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Epic One - Ronald's Report |
Posted by: Griselda - December 18th, 2005, 22:58 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (5)
After playing epic50 as my first epic and had lots of fun with that one, I was looking forward to playing the first epic for civ4. This is my first game on prince difficulty and my second game of civ4 in total (my first game was on noble difficulty which was won easily)
I decided to move my settler to the coast to increase the value of the inland lake. This is my starting position:
My goal from the beginning was a space ship victory and I wanted to stay out of wars. The first two other civ leaders I met were Montezuma to the East and Genghis Khan to the Southeast. Therefore, I planned to expand into this direction first. I also thought that with this two aggressive neighbors there will be war.
Orleans I a very nice city location, only one disadvantage there is no fresh water. Lyons is more strategically placed to stop Genghis from expanding west. (He will try later, but thatâs a different story.
Some screenshots about how my empire develops
The first culture bomb:
Genghis is trying to settle in a territory which I consider belongs to me:
Since I donât want to fight him (and are not allowed until he declares or somebody asks me for help), I thought of using a culture bomb. I never tried one before (just the second game) and it really sounds fun.
Letâs see how it worked:
So far so good, New Sarai is reduced to a 1 tile city and revolts:
Culture bomb, 2nd edition:
Now Genghis is really entering my territory. Well the culture bomb worked once, can it do the trick twice?
Here you see my Great artist Ling Lan (very French indeed) on his way to perform his great work:
Nice performance:
And the result:
Conclusion: Culture bombs are a great tool against newly built cities with little culture.[font="][/font]
My game progresses peacefully, I give in any demand, join no war (there were plenty of them). I am the leader in techs, land and population:
Finally I reached space ship time. Here is a screen shot of the French empire just before launching the space ship in 1916 and 14544 points.
And finally a screenshot of Paris the proud capitol of France:
I liked this epic very much. It was a great learning experience and I canât wait to read the reports of all the other players. Thanks Sirian for sponsoring this great game.
Epic One - Herbie's Report |
Posted by: Griselda - December 18th, 2005, 22:40 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (15)
Okay, first things first:
I'd like to thank Griselda for posting this, because I was out of town during the report-time-window.
I'm german, so there will be something strange about my writings: Be assured: I don't know better
I took screenshots, but stopped doing so, after it was clear that I could not post them myself. So, this is a text-only report.
Have Fun ! (I had !)
Bonjour Mesdames et Messieurs,
veerie vell, ve vill now ztart ze great Empire de France.
letz 'ave a look around...
veeeeri nize... zhere eez a formidable pierre et vache ... ah... what do you zay ? ah yez: ztone and couz. Doez that look like the Coazt to the North ?
Let'z zend our tre bien Warrior zhere...
Oui! Excellente ! It ees ! And alzo Wheat and Zilk, how merveilleux...
Oui ?
*Shut up*
Excuse moi ?
*Stop that terrrrible akzent orrr I Ehm going to do "Zomething"*
'ow rude !
But for ze recordz: What are you going to do ? Invade again ? Ztart a new WorldWar, you miserable, pesky German ripou fiscale ... [The Rest of this speech is censored, due to PG-rated reporting...]
* [murmuring] ooh... he calls me a corrupt tax collector... must be *real* mad at me... [/murmuring] *
* No, Louis, zherrre will be no morrrre Warrrrs frrrom Gerrrman grrrounds hopefully everrrr again (well OK: not outside CIV)*
* I WILL take overrr thiz thrrread and keep you quiet !*
You can try zat you filzzie mmmggrfkrkksgrmblfx...
*Yes. I can.*
*So, can we do this together ? With LESS Accent on both sides ?*
* oh, sorry...*
Tezt one two zree.. three ...three ok... we try theez ... this together. But only because there MIGHT be people out there who indeed want to read this report.
* [quiet murmuring]yeah, that, and because it's not so easy to write a french accent as a german who does not know french at all...[/quiet murmuring]*
Pardon ?
