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  Ascendancy comes back
Posted by: luddite - October 22nd, 2010, 23:14 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (4)

The Logic Factory has to be the weirdest games company ever. They released the original Ascendancy (a very cool game for its time) over 10 years ago. They released one other game a little later (the Tone Rebellion, fairly boring game), and since then they've released nothing. Their website promised that they were working on both a sequel to Ascendancy and on some other new game, but they wouldn't give any actual information about it. They go years for a time without updating the website or saying anything.

Now they've finally updated their website again, and they've announced their new game. It is... Ascendancy! Not a sequel though, it's just the original game, again, for the Iphone. Yeah that's just what I wanted...

I don't understand how they stay in business. I guess the owner must be independantly wealthy and support them just for fun.

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  Advertising the forum
Posted by: Catwalk - October 22nd, 2010, 14:58 - Forum: Master of Magic - Replies (14)

Right now there's a bunch of homeless DS members who are either trying to find out what happened to the site or who gave up looking. I'm hoping I can get contact info for them from Flash, would save us a lot of trouble. I have him on Facebook, hope I can reach him there.

There's also a large group of dormant MoM fans who might very well be interested, this game has a large cult following. I want to spread the word about this forum in all locations where MoM is being discussed, and I'd like to coordinate that a bit so we don't step on each other's toes. I suggest using this thread to keep track of where we've posted about the forum, anyone is free to post about it anywhere but try not to post somewhere we've advertised already.

Standard message to use if you don't care to write a description yourself, feel free to adjust it as needed:

I'd like to invite you to join a newly established Master of Magic community at the Realms Beyond forums ( It has been formed on basis of the now defunct site which was taken down a few months ago. At Realms Beyond, we're offering the following features for die-hard MoM fans:
- MoM v1.40, by kyrub. An ambitious patch project which is already functional and still under active development. Includes bug fixes, interface improvements and AI strengthening. The game itself is kept as close to the original as possible, with very few and very small real changes.
- Catnip, by Catwalk. An almost as ambitious mod project under active development which aims to rebalance and revitalize MoM through a large number of balance and feature changes. Most of this is done through number tweaking, some hacking of features will also be employed. If you'd like a say in the project's development we're always happy to listen to feedback and help is most welcome.
- Plight, by Psyringe. An excellent patch for the help files which corrects a large amount of wrong and misleading information as well as putting up a lot of new information and enhancing the help interface. Highly recommended, and still under active development.
- Game editors, by Joel. A series of editors which allow you to change the game parameters for units, races, buildings and spells.
- Various other MoM resources and links
- Tournaments!
- Nostalgia, strategy talk and all-round nerding

Hope you'll pay us a visit!

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  [SPOILERS] Lurkers Thread - Well someone has to do it
Posted by: Adlain - October 22nd, 2010, 13:25 - Forum: Fall From Heaven II PBEM II - Replies (294)

Welcome to the Lurkers Thread,

Please Drive Carefuly though our Forum

Thank You


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  FFH II PBEM II Tech issues thread
Posted by: Ilios - October 22nd, 2010, 13:11 - Forum: Fall From Heaven II PBEM II - Replies (374)

Serdoa: Perpentach of the Balseraphs ---- serdoaciv [at] googlemail [dot] c_o_m

Ilios: Varn Gosam of the Malakim ---- ilios dot civ at googlemail dot com

uberfish: Arendel Phaedra of the Ljosalfar ---- uberfishciv [at] gmail

sunrise089/darrelljs: Flauros of the Calabim ---- djsun DOT calabim AT big brother's favorite e-mail.

Mist: Mahala of the Doviello ---- mistbinder [ at ] gmail [ dot ] com

Amelia: Hannah of the Lanun ---- Aamelia999 AT

Sciz: Beeri Bawl of the Luchuirp ---- andreas.wiktorson [at] gmail [dot] com

emails to be sent to:

status can be checked on:

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  Homeless mod ideas (wishful thinking)
Posted by: b0rsuk - October 22nd, 2010, 12:42 - Forum: Mods and Modding - Replies (102)


Since I'm not yet sure what Catnip will be precisely about, I'm posting these in a new thread. In mail Catwalk hinted they might be too ambitious and not what he's looking for. Many of them are not simple number changes, although most stem from desire to improve balance. And kyrub doesn't share my love for modding, so at this moment I consider the ideas homeless.

Nevertheless, I feel most of these ideas are consistent with the way Master of Magic does things, and much of code could hopefully be reused. My main intention is to make things interesting. Feel free to discuss, copy to other threads, etc.

