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PB36 - Civ 4 - Medieval pitboss - Signup and setup thread |
Posted by: OT4E - December 22nd, 2016, 10:25 - Forum: Pitboss 36
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Recently many of active pitbosses has finished, so may be it is time to run a couple of new.
Industrial PB was awesome to take part in, and renaissance was impressive to observe, and now we must try Medieval era start.
Is anyone else interested?
Who volunteers to create map?
Player list:
1. OT4E
2. Mr. Cairo
3. TBS
4. (?) GJ
5. chumchu + Cheater Hater
6. Gavagai
7. YOU, hurry up!
Mapmaker: Tasunke
Spell Lock |
Posted by: Seravy - December 21st, 2016, 18:52 - Forum: Caster of Magic
- Replies (1)
Spell Lock protects fantastic creatures from getting "dispelled" by Banish and Exorcise - this is not new and won't change, however... while fixing a bug with the same thing I found something weird :
When someone casts Banish against a unit with Spell Lock on it, the spell is...not cast. You lose the MP but there is no spell animation or "You cast Banish" message. It just does nothing as it should - but counts as casting the spell without any indication of it.
I don't think anything else in the game works like this?
There are pretty much two cases usually :
-The game tells you it's an invalid target and you can't cast the spell in the first place - Magic Immunity or abilities that prevent the effect of units curses tend to do this one.
-You can cast the spell, see the animation, but the target won't take damage/get killed - Fire Immunity vs Fire Bolt is this category, the unit is a valid target, but immune to the effects.
I don't want to do the former but I can easily do the latter if we want it.
Assembler |
Posted by: Seravy - December 21st, 2016, 08:50 - Forum: Caster of Magic
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Anyone knows a good x86 assembler?
The one I'm using was ok so far but it seems to take over 12 whole minutes to compile these ~3000 lines of new code with it and that's way too unreasonable. 3k lines are not really that much.
Civ6 Winter 2016 Patch |
Posted by: Sareln - December 20th, 2016, 21:38 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (88)
Good timing on the epic Sullla.
Looks like they're rebalancing production and making ICS less competitive by not stacking like effects. Might make things a bit slow though, depending on whether they got the numbers right.
Other interesting changes are the increased late-game science and culture costs (slow us down), unique districts counting as districts for population limits, and spaceport no longer requiring a district slot.
Upcoming Civ6 Epics/Adventures Discussion |
Posted by: Athmos - December 20th, 2016, 11:44 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (17)
Hello !
Well, I've just played (and reported, and commented upon) my first ever RB game. I've probably read hundreds of reports before without playing, but now that I've tried, I think I'm hooked. So, what about another game for the end-of-the year period ? And If "no spoiler" games are to be called "Epic" from now on, why not Civ VI Epic 1 ?
Now, should we play on epic speed ? I must confess I have no idea about the impact on the game, I only ever played on standard speed in Civ VI so far.
Should we keep the tradition and make it Honorable, possibly even French ?
What about the difficulty level ? Map size ?
Or is it just too early to suggest a new game ?
Healer |
Posted by: Seravy - December 20th, 2016, 11:42 - Forum: Master of Magic
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I think this ability is buggy.
The code does this :
1. healing rate of each unit = 20
2. healing rate of units in cities = 10 or 6 if animists guild
3. for each unit in order of creation time, do
3a. unit heals (1/healing rate) percentage of their max hit points
3b. if unit is a healer, and there are more than 9 units on the tile, kill all units not belonging to the human player
3c. if unit is a healer, all units stacked with it having a healing rate <> 66 are healed for 20% of their maximal health and their healing rate = 66 (to prevent being healed by another healer in the stack)
3b is obviously wrong - stacks cannot have over 9 units in the first place, and if this was supposed to be some backup plan to dispose of bugged AI stacks, then limiting it to healers is stupid. Since under normal operation this won't ever get executed I see no reason to change it.
However there is another problem.
Imagine the following scenario : Unit 1,2,3 are all in the same city. Unit 2 is a healer. How much will each unit heal?
this much :
Unit 1 will heal 10%.
Unit 2 will heal 10%
Unit 1,2,3 will heal 20% (from healer)
Unit 3 will heal 1.3%
Units produced before the healer will naturally heal PLUS receive the full benefit of "healer". Units produced after do not, and only recover 1.3% naturally, regardless of city effects.
Don't think this is worth fixing (too much work) but it's certainly wrong (on top of the usual problem of the healing effects being separate and rounded down)
Adv2, Timmy |
Posted by: timmy827 - December 20th, 2016, 03:28 - Forum: Adventures and Epics
- Replies (3)
Did what looked like obvious move 1SW for capital - I'm training myself to almost say 3rd ring doesn't exist as the culture grabs all 2nd ring first and buying many is very expensive.
