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  FFH Adventure 7
Posted by: Mr. Cairo - August 29th, 2020, 16:58 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (1)

OK, this may appear a little short, but that's because I wrote most of it out, then accidentally closed the tab  rant  rant  rant  cry  cry  cry

Anyway, I lost a bunch of my screenshots between playing this game and now, so I don't have anything until turn 263, just before I attacked Sabathiel. The only interesting thing that happened before that was an attack by Falamar, which I defeated with the help of Varn Gosam. Auric kept sending random stacks of Javenin Throwers at me, it was actually kinda sad. My main focus from the start was going to be Mages, with a core of Chariots as well. Plus I had a secret weapon.

Anyway, I was scouting in Sabathiel's land and saw this:

being confronted by this:

Not entirely sure why there was a second Hyborem, but oh well, it seemed as good a time as any to invade. That war went smoothly enough, I took all but one of his cities, then made peace. He was at war with pretty much everyone at that point so he didn't last much longer after that. Fireballs to knock down defenses and soften up stacks, Chariots to finish things off.

Here you can see the bane of my existence for way too long.

Those Eidolons just would not die. I didn't really have any decent AoE spells on my Mages, so all I could do was freeze them in place with other spells and hit them every turn with Fireballs until they went home. This sort of thing happened way too often.

A little later on, Varn Gosam attacked, the last of the AI civs to declare war on me (except Sabathiel). This was his main stack, fresh from fighting to my south.

The war didn't go too well for him:

That was 4 turns later.

These were the demos at the time:

And I had my secret weapon, and I was pretty close to victory in any case:

Blasting Workshops do in fact give Mud Golems Fireball. They formed a sort of quick reaction force on my border with Varn Gosam while my main stack of Archmages, Mages and Chariots (and more Mud Golems) dealt with that southern army. Enough Fireballs will kill pretty much anything (except for those goddamn Eidolons).

Speaking of Os Gabella, I just had time to get my revenge on her:

Turns out, enough Fireballs can even kill Eidolons with a hundred promotions.

Here's my empire the turn before victory:

My cap (with 10 Golden Hammer Engineers settled):

My best other city:


Tower of Mastery Victory, turn 314.

Here's units killed this game:

And units lost:

That's a lot of Fireballs.  lol

I still have the save file, so if anyone has any questions or wants to see screenshots, I can load it up and get more info.

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  [Lurkers] Putting the Old Fogeys into a List
Posted by: BRickAstley - August 29th, 2020, 06:55 - Forum: PBEM 78 - Replies (202)

If Noble and Gaspar don’t reveal The List, maybe we need to dedicate this thread to making our own lists of whatever is relevant.

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  FFH Adventure 7: Beeri brawls. And brawls. And brawls some more.
Posted by: DaveV - August 29th, 2020, 05:57 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (15)

It will take me a while to sort through all my screenshots, so I'll start with the end:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0191.JPG]

This game was an exhausting grind pretty much from start to finish. Here's why:
- Auric Ulvin. My hatred for him has grown even more after this game. It turns out that the pathfinding algorithm will move your units right through the blizzards that he leaves like dog turds all over the map. So I couldn't use automove for fear of my units arriving damaged at their destination. When I finally conquered his land it was, of course, an unusable expanse of glacier.
- Hyborem. He spawned right next to my borders, and there were enough evil civs in the game losing units that he had an enormous army.
- The FFH magic system. If you only have a few units that can cast Haste or Regeneration, you have to pile up all your units to receive the boost, then move to the attack. It requires a lot of concentration and double checking for stray units. I typically played one war turn per session to avoid burnout, and I still burned out.

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  Rusten and Hitru turn back the clock
Posted by: Rusten - August 29th, 2020, 04:37 - Forum: PBEM 78 - Replies (102)

Other players get ye gone  nono 
Lurkers enjoy your stay  pimp

A pbem with a bunch of old resurrected vets, yet I think they might have started playing civ multiplayer after I "retired". Makes me appreciate how long this game has been in my life and how much I enjoy it. Hopefully this game will also be a fun and rememberable experience.

