Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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  [PB59 SPOILERS] Cornflakes comes along for the ride
Posted by: Cornflakes - February 6th, 2021, 20:25 - Forum: Pitboss 59 - Replies (127)

With a 28 player game, the odds of winning are what, 3.5%? Sure, I'll go along for the ride. I do not want to be piloting a 40-city empire, so please Lewwyn, put me in a smaller part of the map with slightly richer land and let me play in my sandbox for a long-shot cultural win nod Maybe you could also roll me SPI/PHI of an early UU civ for extra security?

(February 22nd, 2021, 04:15)Lewwyn Wrote: Okay guys! All the picking is completed here is what everyone has chosen from RNGesus. In the end only 2 civs were rejected twice(Japan and Korea), I left them in the pool and they didn't get rolled so it was a non issue.

PLAYER                   Final pick

1. Miguelito + Rusten   Pacal (FIN/EXP) of France
2. Tarkeel                   Hannibal (FIN/CHA) of Egypt
3. Jowy                   Kublai Khan (AGG/CRE) of Byzantium
4. Amicalola           Roosevelt (IND/ORG) of Ethiopia
5. civac2                   Shaka (AGG/EXP) of Sumeria
6. naufragar           Joao (EXP/IMP) of India
7. Mr. Cairo                  Darius (FIN/ORG) of Aztec
8. Ramkhamhaeng        Cyrus (IMP/CHA) of Arabia
9. Mjmd                   Zara (CRE/ORG) of Portugal
10. Automated Teller   Justinian (SPI/IMP) of Khemer
11. General KilCavalry  Julius Caesar (IMP/ORG) of Mongolia
12. pindicator           Lincoln (PHI/CHA) of Dutch
13. Elkad                   San Martin (CHM/CRE) of England
14. The Black Sword   Catherine (IMP/CRE) of Chinese
15. superdeath           Charlemage (IMP/PRO) of Inca
16. Lazteuq           Montezuma (AGG/SPI) of Persia
17. Donovan Zoi   Sitting Bull (PHI/PRO) of Spain
18. mackoti           Ghengis (AGG/IMP) of Ottoman
19. Frozen + Dulland   Victoria (FIN/IMP) of Babylon
20. Piccadilly + Flunky  Willem Van Oranje (FIN/CRE) of Mali
21. Cornflakes           Pericles (PHI/CRE) of Native America
22. Charriu           Ramesses (IND/SPI) of Greece
23. Commodore           Lieu-Ye (ORG/PRO) of Rome
24. Ichabod           Hammurabi (AGG/ORG) of Germany
25. Joshybravo963   Asoka (SPI/ORG) of America

Casa Grande
Five Finger Ridge
Puye Cliff
Montezuma Castle
Angel Mounds
Some more that I stole from Civ 2 (Sioux):
Little Bighorn
Wounded Knee
Cedar Creek
Slim Buttes
Three Forks
Stony Lake
Dead Buffalo
Point of Rocks
Pine Ridge
Standing Rock
Eagle Butte
Turtle River
White Earth
Buffalo Gap
Deer Creek
Wind River
Clear Water
Oil Springs [Civ 3 Iroquois]
Some more stolen from landmarks that I recall, or possibly stolen from Oregon Trail:
Crazy Horse
Death Valley
Pike's Peak
Garden of the Gods
Alcove Spring
Windlass Hill
Courthouse Rock
Chimney Rock
Sweetwater River
Independence Rock
Devil's Gate
Soda Springs

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Rainbow [PB59] Charriu welcomes all the townfolk
Posted by: Charriu - February 6th, 2021, 18:35 - Forum: Pitboss 59 - Replies (401)

Well hello folks.

Just realized that my last PB (52) just finished in November 2020. Since then 6 more PBs started and finished; we are definitely crazy for more civ 4 in these times.

Normally I would do bigger paused between PBs, but you've gotta play a big PB when it appears. Actually this is one item on my civ4 bucket list: Play in one bigger PB. smile

The way I reported PB52 was in perfect balance for me. I never felt totally stressed out. So expect the following again:

  • I won't report every single turn
  • Same crazy micro managment spreadsheet: I've updated my spreadsheet, so that it will work even better, while also making life easier for me.
  • (Almost) no sims: I will actually run almost no sims this game, because my spreadsheet got that good already. I remember back in PB52 I stopped running sims about T50 or so, but I used my spreadsheet up to T110 or so. Expect more of that.
  • C&D: This very tedious for me and the benefit is smaller. With no score and the know easy display of KTB it should be a lot easier to track tech across the board.
I've also had an idea for a naming scheme. This time I will be running town names from games I liked with a special focus of towns that were cool or awesome in one way or another.

Other then that expect the usual stuff from me.


Lewwyn gives out candy aka our first civ/leader combo
Even more candy from Lewwyn. This time a screenshot. Yummy
We take Rameses of Greece
The most important part of the game: The player analysis
T0: Let's get ready to RUMBLEEEEEEE!!!

