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[Spoilers] RFS-81 - Anubis? More like A-noob-is! |
Posted by: RFS-81 - March 18th, 2018, 07:35 - Forum: Civilization 6 PBEM 10
- Replies (112)
I'm just thinking aloud, isn't thinking allowed?
Welcome, lurkers!
In case you're just tuning in now: This is a newbie PBEM with the added twist that we only play civs that have been neglected so far in PBEMs here. For good reasons, in most cases. We're playing vanilla Civ 6 with the free Atzec DLC. Scythia and Sumeria are banned as usual. We play only civs that have been played two times or less, except for Gorgo's Greece because she was deemed too strong. Here's the full list:
- France*
- Egypt*
- Aztecs
- Brazil
- Pericles's Greece (aka the bad one)
- Gandhi's India
- Kongo
- Norway
- Spain
- America**
*never played
**played twice
For civ picks, everyone submits a ranked list of four and civs are assigned in reverse turn order. So the last player gets his first pick, then the second-to-last gets the highest available in his list, etc. My list will probably include Egypt, Aztecs, and Pericles's Greece. I've played test games with Aztecs and Egypt so far. I'll write down my thoughts on them in another post shortly.
[Spoilers] rho21 follows the works of Homer... D'OH! |
Posted by: rho21 - March 18th, 2018, 02:02 - Forum: Civilization 6 PBEM 10
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Welcome one and all to my spoiler thread.
I should start with a discussion of the available civs. On the table we have France, Egypt, Aztec, Brazil, India, Kongo, Norway, Spain, America and Greece (the Pericles variant).
I'm pretty sure these are the worst 10 civs for multiplayer. Whose idea was this again? Oh right.
green+white+red nomad warlord game on master |
Posted by: teelaurila - March 15th, 2018, 11:11 - Forum: Caster of Magic
- Replies (4)
My first, seemingly succesful, attempt at Arcanus Master game. Been trying "stick 'em" builds (holy+flaming weapon archers) first with high elves and now nomads. The key factor seems to be how the diplomacy goes with the arcanus AIs, with losses due to early 2-way wars. But perhaps the faster growth rate of nomads actually was important. The effect can be hard to see out.
The strategy was horsebowmen and then rangers and griffons with holy/flaming weapons. Green on top for transmute, so mithril/adamantium. Also green could help economy later on (important for nomads due to no granary).
3 white, 2 red, 5 green, warlord.
starting: Holy weapon, Just Cause, Flaming Weapon, Nature Eye, Web, Earth to Mud, Transmute.
First 2 AIs were white/blue, with the other (Lo Pan) peaceful. Both high elves, so perhaps their slow start helped me out. Took out the first upon getting my first griffons (from feeding gold from treasure to the starting city). Starting city had gold, 2nd city mithril. 2 25 pop sites for cities 3 and 4, so a pretty good start. Allied with Lo Pan.
3rd AI (Merlin) was aggressive barbarians, who declared war almost immediately upon contact, which occured just as I took the last city from the 1st. Berserkers didn't stand a chance against rangers nor griffons. But just as I was taking his last cities, Merlin broke a tower near his capital.
Myrran AI is mono black with one blue book (Rjak), trolls and increasingly dark elves. So anything fighting him needs to be blessed (10 resistance on rangers/griffons is not enough against possession and black prayer). In power graph Rjak was clearly ahead of me and Lo Pan when contacted, and very quickly had wizard pact with Lo Pan. With blessed rangers/griffons (mostly griffons), only real threat from Rjak comes from reaper slash. Attacked soon, so as to prevent alliance between Rjak and Lo Pan. Lo Pan agreed to join in the war.
I quickly took 3 cities (1 big, 1 medium and 1 small) from the small continent the tower lead to. Killed a good deal of incoming Rjak transports with Griffons and heroes. The best Rjak has for summon is Shadow Demon and Stalker. He must have ~20 stalkers whose location I do not know... Finally found his fortress defended by shadow demons only. Very easy pickings for blessed griffons. Rjak fell in power below me now.
I think I got this one. It will be somewhat interesting to see how the eventual war on Lo Pan folds, but I will be soonish controlling almost all of Myrror and 2/3 of arcanus. The AI bonuses have us almost even on power production (me ahead a bit). Lo Pan is summoning angels like no tomorrow. They pose a decent threat to holy weapon griffons, but holy+flaming can take them well (at least they can all the undead angels that result from Lo Pan fighting Rjak).
This was interesting as the first time I managed diplomacy so that I actually had an ally to fight the Myrran with. Earlier I have had the 3rd AI think me too expansive upon killing the 2nd, so I had to kill the last Arcanus AI as well before going to Myrror. In this game I could also have tried to break into Myrror early instead of attacking the 1st AI.
I recently found Volcano from a node, so now I have Transmute+Volcano+Change Terrain. And will have Gaia's Blessing in a while. So I can soon crank out masses of mithril/adamantium units. Berserkers I am producing en masse as well, but not sure I can use them that well against Lo Pan due to confusion. Barbarian cities will soon all go for warships.
Having now proven to myself I can do the early military buffs -strategy on master, I've been thinking next:
Halfling conjurer: Black might be the easiest, after that want to try green. (Green should be stronger as I understood by mod design, but I feel it will rough going compared to undead hordes)
Dark Elf sorcerer warlord: I am intrigued to try out FM apprentices. Could need specialist+spellweaver to make FM cheap enough early game, but only 6 books is meh.
