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  Getting Started with Civ6
Posted by: Ruff_Hi - June 11th, 2021, 06:59 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (45)

I skipped Civ5, picked up Civ6 but never really put in the time and effort to unlearn Civ4 and learn Civ6.

So, today, I am starting a Prince level game.  Get ready for some questions.

Q1: How do I minimize Civ6 so that I get my desktop back.  Civ6 seems to be living in the background.  Windows M doesn't give me my desk top, it gives me Civ6
I found the windows option but neither option seems to give me what I want.  Full screen when playing, minimized to task bar when not.

Q2: Is there a way of skipping the intro movies?
I found this solution ( but it didn't work.

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  PB 59 Temporary Replacement
Posted by: Ichabod - June 10th, 2021, 18:38 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (3)

I need someone to cover my turns in PB59 from July 24th to 30th. I can leave some instructions on my thread, but I trust the replacement judgement on every decision.

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  Guaranteed early rare
Posted by: Seravy - June 10th, 2021, 04:50 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - Replies (21)

We all know how big of a difference it makes if the rare spell we want appears first, or last among all the rares obtainable, and this have been made worse as here are 12 spells now.

Guaranteed rares aren't given at 10 books because you get every rare spell.
So we could use this to implement a guaranteed early rare feature.
This would guarantee that the spell(s) you pick will always appear first among any rares you can research, the same way Artificer guarantees Create Artifact to do so.

Do we want this feature?
If yes, how many guaranteed spells should it give? One or Two? I think two would work better?

If we do add the feature, we also need to discuss what rares the AI should be picking in which case for this.

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Posted by: Seravy - June 10th, 2021, 00:07 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - Replies (11)

Rangers require Foresters Guild+Armorer's Guild currently.

However, Forester's Guild cannot be built without a Forest tile, which can lock a Nomad city out of producing their top tier unit.
While requiring a Forest for Rangers makes sense, it's not ideal for gameplay.
Let me know what you think, should I remove this requirement or keep it?

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  Economy spells
Posted by: Seravy - June 9th, 2021, 23:28 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - Replies (24)

As it was raised that economy spells are overpriced/too weak, I'm going to review them and will adjust them for the next update as necessary, so do tell your opinion here.

I will exclude Heavenly Light and Nature's Eye from the list as those have a different primary function and resource production is just an extra benefit.
I also exclude Evil Presence as the military disabling effect is the primary one, removing unrest reduction is secondary.
Likewise I will explode Philosopher's Stone as it's also a military purpose building (combat spell skill).

First question is, how many turns as "return of investment" do we find acceptable?

Economy spells have to compete with military or other spells whose return of investment is impossible to calculate. So we don't really know what counts as "good" here. I'd say anything over 50 turns is probably too slow as in that much time, a significant part of your empire can be conquered by an enemy who researched a military purpose spell that can turn the tide against you, but this is just a random guess.

Next, how do we measure the value of casting skill used?

If we measure the spells in the time span of 50 turns, each 1 point of casting skill we have can cast 50 MP worth of spells.

At the common tier, it costs an approximate of 40 SP to gain a casting skill, so each point of MP used is worth 0.8 SP+1 MP, a total of 1.8 power invested.
At uncommon, we can assume ~100 SP for casting skill, so 3 power for 1 casting cost.
At rare, 200 SP for a casting skill, a total of 5 power spent per casting cost.
At very rare, 400 SP for a casting skill, 9 total power spent per casting cost.

(These values assumed we research the spell around the beginning of the spell tier, so 20, 50, 100, 200 total casting skill in the tiers)

1. Change Terrain

960 RP, 32 MP, 0 UP

Being uncommon, the total power investment is 32*3 = 96 per cast and 960 for research.

Benefit is roughly 1 more maximal population per cast, which equals 2 base production and ~2 base gold. There are of course bonuses, so the effective amount gained is more like 3 per turn of each, but production is worth twice as much as gold (purchasing cost multiplier) so it's effectively +9 gold a turn, which, without alchemy is equivalent to 4.5 power.

Assuming you cast the spell 6 times on each of 8 cities, that's 48 uses, so each use has 960/48 = 20 RP research cost.

So each use costs 116 power and gives back 4.5 per turn for a return of investment value of 25 turns. With Alchemy, this is twice as effective (12 turns).

So overall ROI is around 25 turns with reasonable usage.