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  [Mjmd #59] Sea Shanties!
Posted by: Mjmd - February 6th, 2021, 18:07 - Forum: Pitboss 59 - Replies (150)

See if I can kill some better players than me. See if the game actually ends (hint this book series has been waiting FOREVER for its 3rd book).  Note thread title edited from 'Kingkiller Chronicles'

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Lightbulb [spoilers] Commodore is absolutely confident this will end well.
Posted by: Commodore - February 6th, 2021, 17:38 - Forum: Pitboss 59 - Replies (149)

[Image: 01.jpg]This is a very stable number of players.

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  Fate Mastery reroll percentage
Posted by: Seravy - February 5th, 2021, 01:24 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - No Replies

I've decided Fate Mastery will have the effect of "all spells cast by you that requires a save have an X% chance to force the enemy to save again in case of a successful save roll.", in addition to the current effects.

We need to decide on the percentage for X next.
You can see how much the success rate of various spells becomes depending on how much it was before in this table :
0% and 100% are obviously unaffected. In general, the effect is the strongest when you had 50% chance to succeed and weakest if the spell had a very low or high chance to work. (This is what makes it very different from simply adding a -1 to the save roll. It alters the outcome most at the spot where it's the most random.)
Even a 100% chance to reroll only increases the success rate from 50% to 75% which is a 25% increase, so it might be our best option?

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  Writing a better changelog for our mods
Posted by: Charriu - January 31st, 2021, 04:48 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (5)

Well the title already gives it away. I'm planning to rewrite the changelogs for our mods RtR and CtH. The problem and question at hand is, how should this new changelog look.

So I ask you what are some things that bother you in particular?
What could be done better?

For example one thing that bothers me in the CtH log is that in order to make the log shorter I hid a lot of civ changes in other parts.

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  Master of Orion AI Analysis
Posted by: Sullla - January 29th, 2021, 17:17 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (7)

This deep dive article into the Master of Orion AI was linked in my Livestream chat today. I'm in the process of reading through it and there's a lot of interesting information about how the MOO AI makes decisions. Well worth a read!

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  On Heroes (Racial Inspired Traits and Retort Inspired Powers)
Posted by: htester - January 27th, 2021, 19:26 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - No Replies

I find a little bit strange that most heroes are humans in a game with so many diffent races (the same could be said for wizards). There could be a new system where you can only summon heroes of a given race on a certain city (like if you cast summon hero on a elven city an elven hero shows up). But to make this system meaningful a 100 portrait pack DLC with heroes from all races would be needed so that`s not that feasible and maybe not even desirable as your empire has cities from multiple races. So after rejecting this idea but still retaining the desire to have at least 1 hero from each race I propose another idea: having at least a single hero exclusive for each race that can only be summoned if you choose  a given race (example you start
with gnolls, you can only summon the "gnoll champion"). Why do we need this? Although the idea came from a "roleplay discomfort/ weirdness" I do think this would be an important mechanic to make the initial choice of races more meaningful. That mechanic is already subtle implemented but
there are inconsistencies as racial traits weren't consciously applied to hero design: it's obvious that Gunther is a barbarian based hero that aligns with its "barbarian civilization" although it's not that obvious why Brax is hanging around Arcanus or what is unique about Bahgtru being an orc and not something else. Long story short:

-We need race based heroes as imagining new racial habilities for them can lead to an unexplored and new aspect of gameplay
-We need to design those new racial hero traits that are something distinctive from habilities, item powers and spells (those racial traits inspired powers should only be applied to the  new heroes as it's unpratical and undesirable to remake all the older heroes from scratch)
-Potencial new hero racial inspired powers: 

      Set 1 (habilties that interacts with racial units and racial resource rates of production)
*New resource production habilities (Food, Population, Production)
*Global Unrest reduction
*Unlocking Armory/ Fantastic stable unit production without the need of those buildings if
  the hero is stationed in city
*Military Conscription: increase chance/ ensures that a "mercernary" of the given race joins
  you (either for reduced cost or free). Maybe that should only apply to the hero stack.

     Set 2 ("Retort inspired powers")

A) Batte retorts: Basically retorts that are only applied on the stack the hero is and do not stack if the wizard has the same retort or a similar one [example warlord and tactian]

Channeler, Warlord, Tactician, Guardian (without food bonus), Astrologer (without power bonus)

B) Resource retorts: Effects that give a medium amount of resources when the hero is summoned (as opposed to production per turn or a global percentage discount). Those B type retorts could be implemented as an event that is triggered when the hero is summoned.

Alchemy (receive X gold or X mana when summoned), Warlord (hero is summoned along with 4-6 normal melle troops), Tactian (hero is summoned along with 4-6 normal ranged units), Artificer (hero comes with a random artfifact equipped), Charismatic (bonus diplomacy with a random
wizard), etc.