* Forget it. Please start telling those one or two readers out there what happened next in this game*
So where were we ?
*Coast to the North, Wheat and Silk...*
Oui, I knew that !
*So why did you ask?*
I... [sigh] forget eet. d'accord:
So, will it be better to set Ground on the place we stand, or to move the Settler and get to the Coast, get more Resources, but loose a Round ?
*[murmuring] wether it's nobler in the mind to suffer the Slings and Arrows of outrageous fortune... [/murmuring] *
Will you ztop zat ? you're irritating me...
%[all the readers] Yeah, us too ! [/one ore two people]%
I zay, we go for the Coast ! Think of all the glorious french men, who sailed the five seas of the World ! Nelson, Columbus, Marco Polo...
* [sigh] It's SEVEN seas, Nelson is english, Columbus portugeese and Marco Polo italienic and was moving on land only...*
Ah, quelle bagatelle ! We do it nonetheless. vite, vite.
Ahhh, beautiful Paris is founded... L'etat c'est moi. And L'etat sends his Warrior around for Scouting.
Oh, a neighbor. [silent murmuring] Merde, it's that barbare mongole Gengheez Khan. [/silent murmuring]
'ello my good man, 'ow nice to see you. So you live 'ere as well ? 'ow very... ähm... neighborly... see you...
We 'ave to research very fast. We need Police State, Vassalage and Theocracy.
* We are not allowed to switch to Police State, Vassalage and Theocracy. We're the good Guys, remember ?*
Ahh Oui, I forgot: 'onorable, aren't we ?
May I state, zat we are doomed ?
'ello ?
*sorry, there was something more addictive than civ, I had to tend to*
More addictive than Civ ? You zurely are kidding?
*Nope. It's about 84 cm high, weighs 10 Kg, is at the age of 22 Months and walks unsteadily on two very cute feet... And as soon as she woke up from her nap, I just HAD to cuddle with my daughter... JUST ... ONE ... MORE ... TIME ....*
Oh. Oui. Let me repeat: We are doomed
Zat eez "pardon?". I said: "we are doomed".
*I heard that.*
Zo why do you ask?
tsihihihi... I've been waiting to zay zat for a long time...
remember: Gengheez Khan ? directly to the east ?
*Oh. Yes. We are doomed*
Bon. After clarifying that point, we can go on. It's 3640 BC and zer eez a warrior built in Paris, and we are almost finished with researching fishing.
Ze glorious french Empire zends the zecond Warrior scouting.
*That is NOT a good idea*
Oui, and ? I will do it anyway...
Ah, 'erbie ?
*Yes, Louis ?*
Zer' eez another Coast to the South...
*Yup. Probably we're on a narrow passage and can easily block Genghis out*
Or ve are on a peninsula and are easily blocked in...
3440 BC: Zere eez a Hut. Let's pop it. Bon. Got Experience. Not bad, now the fearless french warrior can move faster through woods.
*Someone researched Buddhism*
Zees fast ? Zere must be at least one of these pesky spiritual Civs with us. Well, per'aps it eez the beautiful Isabella ?
3280 BC: Another neighbor. How... nice... it's Montezuma. Well, 'ello Monty, I 'ope you are in a peacefull mood...
*Rats. Two Aggressive Civs right next to us. Did I say: We are doomed ?*
"I" zaid that.
*But: Right you are.*
3200 BC: Paris eez growing. We switch from Barracks to Workers.
2960 BC: That eez... Oh NOOOOOOOOO. We are doomed, doomed, triple doomed.
oh non, non Monsieur Alexander of the Greeks, I was just talking to myself. 'ello to you, welcome to the neighbor'ood...[sigh]
2720 BC: We did not find any more huts since zat first one, didn't we ?
*Nope. No Huts and three aggressive Civs around us. We are..*
Doomed. I know zat. I said zo first. Did you notice, zat we are last in score ?
