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Focus Magic on bowmen - stackable? |
Posted by: occasionalplayer - March 21st, 2022, 10:42 - Forum: Caster of Magic
- Replies (1)
I wonder: Does focus magic also increase a bowman unit's shooting strength by three or does it just transform it into a magical attack?
If you had flame blade, holy weapon and focus magic on an ultra elite draconian bowman unit, what would its stats be? And what would be its to hit-level?
OSG-37 - 1ooming Lizards |
Posted by: RefSteel - March 21st, 2022, 02:46 - Forum: Master of Orion
- Replies (146)
Race: Sakkra
Difficulty: Impossible
Galaxy Size: Medium
Opponents: Five
Color: Green
Map Generation: Random - I just took the first map rolled
Events: On
Game Version: 1oom(!) 1.0(?!) with "UIextras" enabled and the "fixbugs" PBX file. (...)
Variant: None, apart from avoiding the known exploits, though the first one (infinitely recharging specials) should hopefully be fixed in 1oom.
(Also, of course, never "play ahead" (nor replay already-played turns) of the canonical turns while the game is ongoing - that is, don't do anything with the save (like using the Audience button or hitting "Next Turn") that will give you more information or a chance at good or bad RNG unless it's your turn to play - and then play your turns out with the consequences of whatever you do without reloading. Likewise, obviously never use the [ALT]-WHATEVER cheat codes, even if you haven't already created a special PBX rule just to disable them. This stuff does go without saying around here, but it's sometimes worth reitterating.)
![[Image: AVvXsEiM7ZROAJt2xV6yjucSg-Wb0CSz-NdLwLaQ...t_XGNEMdpQ]](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEiM7ZROAJt2xV6yjucSg-Wb0CSz-NdLwLaQyp-zSBAwtcaCwPbI71kV6jLj8VbtLvrUqKBczmZYjE8eYwtUDXDaJ23uojwteZnpXSuwOYbJ8RNrzblUb8xsZba0keLlTSkzKEXQCtgl59d3-wmwrzV9PIzTh6b--L-R0gCom_QeYuVlTfYQt_XGNEMdpQ)
(This is what the "new game" setup screen looks like in 1oom 1.0 with the "UI extras" option turned on. The one in later forks, like those made by ignatius and RFS-81, have several additional options. Note I have set the AI to "Classic+," chosen our race and flag, named our leader, and - subtly - changed our home star's name, but left the other leaders random.)
Roster, In Alphabetical (i.e. not necessarily play-schedule) Order:
- DaveV
- haphazard1
- jez9999
- RefSteel (Playing to 2320)
- You, if you want to join us! If you need help getting 1oom working, just ask (and/or check out the tech support I tried to provide in what became the OSG discussion thread, starting here.
Turn sets: The early game tends to go quickly, so the first player plays 20 turns, the next two play 15 turns each, taking us to 2350, and everyone takes 10 turns per set thereafter.
Succession Game Etiquette: Within 24 hours after the player before you posts the save, please either post a "Got it" message (indicating you've downloaded the save and intend to play your set within the next day or two) or ask to be skipped for a round or to swap places with another player. Within 48 hours after posting a "Got it" please finish your turns and post a save (or request a skip or swap or extension if something comes up unexpectedly).
Things that can't be done |
Posted by: Charriu - March 19th, 2022, 04:26 - Forum: Close to Home Mod
- No Replies
More often people come up with ideas for the mod or BUG itself that are good. The problem is that I discover later that they are technically not possible to be done. For you and me I will start collecting them here and update the post every time I discover one of those. This is what I have so far:
- The trade deal screen is very limited. Things like allowing gpt deals the other can't pay (because he's running 100% science for example), can't be done.
- Show the "buildings owned" on the F9 statistics screen instead of "buildings built". Suprisingly the whole statistics class is not part of the SDK and can't be changed. Now this is not 100% impossible as one could implement your own statistics class, but that again is a lot of work.