*Note: I didn't come up with new names to make easier to understand what the habilities are supposed to do although its pretty easy to come up with new ones like a charismatic inspired power could give the hero the trait "diplomat" or something like that.

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  A newbs first game of CoM
Posted by: Yorrick09 - January 25th, 2021, 11:31 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (5)

Greetings, all. 

Being suddenly unemployed (thanks, COVID, and the printer's union. fat lot of good you did me after sucking my paycheck) I now have time to dive into a game that I first discovered years ago when the insecticide patch first came out.

After a short vanilla game on the intro difficulty as Ariel to get myself familiar with the game again, 
I decided to play a fresh game in CoM as Merlin, High Men. I didn't take a screenshot of the setup screen but I'm pretty sure I'm on normal difficulty and all the settings except landmass set to "fair".

I wound up on a goodly-sized continent all by my lonesome, but it wasn't too long before red lizardmen settlers came pouring from across the sea. I didn't feel like making enemies just yet, so I let Raven have the settlements around the periphery of my continent while I built up the inner core.

There were only a couple of neutral towns, two being Men and one orc.

I tried to keep friends with Raven (Red), hoping that I could use him to exchange spells while I played a peaceful builder/research game, but I didn't know how the diplomacy worked.

Soon enough I figured out that I couldn't be friends with him, as his settlements all over my continent meant I couldn't even move settlers or engineers around without tripping over his settlements, triggering the "Y u move ur d00ds next to me" messages and his Lawful personality made it worse.

So I started putting his cities to the torch and began a fresh wave of settlers. Of course this meant war and it see-sawed back and forth for quite a while.

I split my attention between sending ships and cheap (swords, bows, and crusaders) soldier's over to Raven's continent and trying to tech up to magicians/paladins and using heroes to plunder what small neutrals I could.

Time passed and I made contact with my other opponents: Ariel (yellow) and Freya (green).

[Image: JdWkRfV.png]

Freya turned out to be the big problem, as you can see! Chaotic-Militarist. Frankly I just didn't take her seriously. All I wanted was to have my continent to myself, build up my cities, explore with my heroes and research my way to victory. My already large gold income skyrocketed when I discovered Prosperity, and I thought if I just subsisted Ariel and Raven (who had already gotten into long-standing wars with Freyja) I'd be left well enough alone.

It was when Freyja started sending multiple large stacks of barbarian 'zerkers, backed up by a steady stream of cockatrices, sprites, and water walking giant lizards, coupled with my finally looking at the rest of the map with the nature reveal spell, that I realized just how much of a runaway Freyja was.

and for the past eight years or so I've been barely hanging on against wave after wave after wave after wave of lizards, barbarians, orcs, summons, and the occasional hero. I've had a couple cities wiped out, or simply taken, but I've always rebuilt them and I am hanging on.

My mana and gold income is great, it's just she has 3X the cities I do and at first I insisted on going magician heavy back up by paladins, but that combo didn't work when she started throwing resistence-buffed flyers at me. I started throwing earthquakes at her cities but it doesn't seem to slow her production down, much.

Ariel and Freyja allied for a number of turns, and so Ariel DoW'd me, but I just now noticed they were at war with eachother again, managed to make peace with Ariel for some gold and Disjunction.

I have finally, FINALLY been able to bring the war to Freyja. Not on her home continent, but Ariel's. I've managed to take a single high elf city that I'm guessing used to belong to Ariel, and ye gods and little catfish, that has redirected every last green soldier and then some.

nothing but stack after stack after stack marching up to the walls of Gatewood and..

Nothing. sitting there.

[Image: pRQiDu0.png]

That hero on the outside is Torin with a halfstack; a couple elite halberdiers, magicians, and priests.

[Image: cF4aSgj.png]

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  Close to Home 2.0 - Download thread
Posted by: Charriu - January 23rd, 2021, 10:34 - Forum: Close to Home Mod - Replies (8)

You can download the mod here: Close to Home 2.0.8

CtH on Github

Note that all the changes here are additions to what you already find in BtS unless otherwise stated as NEW