2680 BC: Ahhh, apparently eet was not the beautiful Isabella... Bonjour Gandhi. Eez that your Score, or did you manipulate the scoreboard, so that eet eez showing your Gold ?
2640 BC: *we researched Masonry. Alexanders Score is now actually lower than ours*
Tres bien, tres bien...
2520 BC: Eh, 'erbie ? zis eez no Passage. We are stuck in this corner of the map.
*Well, at least there are enough resources around us. Did you see that fight between the Warrior and the Lions ? We WON, BUT our warrior has 0.0/2 Strength. NEVER seen that before. Amazing.*
'erbie ?
*yes ?*
Eet is dull 'ere.
* Oh come on: pay attention: Our warrior heals, the worker got us Stone, Mystic is researched, we switch to Stonehenge, and suddenly we are second in Score after Gandhi.*
Oui. eet eez dull....
1975 BC: 'ello George, old boy. Well: America still intact ? The glorious french Empire welcomes Washington warmly to the neighbor'ood.
1825 BC: *Hey Louis: we completed Stonehenge*
Oui. And Gengheez founded Hinduism.
*Oh. He did, did he ?*
Oui. Ve need a Settler to get a foot in the door, before he closes us in.
1600 BC: *Hey there's Marble*
Oui. Eet eez ridicolously far away. 'ow are we supposed to build our french wonderful wondress wonders without marble ?
1300 BC: *Our Settler is on the Way*
Oui. Oh, zere eez a barbarian Warrior two fields north. Quick, build a City !
*Wait, there is on good spot the South and another to ...*
[Orleans founded]
*...the north...*
*I don't think, that was a good choice*
Non ? Eet was the only desert Field, right between these two "good spots". It will keep Gengheez away and allows us to get more to the north.
*we will see...*
Oui. Okay, I panicked a little after seeing zat barbarian warrior...
*second to last in Score again...*
*Louis ?*
Oui ?
*Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good - we found Copper right next to Orleans...*
'erbie ?
*Yes ?*
You stole that remark from Sirian, did you ?
*Ahhh,... yes....*
*I think, we have to thank that barbarian Warrior*
Oui. I could lend 'im an axe to chop some pieces out of Gengheez...
960 BC: Barbarians killed our scouting Warrior, 'erbie !
780 BC: Ze great french Empire completed the Pyramids !
720 BC: Ze warrior scouting ahead of our new Settler found a Barbarian City right at the Spot, where we wanted to settle...
... and has just been killed...
*We need more Military !*
500 BC: *Louis ?*
Oui ?
*The People in Paris are not happy*
Oh. Didn't you zwitch to Representation after building the Pyramids ?
* ME ??? I thought YOU...*
*[murmuring]"not being even average"[/murmuring]*
*Never mind. Let's change quickly AND DON'T EVER TALK ABOUT THIS OUT THERE !*
420 BC: Ve rezearched iron working.
*Yes. And there is Iron near Paris. Good thing !*
400 BC: 'erbie ?
*Yes, Louis ?*
You remember ze Barbarian City at the Location where we wanted to settle ourself ?
*Ah, yes, in the Southwest of Paris, the city was called Ertrusker, I think.*
Lookie, lookie:
*Behave. Yes, I see: Three fine french Axewarriors against one barbarian Bowman and two Warriors...*
#*!§/&%*' [dustcloud] '*%&/§!*#
*Hmmm... could have been better. One Axeman down, one defender still alive*
#*!§/&%*' [dustcloud] '*%&/§!*#
*Okay: we did it in the second try. According to the Rules we have to keep Ertrusker*
Oui. And what a crappy zity zis eez...
*Yeah. [LOL] 6 Resources inside city radius and another 4 directly around it*
200 BC: Eet eez dull. Just some Barbarian raidings, nothing serious...
180 BC: 'erbie ? Do you see that aztec city to the north directly at our border ? What eez Monty doing there ? Will 'e launch a culture Bomb ?
