There's no info on the Apolyton or UC2 pages where it's accessed and there's very little documentation inside the zip. In a weird renamed rules file it says mods done by "Luka Rejec & co" so I guess that's the author since in a very small credits txt file it does not specify the creator and merely thanks some sources ie it thanks Mike Kennedy for sound files (which are missing lol), Jeff Head for highways and monorails, and Micheal McCart's Allterrain.gif file for rivers and coasts. Presumably the rest of the terrain was then made by the author and it looks great! Nothing mind blowing of course but pretty darn good as far as classic Civ2 alien world terrains go. I've seen thousands of scenarios & mods now including many alien world ones and I cannot recall seeing this terrain set before so that makes it quite unique.
There's no scenario file but it does include a map called Iapetus, which is a moon of Saturn. Which makes sense as the map and his terrain does match the surface style and colours of the real rocky & ashy Iapetus world!
The author renamed a handful of techs and units but sadly there are no actual custom units or city graphics so you're literally just walking about on an alien world with half naked warriors in thatched huts lol. His renamed rules file is broken too and it took me friggin half an hour to find and fix the problems lol.
Perhaps the lack of great content to go with the terrain and the bugs rendering it unplayable plus the closing of the old Ultimate Civ2 site when it merged into Apolyton is why his modpack and terrain just disappeared seemingly to never be played or even used by anyone else in their scenarios.
This terrain set and map is too damn cool to disappear and it's half a miracle I even clicked on it as I was actually browsing in those archives looking for other stuff lol. So I figured I'd fix it up, convert to a scenario, and stick it on CFC to preserve it properly. However I don't have time to go and add yet another new scenario project to my list of unfinished ones so I figured the quickest easiest way was to just merge the classic Microprose Mars Now! scenarios sounds, units, buildings and techs with this one as they fit together perfectly! I kept his nations and rulers though (think I saw Pamela Anderson somewhere in there ) plus his terrain names too of course. I also used the above picture of Iapetus as a title.gif file and saved my test game as a scenario file. Figured I'd call it "Deadworld Reborn" haha.
It's pretty much ready to go.. my only query preventing me from releasing is that I notice there's no water whatsoever on his map which is accurate lol, but I'm worried will cause issues. I can easily slap a patch of irrigation down next to all starting cities to solve one of them however I'm more worried about pirate ships. If you're playing on a map with no water whatsoever does civ2 crash when it tries to summon pirates? I know I've read that somewhere but might just be thinking of Civ1 custom maps. If there's any Civ2 guru's left here can ya let me know if that's a legit issue or not that would be great thanks. Otherwise I'll just release it now as is!
EDIT: I guess setting the Barbs to villages only is another idea to stop sea pirates if needed although I'd prefer to leave Barbs on.
Not likely. With Thrawn and Archduke in the game we'll likely see much more player-on-player violence, and earlier.
How many lurkers does it take to screw in a map?
Three. One to make the map, one to advise the map maker on what to do and a third to go "I told you so" when one of the players completely wrecks the map concept.
You look around in horror - you step outside for one moment, and this is what you come back to? The place is in shambles, there are nasty things everywhere, and just nothing has been done quite right. Worst of all, the neighbours are smirking over the state of things, and seem altogether too keen on making off with the silverware.
It's not unsalvageable - you can sense a hint of what he was thinking, though the execution is entirely wrong. Still, with a bit of elbowgrease you're sure it can be put right.
As you grit your teeth and get to work, you can't help thinking "this is the last time I ask Minister Koun to take care of things whilst I'm away..."
Your situation:
Special rules:
The AI has had 200 turns to play in this world, with limited settlers, always peace, and raging barbarians to keep everyone in check. You are taking over as the Leader/Civ combination of your choice, with no further instructions - do with this nation what you will!
Please post in the thread below (or message me privately) the Leader/Civ combination you wish to play as (including ones already present in the game), and I will post a save with that combination for you to use. I can also 'roll' you a random one if you desire.
The point of this adventure is to have fun, so there isn't strict scoring. However, everyone who plays the adventure to a conclusion (or for 150 turns, whichever is shorter) will receive one star, everyone who wins recieves a second star, and everyone who scores the fastest win in their category (Domination, Conquest, Culture, Altar, or Tower) will receive a coveted third star. Three stars will entitle you to a cameo in the next Adventure I run.