Changelog version 2.0

Tile Yields and Improvements

  • Lumbermills: Available at Metal Casting, +1 commerce with Machinery, +1 commerce with Electricity, Lumber mills get their +1 commerce bonus next to a river on all river tiles, not only on straight river tiles, reduce buildtime to 5 from 8
  • Forest preserves: +1 commerce, now +1 commerce on the corner of rivers like above
  • Jungle no longer grows onto resources
Game Mechanics
  • Drafting: Rifles now cost 2 pop to draft.
  • AP Resolutions: Declare War (on a non-member), Force Peace (between two members), Religious victory, and Assign City are no longer eligible resolution actions.
  • Fail-gold: You never get fail-gold if you also completed the wonder somewhere else (so no National Wonder fail-gold, or doubling up on a wonder to guarantee yourself a paycheck. The game still informs you that you received "0 gold" from your hammers).
  • Toroidal Maintenance: Now return city maintenance as if the map were Cylindrical.
  • War Weariness: War weariness decreases faster during peace
  • War Weariness: Increases only by half during an MP game
  • Religion spread: Spreading religions via missionaries to your own cities never fails
  • Global warming: Removed
  • Espionage: Active missions removed
  • Espionage: 'No espionage' option fixed, see bugfix section for more details
  • Agriculture: Cost 40 instead of 60
  • Mysticism: Cost 60 instead of 50
  • Fishing: Cost 50 instead of 40
  • Metal Casting: Cost 300 instead of  450
  • Alphabet: Cost 250 instead of 300
  • Refrigeration: lose +1 sea movement
  • Aqueduct: Reduce cost to 80
  • Castle: Obsoletes at Corporation instead of Economics
  • Customs House: Cost 120 instead of 180, also applies to all UBs based on Customs House (Feitoria)
  • Colosseum: -25% war weariness
National Wonders
  • Red Cross: Cost 200 instead of 600
  • West Point: Cost 550 instead of 800, +5 XP instead of 4, Requires a level 5 unit instead of 6
  • Resource modifiers: All wonders that had +100% production with a specific resource now only have +50% production with that resource.
  • Great Lighthouse: +1 trade route in coastal cities instead of +2
  • Statue of Zeus: Obsolete at Gunpowder
  • Mausoleum of Mausolos: Obsolete at Nationalism
Unit mechanics
  • Flanking: Flanking strength (used to calculate damage from flanking strikes) of all units reduced by 50%.
  • Circumnavigation: Unlocked by Optics, +1 trade route in all coastal cities instead of +1 movement and can be achieved by everybody (due to the way the code works this is aquired the turn after Optics is researched)
  • Coastal blockade: only blocks sea trade routes and resources provided by sea trade, blockaded cities can still work blocked tiles.
  • Barbs now never attack your unit stack if the stack includes a settler and a unit that is giving military happiness
  • Barbs never raze a city even autoraze. On recapturing such a city you too do not autoraze it.
Land units
  • Scout: +100% vs Animals gained with Hunting, no tech required, that way everybody starts with a scout
  • Swordsman: +25% city attack instead of +10%, also applies to UUs Jaguar Warrior and Gallic Swordsman
  • War elephant: Strength 7 instead of 8, requires Ivory or Iron, applies to all UU
  • Explorer: Gains Flanking
  • Airship: Cannot see submarines
  • ICBM: Cost 1500 instead of 500
  • Tactical Nuke: Cost 750 instead of 250
  • Nukes: Nukes never create fallout on tiles containing strategic resources.
Naval units
  • Work Boat: no longer require any tech (still require Fishing to work water tiles).
  • Galleon: Requires Paper and Astronomy, Dutch UU still only requires Astronomy
  • Privateer: Required techs are Gunpowder and Astronomy instead of Chemistry and Astronomy, removed hidden nationality, can plunder during war time
  • Tech: Discovering the corresponding tech for a corporation earns you an executive of that corporation. To settle the HQ you still need a great person.
  • Sid's Sushi Co.: Food bonus per resource 0.25 instead of 0.5 and culture bonus per resource 1 instead of 2, maintenance costs halfed
  • Mining Inc.: Hammer bonus per resource 0.75 instead of 1, maintenance costs 3/4 of original
  • Serfdom: +1 commerce on Farms, +1 hammer on Watermills and Windmills, available on Monarchy instead of Feudalism
  • Emancipation: lose unhappiness bonus, gain +10% Hammer in all cities
  • State Property: Lose +10% Hammer in all cities
  • Environmentalism: Available at Biology instead of Medicine, remove Corporation costs

  • Financial: +1 commerce on land tiles that have 3+ commerce, lighthouse gives: +1 commerce on water tiles that have 2+ commerce
  • Expansive: Remove Worker bonus, add +100% production of Aqueduct
  • Creative: Remove production bonus for Colosseum
  • Charismatic: +100% production of Monument, +100% production of Colosseum
  • Aggressive: -50% unit maintenance cost, free Barrage I for all siege weapons
  • Philosophical: +150% GPP instead of +100%
  • Protective: +100% domestic trade route yield (works like a harbor mechanically, just only for domestic trade)
  • UBs no longer obsolete at any time. Affected civs are Celts, Egypt, Ethiopia, Native America, Spain
  • America UB: NEW Immigration Station - Harbor replacement, +3 Great People Points, +1 happy from Hit Musical, Singles and Movies
  • America UU: NEW Minuteman - Musket replacement, Starts with Guerrilla 1 and Woodsman 1.
  • Arabia UU: Camel Archer starts with March
  • Babylon UB: +5% food storaged on growth
  • Celts UB: +1 culture
  • China UU: max 40% collateral damage instead of max 60%
  • Germany UB: Assembly Plant available at Steam Power instead of Assembly line, +2 hammer
  • Germany UU: NEW Riesengarde - replace Grenadier, available at Chemistry, starts with Pinch
  • Greece UU: Phalanx - replaces spearman, strength 5, +25% hill defense
  • Inca UB: Makes city act as a source of fresh water instead of +2 culture, Cost 45
  • India UU: movement 2 instead of 3, start with Mobility promotion
  • Japan UB: NEW Tatara, Forge replacement - +2 XP to Melee, +10% hammer bonus with coals
  • Maya UU: Starts with Woodsman 1
  • Native America Tech: Fishing/Hunting instead of Fishing/Agriculture
  • Native America UB: Available at Archery instead of Mysticism, additional +1 XP for gunpowder units, never obsoletes
  • Persia UB: NEW Bazaar - replaces market gives 25% trade yield
  • Russia UB: Replace University instead of Laboratory, only +1 free scientist
  • Spain UB: Never obsoletes, +2 XP for naval units, does not require Walls
  • Zulu UU: Remove Mobility promotion

