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Posted by: lechium - May 10th, 2021, 09:20 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - Replies (2)

Anyone tried playing with Wine / Proton? Would like to know if it works before I buy the game.

I tried it and it works with Wine (both GOG/Steam). You need to open Caster.exe with Wine directly. Proton / Steam Linux doesn't work with the Steam library launcher.
If I encounter any problems I'll post here.

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  New Pitboss - One Last Covid Quicky?
Posted by: Mjmd - May 9th, 2021, 21:35 - Forum: Pitboss 60 - Replies (297)

I've been thinking about this a little and have decided I am this stupid. Not sure if there is enough interest, but chucking it out there. Now in PB56 I mentioned a greens game might be a good idea as well, but I'm going to try getting this going first.

Idea is a normal speed pitboss, but if you join you / your team is expected to play twice a day for first 50 ish turns. Think speed of PB52 and PB58. Team mates would preferably have different play periods.

Max 6 players / teams
Thinking 100 tiles per player
Normal speed as mentioned
Other junk to be voted on.

Signed up:
Lazteuq / Civac

Voting spreadsheet

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  Monument and Linking Tower math
Posted by: Seravy - May 9th, 2021, 01:48 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - Replies (2)

A few people mentioned these buildings are too good so I'm trying to calculate them.

For the baseline, we'll compare LT to Wizard's Guild and Monument to Magic Market

Wizard's Guild : Cost 600, Upkeep 5, Produces 13 magic resources per turn.
Linking Tower : Cost 400, Upkeep 5, Produces 1500 magic resources once on completion basically.

Gold upkeep can be converted to magic resource production via alchemy, so 5 upkeep is worth 2.5 less resource production.
Wizard's Guild is more expensive so we want to convert it into an amount of resources for 400 production investment, so we have to multiply by 2/3.

This means Wizard's Guild produces (0+7*Turns) total magicial resources for each 400 production invested.
Linking Tower produces 1500-2.5*Turns for each 400 production instead.

It's easy to see that Wizard's Guild becomes better over time, while Linking Tower becomes worse, as intended. The question is, how many turns does it take for the two to break even?
1500-2.5*T = 7*T
1500 = 9.5*T
T= 157 Turns

However, there is a fatal flaw in this calculation, and that is, Linking Towers only generate combat SP, not overland SP.
Assuming combat SP is worth half as much as overland SP - you basically have to also build Amplifying Towers and pay their maintenance to make up for the missing overland SP,then we get 750 = 9.5*T, T= 78 turns.

What this means is, if your strategy greatly benefits from combat casting and doesn't need overland casting at all, then Linking Towers are more economic for you if you decide the game in your favor within 157 turns which is extremely generous.
In a more realistic case of requiring combat and overland skill equally, the Linking Tower will still be more valuable for you than the Wizard's Guild for the first 78 turns which is typically enough to win like two wars.

Needless to say the combat spells also earn you extra resources by winning battles, so the Linking Tower can give you an immediate benefit over the Wizard's Guild that is hard to quantify but you also need to invest mana to use any combat skill, so it's not strictly a resource by itself. If you don't actually use the extra skill, or not in a way that decides major battles in your favor within those 78 turns, the building does become an inferior choice. If you do however, it might be the difference of losing or not losing an entire city. I do feel that 78 turns is a bit too generous for this benefit.

Magic Market : Cost 72, upkeep 2, produces 6 magic resource/turn
Monument : Cost 72, upkeep 1, produces 150 SP.

150-0.5*T = 5*T
150 = 5.5*T

T=27, considering it's combat skill only, T=13

Much worse investment here, you actually need to fight a decisive battle that uses the extra skill within 13 turns of completing your Monument, otherwise your Magic Market would likely be better.
Of course, in the early game, the extra skill added has more snowballing potential and is of higher relevance as it basically unlocks using spells or strategies compared to the Linking Towers' "Yes, I can now cast a fourth Doom Bolt or third Flame strike per battle", so we do want this number to be much lower than Linking Tower's, but it's still probably too much.

Overall conclusion :
Maybe Monuments should produce 180 SP and Linking Towers only 1200? Maybe Linking Towers could go back to having a higher maintenance? For example 7?