This adventure will run for 6-8 weeks. I will no longer post more saves from the 16th of June, and it will close for scoring purposes on the 30th of June. I'm comfortable with people posting reports at any time, even before the 16th of June (I trust everyone not to open threads until you've completed your game), but you don't need to post a report in order to score.
Note: as part of the transition of power, all remnants of the former administration will be removed. This means any buildings will be replaced by their equivalents, any heroes removed (the unit and existing promotions/experience will remain), great person points/tech progress reset, etc. I have also removed the 'No Settlers' and 'Always Peace' options.
Installation: as noted, this is the first Adventure to be played on the ExtraModMod game mode. My summary of changes, including links to the changelog, can be found here. Please find the installation instructions here.
Detailed information:
The tech situation:
Your cities:
Indicative neighbour:
Original post:
Kia ora koutou!
Very impressed to see Civ and FFH are still going strong, and Bob's adventures last year inspired me to offer my own. Time commitments mean I can't commit to a SG or a PBEM, so I'll settle for hosting an adventure!
The pitch:
Choose your own Civilisation - I will post a start, invite everyone who wants to participate to send me their preferred Civ/Leader combo, and edit in
AI Takeover - the AI will have a certain amount to play with each civ before you take it over
Barbarian world, possibly barbarian/always peace (until the player takes over) and no settlers - I'm still figuring this out in playtesting, but I want to give a true sandbox for players to work in, not one where the game is already decided
The map will be largely unaltered, just rolled and tested.
I'm also open to suggestions as to what version this is on - Extramodmod, Erebus in the Balance, etc. Personally, I play on EMM for the user experience and AI improvements, even though EitB is (of course) my baby.
Anyway, feedback invited! Please posts below if you'd consider playing this, and any settings feedback you have.
It's no secret that I'm one of the least impressive players here. My track record consists of lurking the second-best player of PBEM19 and falling behind my partner in PBEM20. And looking at my opponents - Alhambram, Suboptimal, Thrawn, the Archduke - I know that they will try to take advantage of my inexperience and try to pounce.
One big issue I'm worried about is the security of these Realms Beyond forum threads. We play games on an honor system, and trust each other to not snoop around in each other's threads to influence their own games. But there's no way to enforce anti-cheating, and I've seen quite a few people cheat in my (limited) history with Civ 6 multiplayer. Hell, players openly apologize for accidentally opening other people's threads all the time.
At the same time, I do want to document my Civ 6 gaming experience, because there's a lot to analyze and turn reports can help minimize my mistakes. I also want to receive lurker help, so this is quite the dilemma.
EDIT: I decided to add a table of contents to make navigation easier!
I am still spitballing some ideas around the map for the moment, the clear preference by players seem to be to make ancient wars difficult but open up around classical to medieval era. This basically only constrains very early rush Civs but some players want to go a little later than normal.
I am wondering if you guys have a good suggestion for a 5 player map layout without a piggy in the middle?
For the moment I am rolling inspirational varations with the Got Lakes script trying to get a layout which ensures that players need at least Shipbuilding to interact with each other without making Ships to dominant (we have that in PBEM20)
I might build some spider continents from hand though (think of large isles for players connected by hard to traverse 1 tile land bridges creating several small oceans.) I would probably try to make sure to have attractive off coast settling locations as well so we see more land based combat.
If you are still up for making the map, let me know your ideas or feel free to take mine and enhance/roll maps with it
One of my goals will be to avoid the piggy in the middle situation I had in PBEM18 for any of these players.
If people want to help but don't want to fluff about searching through your old collections looking for these scenarios then they are also very VERY welcome to donate their entire scenario collections to me to search for these lost scenarios in and also sort out and add to my main preservation project. I have setup some publicly accessible cloud storage with several gigabytes free that anyone can just drag and drop files into (literally it's that easy) so if you have an old CD or hard drive somewhere filled with scenarios from long gone websites and would like to donate please let me know and I'll PM you the link to my cloud. You will be publicly praised and credited for helping me or should you wish to remain anonymous that's no problem either.
One of the big Civ2 super sites still missing from the preservation collection is Whistler's (Kunal Shah) SidGames and it's hosted satellite sites like Civ2 Ziggurat, Jorrit's Civ2 Site, Markus's Ultimate/Planet Civ2, and Civ2 Scifilization which all had their own scenario collections with quite a few rarities that never made it to Poly or CFC. From what I can tell none of them survived Sidgames's rather sudden disappearance and webarchive didn't backup any of the downloads. Now that we've got Apolyton (& it's satellites), CivFanatics Atomic, and Dustin Dunns DSquared Zandanian League site it means SidGames (& it's satellites) really is the last super site missing from the Civ2 preservation project. So if anyone out there has content from those SidGames sites or a way to contact Whistler I'm all ears!!
