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Floating Island |
Posted by: Seravy - January 11th, 2020, 15:25 - Forum: Caster of Magic
- Replies (8)
The casting cost of Floating Islands was recently increased to avoid the exploit when the spell is used to give an additional 3 movement to doomstacks by summoning one directly under them.
However this doesn't really solve the problem :
-You can still do the exploit, it merely costs more so it's less worth doing especially super early
-But the spell is more expensive which makes it much harder to use in the early game which it really is meant for : saving you the trouble of having to build a ship for your initial settlers and scouts.
So I have a better idea:
What if Floating Islands had the old lower cost of 50 (or maybe even less) but appeared with zero movement remaining so they have to wait a turn to be useful?
The unfortunate consequence is you have to plan ahead but considering the cost difference, you get the island summoned a turn or two earlier (in the early game) so you don't actually suffer any delays in movement (at least compared to the current state of things) and while you can move it, you can at least board.
The one downside I see is the island being vulnerable to enemy attacks for one turn, but as units on it can participate in combat, that really isn't a serious problem. Unlike transports, these won't get attacked much when they're full of units because those units can fight back.
Can't Remember Book Name [SOLVED] |
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - December 29th, 2019, 15:25 - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (9)
I am looking for the name of a book / series about interstellar travel, war, aliens and genocide.
The main interesting point(s) in this series is that a certain space navel commander gets critical premonitions before a space battle (and other events) and acts on those premonitions ... thus avoiding tragedy. Naturally, he gets promoted and gets involve in fighting bigger battles. They encounter other alien races and in some timelines, the human population is eradicated via a virus while in another, the human planets are destroyed. The humans develop AI fighters which help win some battles ... and then they invent time travel.
In one time line, the humans are all killed and an AI spaceship flips back in time (to yet another time line) and helps that timelines humans survive.
Anyone know the name of this book / series?
A Cup of Tea |
Posted by: Chevalier Mal Fet - December 25th, 2019, 23:58 - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (346)
Hello, everyone!
This might be a bit of an odd thread, but I wanted to give it a shot and see how it works out. Basically, if you're feeling tired, or lonely, or just in need of some company and a chat with a friend, well, why not drop in here and just...talk?
I moved to Korea this fall. Left all my friends and family, my entire life, basically, and started over in a totally foreign country. Today (technically yesterday for me) was Christmas Day, and it could have been rough, being so far from everyone - but it wasn't, because I had some good friends to spend the day with. And so I got to thinking - well, everyone needs a friend, don't they? And I know lots of us go through tough times in life - I've seen various of you hint at it in your spoiler threads (I read almost every one, by the way [yes, even yours! pls update more and include more pictures]). I have, too (the latest: I was set to ask a girl out this weekend after my play wrapped up its run. I met her afterwards...and she delightedly informed me that she had a date - with another dude. x_x Oops. No worries, I'm over it).
And sometime we're not going through tough times, but we just want to talk! And that's fine, too. There are few things that can make you feel more enlivened and refreshed than a good conversation.
So! If you're feeling lonely, or if you just need to vent about something to a sympathetic ear, or hell, if you just want to make friends with me (I like friends), just drop on in here and have a cup of tea with me (or coffee, too, I'm not picky). <3
Merry Christmas, by the way. If anyone got any good loot, let me know.
Codenames 24 |
Posted by: JR4 - December 10th, 2019, 13:19 - Forum: Codenames Archives
- Replies (237)
Anyone interested in a round of Codenames? It`s been a while since the last game.
Red team:
El Grillo
Blue team;
Old Harry
How to edit Orihalcon or other special resources in the map? |
Posted by: simone - December 8th, 2019, 17:18 - Forum: Caster of Magic
- Replies (6)
Hi there,
I am playing with savegame editing, and eventually map editing. I can't figure out how to edit Orihalcon in the map. Any hints?
Also, I used to have an editor called "edmom.exe", but I can't find it anymore. I instead found momedit2.exe, which however is a bit buggy on city editing, wizards editing, etc. Any help?
new Eitb ! |
Posted by: Miguelito - December 6th, 2019, 04:20 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (6)
The last game finished some time ago, so I was wondering if there is appetite for a return to Erebus? Always wanted to play in one of these...
Obviously I'm very green, so I'll leave settings, bans, mod version etc to the vets/general consensus. I do hope though that we can get at least 5 players on board.
I'll try to pm some veterans later, but if anybody wants to step ahead, be welcome.
Roads |
Posted by: Seravy - December 3rd, 2019, 17:48 - Forum: Caster of Magic
- Replies (27)
We've discussed the economy aspects of roads already but didn't really do that for the movement effect.
This covers three different things.
1. Arcanus road movement speed.
Moving for 0.5 was way too powerful so it was nerfed to 1 and I don't really think there is another option (other than roads having no effect on movement at all).
2. Myrran road movement speed.
This was changed to 0.5 form 0 which helps but if 0.5 was too powerful on Arcanus, why is it not on Myrror?
So maybe this should be 1 too. Enchant road is no longer a thing and it doesn't really make sense why roads on Myrror need to be faster. Is the 0.5 cost contributing to Myrran gameplay? I guess it helps Dwarves in expansion which would be difficult with their slow movement? Cannons especially.
3. Combat movement speed.
This is the main reason for making this post.