This assumed we targeted a Swamp tile. Desert is mostly the same (lose production but gain 0.5 more pop), Hills and Forests are slightly worse but only marginally (lose 3% production) Mountains much worse (lose 3.5% production, and only 0.75 pop gained on each of the two castings).

I think that's fair overall, no change needed.
Except, this assumed the new population appears immediately, while in reality you have to wait for it.

The immediate effect is +5 growth and being able to convert 1 farmer to worker every 4 uses, if and only if you were overfarming, to provide 6 gold worth of hammers.

2. Abundance
3600 RP, 150 MP, 2 UP

This is roughly equivalent to 6 good uses of Change Terrain (Swamp to Grasslands). Neither the research nor the casting cost is 6 times larger so this has better ROI than Change Terrain. Casting cost is 33% more valuable at rare, but the research cost is less than 4 times higher and the MP cost less than 5 times higher instead of 6 times making it fairly even.

2 upkeep is divided between 12 uses of "+0.5 population" so the +2.25 above is only reduced by 0.166 which is a marginal difference.

Overall this spell is mostly equal in effectiveness and ROI to change terrain. Which honestly, isn't that great for a higher tier spell, but this one ALSO works on terrain where Change Terrain is unusable - you can boost population coming from shores, rivers, grasslands, etc, while Change Terrain can only boost Forest, Desert, Swamp and Hills effectively and Mountain semi-effectively. There is a downside though, which is hitting the population caps so this spell can only reach peak effectiveness on cities at around 12-14 max pop as base terrain. Higher than that will, with a Granary, exceed 25, while lower would yield less than +6 max pop.

That's an absurdly narrow range for the spell being better than an uncommon, so this spell probably needs to be buffed. A higher boost to population would just make it even easier to hit the population cap so a lower cost seems the better solution. Probably 120 MP with 1 upkeep would be fair?

For both of these spells, the primary problem is that the effect is not immediate. We could somewhat improve that by changing how population growth is calculated, by increasing the effect of max population on growth. However, doing so would, in general, speed up city growth early on and slow it down past midway, as well as increasing the value of high max pop spots drastically and making Nomads much worse as a race unless their racial growth compensates for the lack of Granary.

However, these spells are supposed to provide a slower, more long term benefit, in exchange for having a much greater potential (basically you can turn even max pop 3 spots into pop 25 metropolises). So maybe removing the max pop cap of 25 could be a better direction to take instead of a cost reduction or buffing the immediate spell effect. This has already been mentioned in another thread and other than the difficulty of implementation, I don't think an argument against the feature was raised. The only one I can think of is the increase of luck factor over terrain available but it's not significant - terrain better than 25 max is rare. This would however be a drastic buff to Guardian and Nature Omniscient.

As several spells offer unrest reduction, it's best to calculate that in advance.
1 unrest removal is equivalent to 1 population, so just like Change Terrain, it's worth the equivalent of 9 gold, 4.5 power per turn.

3. Gaia's Blessing
2400 RP, 100 MP, 3 UP

This has 3 effects.
a. 2 unrest reduction. This is worth 4.5 power/turn each.
b. More production from Forest tiles. Assuming an average of 4 tiles, this is 24% more production.
c. Converting Deserts (and Volcanoes). This is effectively a free use of Change Terrain for each of those tiles.

Assuming you can cast this on 20 cities, the RP cost adds 120 to the total investment, which at rare is 500 power for a total cost of 620 power.

Change Terrain had a converted cost of 116 so each Desert is worth that much value. Assuming 1 desert per city (in reality it'll be 10 around two cities and none on the others unless playing Dry land), this is effectively an (almost, it's actually 10% per turn so in 10 turns but that's less than our targeted ROI time) immediate refund of 116, reducing your cost to 404.

24% more production, with a pop 18 city that has 8 farmers and 10 workers, plus Sawmill and Smithy for 30 hammers base production is worth +7.2 hammers, equal to +7.2 power.

Unrest reduction is worth 9 total so we have 16.2 power produced per turn, but 3 spent on upkeep, so the total gain per turn is 13.2.

504/13.28 is 37.95 so the return of investment is reasonably average.

If we only cast it on cities with 2-3 or more Desert tiles, it can be drastically better than this.