*I don't know... Does the AI do that ?*
*The southern half of that city-radius is already our cultural realm. Let's watch that !*
100 AD: 'erbie ? Why can't we build a fine french Swordsman ?
* Eh ? Iron is in our cultural realm near Paris, there is a road over it to the Southwest Ex-Barbarian city of Etrusker... BUT NO MINE ???*
'erbie ? You forgot to build a mine on that iron while building a road to zat City ???
*[murmuring]"not being even average"[/murmuring]*
Pardon ?
*I don't want to talk about that...*
'erbie, Gengheez wants us to stop trading with the Indians (we just 'ave open Borders). I guess 'e will be very mad at us very soon...
*We better build our military...*
280 AD: *That little aztecian town to the north, directly at our borders... It just converted. So: Is it honorable to keep it ? Or do I have to give it back ?*
'ow would you do that ? I zay, since the free citizens of Texcoco decided for themselves to join the glory of the french Empire, I zink we should keep them, at least until Monty demands them back. Zounds 'onorable to me.
290 AD: *Arrgghhh... We're down to 40% Science (and only make 2 Gold per turn). I HAVE to check that more often !!! We need Money ! Where to get it ??? I'm going to build a Triere and send a Scout with it - hopefully to pop some huts still left on some island...*
320 AD: *Now he has done it.*
Oui. Gengheez declared war on the poor french Empire. Great. What now ? Did you see, zat 'e ees standing right in front of Lyon ? 'e declared war while crossing the border...
330 AD: *With luck (with what else ?) we survived the first Wwave of attacks against Lyon. Three mongole Bowman against a fearless french Axeman and a not quite so fearless french Warrior. They killed our Axeman, but the Warrior survived (barely).*
Oui. And there eez one Bowman left, and no reinforce will arrive in Time...
380 AD: Gengheez destroyed Lyon.
One of 'is Chariots 'as killed a Worker.
'e pillaged our Rice and Copper.
*Phew, we threw him back and start to gather our troops right before his Capitol. He has too many troops inside that City, so I start to pillage. (Hope that's ok under the honorable rules...)*
Oui. In my eyes, eet eez.
420 AD: Ah 'herbie ?`
*Yes, Louis, what is it ? I'm busy with Genghis at the Moment*
'ave a look 'ere...
*Great. Just great. A sneaky barbarian warrior pillaged our only ironmine, without me noticing him... Now there are no more Swordsman. Grmmbbllllffxxxx....*
*[murmuring]"not being even average"[/murmuring]*
*Another Thing: Interesting.... I checked the trade options and Ghandi was willing to trade with Ivory. I wanted to give him my (now only) Cow, but he refused. I asked, what would be necessary, he said: not possible. Then I begged him to give this to a good friend, and he did! This is only the second time this happened to me in all my games.*
Ah, 'erbie ...
*not NOW, Louis, I must capture Karakorum*
490 AD: *Just conquered Karakorum. Yeah ! Cost me an arm and a leg, but perhaps Genghis is now willing to make Peace...*
'erbie ?
*Yes Louis, now I have some time*
Ehm... the rules... did you read about tribute ?
*Yes, OF COURSE ! We are not allowed to demand tribute*
Ehm... that gift... from Ghandi...
Eet was not a Gift from Ghandi, eet was a tribute, wasn't eet ?
[Timewarp. Back in Time again]
* According to the EpicOne thread on realms beyond, it wasn't. Lucky me... I was so sure, that I'm out... but I played on nonetheless - as a shadow game. But in that thread it is said (by Sirian himself !), that friendly Civs can give you trades for nothing - without breaking the Tribute rule. Tribute is demanded, gifts are asked for... So I could go on legally [which I did not know that time back...*
Oui. And you just couldn't let me zit around 'ere on my own, could you ?
*Nonetheless, I leave those commentaries from earlier on, but fill in some spaces:*
[/Timewarp. Back in Time again]
[I took out some groaning about being out...]
[I took out some more groaning about being out...]
[I took out even more groaning about being out...]