New and modified spells

First of all, it's good to know MoM's spell system is a ripoff of Magic: The Gathering. The older, less consistent and more messy version, which was all over the place with green and blue damage dealing spells and so on. MoM's magic system could use more consistency too.

Sounds familiar ?

General note: I would happily see the water theme taken away from Blue (Sorcery) and given to Green (Nature). This would result in Wind Mastery and Summon Kraken becoming Nature spells. As for WM, Sorcery already has abundance of transport spells.

Death's Call
Combat spell
15 mana
Replaces Black Sleep, which becomes a monster-only spell, much like Summon Demon.

Hostile enchantment, usable only on normal enemy units. No chance to resist except immunity. The unit behaves normally in combat, but if you win the battle and the unit dies, it comes to your side as a created undead.

So basically this is a handicap in combat, because you spend mana and get no benefit during the same fight. I think the "created, throwaway undead" theme of Death magic should be expanded.

Overland spell
75 mana
Rebuilds a building that was destroyed this turn.

Mana Flare
Sorcery or Chaos
Combat spell
10 mana
Common or Uncommon

(In M:tg it's a red spell (Chaos), but I think Sorcery fits better, it's metamagic)
Castable only once in battles where two wizards are present. Both wizards get +X casting skill, where X is their normal casting skill. So, for example, if Rjak has 50 skill and used it all up, you have 20 out of 40 and Mana Flare is cast, after the casting Rjak will have another 50 skill and you will have 10+40=50 skill.

Summon Kraken
Cost: ?
Level: ?

Replaces one of Nature's abundant faceless, boring summons. Aquatic-only creature for naval battles. Needs a summoning circle, then can move from city to water like a ship (and never come back to the city). Potential bug: sailing would make it affected by Wind Mastery.

Rough stats:
8 figures
special ability: Holds enemies in place. Attacked enemy can't move (but can attack) until kraken dies, moves, is confused/falls asleep etc. Or just attacked enemy can't move (but can attack) for 1 turn, for simplicty.

kyrub likes spells with distinct purposes so he might like this one...

Combat spell
10-15 mana

Deals damage proportional to unit's wounds. None if unit is healthy, little if lightly wounded, dangerous at half health, and likely to kill a unit with less health. A good finisher.

Replaces Life Drain. LD barely differs from other direct damage spells. This is more fitting and would be used differently.

Rare or Very Rare
250 mana
A randomly chosen (chaos !) neutral city joins you. (Should be especially fun with the event where one of cities goes neutral)

Psionic Blast
Removed. It just doesn't fit an indirect magic like Blue/Sorcery. The spell is frustrating like hell with no way to defend against it save for heaps of life. I can provide you with two good ideas in place of each removed spell. Sorcery already has a great damage dealing spell: Phantom Warriors. It's more interesting to use and can be defended against. Speaking of which...

Phantom Warriors
gets 1 turn summoning sickness once summoned. In this turn it has reduced attack strength. This is to prevent cheap summon/attack moves. I think direct damage should be exclusive to Chaos. In my opinion it makes games shallow. I prefer more manipulative magicks.

The problem I'm trying to fix in Phantom Warriors exists in all combat summons, really, but it's most pronounced in the two phantom spells and Air Elemental. If all combat summons get this, then Conjurer perk could be removing it.

Now also destroys roads. Also affects Great Wasting. Otherwise unchanged.

Fire Elemental
Gets Immolation. Immolation and Wall of Fire are pretty weak so no harm done.

Unit changes

Missile attack strength 2 on Recruit (+1). Bowmen are currently not an option worth considering. In my opinion Bowmen are too weak, while Shamans, Priests, Slingers, Longbowmen and perhaps Javelineers too strong.

Night Stalker
gets 1 charge of Black Sleep. Black Sleep is a very unreliable, all or nothing spell. Many people dislike it. It would be easier to swallow if it was available for free.

Loses ranged attack ability. Gets Natural Healer (passive healing like shaman). Gets 1 or 2 charges of Black Sleep.

Reasoning: sprites are ridiculously deadly in groups player can't afford, and not useful alone. This would make them more useful to have around and not instantly deadly. Groups of sprites could be defended against with clever dispel usage, bowmen etc. They would still need to reach your units after they put them to sleep. Modelled after faeries, inspired by Dominions.

Weaker or removed ranged attack. Gets ability to cast some minor spells like Resist Elements, Resist Magic, Web or perhaps Star Fires (too focused on countering 2 magicks). If shaman keeps its ranged attack, I think it should have more (but weaker) ammo. Reason: 4 ammo causes them to empty their clips almost instantly. Together with general low combat speed this makes combat quite shallow. Most of the time you just can't stop shamans before they deal the damage.