Alpha Centauri Modpack v1.5 by Carlos Alb. Romero Díaz - (795kb) Source1
Star Trek First Contact (Kob ST-BAQ Redo) by Jeelen / Agent327 – first_contact.7z (1.8mb) Source1
Star Trek Voyager by Jeelen / Agent327 – voyager.7z (1.3mb) Source1
Star Trek Dominion War (Kob ST-DW Redo) by Jeelen / Agent327 – warp_9.7z (1.9mb) Source1
Star Trek TNG by Jeelen / Agent327 – tng.7z (3.1mb) Source1
Star Wars The Dagobah System by Filip Carlsson - Source1
Final Fantasy II/IV Modpack by Frank Johnson – (225kb) / (267kb) / (337kb) / (338kb) / (477kb) Source1
Final Fantasy NES Civ by Jim N. / Jomb – (208kb) Source1
Starcraft: Terran War by aland007 - (1mb) Source1
Dune - Pour L'epice! by N.Chautru – (246kb) (Puor L'epice! = For the spice!) Source1
Dune - The Battle for Arrakis 1.0 by Isaac Ashdown – (163kb) (not David Emery's Battle for Arrakis) Source1
Sands of Dune by James Dahl – (293kb) Source1
Dawn / Day of the Dead by Blackclove / Peter F. Delaney – (203kb) / (503kb) Source1Source2Source3
Orion (Alpha Centauri) by unknown- Source1
(Star Wars) TATOOINE by J. Bélanger – (71kb) (not Justin Giles one or Chris & Steve's one) Source1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original First Post:
It's a cruel world lol..
There probably isn't a hope in hell that anyone will have these but I'll try anyway...
I'm in the middle of a Civ2 lost websites search side project as part of my bigger Civ scenario hunting work to feature in a video series. I located a webarchive backup of an old Civ2 website called The Zandanian League by [USER=49234]@dsquared[/USER] (it was also described as 'Dustin Dunn's Civ2 Site' in the link to it). This long lost site hosted a number of scenarios not found in any other repository I've searched through. Some of them relate to topics of great interest to me!
I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan especially the retro SNES/Super Nintendo ones and so I've been keeping an eye out for Civilization 2 scenarios based on it. Other than a vanilla Civ2 scenario with no changed graphics or sounds I'd found nothing in all the big repositories I've searched through. Yet on this site sits a full total conversion Final Fantasy 4 (2 in US) modpack for Civ2(FOUND) by a fellow named Frank Johnson. As you can see in the surviving picture the trees, grass and hills are taken directly from the original game as well as the units and even the friggin cities are built from castles and villages you'd find on the world map. But of course this modpacks main download and 4 sound downloads were not backed up by webarchive.. such a shame that something this cool is likely lost forever..
Then just as I'm reeling from that painful discovery I then visit his scenarios section to find that there is a Starcraft scenario called Starcraft Terran War (FOUND) by aland007. I'm also a big Starcraft fan and have been hunting for any scenarios or modpacks related to it and was surprised to find none considering it's a late 90s game with 2.5D isometric graphics that would convert in pretty well. Now sure enough it appears someone did.. and of course the bloody download for that is not backed up either lol. Even the screenshot wasn't backed up so I don't know how good it is, however the site describes it as having "new graphics".
I don't suppose by some flukey chance that someone here has these?
I notice there are emails for these guys posted.. long shot after 20 years but I guess it's worth a shot to email them and see what happens.. but yeah.. not holding my breath!