I accepted combat roads being 0.5 so far and justified it with "you get more gold but it's harder to defend your cities". That's true - if you're using ranged units to defend and the enemy uses melee forces - the most common scenario. However it's not true at all otherwise. In fact if the garrison is melee units, roads help THEM defend the city. This is especially relevant for Klackons and Gnolls who can't build ranged units. This might be a good feature as it helps melee garrisons which are otherwise inferior but we've never discussed it and it has quite a big impact on the game so we should.
RtR_4.1.1.7 Discussion Thread |
Posted by: Krill - December 3rd, 2019, 11:53 - Forum: Rebalance the Realms Mod
- Replies (12)
RtR proposed change log: changes relative to RtR_4.1.1.6
Quote:Civs: Native America: Hunting/Agriculture. UB: Monument replacement: Totem Pole. +3XP to Archery units, +1XP to Gunpowder units. Requires Archery, Obsoletes at Assembly Line. UU: scout replacement. Tracker. Starts with Woodsman 3, can create Totem Pole. Upgrades to Explorer and Musketman
India: Mysticism/Mining. UB: Granary replacement: Harrapan Granary, +1 happy, , cost 45 hammers, no bonus production from trait. UU: Pike replacement. Urukku Pikeman. [Strength 8, +50% against mounted] OR [Strength 7].
Civics: Legal Civics:
Vassalage: Provides free support for military units (only affects Pacifism unit cost). 1 free unit support per 5 population. +10 free units. Requires Feudalism. Low cost. iAnarchyLength = 0 (does not cause anarchy to revolt to this civic).
Bureaucracy: Effect unchanged. No Cost. iAnarchyLength = 0 (does not cause anarchy to revolt to this civic).
Nationhood: Effect unchanged. Medium cost.
Emancipation: +100% Improvement Upgrade Rate Modifier. +1 food, -1 commerce from Town. Requires Constitution. Medium cost.
Labor Civics: Caste System: +1h for workshops. Unlimited Scientist, Artist and Merchant slots. Requires Code of Laws. Low cost.
Buildings: (correction from previous change log) Customshouse: +3XP to naval units, +100% Foreign trade route yield. Requires Economics. Cost 120 hammers.
Units: Galley: Base movement 0. Starts with Navigation 1, Navigation 2.
Misc: Base upgrade cost reduced to 0 gold.
Reasons for changes:
Native America: this is what it should have been before, I screwed it up for PB46, with Totem poles on Archery and closer than on Mysticism.
India: I screwed up here, I originally balanced the UU with the UB was a castle, then turned the UB into a granary without also nerfing the UU. So the UU is brought down to being a pike that is slightly stronger in all situations (S7), or is about as good against mounted, but much better in general usage (S8 but lower mounted bonus). I have no issue with either, and would value input.
Civics: Bit of a convoluted one this. Here are some excerpts from a discussion I've had in my PB46 thread (no spoiler information contained, they are safe to read:
Quote:Ultimately, so long as Bureaucracy only has an effect on a single city, but the costs of the civic are calculated off number of cities and population, then Bureau will always have a cross over point where it is a net drain compared to just sitting in Tribalism. I'm not saying that Tribalism is useful, just stating a mathematical fact.
Quote:Even if Bureaucracy becomes a no cost civic, this does not change that the obvious way to balance Vassalage is to match it in general terms of cost savings: the unit costs saving should be altered to enable more gold saved if the full unit savings are taken advantage of (of course, this requires players build the units in the first place, so it's not an instant saving, but it opens up relevant choice in tech strategies and beelines). Or Vassalage could get another bonus ie reduced city maintenance by 10%. That way CS is not a one right choice.
Another side to this is that CS is not a beeline target in every game. In game position matters, as does other bulb targets. CS blocks the Astro bulb. Sometimes this will be needed, other times it will not matter. But it's a much more complex decision than "Bureaucracy is broken at No cost".
Look, I'm not saying that Bureaucracy wouldn't be damned useful. It'd probably revert to being a solid choice in most circumstances. Vassalage, Nationhood and Emancipation would need to be rebalanced to fit around it, but this should not be difficult to achieve. Should Nationhood and Emancipation be High cost? Probably not. Does Emancipation need to be free to revolt into? Not necessarily. Do we need to drop an extra bonus onto a civic to keep things in range? Potentially.
Basically, make it free for any player to swap into, and between, Bureaucracy and Vassalage, but make it cost anarchy to revolt into Nationhood and Emancipation. This way players don't get "stuck" in the wrong civics in the late game, and even though this is a nerf to SPI, all the civics are essentially better balanced so SPI is buffed compared to base BtS and it was fine then, so I don't think this makes SPI uinplayable. None-SPI players will still need to use a GA to get into Nationhood or Emancipation, so it doesn't really change the need for a GA around that time in the tech tree, but it does alleviate the difficulty and the RNG effects of attempting a late game GA. It's at least worth testing IMO.
Caste System: low cost compared to Serfdom at medium cost feels right given both give access to spec slots here.
Customshouse: no functional change, the change log was wrong.
Galley: limited to 2 moves, 3 with circumnavigation, so they are essentially the same as in base BtS (where you couldn't reach the high XP needed for N1 and N2). Potential to upgrade with free promotion to a galleon if you really want to, but I don't see that as an issue.
Upgrade cost: straight cost of 3 gold per hammer cost difference is fine, and unchanged, but I don't see how the game justifies the 20 gold base upgrade cost any more? This opens up more mass upgrade tricks, but...why not?
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