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  Daring Deity Civ5 Succession Game
Posted by: Sullla - October 16th, 2010, 10:24 - Forum: Succession Games - Replies (27)

As I wrote on my website, I'm looking at running one Civ5 succession game for the purposes of beating Deity. I think that we have a good enough idea of how the game works to do that without too much trouble. This is planned to be more of a serious venture, and not one of our fun "explore the game" variants, so with apologies I'd like to restrict this to players who have either won on Deity or are destroying the AI with little difficulty on Immortal. I'm also looking for people with at least some familiarity with the mass city spamming tactics, since I view them as so far superior to the default city setup.

Luddite already expressed some interest in the idea; let me know if you're still interested. I'm also talking to alpaca from CivFanatics, the creator of the Infinite Rome game, to see if he wants on board. That still leaves a couple more spots for those of you reading this. [Image: smile.gif]

In terms of game setup, I'm thinking all default map conditions and any civ I haven't already played for variety. Persia might be a good choice; I like their civ ability and their unique building.

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  Replacement player in pitboss wanted
Posted by: Nakor - October 13th, 2010, 13:58 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - No Replies

Hey guys,

I'll be away from the 18th untill the 22nd of October and I need a replacement player for a Pitboss game I'm playing.
Shouldn't be to much work, just finishing some builds and doing some worker actions around 1000 AD.

Anyone got a few minutes left these days?


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  New FFH2 PBEM?
Posted by: Ilios - October 13th, 2010, 03:33 - Forum: Fall From Heaven II PBEM II - Replies (249)

Ok i'm frickin' bored. Does anyone feel like starting a new FFH2 PBEM?

I was thinking we could exclude the leaders already playing in the current FFH2 PBEM, so we can show off some of the other civs.

And please, only people who are sure to be able to play their turns regularly... smile

Edited to post the playing teams:

Sciz: Beeri Bawl of the Luchuirp
uberfish: Arendel Phaedra of the Ljosalfar
Ilios: Varn Gosam of the Malakim
Serdoa: Perpentach of the Balseraphs
Amelia: Hannah of the Lanun
Mist: Mahala of the Doviello
sunrise089/darrelljs: Flauros of the Calabim

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  The Hall of Monuments - GUILD WARS 2!!!
Posted by: WarBlade - October 8th, 2010, 15:48 - Forum: Guild Wars - No Replies

yikes CLICK HERE! yikes - For everyone who has been waiting since Eye of the North to find out, and drooling with anticipation, etc. jive

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  Society Mod
Posted by: Tatan - October 7th, 2010, 21:30 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (4)

With the disappointing reception of Civ 5 [not that I've actually played it yet] and the attempt at an RB multiplayer mod of Civ 4, I finally tried to execute something I've been thinking about for a while, a mod tweaking things in the game that have always bugged me personally. I will freely admit probably not all this is might be balanced [though I did attempt to balance some previously unbalanced things], and few of the ideas I blatantly stole from Cyneheard and Krill tongue. I call this mod Society, because it was the first synonym for 'civilization' I could think of in under a minute.

I'm not exactly what you might call an experienced modder; I can program a Casio graphing calculator to a fair extent, and I've dinked around in XML before, but I'm no coder. I started the Society Mod by just starting to make changes of things I thought were unfun or unbalanced, and evolved as I incorporated many of the things that Cyneheard and Krill are trying to do in the RB Multiplayer Mod. The Society Mod has not exactly been tested thoroughly; basically I just made sure that everything loaded correctly [It does! Huzzah!. I'll try to do more testing in the future.