Happy to have Hitru with me again as in PB41, and it looks like Raskolnikov will chip in too. I will try to keep this thread more detailed than the PB41 one.

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  Superdeath wants to be the very best Piñata.
Posted by: superdeath - August 28th, 2020, 17:25 - Forum: PBEM 78 - Replies (256)

Hello and welcome to my thread. Players, try and stay out till after the game whip

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  [LURKERS] Why has nobody started this thread so far?
Posted by: Charriu - August 28th, 2020, 16:28 - Forum: Pitboss 54 - Replies (174)

Well it's time we lurkers get our own thread in this PB, right?

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  Werewolf Returns
Posted by: BRickAstley - August 28th, 2020, 15:33 - Forum: The Gaming Table - Replies (93)

It's been 4+ years. I have lost my mind, and I am gonna run another Werewolf game.  smoke

Details to come. I am not going to write a whole fan fiction story to go with it. I will likely make it a low power level game, because I don't feel like trying to balance umpteen crazy roles. I will take suggestions, and either implement them or brazenly ignore them as I see fit.

Who's in?

EDIT: Apparently these guys:

  1. Bobchillingworth
  2. Serdoa
  3. Gaspar
  4. Lewwyn
  5. naufragar
  6. superdeath
  7. Commodore
  8. Chevalier Mal Fet
  9. El Grillo
  10. scooter
  11. Cyneheard
  12. Charriu
  13. thrawn
  14. Rowain
  15. AdrienIer
  16. GeneralKilCavalry

EDIT EDIT: I'm capping it here at 16 to keep this more manageable to run. If you were interest but missed the boat, you can sign on to be a sub if someone drops out, or just stay excited for a possible next game.

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  Lewwyn is on the List - SPOILER THREAD
Posted by: Lewwyn - August 28th, 2020, 14:12 - Forum: PBEM 78 - Replies (303)

I assume so.

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  Serdoa's SPOILER-Thread: I am legend?
Posted by: Serdoa - August 28th, 2020, 13:56 - Forum: PBEM 78 - Replies (148)

I'm actually back... that is a little bit unreal still. I guess many might not be able to relate; how often does one come back to a community after being gone for years without even thinking about it? Most probably don't even know who I am, so let me introduce myself:

I go by Serdoa, I have played a ton of Civ in the past (according to Steam: 2.401 hours) and have competed in several PBs and PBEMs on RB. I also played and hosted several Werewolf-games on here. I met a great many people on RB and I learned quite a bit from some. Not only about Civ but also about reasoning, deceit, friendship... really anything that has to do with human emotions. Werewolf is an eye-opener, not only the game itself, but the fallout that often comes afterwards when the game itself is done. 

Anyhow - back to Civ. I believe I have won a few PBEMs and a PB, though I really can't remember exactly, the thrill of the games back then was playing them much more than winning them. And I was playing, competing against the strongest Civ-players and holding my own against them. That said, that was in 2016 - and since 4 years, I have not touched Civ nor RB. Till Noblehelium, with whom I played in some Civ-games and also talked to privately, asked me if I would be interested in joining a game of Civ4. And, to my own surprise, I was. 

Being back feels like coming home... but after several years, when you have grown as a human and wonder how and if you will fit in. The green is a green as it always was, the title-bar has had some updates I believe, but in general, it really feels like a throwback to 4 years ago. There is the quote of the ... day, week, month... year? Has it even changed since I last visited?

So, that's me in a nutshell. At least the part that might be interesting to those lurking. 

I am really looking forward playing again, but I'm not sure if I can compete against the other players... or really anyone. I just hope Civ4 is similar to riding a bicycle, something one never unlearns. If not... well, then I will try to at least burn bright and hot for as long as it lasts. Or rather let someone else do the burning, fanning the flames with my chariots or horse archers.

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  FFH7 Adventure
Posted by: Aurorarcher - August 28th, 2020, 13:35 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (3)

Okay, here we go... it's been over 3 weeks since I finished the game so I might not remember all the details. But I'll try my best. I have loads of pics at least.

Starting T1 I noticed Basium is here.