Also included are three new leaders for the missing trait combos
  • LieuYe (ORG/PRO)
  • San Martin (CHM/CRE) and
  • Nebuchadnezzar (IND/PHI)


The following events have been removed from the game:

Negative Events:
1. Forest Fire
5. Washed out
10 Careless apprentice
11. Famine
12. Slave revolt
15. Farm Bandits
18. Fugitive
19. Pestilence
21. Faux Pas
22. Joyous Wedding
23. Wedding Feud
24. Left at the Altar
26. Tornado
29. Looters
30. Brothers in need
31. Hurricane
32. Cyclone
33. Tsunami
34. Monsoon
35. Blizzard
36. Volcano
37. Dust Bowl
42. Clunker Coal
43. Sour crude
50. Mining accident
52. Setbacks
54. Great depression
55. Bermuda triangle
70. Influenza
71. Solo Flight
77. Ancient Olympics
78. Modern Olympics
80. Earth day
92. Cigarette Smoker
93. Heroic Gesture
94. Great Mediator
99. The Huns
100. The Vandals
101. the Goths
102. The Philistines
103. The Vedic Aryans
104. Holy ritual
132. Spoiled grain
135. Industrial fire
155. Slave revolt warning
160. Defecting agent
161. Jail
162. Spy discovered
163. Nuclear protests
165. Broken Dam
169. Toxcatl
170. Dissident Priest
172. Rogue station
174. Impeachment

Remove (Too good):
9. Hymns and sculptures
20. Marathon
28. Bards tale
64. Federal reserve
139. Partisans
167. Golden Buddha

Quests (Too good):
13. Blessed sea
121. Harbomaster
125. Sports league
149. Guns Butter
151. Overwhelm
152. Corporate expansion
153. Hostile takeover

New game options
No City Trading: Unable to trade cities, cities appear untradable in diplomacy screen
No Map Trading: Maps appear untradable in diplomacy screen
No Wonder resource modifiers: Resources do not affect world wonder or world project construction speeds.
No Immediate Peace (Peace treaty negotiations are only possible after 5 turns)
True AI Diplo: All single player trade items are also available in MP
No war weariness: This deactivates war weariness. Note that all the buildings, tooltips etc. are still active. You just don't accumulate any war weariness.
No score: This fix everybodys score to 1. Therefore no C&D around score is possible.
No unit gifting: You can no longer gift units to other players.
City count tied to espionage: This changes the city count display in the BUG scoreboard. With this it is enabled when you get graphs on other players
Inflation tied to tech: With this Inflation is tied towards tech progess. Inflation still occurs with increasing turn numbers, but in addition if (All techs you discovered / All available techs) * Maximum turn numbers is higher then the current turn, inflation takes the calculated turn from techs as a base for the calculation. This option is mainly ment for games running Advanced Start or Tech Trading.
No Spies: Spies can't be built
No barb cities: No barbarian cities are spawned
No barb water units: No barbarian water units are spawned
Changed 'No vassals' option: Colony maintenace is removed from the game

BUG integration
BUG fully integrated
New BUG feature "Grid for graphs"
New BUG feature improved Active advisor screen
New BUG feature show last tick beakers in tooltip
New BUG feature show KTB on tech
Combat log is generated outside the game

Additional bug fixes

Combat log now only writes combats in which you participate
City names can no longer include % in their name. This caused a crash
Fix decay not being reset when decaying to 0 production
Fix decay not counting up, if something is finished this turn
Fix war declaration by third party triggers teleportation of players already in a war

The No Espionage game option now works properly:

    GSpy points are converted into Great Merchant points.
    Espionage no longer gets converted into culture.
    Cultural expansion now happens at normal values.
    Spies cannot be built.
    Graphs are always visible on contact.

Workboats no longer count as military units for upkeep. They're also no longer considered a military unit so a War Academy will not speed their production.

Trade route turn order bug.

Foreign trade route cities lost permanently when your city using those routes is destroyed (fix is taken from BTS unofficial patch).

Build culture double production.

