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  Sustitute PB59
Posted by: vanrober - February 20th, 2021, 04:14 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (2)

Im not sure if there is someone that didnt see we need a sustitute for joshybravo on PB59, he is new on the forum and disapeared after signing up. I was dedlurking him.

I could play the game very casual for the first 3 months, so if we could get a sustitute for this first 3 months at least it would be nice. If this sustitute wants me to dedlurk him i can. If there is someone that would like to team up or help me, it would be nice too.

So anyway, if you think you can play free to contact!

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  diablo 2 REMASTERED
Posted by: superdeath - February 19th, 2021, 18:57 - Forum: Diablo - Replies (29)

Cross platform play, updated graphics... im down

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  Issue Tracker
Posted by: NathanMoM - February 18th, 2021, 23:14 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - Replies (1)

Hello, have you considered implementing proper issue tracking for these ideas? Forums are very clumsy, laborious and time-consuming when it comes to tracking separate issues because each thread can have dozens of issues and you need to read everything to understand the current status of each.
Have you ever used something like JIRA for this? It's designed specifically for issue tracking of this nature.

Each issue, for example, "Add spell that siphons production from enemy city to one of your own" can have its own relationships. Perhaps it is related to to another death city spell, and may even have some relationship to inspirations. All feedback about the spell are in its own section, and cross-referencing issues is seamless and fluid.

If you are interested in moving to a proper issue tracker like JIRA please let me know - I will set it up and host it for you indefinitely (free). I can also help anyone get started who is unfamiliar. As a user it's actually quite simple. But obviously this is work to set up so you all should be sure it's the best idea.

In short what it does is allow the following change to workflow:
Instead of many unrelated issues being followed vertically as in a forum,

Each issue is followed in its own area, with mostly horizontal links to other issues.
It also very strongly clarifies the current status of each issue and why it is that way, as well as what needs to be done next.
Each issue has its own images, files, feedback, and small home.
One or more authorized people are in charge of each issue, and authorized people can add to the discussion. Portions of it can be private or public, and/or with authentication where appropriate.

Anyway let me know. Looking through these forums trying to figure out what's happening with the game is very messy to me. Thanks!

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Lightbulb MoM Reassembly
Posted by: JimBalcomb - February 18th, 2021, 15:16 - Forum: Master of Magic - Replies (6)

Hello, everyone.

LTNS. I thought I should let you know that I have finally posted up some of my work.

MoM Rasm is an initial, functional PoC of reassembling an IDA disassembly, by way of wrapping the Asm in C++/C.
LBX Mgr is a C++ Front-End for LBX Lib. Presently, it will dump all the record data to BIN files, display the headers, and output a CSV of all the file, entry, and record meta-data (for use in Libre Calc).
LBX Lib is intended to be a C library for working with all Simtex LBX files, supporting unpacking, packing, and repacking, as well as in-game use.

I shall be plugging away at MoM_Rasm as I am able and, otherwise, focusing on extracting the fonts, palettes, and images and then rebuilding them in the original format, for Autodesk Animator (Pro).

In the meantime, any and all feedback is welcome, appreciated, and encouraged.

On the off chance you would like to get involved, I would be happy to have the help, including working you through the 'what and how'.

PS. As always, special thanks to ILSe and Implode for figuring things out, sharing their code, and helping others get up to speed. Also, Kyrub and others that did the foundational work.

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  CoM 6.07 Bugs, Suggestions, Thanks!
Posted by: NathanMoM - February 15th, 2021, 04:37 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (4)

I've been playing Master of Magic since it first came out. Favorite game of all time. Thank you so much for enhancing this gaming experience. I was skeptical about Caster of Magic for a long time and never tried it. Now that I have, I'm addicted all over again. You have improved nearly everything I could have dreamed of. THANK YOU!