Damage unchanged, but short range.

Wizard ability changes:

Mana Focusing becomes Astrologer. The bonus is kept, but additionally you always know in advance what the next event global will be. And when the current lasting event will end. This should be possible at least with some events. The code might need changes if, say, Conjunction's chance to end is 5% each turn.

Now also starts knowing the Summoning Circle spell

Nature Mastery, Chaos Mastery, Sorcery Mastery
Now you can also see the node's aura before it has been conquered. For the uninitiated: the area where Nature creatures near Nature node get +2/+2/+2. It's always present, but only visible once a spirit melds there.

Node Mastery
All of the above. Or perhaps not, the ability is strong as it is, and specialised masteries would be more interesting this way.

Split into two perks:
Myrran Native: Allows you to select only Dwarves, Draconians, Beastmen, Dark Elves, or Trols
Myrran Intruder: Allows you to select any race of Arcanus, but you still start on Myrror.

The point of the split ? So that they can have separately adjusted cost. Conquering Myrror with Gnolls shouldn't cost me 3 or 4 picks.


Increasing importance of water

Shipyard (not Ship Wrights' Guild) allows to mine special water resources. There should be at least 2 of them so Transmute spell can be used.

Water lairs
Can't be entered by land units. This should make water more valuable. Water lairs would generate monsters too, but perhaps not as often, and only if there are ships on the same plane. (Ideally, there would be water nodes, so wizards constantly have something to fight over...)

New and modified resources

Currently very weak. Hostile city enchantments are present only in Death and Chaos. They are often so expensive they're unlikely to be dispelled. This resource is anti-death, anti-chaos and boring. It doesn't even affect Corruption and Volcano, the two most common nuisances.

Nightshade causes shamans (not priests) produced by this city to have special abilities, like casting Resist Magic etc.

Another plant, no idea so far but improving Transmute spell involves making all resources interesting. There should be real choices and tradeoffs. No no-brainers like coal vs gold.

In the worst case, I'm talking to myself...

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  [Spoilers] Cometh the Messiah - Varn Gosam and the Malakim
Posted by: Ilios - October 22nd, 2010, 12:08 - Forum: Fall From Heaven II PBEM II - Replies (536)

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  [Spoilers] A more civilized age - Arendel of the Ljosalfar (Uberfish)
Posted by: uberfish - October 22nd, 2010, 11:51 - Forum: Fall From Heaven II PBEM II - Replies (453)

[Image: ff1d.jpg]

Welcome to the official Elf thread, where our pretty but mostly harmless civilization attempts to survive in a world full of savage beastmen, psychotic clowns, religious fanatics, giant death robots, vampires, pirates, and probably vampiric pirates for all we know. Did we miss anyone out?

With that said, the Summer Court always welcomes guests, the more the merrier, so pull up a chair and stay a while... Our chief diplomatic advisor, whose name I am informed translates into the human tongue as "uberfish", has prepared a briefing for you.

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  [Spoilers] Perpentach of the ... where did I have my pants?
Posted by: Serdoa - October 22nd, 2010, 10:24 - Forum: Fall From Heaven II PBEM II - Replies (188)

Quote:Such is life that leads a man to his desire.
Such is art that fuels this raging fire.
Such is compassion that another can fill this need.
Such is my joy to see this deal agreed.

Quote:As the moon takes the sky in its blood-drawn embrace
As our cages will fill up with men of each race
As the dancers and singers take blades to the show
As apocalypse greets us with its fiery glow
It's now time for you to be out of the game
But don't die too quickly, that would be a shame
Step into the darkness, in there you will stay
For your death is at hand and your doom is today!

Two quotes of Perpentach from the game, I guess I'll have a hard time to impersonate this leader - or not, we'll see lol

[Image: perpentach.jpg]

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  [Spoilers] The Golem Factory: Beeri Bawl of the Luchuirp
Posted by: Sciz - October 22nd, 2010, 09:20 - Forum: Fall From Heaven II PBEM II - Replies (523)


I'll post a bigger post later, i don't have much time right now.

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  [Spoilers] Amelia, Tempest of the Seas
Posted by: Amelia - October 22nd, 2010, 08:48 - Forum: Fall From Heaven II PBEM II - Replies (468)

Let's look at the start position.

I have been given a wonderful start position, with Yggdrasil, Dragon Bones and Remains of Patria. In addition, 3 wonderful lakes and next to fresh water, so i can put in 4 coves. This will be a monster city.

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