*Since that deal was made in 420 it is way too much in the past to load the last autosave.*
*It would probably honorable to cancel that deal at once...*
*Argh! I can't cancel that Deal now. *
*I have to wait some more turns, I think. *
*So, Griselda, Sirian: I was young and I needed the Money. *
*No, wait, wrong line: I really didn't mean it. *
*Please, please, pretty please: may I play on ? *
*I promise to cancel the deal as soon as possible.*
*After all: it could have happen to everyone... *
*who forgot a rule... *
Non, non, zat eez not good enough...
*wait, that's it: It's Sullla's fault. *
*He made me do it by some strange cuban isolationists psychoattack. *
*Yes. That's more like it. They just HAVE to believe THAT. *
*It's plausible.*
Oui, of course...
*Pheew, OK, let's get on with the Game.*
Still 490 AD: 'erbie, Gengheez was indeed willing to sign a peace treaty... I suspect, it won't 'old very long...
*Yeah, I suppose so, too.*
530 AD: *At last I was able to cancel the deal with Gandhi. Sending a Settler to build up Lyon again.*
'old it, 'erbie: Zere are two barbarian cities right next to the place where Lyon was. Ah, oui: Must be the brave people of Lyon, who survived Gengheez' massacre. Poor pals. Now they don't recognize their fellow french people anymore. We must do a surgical cut, to separate the traitors (probably spoiled by Gengheez 'imself) from the poor, innocent french peasants...
*Well - as soon as my Army in Karakorum is healed...*
560 AD: *Ups... Monty was faster than me... He conquered the first of the two cities (since it was only Pop1, it got razed...)*
600 AD: *This time, Monty got beaten.*
Oui ! The remnants of the proud french City of Lyon are back in the arms of the french Empire... We just need some money... Our Workers started to build 'uts just in the very few last turns.
*yes: I know: much too late. But this is something, where luck is of no importance. You have to be good (or at least somewhere near average) to think of that... :-((((*
*[murmuring]"not being even average"[/murmuring]*
620 AD: Merde! Now Monty declared War on us...
*No help from Gandhi or Washington (both pleased with me).*
*So, let's see: I have whipped some units out of my cities in the last war, can't do that anymore - my Science is down, my Production is down... Must stay defensive for a while. Hope it works out...*
640 AD: *Great: sent a warrior scouting for my settler - all clear. Send the Settler: Out of thin air a barbarian bowman appears, slaughters those poor people, AND kills in the next turn my Warrior (with Woodsman I, on a Hill with Wood...).*
'erbie, Monty attacks Texcoco with one poorly Axeman and gets himself killed. Power to the glorious french Empire!
*A Jaguar-warrior sneaks past the City and gets attacked by my Axeman with 2 Strength Promotions - and wins... Only my Chariot could stop that aztecic beast... Groan*
*The only Good Thing: Got a Great Prophet and rebuilt that Hindu-Shrine in Karakorum. Hinduism is spreading throughout the french Empire - Money is floating back into our treasury...*
650 AD: *Science is back to 60%. Riding is due in one Turn. Horse-Archers are coming up !!!!*
700 AD: Gengheez asked me for 'elp in a war against Gandhi !?!? 'e must be joking...
*A Barbarian Axeman sneaked on a mine of mine... (I MUST watch out some more !!!!!!!) he destroyed it, I whipped a Horsearcher out of that city, attacked him, LOST !!, and finished him with my Axeman... Groan*
780 AD: *Gandhi asked for Riding (as a gift...). I declined, but dealt him Riding for Meditation and Polytheism - A good deal for him, but I think I owe him one for that wrong Ivory-Tribute...*
*Hey: Just tried to make peace with Monty: He did ! He must have some other War on his mind. I only pillaged one mine of his (and was about to pillage his Iron and pigs...)*
810 AD: 'erbie ?
*Yes, Louis ?*
Did you zee THAT ?