I think we don't need to buff it, or at most, buff the specialized parts of the effect, like one or more of these changes, to bring out more specialized potential :

-Volcano converted to Forest instead of Hills
-Forest Production raised to 12% or 15% instead of 9%.
-Natural resources (ores, wild game etc) cannot be destroyed in the area by Raise Volcano
-Faster removal of Volcanoes, Corruption and Deserts (tho Corruption removal is already faster than the other two.)

4. Stream of Life
1280 RP, 120 MP, 4 UP

Three effects again.
a. -3 Unrest is worth a total of 13.5 power per turn.
b. Doubled growth
c. Heal units to max each turn

You generally either have low population and benefit greatly from double growth, or have high population and can use the unrest reduction. So I'll treat these as mutually exclusive, equivalent effects, and will only calculate based on A. (C is a military effect that's hard to quantify)

Assuming this will be cast on 8 cities, 160 RP is spent per use on research. At uncommon, the casting cost is worth 360 power.
So the total cost is 520. Benefit is 13.5 per turn minus 4 upkeep, placing the ROI at 54 turns, ignoring the military benefits.

Not that great but it's okay for an uncommon?
We did ignore the doubled growth benefit, saying it's equivalent to +3 people which isn't true - at it's peak it can be way more than that, although early on and later it's less. So the snowballing potential from this is huge.
We also ignored the fact this can and will be useful on all future small cities you build or conquer and helps repair damage (lost population) from battles as well as heals your units.

Overall I think this spell is good as is, at best minor changes might be necessary, like 1 more unrest removal or 1 less upkeep. We should also consider that Life doesn't have much strong military option such as summoning or combat damage spells to research, at best they can buff which is powerful but way less cost-effective than other realms - so the pressure for a fast return on investment isn't there. You can generally do better by only building fewer buffed armies that don't suffer any losses, and buffing the conquered cities with Stream of Life than if you buffed more stacks and ignored buffing the cities.
Also, if we remove the 25 population cap, the doubled growth can be drastically more powerful on the right terrain/wizard build.

Finally, in my experience, AIs who had this spell early always perform very well, which would indicate the spell is definitely not underpowered.

5. Altar of Peace
1280 RP, 120 MP, 4 UP

Assuming you buffed 8 cities with this, the RP cost is 160, total power cost is 520.
RP produced is 24, but at 4 upkeep it's only 20 gained per turn.

This puts ROI at 26 turns which is excellent, especially on uncommon. You only needs an average of +40 relation to get this amount which is reasonably reachable, even in high wizard count games.

No change needed.

6. Sanctify
960 RP, 70 MP, 1 UP

Total cost is, assuming at least 48 uses, 20+3*70 = 230 power.
Power generated is 3, but maintenance is removed to save 3 gold on average which is worth 1.5 power. Total benefit is 4.5 power per turn minus the upkeep so 3.5.

This makes the return of investment 65 turns.
Definitely on the slow side but this is an infinitely spammable spell, that is meant to be used for entirely peaceful gameplay when military options are not relevant. It doesn't need to compete with any other spell for that reason - it's the only thing you can cast if you already used all other city buffs.

Probably fine as is, or maybe we could reduce the MP cost to 60 which would put ROI at 57 turns, or to 50 which would be a ROI of 48 turns. It's also worth noting that Alchemy does increase ROI somewhat by doubling the value of gold saved.

Considering Raise Volcano also costs 50 and generates 3 power, 50 might be reasonable. Divine Order is no longer uncommon to allow spamming this spell early on at a reduced cost, although that still is something you can do later on - but by then casting skill is worth more so it's not that much of a problem.
Raise Volcano does not remove upkeep though so it's not as good as Sanctify and Volcanoes also have a change to revert to mountains. They can however generate extra resources if you cast them on your own territory but that's generally not worth it except on tundra and maybe Desert/Swamp terrain. Maybe if Volcanoes added 3-5% production, casting it on own territory could be slightly more viable? It would make it worse as a city curse though.

7. Inspirations
4800 RP, 200 MP, 4 UP

+100% production bonus.
Assuming this is cast on 20 cities, the RP cost per use is 240, the total power cost is 1240.

Assuming 30 hammer base production again in cities, this adds 30 production which is equivalent to generating 30 power, 26 with upkeep.

This makes ROI 1240/26 = 47 turns.

