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A couple of small things |
Posted by: teelaurila - October 5th, 2019, 09:36 - Forum: Caster of Magic
- Replies (3)
Lycantrophy removes all mithril and adamantium but not orihalcon. Probably an oversight?
Heavenly light indeed works "like alchemist", i.e. does not work on barbarians. Which I suppose could as well be either way. But perhaps that code could be called by mercenaries, for barbarian mercenaries now come with magic weapons. Probably the only way to get magic weapon barbarians?
Contacted by Slitherine |
Posted by: Seravy - October 2nd, 2019, 12:56 - Forum: Master of Magic
- Replies (5)
As the title implies, they contacted me.
They have the ability to include the 1.51 unofficial patch as an optional addon in the official game being sold on GoG. Personally, I like that idea as the patch is free anyway and then it could reach more people. We should probably try to reach kyrub and ask for his permission though? His insecticide changes are also in the patch.
We haven't talked about their plans for the new game yet, it was mostly me answering questions about the current state of the old MoM and its mods.
They don't have the source code, neither does Atari, so while legally they own it, it seems to be lost. They are looking for someone who has it but if such a person existed, we'd probably know about that by now...
[TECH] Pitboss 46 IT and Tech Issues Thread |
Posted by: Krill - October 1st, 2019, 12:31 - Forum: Pitboss 46
- Replies (491)
Game Rules and Settings:
Server: pb.zulan.net:2046
Game tracker: http://civ.zulan.net/pbspy/game/82/
Game Host unified tech thread (for all Zanth/Ramkhamhaeng hosted games):
Host: Zanth/Ramkhamhaeng
Admin: TheBlackSword
Map maker: TheBlackSword using Krill supplied map script
Starting date: September 25, 2019
Mod: RtR
Mod Changelog: Available here (Note: Test mod with new naval movement changes).
Turn Timer: 24 hours (turn timer adjusted so each turn is 24 hours in real life)
Fix for unblocking of other players and faster login: http://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/showt...#pid703171
Quote:Difficulty: Monarch
Speed: Normal
Era: Ancient
Turn speed: 24 hours/turn (ingame clock adjusted to keep turns to 24 hours)
Game options: Unrestricted Leaders (well duh) - snake pick. Not random for a test game.
No Tech Trading
No Vassal States
No Tribal Villages
No Map Trading
No City Trading
No Immediate Peace
No Wonder Resource modifiers
AI Diplo [game option] - ON
Double moves: Don't be a jerk aka normal RB double move rules. If in doubt or a newb, ask the lurkers.
Rules governing war declarations due to AI diplo game option:
(September 4th, 2019, 16:29)Krill Wrote: (September 4th, 2019, 10:23)Old Harry Wrote: (September 3rd, 2019, 23:20)Charriu Wrote: (September 3rd, 2019, 17:33)Old Harry Wrote: If I accept the declare war deal then surely my choice is to play my turn now (if it isn't a double move) or logout again and wait for my adversary to play before logging in to play (perhaps with a pm too let them know what happened).
Is there a scenario I've missed?
But you should only tell the player that the DoW came via diplo. You should not tell them who bought you in.
I think the scenario I missed was when player A offers player B a war vs C for war vs C trade. Then the declaration comes when B accepts.
At this point I think:
- B should PM A to say they accepted
- B should PM C to say they've declared war and what the turn split is
- A should PM C to say they've declared war and what the turn split is
B probably shouldn't say they got bought into the war, that'll be fairly obvious anyway.
My original post was about B being bought into an existing war (or very rarely being asked to attack someone A isn't at war with). That seems pretty straightforward:
- B should PM C to say they've declared war and what the turn split is
I don't have a strong opinion on if B should PM A to say they've accepted, it's only an issue if A gets a peace offer from C and their acceptance depends on what B is doing. But you can find that out by pressing F4 anyway.
Quote:Which brings me to what is probably going to be the easiest rule of thumb: The offer to declare war must be treated by the player sending it as an actual declaration of war, and can only be sent at a time it would be legal to declare war.
Does this cover all of the war declaration stuff? Nothing else in the AI Diplo option affects turn splits.
Signups (in snake pick order):
Quote:Old Harry + Hitru: Victoria [FIN/IMP] of Inca
Commodore: Wang Kon [FIN/PRO] of Mongolia
Borsche: Suryavarman [EXP/CRE] of Persia
GeneralKilCavalry: Darius [FIN/ORG] of Aztecs
Krill: Hannibal [FIN/CHM] of England
TBW: Shaka [EXP/AGG] of Rome
2MetraNinja: Mao [EXP/PRO] of Ethiopia
Elkad: Churchill [CHM/PRO] of Native America
Pindicator: Pacal [EXP/FIN] of Arabia
Gavagai: Stalin [AGG/IND] of Germany
Rusten: Isabella [EXP/SPI] of India
BeardBeard: Charlemagne [PRO/IMP] of HRE
BaII: Mehmed [EXP/ORG] of Khmer
superdeath: Boudicca [AGG/CHM] of America
Adler: Julius Caesar [IMP/ORG] of Sumeria
Dark Savant: Bismark [EXP/IND] of Mali
On pauses:
(February 25th, 2018, 22:20)BRickAstley Wrote: As an impartial observer, I would say everyone should put their password in the first post of their thread no matter what (no one has ever used that to cheat here, and if they did it's obvious and we'll reload. And then either:
1) explicitly state in their first post they don't mind a global lurker coming in and making basic common sense moves, if they are still left to play with under an hour to go
2) if you don't want to do the above, but occasionally need a lurker to cover, post here ahead of time and give specific instructions in your thread. If you forget tough noogies, you lose your moves this turn.