Here are some things that seem to be bugs I've found.
- AI can target nodes with corruption but I can't.
- AI has impossible vision. As soon as I see them, they instantly can cast on my cities and area, without any scouting, and not nature wizard (earth lore). If this is intentional, I would ask to reconsider. The same logic behind removing "Awareness" spell should apply here - scouting necessary!
- Land linking +2 only added +1 to Torin (didn't check other stats than melee)
- Holy armor adds nothing to some units(?). I had a bunch of nightmares with iron skin, elemental armor and other spells. Adding holy armor showed spell listed but did nothing at all, even after waiting a turn.
- When mystic surge adds focusmagic to a melee unit, it doesn't grant magic attack
- Mystic surge gives sanctified (and possibly other spells which do nothing in combat)
- AI has chosen to corrupt swamps rather than available hills, forest on the same city
- There is no message on warped node dispel (success or not)
- AI warped a node then melded it. It remained warped. Not sure if this illegally boosts their power from node. Even if not, possibly it should auto-dispel(?)
- Create artifact often the last spell on spell charges is "none" or simply "m"
- AI casts entangle when no ground units
- AI casts call lightning when all units are natively magic immune (in my case it was sky drakes)
- AI casts earth to mud on the same place 4 times in one battle (magicians casting)
- Buildings are destroyed during battle even when only melee attacking and never enter flying fortress (and no ranged). Probably this doesn't make much sense.
- Sky drake leaves protection of walls when only magic ranged attackers (should probably just ignore them if there are only magic immune units defending)

- Drain power doesn't seem to actually add the mana to my pool.
- AI doesn't seem to dispel my warp node. Pestilence is dispelled in just a turn or two, while my several warp nodes have remained for dozens of turns so far.
- There are several typos in descriptions. If you care let me know and I will keep track of them.

Here are some suggestions/thoughts.
- Counter magic/node blocked spell message reduce time. The little pop up telling you a spell was blocked in combat is a little bit too long, in my opinion.
- Hero probably shouldn't cast bless when against no death/chaos monsters and not against a wizard (or a wizard which doesn't have death/chaos). Currently they will bless against basically anything.
- Would be awesome to have some kind of color indicator for the wizard talking to you. Especially when they are asking to end a war and you can't remember if it's green or purple that you want to end the war with.
- Endurance possibly should only grant +1 defense. Holy armor adds 0, 1 or 2 armor. Meanwhile endurance increases movement and automatic 2 armor. Seems too powerful compared to the actual armor spell.
- I find the Myrror change (difficulties above normal, all but 1 wizard joins myrror) to be really against the random feeling I enjoyed about the game. One of the reasons I never play above normal is this fact. It's quite annoying to never have any breathing room, even if you choose to spend points on getting Myrran.
- With all the enhancements to AI, I find the difficulty is way too hard. I'm about as experienced a player as there ever has been, and I find the "fair" difficulty to be extremely, extremely difficult. I don't find almost any way to win, as the map (including my area) becomes totally covered with other wizard's units, to the point I can't even produce units anymore if I am not at war, and if I am at war I am trampled immediately. Last time I played "fair" I had 4 cities and 3 of them were taken in a single turn, my home city taken 2 turns later. It's just way too difficult to actually enjoy, honestly.
- Death still sucks. This is still the worst realm, and the problem in my opinion comes down to this - death is currently made to harm mostly a single opponent. Unfortunately, that makes it instantly inferior to for example life. Boosting one of my cities' growth rate with one spell is much more valuable than reducing it in one of my enemies' cities. I think this is the essence of what is missing from death. Changes I would submit for consideration are things more similar to the warp node concept. For example, a spell which removes the power effects of religious buildings from an enemy city and channels them to you. Same thing with growth - removes x% of growth rate from enemy city, boosts your own. This kind of thing. Going full death is a handicap at this point in the balance, in my opinion.
- Sagemaster is still useless, in my opinion. I appreciate the slight boost to this choice but honestly there is still no point in choosing it. I think this one should just be abandoned and replaced with something new and cool.
- Flame strike seems a tiny too weak. I have cast it 4 times without killing even pretty basic units. Probably can use a little boost.
- I'ts difficult to know when a year has changed, which is sometimes needed, for example spell binding. Currently I just keep trying to cast it each few turns until it says it's ready.
- One of the most annoying parts of this game is the way wizard pacts work. Currently wizards ask for pact repeatedly until I finally accept. Then they complain again and again that I have a unit on a node, or tower or simply wandering anywhere near their cities. Then they get mad and cancel it. Then they want it again, over and over. Meanwhile even with wizard pact they invade my area endlessly. This is extremely tedious and annoying.
- Some kind of visual representation on overland map of how many units are in your city would be awesome if possible. It's often difficult to figure out which cities are not well-protected, resulting in too much time in the city screens.
- It would be wonderful to have some way to know which units in the overland unit list popup already have the spell you're going to cast. Currently have to try counting, and it gets confusing when some spells are dispelled in combat.
- Likewise it would be wonderful to have some way to know which cities already have a city enhancement on them during the casting on overland. It's a similar issue, hard to track which cities have which spells.
- Maybe there should be a chance to make the new mineral with volcano or some other realm's spell. It's quite rare but not actually much more useful than adamantium. I like the gem, just wish there was more of it, and/or a way to make it.
- As above, I suggest Wizard pact should ignore units patrolling on nodes, towers, magic spirits, guardian spirits, engineers. Possibly even it should ignore single units altogether. It's just really an annoying mechanic that results in message after message.
- Aether binding seems a bit too powerful. Maybe it can be moved to higher rarity, or upkeep increased or something.
- I didn't like the way AI moves its ranged units back at first. But now actually I have adjusted. However when I click "auto" my units don't do this, which is kind of strange. I suggest make auto in battle act like AI does (backing up). That way I don't feel like I always have to manually do it even when I just want to auto.
- "Final wave" description - "enemy units" destroyed. "Enemy" is other wizards or wizards at war with? It's not clear to me.