Slightly better than Sanctify and Stream of Life although worse than Gaia's Blessing but doesn't depend on terrain, and production is a very useful resource that is probably most effective at snowballing and more importantly, winning the game through building more units than your enemy.
Looks ok to me but definitely not strong, maybe a minor casting cost reduction could help?
4800 RP cost is definitely on the high end of the spectrum as an initial investment though, but the only way to reduce that would be to swap with Mass Healing which might be overcosted at 4800 RP?

2400 RP, 175 MP, 2 UP

+50% Gold bonus. Assuming the same baseline city, 18 population will produce 36 base gold, the Marketplace adds 8 more for a total of 44.
The amount gained is thus 22, which is equivalent to only 11 power or production, 9 if also considering the upkeep cost.

Upfront RP cost divided by 20 cities is 120 RP. Total power cost is 995 which is almost as high as Inspirations for a much weaker effect.
ROI is 110 turns, absolutely horrible and hard to justify. Probably a drastic reduction in casting cost or boost in effect is necessary.
Overall, the spell is less than half as effective.

Gold does have the benefit of being directly convertible to mana which production does not, but even then this spell seems too weak.

9.Dark Ritual
4000 RP, 150 MP, 0 UP

Converted power cost is 950.
Power gained is 24 without a retort or spell combo.
This makes the ROI 39.6 turns which is fair, especially for a non-buffing realm.
1 Unrest would reduce this by 4.5 per turn if it was actually unremovable but more often than not, you will remove the unrest or already had more removal than needed in the first place. Including the unrest effect, ROI is still 48.71 turns which is not that great.

Maybe a casting cost of 130 could work better here?

10.Warp Node
4000 RP, 120 MP, 0 UP

Assuming an average node to be worth 20 total power, this gives you 10 power and removes 10 power from your opponent.
Cost is 800 power, benefit is 20, making ROI 40, mostly the same as Dark Rituals.
Of course, removing enemy resources is worse than gaining your own unless the player count is low, but at the very least this is the expected ROI if you are targeting the final, strongest opponent in the game. If you only use it to gain power, ROI will be 80 which is worse, but you still have the option of only warping nodes with large auras.

No change needed but if we reduce the cost of Dark Ritual we should also reduce this to 100-110.

11. Drought
3200 RP, 150 MP, 2 UP

Cost is 910 power.
It is expected to remove around 100% production bonus from the targeted city, which removes 30 hammers.
The city also loses 6 base population, which is another 12 hammers.
A total of 42 hammers, 42 power value.
ROI is 21.6 turns which is amazingly good but let's not forget this is a city curse, not a buff, which is always suboptimal except in 1v1 situations.

No change needed.

12. Pestilence
8000 RP, 250 MP, 5 UP

I won't calculate this. It effectively reduces gold and production of an entire enemy empire to near zero. (They'll have their sawmill, smithy and ~2 people, so they get 4 gold and 10 production from a city at most. This isn't enough to pay for their garrsion, let alone any armies, even with AI advantages, and isn't enough to produce more troops either.)
If you can cast and maintain this on all enemy cities, you win the game. Yes, it takes time, but honestly, it takes less time than Spell of Mastery so it's outright a better victory condition - as long as you can protect the enchantment from Disenchant Areas.

13. AEther Binding
960 RP, 400 MP, 20 UP

Around the time you cast this first, it'll produce roughly 80 SP. Removing the upkeep that's 60 power generated per turn.

Effective power cost is 2160 - you only cast it once so can't divide the RP cost between cities.

This puts return of investment at 36 turns which is fair for an uncommon spell. You do gain the dispel benefits in addition for free though making this better than average but considering this is one of the flagship spells in the Uncommon sorcery tier, that's probably acceptable.

14. Uranus' Blessing
3200 RP, 150 MP, 5 UP

22 power gained, 5 upkeep is worth +17 a turn.
The 4 casting skill, at rare tier, is equivalent to 4*200=800 power but this is limited to overland only so let's halve the value, making it 400.

The price of the spell is 910 power, subtracting the value of casting skill, 400, as it's an instant, upfront benefit, we have 510 remaining, so ROI is in 510/17 = 30 turns.

Definitely seems good enough and we might be underrating overland skill by assuming it has equal value to combat skill - it probably is more valuable. At most we can consider shaving off 1 upkeep or 10 MP cost from this one.

I didn't include the global enchantments because their ROI is extremely dependent on map size, number of your or enemy cities, so those would be an entirely different topic and so far, no one mentioned they are underpowered. Considering their casting cost is generally less than buffing 10 cities while the effect is worth more than buffing 10 cities, I suspect they are fine compared to city buffs, even including the larger RP cost.