Well, here were are again folks. Spring has rolled around and with it the beginning of another season of competition for our intrepid Civ4 AI leaders. This will be the sixth time in all that we're embarked on this venture. Back in Season One, I was still figuring out the format and running everything via forums posts at Realms Beyond. It was a bit of a rough process even if it was still fun. For Season Two, I switched over to Livestreaming the matches in real time, and that made things infinintely more fun for everyone with the viewers getting to comment on the action in real time. It's not an exaggeration to say that the running commentary on the Livestream was often much more entertaining than whatever the AI leaders happened to be doing at the moment. Season Three saw more refinements to the process, with maps selected ahead of time and blindly assigned to the leaders for purposes of fairness, and online straw polls/predictions recorded before the matches and included in a series of written previews. Season Four initiated the adoption of the correct starting techs for each civilization along with the implementation of a second AI-controlled observer civ so that we could watch the voting in the Apostolic Palace without fear of a religious victory taking place. Season Five ditched the Apostolic Palace and saw the largest turnout yet in terms of the community. Aided no doubt by the COVID-19 pandemic that left many people working from home, Season Five of AI Survivor exploded in popularity to reach an average of 250 contest submissions and hundreds of viewers tuning into the Livestream. At its height, I was averaging 150+ viewers across the length of a seven hour stream and topping 250 viewers at its peak. Will it even be possible to improve upon those numbers this year? Let's find out!
The basic tournament structure will remain the same from past seasons. The 52 AI leaders in Civilization 4 get randomly sorted into eight opening round games, half of them with 6 leaders and half of them with 7 leaders. Two leaders will advance to the playoff round from each match, the winning leader and the non-winner with the highest in-game score. AIs who survive the match but do not advance will get one final opportunity to make the playoffs in a Wildcard game played after the opening round matches. The Wildcard game has had as many as a dozen leaders and as few as six leaders in past years and it can get a little bit weird as a result. (The Wildcard game is also the only one that we run with Raging Barbarians turned on, and yes, we have seen an AI leader lose their capital city to the barbs!) This creates our field of 18 leaders sorted into three playoff games of 6 AIs apiece. Finally, we feed the top two leaders from each playoff game, the winner and the highest scoring non-winner, into a championship game and crown an overall winner of the competition.
For Season Four, we tried out a seeding system akin to what the World Cup uses when drawing teams into its groups. This proved to be a big success and we'll be continuing it for Season Six. The top eight AI leaders based on past performance will be placed in Pool 1, and the next eight AI leaders based on past performance will be placed in Pool 2. Each of the opening round games will have one leader drawn from Pool 1 and one leader drawn from Pool 2. The remaining 36 AI leaders in Civ4 will be unseeded and can be randomly drawn into any opening round game. Here's a list of which leaders fall into which category:
AI leader rankings are based on our customized scoring system of past performances; click here for a link to the full ranking as of the end of Season Five. AI leaders score 5 points for a first place finish, 2 points for a second place finish, and 1 point for each elimination of another leader. While this is a purely arbitrary system, it seems to provide an effective metric for evaluating prior seasons of the competition. The idea behind the seeding system is to stop the top AI leaders from hitting one another in an opening round "group of death" match while still preserving the random draw element that makes this event so much fun. Choosing to pick pools of leaders ranked 1-8 and 9-16 is of course another arbitrary decision but there's some logic to having one top leader and another secondary leader in each of the eight opening round games. Going into Season Six, we had a tie for the last Pool 1 spot between Suryavarman and Charlemagne, which the Khmer leader won by virtue of having a better performance in Season Five. There was also a three-way tie for the last two spots in Pool 2, with Zara dropping out thanks to his zero point stinkbomb last year.
The game settings will continue over from the last Civ4 AI Survivor competition. We use Deity AIs to speed up the overall pace of the game and reach victory results sooner. The map script is the default Pangaea, designed to keep all of the AI leaders in close contact with one another. Prior to the Season Three competition, I went ahead and tested out some games with Continents or Archipelago setups, and they just didn't work that well. The Civ4 AI doesn't really know how to run naval invasions, and there were lots of wars that just did nothing because the AIs couldn't reach one another. They need to be on the same continent from what I've found, and Pangaea works well enough for that. We use Normal game speed and Standard sized maps, with the one exception of dropping the sea level to "Low" setting for the games with 7 AIs to create a little more room for the extra competitior.
For the game options, the biggest effect on the gameplay is turning off Tech Trading. I'll repeat here what I wrote in the setup phase from past years: "When tech trading is left on, the AIs tend to stay bunched together with no one ever getting too far ahead or falling too far behind. With everyone fielding the same units, it becomes difficult for the AIs to attack one another successfully, and generally makes for less interesting games. But when tech trading gets switched off, all of the AIs have to sink or swim based on their own research efforts. This spreads them out much more widely on the tech tree, and once the laggards fall a full generation behind in military tech, they tend to get swallowed up by their more advanced rivals." With tech trading removed, we frequently see some AIs fall an entire era or more behind in technology, which prevents would-be conquerers from ignoring their economies and trading their way to tech parity. A balanced approach tends to work the best in these games, with alternating periods of warring to expand followed by peaceful consolidation. Woe to those who fall behind in military tech in this competition - it nearly always ends badly. We've also increasingly noticed the different research preferences of the various AI leaders in recent years, with the warmongers overly obsessing on military techs and some of the peacenik AIs refusing to pick up Rifling even as they're dying to foreign invaders. Turning on tech trading would remove this important aspect of the competition and make the overall setup a lot less interesting.