- In general the UI elements available are fairly limited compared to modern games. That's the reason why the "Active" screen in the foreign advisor is implemented as is.
- Fixing the teleporation bug that Superdeath found in PB59 is strictly not impossible. It's just that the way the code is implemented I fear that I do more harm then good by touching that.
[PB90] Lurking Deity lvl Crazy People |
Posted by: Mjmd - March 18th, 2022, 22:33 - Forum: Civforum PB90
- Replies (41)
Someone has to create this!
It feels like whoever delayed settling their capital for the 2nd ring fish just gets a huge advantage with this start. Also, so much plains UCK! I guess its kind of interesting to have a map to race off an island, but also kind of boring because that is the only strategy. Maybe a slightly bigger starting island would have made it more interesting (ie room to expand without needing sailing).
Comparing Eco Traits in CtH 2.0 |
Posted by: Charriu - March 17th, 2022, 02:29 - Forum: Close to Home Mod
- Replies (4)
Some of you may have noticed the following in PB59:
(March 16th, 2022, 12:06)Charriu Wrote: Now I have to come clean here. I made a bigger mistake with the FIN, ORG, PRO and AGG trackings. I always compared them equally when in fact their are not. FIN and PRO are handling with commerce and ORG and AGG with gold or better phrased maintenance so negative gold in a sense. But that wasn't the only mistake that I made I also never considered any modifier buildings because in my mind I thought I can't use those as there are no modifier buildings for ORG and AGG. Don't forget courthouses and vassallage civic deal with city maintenance or subtract themself before the bonus. The big mistake I made here was that there is a modifier for ORG and AGG and that is inflation. When I save 4 gold from these at a later turn I not only save 4 gold but 4 gold + the inflation from that 4 gold.
Now the mistake isn't that severe. The general direction is still what we know that for example FIN is better then AGG. But the relationship between FIN and ORG is actually a lot closer as is for AGG and PRO. So how did I get those new values. First of all the inflation is rather easy as the percentage is based on the turn number and therefore rather easily and accurately calculated. The gold modifier on the other hand is a lot harder to get and even recalculate from the old spreadsheets. In the end I opted to make a quotient between the Total Commerce and the Virtual Gold at 100% that I already tracked. Now this isn't perfect as there are also specialists, shrines and other stuff included in the Virtual Gold number. But I figured the extra gold from specialist is less then the one modified from Total Commerce and as for the shrine; not everybody owns one. Of course that means that the gold modifier I calculated can be way better then it actually is. But and that is the important thing, my calculated modifier can never be worse then the actual modifier. Therefore it is the upper limit of gold generation. With those in place I can now compare those 4 traits on equal footing. From now on all numbers will be done in that way. In fact I already used those for the T100 report, but there the gold modifier and inflation is very low and therefore does not factor in that much. And before you ask I did that for all versions of FIN and PRO.
Because of that I've gone through my past PB spreadsheets and recalculated those improved number. I will present those numbers in my modding thread after I'm done with PB59.
Well this is me presenting this stuff for you. Now I did not look at the results of every players for this. The modifiers are first noticable in T100 and only really come into play with T150 and onward. Therefore I made a selection of players across the past PBs. I was looking for empires, which lasted for the whole game and stayed intact for most of the time. Some few exceptions are in there like mackoti in PB59, who collapsed in 3 turns before the end. That makes his data still useful enough.
The goal is also not to compare the FIN and ORG players among each other but rather the FIN, ORG, PRO and AGG results of each player individually.
Replacement player needed - PB63 |
Posted by: Cornflakes - March 16th, 2022, 19:13 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (2)
(March 15th, 2022, 17:51)Fabled Wrote: Is anyone interested in taking over for the Ottomans? Keeping up with this game is too much for me, unfortunately.
Fabled has requested a replacement for PB63. Anyone want to jump in? We just passed T100. See their thread in the PB63 forum for more details.
