a block from our former house- where we lived until a year ago. From our old house, she could get to the building without crossing a street- she could go directly through yards to get there. She has always spent a lot of time on that block, but I've never seen her actually take over a residence.

After we moved, she kept the territory at our old house. The new tenants didn't have pets, so she would come and hang out in the yard, even though they didn't let her in the house (but she would try to get in). This month, some new people moved in, and they have 6 cats! So, that territory is no longer "hers". Her takeover of the apartment seems to coincide with the cats moving into our old house.

I was over at the apartment tonight and she was acting very much in charge of the place- lying in the doorway, etc. Of course, she also seemed very happy to see us and followed us home willingly. The people I talked to tonight have a toddler who just loves her, and they're happy to have her around. Not everybody is a cat person, though.

So, I wonder if I should do anything (or if I can do anything). My first impulse is to tell people that if they don't let her into their apartment, she will get the hint and will leave them alone. If they don't have screens small enough to keep cats out, I really hate to think of how many flies and bugs they are letting in. It's not like she's going to bust down the door. She will meow at people to let her in if they've let her in before, but she will give up on lost causes (unlike our other cat, hehe).

Keeping her indoors is not an option. It makes her miserable. I tried this with her when she was a kitten, but, just like when she was at the shelter, she would escape frequently. I also tried this after we moved, with similar results. She does not have an indoor cat temperament.

I wonder if one of the residents over there is feeding her. She can be quite vocal, and somebody might have mistaken that for hunger. If she's been fed there once, she *will* go back and demand to be fed again.

So, should I do anything? Should I just tell the apartment dwellers to deal with it and buy window screens? I did buy her a more distinct tag for her collar- one person commented that he had trouble reading it. I also reassured them that she is well fed and that she has been spayed.


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  Intel vs. AMD
Posted by: dathon - July 21st, 2005, 19:44 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

I might be putting together a new desktop system soon. My question to the resident computer gurus:

Intel Dual Core or AMD 64?

There seem to be some very knowledgeable computer people here, and I would welcome your advice.


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