Otherwise, we turn off Vassal States to prevent the AIs from surrendering to one another. If they can vassal when losing wars, hardly any of the AIs ever get eliminated, and that's boring. We want to see bloodthirsty games! No escape, no mercy. We also turn off Events because they're kind of a Single Player thing, and the AI doesn't understand what they do. Similarly, we turn off the goody huts to prevent unwanted prizes from getting handed out to the AIs. We've been moving towards a less random and more standardized setup for the past few years and this seemed like an obvious next step. No more cases of someone getting lucky and popping a critical tech out of a hut on the first turn of the game - now they need to research their own stuff like everyone else. We also use Aggressive AI to spice things up and increase the number of wars. The big thing that Aggressive AI does is remove a flag that will stop the AIs from declaring certain wars. Normally they will not attack someone who has more than double their military power. Turning on Aggressive AI removes that check in their coding logic. This leads to occasionally suicidal war declarations based on diplomatic relations, and that's exactly the kind of thing we want to see!
The biggest change for Season Five was the removal of the Apostolic Palace (quite literally; I deleted the wonder from the XML files on my local computer). The Apostolic Palace had been the most controversial aspect of prior seasons from a gameplay perspective, with the AI civ that controls the Apostolic Palace often using it to shut down literally every invasion launched against them, or forcing everyone in the game to declare war on some hapless target. The argument in favor of the AP was that it introduces a wild and unpredictable element of chaos into each game which could be a lot of fun to watch. The argument against the AP was that a single wonder shouldn't have such a massively disproportionate effect on the rest of the gameplay, and in particular, it shouldn't become a magical shield that could shut down all aggression for hundreds of turns on end. I decided to run a poll question asking the community whether they wanted to see the inclusion of the Apostolic Palace for Season Five and the community voted decisively to remove it by a greater than 2:1 margin. The general consensus following the end of the season was that the gameplay had improved noticeably by leaving it out of the competition. We will not be bringing it back anytime soon.
New Changes for Civ4 AI Survivor Season Six
There are a couple of minor tweaks to the format for this season. First of all, we're changing up the climate setting once again, largely just for fun. The first four seasons of AI Survivor used "Temperate", "Arid", "Tropical", "Rocky", and "Cold" climates for the games just to test out all of the default options. Since we've explored all of them at this point, we'll go with "Tropical" to fit the season theme of the AI-mazon. (I continue to be able to make puns involving the season name and the word "AI", we'll see how much longer that lasts.) We'll also continue to use the "Choose Religions" options so that we can avoid getting Buddhism and Hinduism as the dominant religions in every game.
The biggest changes for this season are on the organizational end. In contrast to past seasons, I'm planning to hold the draw for all of the opening round games at the same time, on Livestream two weeks before the first match begins. I'll pick out all of the maps for the games ahead of time and then we'll fill in the leaders from the initial draw. This is largely being done to help save time during the season; by drawing the leaders and prepping the maps before the season starts, I won't have quite as much work to do on a week-by-week basis. I'll also be able to post the previews for all eight opening round games immediately following the draw to again save time and let the community get an early look at the upcoming matchups. Aside from helping to cut down on some of the behind-the-scenes work that goes into AI Survivor, doing the early draw will allow allow us to implement a new community feature:
Fantasy Civ4 AI Survivor
Yeah, we're going there. A number of people have asked about instituting some kind of fantasy feature in past seasons and I think we're finally in a position to make it happen. Here's how it's going to play out. The leader draw will take place two weeks before the first match of the season. I will post all of the opening round previews (and the leader-less map previews for the playoff games) so that everyone has time to study the upcoming games. One week before the start of the season, I plan to hold an auction draft on Livestream with a group of other community members as we bid on which leaders we want to fill out our fantasy AI Survivor teams. I think that this would work with as few as four or five other individuals but my preference would be to get seven other people for a league of eight fantasy teams. We'll run through the AI leaders and see who can put the best team together for the rest of the season. Then, based on how the auction turns out, I'll try to put together a "daily fantasy" style contest for the much larger group who couldn't take part in the auction draft.