Edit : rare spells were miscalculated slightly. Updated. Don't change the conclusions much.

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  The Rise of Socotra - a Crusader Kings 3 Story
Posted by: pindicator - June 9th, 2021, 13:23 - Forum: The Gaming Table - Replies (115)

Welcome to the Island Paraidse of Socotra!

Table of Contents

Emir Abraham II (r. 1066 - 1106)

Malik Eliya (r. 1106 - 1146) Malik Kafa I (r. 1146 - 1163) Malik Ya'qub (r. 1163 - 1199) Malik al-Muazzam Kafa II (r. 1199 - )

Home of the Diskarkha dynasty, our emirate is led by Emir Abraham II.

The Emir is Lazy, Ambitious, and Honest.  How does one become both Lazy and Ambitious, by the way?  They just really want everything but don't want to put the effort in to getting it?  He is a poor Diplomat, an average Steward, and just terrible in everything else.  This guy rolls randomly every game, and when I first looked at him he was far, far better; I am saddened by these stats.

Emir Abraham leads the last nation on the planet that adhers to Nestorianism.  There are some counties around modern-day Iraq that have the religion in game (and wikipedia says a small Nestorian church survives to this day in modern Iraq), but in game they may not last long as the Seljuks are in control of a lot of land to our north.

To the north we have the trailing arm of the Seljuk empire along the northern Arabian coast, and to the south are smaller Ash'ari states, with a few Ibadi and Zayidi tribes still holding out.  The Muslim faiths have started to spread south into the horn of Africa although most of the faith in the counties is still Waaqism, the unreformed Oromo-Somali faith.

Farther west are the Coptic Christian states: Abyssinia, Alodia, and Makuria.  There are even a few Jewish faith counties in Ethiopia; it was tempting to play as one of them too.  I most likely will have to look to them for allies since I will not be allowed to marry into Islamic faiths.  However, Nestorianism is also has an Eastern Syncretic tenet, so I will also be able to forge alliances in India.

More detail on Nestorianism in the spoiler:

Nestorianism's 3 tenets are:
  • Mendicant Preachers - Faster County Conversion Speed, an additional bonus for completing Pilgirmages
  • Monasticism - Courtiers can take vows and become a monk
  • Eastern Syncretism - Eastern faiths are considered Hostile instead of Evil
Virtues are Chaste, Temperate, Honest, Compassionate, and Forgiving
Sins are Lustful, Gluttonous, Deceitful, Sadistic, and Vengeful

Everythign is Male-dominated, we're more tolerant of other faiths (which also slows down our conversion - bit of an anti-synergy with Mendicant Preachers there).
Marriage is monogamous and can be between cousins and aunts/nephews or uncles/nieces

We have a Head of Faith who appoints all our priests for us (and for life).  But I can't really figure out where he resides.  Patriarchate of the East - I assume that is in Byzantium somewhere.  There is a Holy Site in Antioch, perhaps there?

Our Holy Sites are:
  • Jerusalem (+20% Monthly Piety)
  • Baghdad (+10% Development Growth, -10% Temple Build Construction Time)
  • Farz (+1 Diplomacy per Level of Devotion)
  • Antoich (+1 Martial per Level of Devotion, +10% Knight Effectiveness)
  • Kerala (+50% County Conversion Speed)

One goal I am going to have for myself is to control all 5 Nestorianism holy sites - or at least have them held by Nestorian rulers.  This will mean I need to spread the faith to the Holy Land, Mesopotamia, and on India's western shore.  Eastern Syncretism will make converting lands in India prohibitively long, so I will either need to get creative or reform the faith at some point.  I would like to "save" the Nestorian faith counties in Iraq, or at least convert them back to the "true religion" if they ever get conerted to Ash'ari.

However, before that we need to build a power base - and even just survive.  Socotra sits in the far south of the de jure Kingdom of Yemen, so we will need to expand northward to claim that title.  Or we could migrate to the Horn of Africa and attempt to move our power base over to the Ajuraan or Adal kingdoms.  But there are problems with both of those: holding types.

Much of the Horn of Africa is still Tribal.  We already covered how to convert from a Tribal to Feudal ruler when you are Tribal.  But there is still work to be done if you are Feudal and take over Tribal land.  The game says that the tribal holdings you take need to be upgraded to Feudal before they will pay you any taxes or levies.  This costs 500g per county.  Another option is to subjugate the Tribal ruler and so they will pay me a small amount of taxes and levies until they upgrade on their own.