Here is a complete changelog of the mod:

Quote:Trait Changes:
-Aggressive gives Combat I promo to mounted units in addition to melee and gunpowder
-Aggressive gives double speed Stables
-Financial requires 3 commerce for extra commerce
-Financial gives double speed Banks
-Organized gives -60% civics maintenance instead of -50%
-Expansive no longer gives a health bonus
-Expansive gives +10% production bonus towards workers, instead of +25%
-Charismatic reduces promotion costs by 40% instead of 25% [so it goes 2, 3, 6, 11, 16...]
-Imperialistic gives +3 health
-Imperialistic produces Great Generals +125% faster instead of +100% faster
-Imperialistic double speed Intelligiance Agencies
-Protective gives Drill I, Sentry, and Medic I to melee, archer, and gunpowder units
-Protective produces Great Generals +25% faster in domestic territory
-Protective gives double speed Security Bureaus and Customs Houses

-Police State gives -75% war weariness
-Serfdom gives +1 commerce to mines, farms, and windmills
-Caste System gives +2 health per city
-Vassalage gives +3 exp. instead of +2
-Emancipation cost is none instead of low
-Nationhood cost is low instead of none
-Slavery cost is high instead of medium
-Slavery gives +10% war weariness

Unit Changes:
-Spies cost +400%
-Spies require Stealth
-War Elephants get no bonus against mounted units
-War Elephants get -10% against melee units
-War Elephants no longer require Horseback Riding
-War Elephants cost ~15% less
-Ballista Elephants cost ~15% more
-Praetorians have 7 str. instead of 8
-Praetorians start with Drill I and City Raider I
-Cataphracts have 11 str. instead of 12
-Navy Seals have 30 str. instead of 28

Building Changes:
-Jails give -35% war weariness instead of -25%
-Terraces provide no culture
-Terraces save 60% of food instead of 50%
-Malls provide +3 food instead of +1
-Security Bureaus give -10% war weainess
-Monastaries give +15% beakers instead of 10%

Wonder Changes:
-Mt. Rushmore now only requires Nationalism
-Temple of Artemis costs 30% less

Tech Changes:
-Bronze Working costs 25% more

-Colonial Maintenance made negligible [or massive, depending on if I did it right]
-Corporation spreading cost is increased by 100%
-Cost of seeing Demographics increased by 33%
-Cost of seeing enemy cities increased by 66%

Note: all changes are IN ADDITION TO; if I don't mention it, then it is still there. For instance, although it just states that Police State gives -75% war weariness, the other bonuses it had before are still there.

Some of the main concepts I tried to implement:
Balanceing The Traits
Essentially: I weakened Financial and Expansive, I made some of the other random traits a bit more interesting, and I made Protective MUCH more viable. Protective is actually a pretty potent warmongering trait now, as Sentry and Medic allows for quick and informed military campaigns; I think it would be pretty grueling to try and fend off Tokugawa [Agg/Pro] or Churchhill [Chm/Pro], let alone actually attack them.

Making Slavery Less Dominant
I'm one of those people who gets bugged by doing the same thing in a game over and over and over, so the fact that in the early to mid-game Slavery is largely the One Right Choice for almost all strategies is something that clearly needed fixing. Solution: make Serfdom MUCH more viable, and weaken Slavery itself, so that you have a military civic [Slavery] and an economic civic [Serfdom].

Killing Off Spies
I've always thought espionage points themselves can be fairly interesting in action, with trying to direct enough points to see the graphs and cities of all those arrayed against you. However, I've always hated the spy system itself. I didn't like trying to do it, as a result the AIs constantly poisoned my wells and incited revolts, and when I turned on No Espionage culture got all screwy. The Spy system is literally the single biggest factor that caused me to make this mod.

What I did was keep espionage points themselves, while effectively disably spies by keeping their unlock so late [I figure that they're not actually that broken in the very late game because things there are already so broken]. Note that I also made it slightly harder to get graphs and see cities, so that working to get some espionage points can still be useful.

So, anyway... there you have it. The zip file for the mod is attached, if anyone wants to try it out; I trust you know how to load mods.

I'd love to hear comments or criticism about any design, balance, or coding issues.