If you're interested in taking part in the auction draft, here's a bit more information:
* Scoring will be based on our standard AI Survivor points system: 5 points for a first place finish, 2 points for a second place finish, and 1 point for each elimination of another leader. The further that the leaders on your team make it, the more chances they'll have to score points.
* Unlike the normal AI Survivor points system, players will also score 2 points for having a "First to Die" leader on their team. This should make the bidding much more interesting!
* There are no "positions" to worry about or a limit to the number of AI leaders that can fit on a team. Whether to have a small handful of favorites or a large group of underdogs is a choice that fantasy participants will have to make.
* To take part in the auction draft, participants will need to be available for 2-3 hours starting around noon (EST) on Friday, 30 April 2021. You will also need to join the Sullla Discord channel and a microphone is strongly preferred for voice communication.
* This is open to anyone interested who can be there for the live draft. I will feel free to give preference to longtime AI Survivor community members though; for example, noted superfan LinkMarioSamus has a spot if he wants it.
So far, I have confirmed signups from Mythradorri, walloper, and antisocialmunky along with interest from rekenner and Euaxps. I'm limiting the Livestream draft to no more than eight people (including myself) so please let me know soon if you're interested and can make the time slot. Community members are also free to set up their own snake pick draft or run their own auction draft if they can get enough people together. I'll keep track of the fantasy teams and we'll see who winds up having the best season once the games start! We will also still be running our normal picking contest each week; see the details below for those who are unfamiliar with the process.
Watching and Following Season Six
Games will be Livestreamed on my Twitch channel linked below, with most games starting at noon local time (east coast of North America) on Fridays. I will archive the recordings on Twitch and try to post them on YouTube in smaller chunks for those who have trouble accessing the Twitch videos. I'm also soliciting help once again in putting together the written reports on the games that took place, in the same fashion that we've done for the games from past seasons. Several folks pitched and submitted written reports for Season Five and it was a blast getting to see different spins on how the games played out. It will be a huge help if the community can continue to help shoulder the burden of doing the written reports and allow me to concentrate on streaming and administering the games. Anyone interested in volunteering to help out again?
For those who are new to our event, we run a picking contest for each game that serves as the biggest driver of interest in AI Survivor. We ask contest entrants to pick:
* The winning AI leader
* The second place AI leader
* The "First to Die" AI leader
* The victory type of the winner
* The victory date of the winner
* The total number of wars in the game
The closer that the pick gets to the correct answers, the more points that it scores. We track scores for both individual games and the overall competition so there's always a chance to win an individual round even for those who missed earlier matches. The picking contest system will continue to use a Google Forms submission, which was a massive timesaver in recent seasons as compared to originally compiling forum posts. The current bracket will always be visible online, and I'll do my best to update it here on my website, on my Twitch page, on the Sullla Discord channel, and at Realms Beyond. We'll have a forum discussion thread there, of course, which I'll link on this page once the competition has started. Scoring remains the same from past years, with points for first place, second place, first to die, victory date/type, and total number of wars. I went through the suggestions about different potential scoring goals after the last competition, and none of them felt like they would work as well as the current system. With points for the top two AI spots along with victory date and number of wars, we had scoring drama right up to the end of most every game, even when the winner had long since been determined. Check out the links below for more information on the scoring contest and how to submit your entries.
With all that said, here's a big list of the relevant links that follows below. Enjoy the new season of AI Survivor!
Schedule: Season Six Leader Draw, 23 April 2021 at Noon EST
Schedule: Season Six Fantasy Auction Draft, 30 April 2021 at Noon EST
Schedule: Season Six Game One, Starts 07 May 2021 at Noon EST
Fire away with your questions. This should be fun.
I'm looking for some brave volunteers with a bit of spare time on their hands to try this out: Do note that manual patching and, consequently, some technical expertise is required. I'm mainly interested in things that don't seem to work as advertised, but other feedback is also welcome. If I don't get any, I'll eventually submit it for inclusion in the Community Patch as is. In the meantime, I'll start working on the next batch of options. Thanks for reading!
PS.: There is no CoM or Insecticide version, sorry. You'll need either v1.31 or the latest Community Patch.