- Even late game I get offers to buy 3 spearmen mercenaries, for example. Would be cool to have some kind of "progressively better" mechanism as the years goes on.
- "Flee" logic seems a bit too strict now.
- Would be cool if the overland unit spell cast animation could be disabled or sped up somehow. I spend a lot of time staring at the same little animation again and again.
- Since summoning circle spell is free now, can probably just show the animation instead of popping up with "your summoning circle is already in this city" message if casting in same spot.

That's all for now. Thanks so much for this wonderful enhancement of the MoM game. You rock!

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  Item powers, updated
Posted by: Seravy - February 15th, 2021, 04:05 - Forum: Caster of Magic for Windows (CoM II) - Replies (9)

Copied directly from the manual, now including the new powers added yesterday, the book costs, which item type is allowed, and which tier of spell is required (enchant item or create artifact). (Not yet available in the test version, this will be the first update after the initial beta Slitherine posts so...I don't know when. I need to test the new abilities anyway, they are fresh and I haven't even launched the game since I finished adding them.)

Chaos Powers
Books required : 2
Create Artifact required : No
Weapons only.
Add +3 attack strength.

Books required : 3
Create Artifact required : Yes
Weapons only.
Grant Armor Piercing.

Doom (Chaos)
Books required : 4
Create Artifact required : Yes
Weapons only.
Grant Doom : Always deal attack power/2 damage.

Books required : 4
Create Artifact required : Yes
Weapons only.
Gain Destruction : If the enemy unit fails to resist when attacked, it is irrecoverably dead.

Books required : 2
Create Artifact required : No
Gain Colt Immunity and Immolation.

Books required : 3
Create Artifact required : No
Staves, Wands, Armor, Accessories only.
Gain Fire Immunity and Lightning Resistance.

Pandora's Box
Required Books :  5 Chaos
Create Artifact required : No
At the start of each combat turn, summon a random fantastic creature from a budget pool that depends on the level of the hero wearing the item.

Required Books :  2
Create Artifact required : No
Bows, Wands and Staves only.
Increases max ammo for the unit by 4.

Required Books :  5
Create Artifact required : Yes
All friendly spells deal or heal 1 more damage if they successfully deal any damage. Multiple copies of the ability are not cumulative. The spell doesn't need to be cast by the unit wielding this item but the unit has to be present in the battle where the spell takes effect.

Death Powers

Books required : 3
Create Artifact required : No
Melee Weapons only.
Grant Life Steal -2.

Books required : 3
Create Artifact required : No
Weapons only.
Grant Death Touch -3.

Wraith Form
Required Books : 2 Death
Armor and Accessories only.
Create Artifact required : Yes

Cloak of Fear
Required Books : 1 Death
Armor only.
Create Artifact required : No

Required Books : 4 Death
Create Artifact required : Yes
Swords and Maces only.
Grant Thrown equal to half the base melee attack strength.

Required Books : 5 Death
Create Artifact required : Yes
Wands, Staves, Armor and Accessories only
At end of battle, units who died on your side and weren't undead yet, return as undead units. Limited to a budget per combat, that scales with hero level.