Worst cluster of planets you have seen? |
Posted by: haphazard1 - March 13th, 2018, 01:34 - Forum: Master of Orion
- Replies (2)
It is probably just randomness and how the human mind (often poorly) perceives it, but it sure does seem like bad planets appear in clusters in MoO. In a personal game I recently started, I had a nice jungle 80 next to my homeworld of Meklon. Working northward up the western edge of the map (I started in the southwest corner) I found a poor planet, a minimal size 10, another poor planet, and then an ultra-poor.
Yuck! What terrible land! I have a pair of no-planet systems plus Orion to my east, so there is nowhere else to expand. I will need range 6 at least to cross the empty space to the center of the map, and with all the yellow stars there I am sure at least one AI will be solidly established there before I can tech that far. There is a rich inferno planet in the far northwest, which will be useful someday if I do not get beaten to it by an AI from the northern part of the galaxy.
So, my question: What is the worst cluster of planets you have seen in MoO? It does not have to be around your start, although those may be the ones we remember most , but just a group of terrible planets? Bonus points if they are arranged so you have to colonize each one to advance to the next -- no picking only the good (or at least less bad) ones!
Focus Power / Fire Giants |
Posted by: Littlenog - March 12th, 2018, 17:52 - Forum: Caster of Magic
- Replies (10)
So this is turning out kinda nice.
Took two books in sorcery and the rest in fire.
Got Astrologer and Conjurer since I planned to have a lot of summons and I like being able to cast while in nodes.
For Race I took nomad to see if the higher resistances would help early while I research spike to Fire Giant. My starting location was pretty bad and there were no easy dungeons or nodes to take. Though there was an easy zombie and it had like 7 night stalkers smh.
Regeneration |
Posted by: Littlenog - March 11th, 2018, 21:18 - Forum: Caster of Magic
- Replies (7)
Why type of attack damages cancel out regeneration.
It seems life stealing or create undead attacks and turn to stone attack do.
Is there a list of what other attacks stop regeneration?
Spell Binding change beta version |
Posted by: Seravy - March 11th, 2018, 13:54 - Forum: Caster of Magic
- Replies (4)
Download CasterBinding.zip.
Quote:-Fixed Stroke of Genius not researching very rare spells due to the raised research costs.
-Casting Lycanthropy on a unit will now remove unit enchantments that require their target to be a normal unit.
-”normal unit only” buffs can now target units whose base type is normal, even if they are undead or have Chaos Channels on, or have been raised from dead or Mystic Surged.
-When an AI wants to offer a peace treaty or trade, it'll skip the “Break Alliance” check. It'll only do that if it is trying to offer a Wizard's Pact or Alliance.
-Fixed bug : Hitting Cancel on Floating Island causes crashes and data corruption.
-AI should no longer attack with an empty Floating Island into a weak unit that has equally low military rating, such as a Magic Spirit.
-Replaced the effect of Spell Binding : now it will allow the caster to “learn” a global enchantment another wizard knows, allowing the user to cast it, instead of changing the controller of the copy in play. However, there is a limitation to how often/many spells can be obtained.
-When there is only 1 wizard on a plane and at least 3 on another, there will be a land size modifier that makes the crowded plane 20% larger, the other 20% smaller than the default. This is an experimental feature to balance the (probably unreasonable) power of the lone Myrran enemy wizard.
Please report any bugs found, and pay extra attention to the balance of the Myrran AI wizard when playing on Arcanus, normal unit buffs on Chaos Channel or undead creatures and Spell Binding. Thanks!
Spanish CIV IV community and pitbosses |
Posted by: OT4E - March 11th, 2018, 09:07 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
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If you are seeking for more CIV IV activity you may find this information interesting. There is an active spanish community based on apolyton subforum. They start 3-4 pitbosses per year and I am currntly playing in 3. There is a league with ranking.
I must pull your attention that settings they play drastically differ from those are played here at RB. But may be this is what some of you are seeking for.
The common settings are:
1) script generated maps, not even modified manually
2) random leaders and anonymous play
3) tech trading and diplo allowed
4) huts and events on
5) big maps
They have a big set of formal rules regulating some minor aspects and player behaviour. Also they use mod which splits up timer when wars begin and aggregates some usefull statistics at the web-interface. Awesome thing, honestly.
So there is a new pitboss going to start on approximately 1st of April and some emptyspots in https://apolyton.net/forum/civilization-...pt-lemuria
You will find links on rulew and detail settings inside.
Few words from myself:
1) speaking Spanish is not mandatory, even for diplo. Google translator is your friend.
2) diplomacy is not very time consuming. The NAP is limited by 40 turns. Personally I prefer to play my own game but sometimes making alliances is inevital.
3) someone can say that their skill level is low. This is true but there are decent players and even if you get lucky to consume a couple of neighbors you might find yourself hated and isolated. So it will be challenging anyway.
4) everything random often results in the most balanced and competative game
5) games have its unique friendly atmosphere and if you like it for once you will join games over and over. Exactly as I do.
Ok enough advertising I guess. I will be happy to answer your questions. Or see you in game.
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