The Nudist Gazette |
Posted by: KingOfPain - March 15th, 2022, 23:26 - Forum: Diablo
- Replies (90)
The Nudist Gazette - ImMctyraelGal Does Baal
So after finding a pair of cracked claws and turned them into a SadLobster's Cracked Claws, and a LaughingLobster's Cracked Claws, ImMctyraelGal ditched all her gear and turned nudist. Immaterial Girl because she was Shadow Disciplines only and Fade/Cloak Of Shadow will keep her that way. But I didn't like how she had distributed her stat points, it was all wrong for a nude, so I deleted the lvl 45 and remade her.
As slow going as it is for any naked toons she wasn't too tough to play, not as tough going as her Martial Arts counter part, BruiseKnee, pre V1.1.
Things started to move a bit faster after Andy with an Act 2 Merc and Shadow Warrior came into play. The advantage of a Shadow Warrior (not that I had a choice at that point) is that it uses the skills you want it to use. Mana is of course an issue at this clvl but the Warrior make it bearable without having to town constantly to refill. I ended up having Cloak Of Shadow on the hotkey most of the time. Psychic Hammer is cute but not going to kill anything fast. CoS will force her to melee in between casts.
ImMctyraelGal is a heavy drinker, if she gets hit, she's drinking. Pretty fragile thing she is. Turning 30+ brings Shadow Master online, and the merc actually got some gears with names. The play took on a different drum now that the merc can tank, and Master does whatever the heck she wants. So the duty of casting Cloak of Shadow and Mind Blast fell on ImMctyraelGal.
For the first time in nudist history - Instead of filling up the belt with Mana potions or pump Energy points, I decided a girls got to have a purse no matter how naked she is. So I am allowing Charms in the inventory.
The vid below is a shorter version of the Baal quest Player 1. Actually a sloppier run . The one she did at clvl 40 solo on a 5 players game was going to be a better vid. The problem is that vid is over 10 minutes long (already) and then she died when Baal was 1/5 hp.... and she forgot to set a TP That run was a success as far as I am concerned. 
Note: When possible, cast Mind Blast and convert some monsters before CoS, else you get dumb Converts.
Note: Even when I know I can't hit Baal, melee range is the safer place to be.
![[Image: ImMcTyraelGal%20Normal%20Baal%20Screenshot055-X3.jpg]](https://photos.smugmug.com/GAME-STUFF/NakedToons/i-mzCPR7K/0/058f4a43/X3/ImMcTyraelGal%20Normal%20Baal%20Screenshot055-X3.jpg)
I think I could have saved a couple of points on Dex. Oh well.
PB59 Statistics |
Posted by: Charriu - March 14th, 2022, 12:58 - Forum: Pitboss 59
- Replies (14)
Since there will be quiet a few posts from me with all the different reports I figured it would be best to collect all of them in an extra thread, so as not to interrupt the discussion elsewhere. If you refrain from posting here until I finished the final T250 report, we can also keep this as a nice repository for everybody to quickly find each report. All the data can be found here:
PB59 Tracking
The plan is to do the following reports:
1. Since all the continents are mirrored, I think it would be interesting to do 5 separate T50 reports. Each would include 5 players who started in the same spot on their continent like for example Joshy, pindicator, Ichabod, Donovan and me. All of these have the exact same layout and therefore are totally equal in terms of map
2. I then would do 5 T100 reports, one for each continent. At that point the PB played mostly like 5 separate PBs one for each continent and this would serve as a nice comparison between players on each continent.
3. From this point onward I would do only 1 report for the whole PB, but I would exclude the eliminated players (at this time 6).
I will use Lewwyn's starting position and island numbers as reference.
![[Image: 3EkjnUv.png]](https://i.imgur.com/3EkjnUv.png)
Keep in mind that this PB started a long time before I added such nice things as production tracking, tracking actual science and gold, the techs, all the civics etc.
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