Required Books : 5 Death
Create Artifact required : No
Equipped hero gains double experience.

Dark Force
Required Books : 6 Death
Create Artifact required : No
Armor and Accessories only.
At the beginning of combat, the unit recovers to full health and gains +10% chance to hit and to defend.
At the end of each of their combat turns, they take 1 irrecoverable damage.

Required Books : 3 Death
Create Artifact required : No
Armor and Accessories only.
Equipped hero gains Stealth, making them impossible to see, hear, or otherwise detect outside combat.
-The hero does not trigger Wizard's Pact violations.
-The hero can accurately scout the contents of Lairs, Nodes, or other encounter zones, including the type and exact quantity of all defenders.
-The hero is not shown on the overland map, as if it was invisible. (Note : this does not affect the AI)

Nature Powers

Resist Elements
Required Books : 1 Nature
Create Artifact required : No

Elemental Armor
Required Books : 3 Nature
Create Artifact required : Yes

Required Books : 2 Nature
Create Artifact required : No
Weapons only.
Grants Stoning : The attacked unit has to resist at -1 or one figure in it irrecoverably dies.

Water Walking
Required Books : 1 Nature
Armor and Accessories only
Create Artifact required : No

Required Books : 5 Nature
Create Artifact required : Yes
Armor and Accessories only
Grants Regeneration 1.

Path Finding
Required Books : 1 Nature
Create Artifact required : No
Accessories only
Grants Pathfinding

Required Books : 4 Nature
Create Artifact required : Yes
Staves, Wands, Armor and Accessories only
Grants Merging movement.

Life Powers

Required Books : 2 Life
Create Artifact required : No
Weapons only.
Grants Bless and Exorcise : Attack target must save at -3 or lose 1 figure irrecoverably if it's fantastic.

True Sight
Required Books : 3 Life
Create Artifact required : No
Staves, Armor and Accessories only
Grants Illusion Immunity.

Required Books : 1 Life
Armor and Accessories only
Create Artifact required : No

Required Books : 4 Life
Armor and Accessories only
Create Artifact required : Yes

Lion Heart
Required Books : 3 Life
Armor and Accessories only
Create Artifact required : Yes

Divine Protection
Required Books : 4 Life
Create Artifact required : Yes
Staves, Wands, Armor and Accessories only
Grants Lucky and Death Immunity.


Required Books : 4 Sorcery
Create Artifact required : Yes
Weapons only
Grants Illusion

Guardian Wind
Required Books : 1 Sorcery
Create Artifact required : No
Armor and Accessories only.
Grants Missile Immunity.

Required Books : 6 Sorcery
Create Artifact required : Yes

Resist Magic
Required Books : 3 Sorcery
Create Artifact required : No

Required Books : 5 Sorcery
Create Artifact required : Yes
Wands, Staves, Armor and Accessories only
Grants Teleporting movement and +1 movement.

Required Books : 3 Sorcery
Armor and Accessories only
Create Artifact required : Yes

Required Books : 4 Sorcery
Armor and Accessories only
Create Artifact required : Yes

Let me know if you think one of them should have different restrictions (book cost, create artifact spell, item type) and why, if there is a good enough reason, I'll change it.

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  [spoiler] - Against all odds
Posted by: Dullland - February 11th, 2021, 13:53 - Forum: Pitboss 59 - Replies (8)

<p><br></p><p>Did I do anything right ?</p>

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  Coding challenges
Posted by: Ichabod - February 11th, 2021, 13:29 - Forum: The Gaming Table - Replies (12)

In the beginning of my Civ 6 PBEM 18 thread, I posted some coding challenges and they received a bit of attention. So, I decided to start a thread dedicated to them. My idea is to post a challenge from time to time, give an overview of the problem and what I think is the difficult part (perhaps some complexity analysis) and suggest a path for a solution (if I have any). After some discussion, if people find the problem interesting, I can try to post my solution. After that, if anyone wants to give insight on what I could improve, I’d be grateful.