*Oh PLEASE ! How can something like this happen ???? There is a Barbarian City founded right in those three fields between the cultural area of two of my towns. Only one small (one field wide) three-field-strip of fog of war was there.*
Visualization: C=Cultural Area of mine, V=Visible, F=Fog of War B=Barbarian City:
820 AD: *Georgie demands rice... hmmm... it's our only one, but there's another exploitable in the southwest, I think... I'm on quite good Terms with him... I think, we give it to him. He's third in Score... can't be wrong to be on good terms with him.*
Oui. We don't need that rice right now.
900 AD: 'erbie ? we've got some not so welcome company...
*Monty comes with fire and Sword again...*
*And speaking of "Oh PLEASE ! How can something like this happen ????": look at THIS !!!! I just cleansed that barbarian town two turns ago, and there was only ONE field with a fog of war... and there is another Barbarian City built right on that single field with fog of war ????*
Visualization: C=Cultural Area of mine, V=Visible, F=Fog of War B=Barbarian City:
There are more fields visible, because my Horsearchers were still there, healing.
970 AD: 'erbie ?
*Yes, Louis ?*
Why don't we convert to Hinduism and make some more Money with zat ??
*Yep. Another occurrence of "not being even average"*
*The switch to Hinduism, together with the Coloss, just put me on almost even terms at 40% Science... (I was loosing 8 Gold per turn before and now its "only" -3/turn). Do units on enemy territory cost Money ???*
1025 AD: *made Peace with Monty - after taking his nearest City Teotihuacan.*
*Yep. He gathers his Keshiks...*
*Washington wants my help against Alexander. Since I can't reach Alexander, there's no use in upsetting poor old Alex, so I declined that offer...*
*Still on -4 Gold/turn. Can't switch to organised religion - too expensive !*
1050 AD: 'erbie, Gengheez declared War on Monty ?!?!?!
*Wow, okay... they deserve themselves*
1065 AD: 'erbie, we found Gems in a mine near Ertrusker.
*Nice. Never happened in one of my games before.*
*Sometimes it's better to be lucky than not being even Average *
*I just found out, that after playing in Windows mode, the Screenshots don't show the Text anymore - just the map, nothing else ! So no screenshot of a living 0.0/2 Warrior *
1075 AD: 'erbie, Gengheez wants some help to destroy Monty.
*Hmmmm.... tempting.... BUT: Against the Rules. He's definitely no friend of mine... Sorry Big G !*
1115 AD: 'erbie, the fabulous french Empire completed 'anging Gardens.
1155 AD: 'erbie we got a Great Merchant.
*Hmmm... no way, he makes it alive through "enemy lines". So: Currency (is actually due in 5 turns) or super Specialist ?*
I would zay, the latter....
*yes. It brings us up to +1 Gold/turn with 50% Science.*
*Gandhi was busy missionary-ing me (is there a word in eEnglish for that ? Probably yes...). I will switch to Buddhism, so I'll be on Gandhis, Washingtons and even Alexanders good side....*
*Yeah, switched to Buddhism and was able to trade some techs and resources with them. Great.*
1295 AD: *Nothing much happens. There's much cultural pressure on those captured cities (Karakorum and Teotihuacan) - I hope SOMEONE is going to declare war on me soon...*
1395 AD: *still nothing happening. I've built enough Money-making buildings to be on 70% Science with +7 gold/turn.*
1425 AD: *Made a deal with Alexander. Starting Hagia Sophia.*
1435 AD: *Got a Great Engineer: Finished Hagia Sophia.*
1445 AD: 'erbie, zer' eez an old man in a dirty sheet at the door...
*At last ! Our good friend Gandhi asks for help in destroying the Aztecs. Sorry Monty...*
1460 AD: *Our catapults are merrily bombing away Tenochtitlans defenses...*
1470 AD: 'erbie, we 'ave captured Tenochtitlan. All 'ail to the french Empire.
*Yeah, costed me 2 cats, 2 Swordsman and one Horsearcher...*
1485 AD: *Monty strikes back. Some suicide attacks with catapults and Jaguars. Tricky: He used Trieres to get around my armies, that were blocking his way (or so I thought...).*
Oui. Sometimes I think Soren did a job too well...