Build wealth/research/culture + production automation double production.

Proposed trades including cities, where the cities no longer exist to be trades, are not cancelled (note: I consider this a bug because proposed trades are already cancelled if a player lacks the requisite e.g. resources/gold. could be considered not a bug).

Production decay counter on a type of build (e.g. axeman) is not reset after completing one if the next item in the queue is of the same type (fix is taken from BTS unofficial patch).

Feature growth/disappearance rates, and bonus discovery (mine pop) rates, do not scale with game speed.

Diplomacy Pausing: Diplomacy windows do not occur on game login whilst the game is paused.

Autosaves: Autosaves are generated at login and log out; log out saves are saved to a folder specified within the global defines XML file. Default location is C:\temp.

Maximum player number increased to 52

Additional alterations have been made to enable hosting of games on the pitboss server belonging to Zulan. These changes are detailed here

Added bugfixes from Unoffical Patch
CvCity::init - Building a city on floodplains no longer removes floodplains, they'll still be there if city is destroyed (from Mongoose SDK)
CvCity::getProductionModifier (three versions of this function) - Changed to allow mods to create negative production modifiers (thanks NotSoGood)
CvCity::setBuildingHealthChange - Fixed several copy/paste and logic bugs affecting bonus building health from events, especially after city conquest (thanks Emperor Fool)
CvCity::setBuildingHappyChange - Fixed several logic bugs affecting bonus building health from events, especially after city conquest
CvCity - Added function getNumActiveWorldWonders()
CvCity::PopOrder - Fixed issue introduced by prior attempt to fix handling of buildings with player limits. Building classes which set iMaxPlayerInstances should now work correctly regardless of what iExtraPlayerInstances is set to. (thanks ztjal)
CvCityAI::AI_yieldValue - Fixed issue causing city governor and AI to heavily weight food when building gold or any other form of commerce. Produced unexpected and poor results for human player, did not help AI either.
CvCityAI::AI_doHurry - Fixed several bugs where AI would incorrectly think it was getting a great deal on a pop/gold rush when it was actually doing the other kind of rush. (thanks Pep)
CvPlayerAI::AI_isFinancialTrouble, CvCityAI::AI_updateBestBuild, and CvPlayerAI::AI_getMinFoundValue - Fixed bug in calculating expenses when AI has negative gold per turn
CvCityAI::AI_cityThreat - Fixed bug when AI is running crush strategy, wrong int was divided
CvCityAI::AI_neededDefenders - Improved efficiency and minor tweaks
CvCityAI::AI_chooseProduction - Fixed bug reducing AI production of workers, and a similar issue for barb players producing too many
CvDLLButtonPopup::launchFreeColonyPopup - Removed cities whose liberation player you are at war with from popup.
CvPlayer and CvDLLWidgetData - Fixed bug where you could acquire unlimited free techs from Oracle or Liberalism (thanks Emperor Fool)
isPotentialEnemy in CvGameCoreUtils - Fixed bug leading to AI launching invasions when unable to declare war, troops eventually got bounced when war was declared
CvGameTextMgr::setBuildingHelp - Fixed issue in mods with display of exposing spies text for buildings which lower espionage defense (thanks Afforess)
CvGameTextMgr (many places) - Fixed issues where unhappiness and unhealthiness from civics or buildings would incorrectly show up as -(unhappy face) instead of +(unhappy face) in several circumstances. (Thanks EmporerFool, Grave, Afforess)
CvGameTextMgr - Game will now properly display info for buildings which generate unhappiness in an area or globally, or produce state religion unhappiness (should these ever come up in mods)
CvPlayer::canFound - Changed handling of founding on water tiles so that Python callback has final say if it is turned on
CvPlayer::removeBuildingClass - Fixed issue with removing buildings when building class was maxed out for some mods (thanks EF)
CvPlayer::canTradeItem - You can now ask AI members of your own team to change religion or civics (thanks denev)
CvPlayerAI::AI_civicValue - Fixed crash bug in multi-player simultaneous turns games created by necessary re-timing of AI_doSplit (thanks to TheOnlyDJCat for debugging help)
CvPlayerAI::AI_conquerCity - Fixed bug where cityAcquiredAndKept event reported wrong player in some circumstances (thanks Maniac)
CvPlayerAI::AI_targetGold - Fixed bug causing AI to not bother with budgeting for expenses for first 40 turns of scenarios and advanced start games
CvPlayerAI::AI_foundValue - Added missing division for iClaimThrehsold (thanks denev)
CvPlayerAI::AI_unitValue - Stealth boats do not make good escorts since they often don't defend, so AI is now very unlikely to use them as escorts for transports.