I encourage everyone to take part in the discussion. If you want to solve the problem yourself, I think is probably best to put the solution in spoilers. General tips regarding how to solve it can be out of spoilers (i.e. “I think using graphs would be the way to go because X” or “this seems to be an instance of X type of problem, which usually is solved using Y”). But don’t fret too much about what can and cannot be posted, the idea is to learn and have fun (that’s why I posted this in the gaming table, by the way), it isn’t supposed to be anything serious. I just think that RB is full of bright people with knowledge in these areas and I want to leech as much as I can from you.

I have no formal studies in computer science or mathematics, so I’m not used to formal notation and analysis. Also, I may have some glaring holes in what I know or some heavy misconceptions, misunderstandings, errors and the like. Feel free to point out mistakes and criticize. I’m by no means good at this.

Anyway, going straight to the interesting part, I decided to try and solve the “Advent of Code” challenges, as they seem to be fun. Advent of Code is an event hosted before Christmas, where 25 challenges are published (actually, every challenge has 2 questions, so it’s 50). There are some competition tied to it, but I don’t care about that (it finished long ago, as well). If anyone is interested to try by themselves:

Here’s the description in the site:

Quote:Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like. People use them as a speed contest, interview prep, company training, university coursework, practice problems, or to challenge each other.

You don't need a computer science background to participate - just a little programming knowledge and some problem solving skills will get you pretty far. Nor do you need a fancy computer; every problem has a solution that completes in at most 15 seconds on ten-year-old hardware.

So, here’s the first problem:

Quote:Before you leave, the Elves in accounting just need you to fix your expense report (your puzzle input); apparently, something isn't quite adding up.

Specifically, they need you to find the two entries that sum to 2020 and then multiply those two numbers together.

For example, suppose your expense report contained the following:


In this list, the two entries that sum to 2020 are 1721 and 299. Multiplying them together produces 1721 * 299 = 514579, so the correct answer is 514579.

Of course, your expense report is much larger. Find the two entries that sum to 2020; what do you get if you multiply them together?

Ok, so let’s try and analyze this (I’ll spoiler my own thoughts, if you want to just do it yourself).

The simple solution to this problem is to compare each pair of numbers, until you find one that sums to 2020. That’s easy enough, but it’s costly. Let’s say you have n numbers, you’ll need to compare the first one to n-1 numbers, the second one to n-2 and so forth. That gives ((n-1)*(n))/2 comparisons, which is n-squared complexity (not good). Is that right? I always get confused by complexity analysis.

Anyway, the first solution I could think of is to limit the number of comparisons. We could divide the numbers in two groups, larger than 1010 and lower than 1010, as any 2 numbers that sum to n have to be one larger and one lower than n/2 (or both need to be the half). Also, we could use a modulo operation (%10) to further limit comparisons, as 2020 end is 0 and you’ll only get that by summing specific pairs of number-endings (9 with 1, 8 with 2 and so forth). Both this divisions could greatly limit the number of comparisons needed, but this is not a certainty.

Thinking about it some more, I envisioned the following solution: how about we go through the numbers in the input and put them in an array that has a length of 2020. That costs n operations, if I’m not mistaken. After that, we go through the input again and, for each number, we look at the array we created if the position (2020 – number) is occupied or empty. If it is we, found our pair. If it’s not, we keep going. That costs n as well, giving a total cost of 2*n, which is a time complexity of O(n). Space complexity is O(1) (because 2020, the length of the created array, is a constant). Again, not sure if that’s right.

*Note: we need to think of an edge case, which is the number 1010*

Anyway, this first problem seems to be simple. Anyone can see flaws or errors in my reasoning? Any other ways to solve this problem that you can think of? Feel free to comment.

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Big Grin For the screem shoot. To the death. Mack spoilers.
Posted by: mackoti - February 10th, 2021, 02:36 - Forum: Pitboss 59 - Replies (79)

Here we go again in big pitbos with fresh blood from german forum and even  a fresher one from a SP dude, hmm   twirl

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  [PB 59 spoilers] The random nation conquers the reamls
Posted by: Piccadilly - February 8th, 2021, 17:43 - Forum: Pitboss 59 - Replies (17)

Hello realms beyond,

it appears that I have to make a thread here to have the game running smoothly. So here it is. Althought its not likely to have much content, since I´m going to make a proper planning thread at civforum.
At least the starting position will be here and if I´m highly motivated I can post a few pictures if something interesting happens.

Here the link to the civforum thread: Die Zufallsnation erobert die Reiche im Jenseits

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