In my opinion, the mod is not too shabby for something I did in one evening. smile

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  New civ5 SG
Posted by: uberfish - October 7th, 2010, 03:40 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (2)

Cross-posting to try and reach people who have played with me before in civ4.

STATUS: taking signups, priority for this one will go to anyone who played with me in civ4, but feel free to register interest even if you haven't. At the current time I believe you need to have the non-deluxe edition due to save game compatibility issues.

Difficulty: Immortal
Speed: Normal
Civilization: TBA
Map: Small Pangaea 6/12 or 7/14
Turn count: first three sets 25/20/15, 10 thereafter
Variant rules: None

Rules: Just the basics. Post decent turn reports, don't exploit bugs, have fun!

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  Adventure 47 - Starfall - Now Open!
Posted by: Griselda - October 4th, 2010, 23:34 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (12)

Here is your info.

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  Do we want a separate Civ5 forum?
Posted by: Griselda - October 3rd, 2010, 21:59 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (14)

I would imagine that if we leave things the way they are, CIV traffic will gradually decrease and Civ5 traffic will increase to the point where we need to tag CIV threads instead of Civ5. But, in the mean time everyone's having to specify what game they're talking about in their threads.

So, do we want a specific Civ5 forum? Just a general discussion forum or what?

I have a lot of catching up to do, as I've mostly been away for back-to-school time of year.

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  RBP3 Postgame Thread
Posted by: WarriorKnight - October 2nd, 2010, 19:29 - Forum: Pitboss3 - Replies (14)

I figure we might as well have one of these since the game seems to have ended. I'll have more to say once I've finished reading all the other threads.

Could someone sticky this BTW?

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  Civ 4 Deity adventures
Posted by: regoarrarr - October 2nd, 2010, 16:57 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (102)

So I've been trying to beat Deity (on Civ 4) for awhile. I don't get a whole lot of time to play, and originally I had wanted to try and get a win in before Civ 5 came out, because once it did then I knew I would never play Civ 4 again because all my time would be spent playing the glory of the latest version.

Since that hasn't exactly happened lol I dusted things off today and thought I'd share what I'm up to.

To start - the guide that I'm basically following is located here. Basically, you try and found "blocking" cities to get enough land, tech to Aesthetics, use that to trade for Alpha / Math / IW, chop out the Great Library, and use the 2-3 scientists you get from it to bulb your way up to Liberalism. Then use drafted rifles to take out a neighbor or two, which should give you enough land to win by various means.

So I started several months ago, but then realized upon looking in my HoF that I had never actually won on Immortal, so I thought I'd try that first. After a few false starts, I got pretty good at that - I think I've now won 6 games there, with various leaders (Willem, Liz, Gandhi, etc). So I went back to Deity.

I realize that there are a few "cheese" ways to improve chances, such as Willem on an Archipelago, or something involving a Praetorian rush, but I wanted to try it as close to "regular" as possible. I did choose Willem as my leader of choice. Financial is great of course, and I think Creative is very important when trying to do the land grab. Not having to chop out those monuments, or worry about settling 2 off resources is great. And the Dike is a very solid UB.

I've tried to avoid stacking things too much. I generally don't just play the very first map I roll, but nor do I spend hours (or use a Map Finder program) picking a map. I've settled on Fractal map - standard and normal speed.

So I had a few false starts.

[Image: civ4screenshot0000p.jpg]

Here was one where I got TGL and Liberalism, but I failed on the seal. You can see how I sent Utrecht and The Hague west to seal off Mansa, but he snuck in Walata. The AI is programmed not to go through your borders to settle (even if you have OB), but Walata gave him an alleyway, and he snuck in those 5 cities circled in red. With those, I'd have been up to 11 cities, but without them I only had 6, and even though I had managed to take a few cities off of Mansa, I just wasn't big enough.

And for every game that got to this stage, there were probably a few where I died (or gave up) earlier.

I started another Deity game that was going a bit better, but it's on my other computer, so it will have to be another post.

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