CvPlayerAI::AI_getHealthWeight - Fixed bug for mods where civics with negative iExtraHealth were evaluated incorrectly (thanks phungus420)
CvPlayerAI::AI_getHappinessWeight - Fixed bug for mods where civics with negative happiness effects from troops, largest cities, or war weariness were evaluated incorrectly
CvPlayerAI::AI_bestPlotEspionage - relevant weights are 0, +- 50, +- 100, so comparison for Agg AI should be < 51 instead of < 50
CvPlayerAI::AI_changePeacetimeTradeValue and CvPlayerAI::AI_changePeacetimeGrantValue - AIs you haven't met yet will no longer get angry at you for trading with their worst enemy (thanks Sephi)
CvPlayerAI::AI_doDiplo - Fixed issue where team is sneak attack ready but hasn't declared war, AI would still demand tribute. If other team accepted, it blocked war declaration for 10 turns but AI still launched invasion and was then bounced when it could eventually declare.
CvPlayerAI::AI_getStrategyHash - Fixed incorrect counting of destroyers as mobile anti-air
CvPlayerAI::AI_getTotalFloatingDefendersNeeded - Fixed poor decision by AI if it has captured one or two cities on someone else's continent, it would minimally defend its new cities
CvPlayerAI::AI_getStrategyHash - Fixed several bugs where player ID was used where team ID was intended
CvPlayerAI::AI_targetCityValue - Fixed issues with valuation of cities with inactive world wonders, multi-holy-cities
CvPlayerAI::AI_commerceWeight - Improved valuation of generating culture in human player cities when culture bar is > 50% (ie, player probably going for cultural victory)
CvPlayerAI::AI_bestTech - Fixed potential rare crash bug in mods where units with no transport capacity can upgrade to units with transport capacity (thanks Afforess)
CvPlayerAI::AI_missionaryValue - Fixed copy and past bug causing overvaluation of missionaries for AIs going for cultural victory early in the game.
CvPlayerAI::AI_unitValue - Fixed potential crash bug in looking up AI_unitValue for UNITAI_MISSIONARY units without passing a valid CvArea*
CvSelectionGroup::continueMission - Fixed issue causing units with multiple orders to forget their later orders under certain circumstances. (thanks Pep)
CvTeam::doTurn - Added barbarian passive tech fix from Mongoose SDK
CvTeam::shareCounters - Fixed bug causing inappropriate overflow research and effectively free techs when forming a Permanent Alliance
CvTeam::addTeam - Fixed bug where, if civs A and B join in a permanent alliance, they get the max of A and B's espionage points against C but C just keeps its point against A and loses its points to B if that's higher
CvTeam::shareCounters - Fixed bug in permanent alliances when No Tech Brokering is turned on, where a civ would often become unable to trade a tech they had researched after entering a permanent alliance.
CvTeamAI::AI_doWar - use bFinancesProLimitedWar for limited war calc instead of max war version
CvTeamAI::AI_calculateAreaAIType - Fixed incorrect index usage (thanks cephalo)
CvUnit::convert - Fixed potential issue in mods where units with transport capacity might upgrade to units without (from Mongoose SDK)
CvUnit::shouldLoadOnMove - Fixed issue with all terrain land units moving onto water tiles with transports in them (from Mongoose SDK)
CvUnit::canMoveInto - Removed strange behavior where setting a unit to be unable to enter a terrain type would be overridden by features (forrest, fallout) (thanks TC01)
CvUnit::isIntruding - Kept 3.17 unofficial patch feature that vassal spies are never caught in master's territory
CvUnit::canAirDefend - Land units which are on transports can no longer defend against air attacks (from Mongoose SDK)
CvUnit::collateralCombat - Kept 3.17 unofficial patch feature which allows mods to enables barrage promotions for collateral damage units
CvUnit::canSpread - Moved Python cannot spread callback to end of function where it belongs, will speed up those mods which use this callback a little
CvUnit::canRangeStrikeAt - Added check for whether target plot is visible (thanks God-Emperor)
CvUnitAI::AI_spreadReligionAirlift and CvUnitAI::AI_spreadCorporationAirlift - AI will no longer airlift multiple of the same kind of missionary or executive to the same target spread city on the same turn
CvUnitAI::AI_paradrop - fixed bug with valuation of terrain bonuses causing paradrops to avoid bonuses in some circumstances when intention is clearly to encourage landing on bonuses and pillaging
CvUnitAI::AI_settleMove - fixed bug when settler cannot reach a city site in an area (blocked by mountains, other player). Caused settler to wait infinitely in city instead of loading into transport.
CvUnitAI::AI_assaultSeaMove - Fixed bug where unit type was used when unit AI type was intended
CvUnitAI::AI_specialSeaTransportMissionary - Fixed minor bug in valuation for executives
Knowledgebase For Modders