*a few years later... we captured Tlatelolco...*
1520 AD: 'erbie, ve are gathering our troops for the siege of Xochicalco...
1540 AD: *Destroyed Atz... Atzop...Atzopo...dingsda (Pop1) *
Oui. One lonely aztecian Longbowman killed two fearless, but obviously verry dumb french Macemen and only the third was successful at last...
1570 AD: *Merrily Bombarding away at Monty's last city... He really wanted to make peace (wow, he even offered my 30 (!) Gold), but since Gandhi is still at war with him, and this time I am in the Mood... no peace for Monty...*
1580 AD: 'erbie, the Aztecs are no more...
*Yup. They had chosen unwisely in 620 and 900...*
Eet iz dull 'ere...
*But Louis, Gandhi wanted us to destroy the Greek - we declined. We traded with Alexander for Tech and with Washington for Resources. We built Angkor Wat, started building Banks in most cities, got a Great Engineer (and used him to get some Hammer for Chemistry) and now it's 1650 AD.*
Oui. Eet iz dull 'ere...
1702 AD: *Back to 80% Science with a surplus of 22 Gold/turn. Gandhi and Washington both have at least 4 techs more than us...*
D'accord, let's do Science !
*Well, Louis: I think, you are right: I can do Science me ! *
'erbie, I think that Great Prophet we got gave us a lot of Shields for Liberalism, didn't he ?
*Yep. And we could trade Chemistry, Steam Engine and Liberalism with Gandhi and Washington and are now only two or three techs behind... and we are No.1 in Score for quite some time now - 2764 to Gandhis 2049, Washingtons 1910, Alexanders 1035 and Ghengis 1035 - in 1710 AD*
1724 AD: *Washington declared war on Ghengis*
Per'aps 'e asks us for 'elp ? I need that axe back, that I've lend that Barbarian Warrior back in around 1000 BC to slice a piece off of Ghengeez...
*Why do you need that Axe ?*
Eet was a present...
*is this about a certain Woman ?*
Ah, oui...
*I don't want to hear any more of it...*
But she...
*Quiet. She's not even in this Game!*
1730 AD: *Washington asks for help in the Fight against Ghengis...*
Bon. Let's go and get that Axe...
1736 AD *Our Catapults have reduced the Defences of Old-Sarai to 0. Merrily, of course...*
I can't zee my Axe...
1738 AD: *Two catapults in suicide missions destroyed. But I captured Old-Sarai with no other losses.*
Vere eez that Axe ?...
1740 AD: *Researched Railroad and finished Taj Mahal. That Golden Age is VERY Welcome...*
1748 AD: *Three suicide-attacks with catapults. Beshbalik is mine*
*Washington made peace with Genghis. [sigh] So, we will make Peace to.*
But... Ve 'aven't found my Axe yet...
*Genghis won't listen. It seems honorable to stop all aggression and leave his cultural area*
'erbie wait ! I still 'aven't got my Axe back !
*No, we will retreat. I don't want to possibly break another rule*
1750 AD: *Peace with Genghis again...*
And I still 'aven't...
*DON'T say it. Please.*
1756 AD: *There was a population decrease in the just conquered City of Old-Sarai. I couldn't do a thing. It was not possible to get more food - those fields were there, they were not occupied by another city and yet: I could not work them...*
I zink eet eez okay, since only forced starvation is against ze rules...
1764 AD: *Researched Physics. Traded it with Gandhi for Constitution and with Washington for Rifling*
1788 AD: Aaahh, 'erbie, now there are 20 Million french people in our glorious Empire. 'ow marvellous.
*Yes. And we're on quite good terms with most of our neighbors: +22 with Gandhi, +18 with Washington, still +2 with Alexander and oh wonder: -10 with Genghis...*
1804 AD: *Gandhi suggests a Defense Pact. We accept. We might get a problem with Alexander this way - but what the heck...*
Oui. What the 'eck...