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  Errors in the Help Page (
Posted by: prokolyo - May 8th, 2021, 19:17 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - Replies (4)

Under Lizardmen, engineers are listed in the common units.
(that's in both the COM1 and COM2 help pages)

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Posted by: GeneralKilCavalry - May 8th, 2021, 17:35 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (9)

Suede and his civ3 community developed a new training app for civ 3 that has city settlement puzzles, worker micro puzzles, and a never-ending combat odds game, which lets you guess what the odds of a combat are and then given those odds, whether it is a favorable hammer trade. It's surprising to see how active the civ3 multiplayer community has become again.

It would be really interesting if RB could collectively make something like this for civ 4, especially since we have just so many more interesting mechanics in 4.

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  Scaler Settings
Posted by: prokolyo - May 7th, 2021, 22:26 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - Replies (3)

Is there any file in COM2 that allows to change scaler settings? And other settings, the same way you can use dosboxmom.conf for COM1?

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  Dealing with curses
Posted by: MilesBeyond - May 7th, 2021, 16:59 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - Replies (4)

A problem I've run into in 14 player games is that as the game goes on you just get constantly bombarded with curses - Chaos Rift and Earthquake are the big ones, but Corruption, Raise Volcano, and various Death spells are a pain too. Fortunately, these spells all have a counter, but unfortunately, they aren't very accessible counters - Rare or VR spells. The other option is diplomacy, of course, but that's not always a solution either - maybe your spellbooks are too different, maybe cozying up to one of them makes the other mad at you, etc.

Part of the issue is that the spells themselves are fine - it's a number of players problem. If Raise Volcano didn't remove a tiles resources, it'd be too weak - but in games with a lot of opponents, it also means that you'll only be able to squeeze out a couple of Mirthril, Adamantium, or Orichalc troops before it's gone forever.

So I've proposed a couple of solutions, because right now it can be a little frustrating for non-Life and/or Sorcery wizards.

1. Unscouting. I see two options here:

a) Gradual deterioration: If the AI discovers a city but then goes X turns (varying by difficulty) without "seeing" it, the city is removed from the AI's list of scouted cities and they won't target it or its workable tiles with curses until they "discover" it again.

b) Magic: An instant spell, possibly Arcane, that removes the targeted city from the scouted listed of all AI players.

In either case, it should have little to no impact on wizards the player is actively at war with, but will prevent or limit a wizard three continents away from throwing random curses on you just to be a dick.

2. Personality limits: An optional setting that limits the amount of AI wizards that roll the Narcissist personality (e.g. at most 1 Narcissist for every 6 AI).

3. Targeting limits: Make the AI less likely to target the same player twice in a row with curses (ironically, this could sometimes result in *more* curses coming the player's way, but on balance should result in less).

4. Nuclear option: An optional game setting that prevents the AI from casting curses on the player's cities at all. Personally not interested in this one at all (they're part of the game!), but someone will want it.

I'd love to hear any ideas or feedback.

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  Research overflow?
Posted by: zuzzu - May 7th, 2021, 07:40 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - Replies (5)

I thought that any extra research points would overflow to the next spell being researched, however it seems this is not the case.

Can anyone confirm? I guess it should be this way, to avoid micro-managing the final research turn for every spell.

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  CoM4W v1.0 bug reports not in 1.1/1.2 notes
Posted by: Intaka - May 7th, 2021, 05:57 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - Replies (1)

I don't think any of these is in the Changelogs for Ver 1.1 or 1.2.

Item 1: The diplomacy message after Surprise Attacking an Ally has a typo. It currently says, "  I' shocked to see..."  Which is clearly missing the letter M for "I'm".

Item 2: After taking the enemy capital... Shin Bo the enemy Ninja hero was still inside with my new garrison. He currently lives in the basement(?) of my new city full of mages I guess. He did not participate in the defense of the Capital itself. Perhaps Summon Hero was just finishing casting on my enemy wizard's turn and he had no summoning circle so it defaulted to what was the capital? Dunno. Hopefully that's enough to figure it out.

Item 3: I don't think Gaia's Blessing provides unrest reduction currently, but the description says it does. Either that or the unrest reduction doesn't take place until the following turn and I didn't go back and check I suppose. Definitely didn't help those Dwarves calm down upon casting.

All in all pretty bug free, except for the 1.1 / 1.2 patch note stuff. Some of which was pretty huge, but as always you crushed it quickly.

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  Nightshade not working?
Posted by: zuzzu - May 7th, 2021, 02:51 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - Replies (3)

The enemy managed to corrupt a tile in my city, despite I have Alchemist Guild and Nightshade.
Is this a bug?

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