All of these are additions for balancing the game


CIRCUMNAVIGATE_MIN_WATER_PERCENT = The Circumnavigation bonus is only active if the map has more then X per cent of water tiles
TECH_COST_CIV_COUNT_HARD_CAP = Upper limit civs giving known tech bonus. 0 is disabled
TECH_COST_CIV_COUNT_HARD_CAP_LOWER = Lower limit civs giving known tech bonus. 0 is disabled
TECH_COST_MODIFIER_PER_ERA_MULTIPLIER = Use highest era (possibly capped) and multiply with the fraction of contacts knowing the tech, TECH_COST_TOTAL_KNOWN_TEAM_MODIFIER, and TECH_COST_MODIFIER_PER_ERA_MULTIPLIER
TECH_COST_MAXIMUM_ERA_CAP = Use highest era (possibly capped) and multiply with the fraction of contacts knowing the tech, TECH_COST_TOTAL_KNOWN_TEAM_MODIFIER, and TECH_COST_MODIFIER_PER_ERA_MULTIPLIER
TECH_COST_TOTAL_MODIFIER_EARLY_CAP = Use highest era (possibly capped) and multiply with the fraction of contacts knowing the tech, TECH_COST_TOTAL_KNOWN_TEAM_MODIFIER, and TECH_COST_MODIFIER_PER_ERA_MULTIPLIER
TECH_COST_TOTAL_MODIFIER_ADVANCED_CAP = Use highest era (possibly capped) and multiply with the fraction of contacts knowing the tech, TECH_COST_TOTAL_KNOWN_TEAM_MODIFIER, and TECH_COST_MODIFIER_PER_ERA_MULTIPLIER
SLAVERY_NERF_ENABLED = Whips generate now 30/20/20/.. hammers for the 1/2/3/.. whip
CIRCUM_FOR_EVERYBODY = Every player receives the circumnavigation bonus
ENABLE_EXECUTIVE_SPAWNS_FOR_STRAGGLERS = An corp executive is spawn for players discovering this late after the HQ was settled, might be broken
ENABLE_FINANCIAL_RIVERSIDE_PENALTY = Financial bonus does not apply on river tiles
ENABLE_TREAT_TOROIDAL_MAINTENANCE_AS_CYLINDRICAL = Toroidal maps have the same maintenance cost as cylindrical
ENABLE_NO_ESPIONAGE_FIX = Does what it says
OWN_CITY_FAIL_GOLD_MULTIPLIER = You no longer generate fail gold for multiple same national wonders etc.
ENABLE_PITBOSS_PAUSE_FIX = Does what it says
PEACE_TREATY_NEGOTIATIONS = Works with the disabled "Immediate peace treaty negotiations" game option. Defines when peace treaty negotiations can start
TECH_COST_SCALING_ALGORITHM = Enable the tech cost scaling from SevenSpirits Tides of War mod
ENABLE_ALWAYS_SUCCESSFUL_DOMESTIC_RELIGION_SPREAD = Missionaries always succed spreading religions to your own cities
ENABLE_RIVER_SIDE_YIELD_ALSO_ON_CORNER = River bonus (Lumbermill and Forest Preserve) also applies to the corner tiles
ENABLE_NON_WORKABLE_TILES_DUE_TO_COASTAL_BLOCKADE = If a tile is blocked by a coastal blockade the adjacent cities can no longer work this tile
CIRCUMNAVIGATE_FREE_TRADE_ROUTE = Gives +X Trade routes on circumnavigation
ENABLE_INFLATION_TECH_ALTERNATIVE = Inflation still occurs with increasing turn numbers, but in addition if (All techs you discovered / All available techs) * Maximum turn numbers is higher then the current turn, inflation takes the calculated turn from techs as a base for the calculation.
FREE_WIN_AGAINST_BARB_WITH_SETTLER = Works like free wins against barbs, if a settler is on the same plot you win, counts towards wins against barbs


DirectProductionTraits = This gives a straight hammer reduction to the building. e.G. a Granary with value 10 would cost 10 hammers less.
TradeRouteModifierTraits = This gives a trade yield bonus to the building with the corresponding trait
SeaPlotYieldChangesTraits = This gives additional commerce on water tiles with the corresponding trait
bAddsFreshWater = makes the city act as a source of water


iCityUpkeepModifier = The upkeep per city is reduced by a per cent value
ExtraYieldLandThresholds = works just like ExtraYieldThresholds, but only on land tiles
ExtraYieldWaterThresholds = works just like ExtraYieldThresholds, but only on water tiles
iTradeRouteModifiers = gives a per cent bonus to trade route income similar to the harbor
iDomesticTradeRouteModifiers = gives a per cent bonus to domestic trade route income similar to the harbor
iUnitMaintenanceModifiers = gives a per cent bonus reduction to unit maintenance


FreeUnitEverybodyClass = Gives everybody, who discovers the tech a free unit
DomainAnimalCombats = Extra animal combat modifier


bPermanent = was changed so that it no longer controls if an improvement can be pillaged, everything else still applies
bNotPillage = now this controls if an improvement can be pillaged    


bNukeImmune = makes the tile on which this bonus resides immune to fallout, so improvements on it won't be destroyed by nukes


DirectProductionTraits = This gives a straight hammer reduction to the unit. e.G. a Worker with value 10 would cost 10 hammers less.

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