[Image: IUBUllU.jpg]

Early goal. Kill everyone with magic. Try to be peaceful early.

Met Os-Gabella early, this map is tight.

[Image: EEgij8W.jpg]

Got some gold and found some castles. Cool.

[Image: zWSOA7j.jpg]

Found something else held. Please don't move my way Mr. Mokka? Cool naming Bob!

[Image: ZzjQo15.jpg]

Oh come on...

[Image: pYtMnjq.jpg]

Eh, how am I supposed to kill this? With galleys and triremes?

[Image: Ycgcimz.jpg]

Scouting revealed that Bob gave Tasunke some heroes to start with. That's cool. Just don't visit my army of warriors just yet.

[Image: xxkPTEM.jpg]

Slowly researching Sorcery. Still peaceful, nothing to worry.

[Image: QFUgsmr.jpg]

I also have Chariots for defense.

But then the leader next to me decides to attack me.

[Image: GMQZp68.jpg]

There was many other wars going on as well. Some serious ones and some not so serious.

[Image: rsqdn3a.jpg]

Stephanos... Lanun didn't actually do much. Didn't even bring all those Cultist, mostly axes and warriors which I just mopped up with Chariots.

[Image: oRU797e.jpg]

Finally killed Mad Prophet of Winter.

[Image: QdEdkBb.jpg]

I have no idea what is happening here but it looks cool.

[Image: b4gvzuh.jpg]

At this point I realized that Conquest would take forever. Time to change the plan so I'll just defend myself and... Tower? Sounds like a plan with all the GEs.

Two best buddies sharing their own island. This was a clever idea.

[Image: TSSQKBW.jpg]

I managed to capture Barbarian unit that is held. I leave it up to a reader to guess how I got it.

[Image: ucqT4rk.jpg]

The 2nd Infernals (yellow one) was destroying Khazad pretty hard.

[Image: do58Ydy.jpg]

I used my Chariot to capture Tasunke's army. Thx, Stephanos, for that item.

[Image: WE9puSb.jpg]

T215 Arcane Lore.

[Image: gXrZrzP.jpg]

T216 Strenght of Will (I rushed ToD).

[Image: 1f1DpgA.jpg]

Got Sheut's stone from Sheaim. It gives +1 to all units I think, making my army very strong.

[Image: kvsES9R.jpg]

Capital, the Tower plan is coming together nicely...

[Image: s72XZyW.jpg]

I also finished Celestial Compass to speed up Tower of Mastery. I also destroyed a lot Lanun cities sometime around T210-T220... I don't remember.

[Image: ZyUlj22.jpg]

Starting ToM. 45 turns to victory.

[Image: hGIsYz4.jpg]

Lanun had a lot of mages, but all stuck on their 1 tile island city.

[Image: uSu7z02.jpg]

Wealth everywhere else but cap. GA coming up to speed up the victroy. AC is rising a lot, it's a problem. If it hits 100 I might lose all of the units and the cap might be reduced to size 5 or something. Better win before that.

[Image: ylKAW9x.jpg]

This is pretty good.

[Image: LxjAG8y.jpg]

Oh come on, Meshabber-Dis... AC now at 93... 6 more turns to finish ToM.

[Image: btfZiSE.jpg]

Some of my units were enranged... running around the world. Well, hello.

[Image: MAYJojp.jpg]

Some of Infernals units.

[Image: QP93kzA.jpg]

I'm pretty sure if the game went on longer Infernals would win easily. Especially with AC at 100 soon.

[Image: tWausE3.jpg]

AC hit 100... but also ToM 1 turn! Yay! twirl 

[Image: pwlZaQZ.jpg]

ToM is mine! My cities are all pretty much empty and size 3 or something. But I won!

[Image: hcsWuoQ.jpg]

My remaining units.

[Image: rdz6bwl.jpg]

Power graph one turn later...

[Image: fLl86NI.jpg]

So yeah, I had fun. Winning turn 261. Very cool map, I might play this again some time in the future just to try if Conquest is even possible. With some earlier aggression maybe... but really difficult.

Thanks for the Adventure, Bob!

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