I would advise against pauses if at all possible this early on, the game needs to keep moving. And this can all be revisited later when player count thins and empire size balloons
If anything missing, please post and it can be added.
[SPOILERS] Cornflakes - Do lurkers prefer candy instead of popcorn?? |
Posted by: Cornflakes - September 29th, 2019, 14:57 - Forum: Civilization 6 PBEM 16
- Replies (63)
Personally I like Caramel + cheese popcorn ... either mixed or double-coated although an authentic carnival kettle-corn is great as well.
Civ options:
(September 28th, 2019, 10:45)Woden Wrote: TheArchduke: Mali, Cree, Kongo, Nubia, Japan, Mongolia, England
Alhambram: Hungry, Georgia, Canada, Greece, Korea, Sweden, Ottomans
Scooter: Inca, Mapuche, Norway, America, France, China, Persia
Cornflakes: Phoenicia, Zulu, Brazil, Scotland, Macedonia, Poland, India
[SPOILERS] scooter tries Civ6 |
Posted by: scooter - September 29th, 2019, 08:48 - Forum: Civilization 6 PBEM 16
- Replies (269)
Let’s give Civ6 multiplayer a shot. I’m effectively a Civ6 noob. According to Steam, I’ve logged 60 hours, and approximately 30 of those were right after the game was released, so that barely applies now. Add another 25ish on Switch, and it's not a ton of experience. I’ve owned DLC of any kind for less than 72 hours. I only kind of know how cultural victory works, and apparently that’s THE victory type in this game. I have no clue what things get you Era Points. So, if you’re looking for high level play, boy have you come to the wrong thread. If you want to see a Civ4 vet stumble his way through Civ6 multiplayer, this might be fun. I do mostly know what to do. The main gap is just general knowledge gap, especially expansion mechanics and the later game.
I have some thoughts on our civ choices, which I’ll break into its own longer post. Our seven choices are the following: Inca, Mapuche, Norway, America, France, China, Persia.
Alhambram's PBEM 16 Thread |
Posted by: Alhambram - September 29th, 2019, 03:08 - Forum: Civilization 6 PBEM 16
- Replies (63)
My choices: Hungary, Georgia, Canada, Greece, Korea, Sweden, Ottomans
Soon I did glance over all those choices, I already knew who I shall pick, I pick this guy!
Matthias Corvinus of Hungary!
Hungary relies upon city states, especially when levying them. Upon levying units of city states, they gain 2 movement points and 5 strength, very dangerous for a early rush.
And worse for opponents, Hungary can upgrade them for 75% less and can use professional army to decrease cost (no free since 75% bonus is multiplicatively, so upgrades has to be paid).
The danger is that opponent might attempt to get rid of suzerainity and to counter it, Hungary get 2 free envoy every time they levy a city state army.
This power can be used inifinite, every 30 turns levy ends and then levy that army again for another 2 envoys. So theorically nobody can beat human Hungary if it comes at gaining envoys for city states.
This is why if playing Hungary in singleplayer you can aim for diplomatic victory since Hungary can farm many favors this way.
The best way to counter Hungary is simply raze city states, so I need to prevent this.
Matthias Corvinus brings along his own UU, Black Army. It fits prefectly as puzzle piece in city state levying power of Hungary. It gains +3 strength for every adjacent levied unit.
Need to research castles for it and get free one from start. Need to massproduce horsemen before upgrading them in Black Armies, Horseback Riding tech is on route to Castles which is nice.
If opponents think that threat of early classical age rush with levied units is over, in medevial age they face new threat in form of Black Army.
And for Hungary own UU Huszar, it do upgrade from Black Army, but it power is bit a paradoxical. Huszar gains +3 strength for every alliance. But if you have been wrecking havoc with Black Army, I doubt you have many friends left. Huszar is more meant for peaceful game or if Hungary player screws up its start and is not among favorites to win game, Hungary player can attempt to play kingmaker and ally with one of remaining players to win. Also Huszar is useful for emergences since it sometimes forces a temporary alliance for 30 turns till goal is reached.
Aside those war options, Hungary is also decent builder, 50% production bonus for districts can be powerful as long city is placed correctly across river. Hungary get decent starting bias for rivers, to enable them to start using their bonus right away. Obivious district that gains from it is commerical district which is badly needed since levying city state armies don't come cheap, it is main limitation of Hungary's levying power.
Thermal bath is late game building replacing zoo, need natural history civic to unlock it. But it gives 2 production and 2 amenities for cities in six range, it can become more it entertainment complex is next geothermal fissure (2 another more amenties and 3 tourism).
Due Unique Building, Hungary has light starting bias to start close geothermal fissure. This offers another advantages: geothermal fissure do appear in normal maps (no handmade) along borders of contintents which means that Hungary has good shot to get Foreign Trade boost early. Also along contintent borders tend having many mountains of volcano, which mean Hungary can place early powerful campuses (even better if that spot is across river of city making use of 50% production bonus).
I don't know how it shall spin out in this map since mapmaker might decide otherwise.
My plan: scout and suzerain as many city states as possible, might use Amani more often than I am used to it. Build campuses, commerical hubs and encampments with stables for GG and spamming horsemen/black armies.
Rush close opponent with levied units if possible, otherwise smack them with black armies.