Got worried by a barb scout seeing the capital on turn 4! But soon was neutralized due to the very sardine can setup with 3 AI's within 10 hexes; their starting bonus units wiped the camp before any trouble happened.
Went with God King at first civic choice for pantheon.
About turn 20 - head towards Astrology for religion (got a boost from a hut, not a natural wonder), and realized there is a 4th AI (Scythia knows 'unmet player').
Wow, you can't grab a hut that close to your cap with all your free units??? Unfortunately uesless (I had a builder out so would've gotten that boost in a couple turns anyways). Working on a settler now
Crap. That was probably the best spot available for 2nd city and lost it by a couple of turns. Kudos to the AI for picking a good location - my intent was the exact same tile - but it doesn't feel like a super fair setup on cramped maps with Emperor AI's starting with Civ4-Deity-like starting units. I saw the settler a few turns ago and was able to ask Harald not to settle close , but obviously that wasn't worth much.
So best I could do was here
Ouch on the double warnings. I am on Tomyris' capitals border, so yeah she has a legit complaint, but what was I to do? There was really only one good spot that wasn't settling in the face of an AI and I just lost it to Norway. (Northeast of capital is some flat grassland then tundra, Preslav CS blocks another site east on the river). But geez, this is away from norways somewhat and he still complained. I'm not sure if Sulla played this one out fully before posting the save, but worry that the negative reaction to any settlement means a small map might be near-guaranteed to devolve into warfare. (I'm trying to be more critical of the Civ6 design than our sponsors! - Of course big maps where the AI's dont expand like my Rome in Adv1 are problems too; it may really hard to get a good balance for a scenario until the expansion AI is improved more). My plan now was definitely to horseman rush the nearby AIs, however this placement was a gamble rather than west for 2nd horse resource right away. (that horse city would be quite meh longterm, which is why I did this one first, I think, as well as grabbing land as close to Scythia as possible. unfortunately the SW wheat got bought by them before I could pop borders to it).
Speaking of which
I missed the picture, but it was 2fer with him signing up Scythia as well. Interrupts the economic plans a bit...those had HS started at both cities and an Campus started at capital; using 2 2-mountain sites at cap. But all on hold, 2nd settler more important, need another horse resource. Went Stone Circles for Pantheon as we had decent number of stone/marble around.
Ok, I think can handle this. Fortunately Scythia didn't really send much or get another Envoy to Hong Kong to get them at war with me either. Unfortunately Frederick has cramped me even more with a new city.
Uhoh getting worse, the chariot is bad news and while Germany not at war, that also doesn't look promising.
I just got the archery boost and am gonna need it, also really need settler to get through to horses...also I finish the Mil Tradition and adopt the Horse-building mil policy.
Well, that's not gonna happen, Norway put their best unit in place to prevent that. (Intelligence? Blind luck from largely random movements?). I can kill a wounded one of theirs instead and get the settler back to the cap but things deteriorated fast.
So archery would be good but Fred has (finally) DOW'd and I don't have enough frontline strengh; I can't attack with the slingers when they are doubled up in the city. With warriors weakened (plus the BS of Fred being able to park units in my lands for several turns, and they don't get teleported out on DOW a la Civ4) my positioning gets overwhelmed and I lose 2 of the slingers, can only keep one in the city for upgrade. Peace with Norway and a lux sale give me a glimmer of hope...maybe I can get that settler in place now...
But I spend that hope here, Scythia is finally doing something. This was a mistake...
That honestly surprised me (see builder build in my under siege captial!) - I haven't seen any city combat yet. Norway never tried attacking Cairo once, so I was assuming cities were stronger against warriors. So, I'm not dead but clearly am screwed beyond reasonable hope of recovery, call it a conquest loss or resignation at 2000BC. Ouch.
REM raced to finish |
Posted by: ReallyEvilMuffin - December 20th, 2016, 02:22 - Forum: Adventures and Epics
- Replies (1)
T266 launch. Not a pretty game. I really enjoyed the start, I got a relic out of the bat and caught Norway sleeping with an unescorted settler like t5. However then to punish my warfaring ways Germany and Scythia double teamed me around t25... This caused me some issues but not as many as it may have. Took over Norway, settled loads and then kinda stalled. My main issue was not planning a good ruhr site for later. The even more facepalm moment was founding my religion to get swarmed by Scythia prophets and have it converted out in like 5 turns. I don't think many people lost their religion that quickly! Also I was stuck with a very mediocre place and took ages to burn through the end turns. Also with the AI being so slow at GPP generation I didn't get to half of the good GP. Defintely should have passed on more. However had one of the loveliest petras ever, perhaps should have razed brussels to allow that to get rhur, but it didn't have many adjaceny bonuses with few supporting factories.
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