So going into the Horn of Africa might have weaker opposition, but we will have to develop the counties ourselves.  Or we can try to expand into the stronger Islamic states that are already Clan.  Those are stronger opponents.  Another option would be expanding east into India.  Those are already Feudal lands.  The problem just may be getting there as our diplomatic range will only let us interact with the very northwestern portion of the coast.

Lastly, we are not strong ourselves.  We have 298 levies and 200 Pikemen (the latest patch now has everybody start with random men-at-arms).  If we cannot find a good alliance then we may have to build up and develop internally before attempting to conquer off our island.  Even the weakest tribal county has an army to rival ours.  We make 1.5 Gold per month, and make a similarly poor amount of Prestige and Piety.

This will be a far greater challenge than Lithuania was.  It is possible I get targeted by a large neighbor and just get eaten early on - which would make this a short playthough.  I think the 867 start is easier so maybe if I get clobbered I'll go back and give that a try.

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  [PB61 Tech Thread] New Pitboss - Greens (new player / newish)
Posted by: Mjmd - June 8th, 2021, 23:22 - Forum: Pitboss 61 - Replies (445)

With AI survivor going on and maybe some people wanting to play some civ 4 was seeing if there is any interest from people who have played either no multiplayer or only a couple of games and have never done well. Experienced players feel free to sign up as dedicated lurkers!

For newer players I would recommend playing the CtH mode which was made with the idea of being "close to home", and fixes a lot of the major base civ4 issues. That along with other setting will be voted on as game gets closer though.

Joshybravo963 - Ded  lurker will be playing for 3 weeks

Map Maker:


Voting Spreadsheet

Etiquette thread:

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  Seeking substitute for casual Civ 6 game
Posted by: Chevalier Mal Fet - June 8th, 2021, 09:42 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (15)

I need a substitute for a Civ VI PBEM I'm playing with some friends, trying to coax them into online civ.

You're not allowed to try hard, most of them are Civ noobs. You'd be taking over a 10-city Kongo in the late medieval/early Renaissance era, vanilla Civ - no DLCs, no expansions, nothing. The world is split between Kongo, a massive Russia, a very good Japan, a small but productive Germany, a backwards England, and a tiny Greece. There is diplomacy, done on our Discord server, but nothing very heavy - just a few messages every couple of turns. 

Here's a map I made of the world a few turns ago:

PM me for details, I'll put together a world and city overview.

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Brick New Disciples Game 'Liberation'
Posted by: Blake00 - June 7th, 2021, 05:35 - Forum: The Gaming Table - Replies (8)

Wow! We've got a fourth Disciples game on the way!!! I'm stunned as I thought this series was dead for sure!

I’ve always had a special love for the Disciples games as while their gameplay was similar to Heroes of Might & Magic they always had this gorgeous dark Gothic art style. The music was beautiful, the HoMM like maps fun to explore, and your units had to be really taken care of instead of being used as cannon fodder. Like most fans Disciples 2 is my favourite in the series!

Anyway the new game looks interesting... the trailer is very fancy looking and the pictures look like decent 3D, but I can't see any interface or if there's the cool Gothic artwork fans have come to love and expect. I’m also wondering if they’re dialing back the HoMM TBS strategy game (eg capture castles & resources) side of it and pushing more of a King’s Bounty RPG feel.

[Image: ss_37ae4c771171dad20f80eb13b635d71cdf0662ef.600x338.jpg] [Image: ss_e54d68f8b3d036e0bb461f71d1a65a10edb5dcbd.600x338.jpg]
[Image: ss_a3eff40a04e298af792d0294128549fbd072b1b0.600x338.jpg] [Image: ss_f9f44d5c9a08eb9139bff2846696ef5ac19d316a.600x338.jpg]

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  Fast Research
Posted by: Anskiy - June 7th, 2021, 00:40 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - Replies (11)

I noticed that too often, the outcome of the game was usually decided by Uncommon tier; Rare and afterword were mostly cleanup phases barring something like a runaway wizard, in which case it often turned into a grind rather than any particular tier giving me a noticeable advantage. So I redid all of the research costs to be more fast paced while still having reasonable timeframes for the spells. Check the new costs here, get the .ini here.

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