'erbie, we 'ave got a Great Artist. Shouldn't we use it with the Great Merchant we saved for another Golden Age?
1828 AD: *Now we have researched Democracy. According to the rules we switch at once to Emancipation.*
Ah, oui. Women will now 'ave a say in our glorious Empire... By the way: I'm still missing that axe...
1832 AD: Alexanders cancels all our deals... 'e certainly is not pleased with us.
*No he isn't. The defense pact with Gandhi and his change to free Religion brought our relationship to an actual -7 !*
1840 AD: *And now Washington wants a defense pact, too*
Oui. Let 'im 'ave it...
1848 AD: *Washington wants military tactics as a gift for a friend...*
Non, non. Monsieur George can research that for 'imself. 'e already 'as plastics - and we don't...
1860 AD: 'erbie, we 'ave got another Great Engineer. Let's get plastic from 'im - or at least a good part of eet. Gandhi and Washington 'ave eet for a long time now, and they won't trade eet for a reasonable price...
*No, I think, we use him for the Statue of Liberty*
But that Statue eez due in 11 turns already.
*Yes, but I want to be sure to get it. Gandhi and Washington have Democracy for a veeery long time now.*
1861 AD: *This Turn we got the Statue of Liberty, The Kreml and we researched Medicin. Good thing, because in our biggest cities deseases start to spread... *
1870 AD: *Through trading we now got all the techs Gandhi and Washington have...*
Oui. Eet eez Time to get a leading position in tech-research...
1874 AD: Ah, oui ! Le Tour d'eiffel has taken its righteous place in Paris ! Vive la France !
1886 AD: Our glorious french Empire 'as just finished United Nations ! Vive la France !
*OK: Let's see how liked we are...*
1888 AD: *We have been elected general secretary. Gandhi and Washington said "Oui", Alexander and Genghis abstained*
1889 AD: *How do you achieve a Diplomatic Victory ? I've never done that before... Do I have to start the Election manually, or am I given a choice after some turns, which resolution should be held ??? I can't find anything, so i'll just wait...*
Don't look at me, 'erbie. I'm just a king...
1891 AD: *Obviously it's an automatic feature. Election for Leader of the World is held. Hmmm. Gandhi is my opponent... That could get an unwanted result...*
Oui, 'erbie, it 'as. Washington stands to us, Alexander and Genghis abstained, but we only have 333 of the needed 344 Votes ! 11 Votes missing....
[10 VERY quick turns later...]
*I could not believe it... so I tried again. Same result. Now I'm building settlers and emphazise Food in all Cities... Something I should have done 75 turns before...*
*[murmuring]"not being even average"[/murmuring]*
*Next resolution: No atomic weapons... everybody wants that...*
*Texcoco is starving. Building a city next to a fully developed City costs fields in that city ? In spite of them being worked ? Didn't know that... No Population loss until now - quickly irrigating some woods...*
1907 AD: *Third try for World Leadership... After another election for general secretary...*
Necessary: 357 Votes...
1908 AD: *I got 349 Votes... now I'm only 8 Votes short... But there is not enough space for many more cities...*
1912 AD: *Next try... 366 Votes needed, got 361...*
non, non... not good. But 'erbie, the Space Race is now wide open ! We already 'ave finished our first parts of the ship !
1916 AD: *Next Resolution: open markets... everybody wanted that...*
1919 AD: *Next election for general secretary. This time Washington is my opponent ?!?!*
1920 AD: Washington is into the Space race, too... 'e just finished a part...
* and Gandhi also... And they are technologically a little bit more advanced than we are...*
1923 AD: *Another try for the diplomatic "BigBoss" election... 384 votes needed...*
1924 AD: *At Last ! Washingtons and my votes were enough (393).*
Oui ! 'ooray ! We 'ave the BigBoss ending achieved ! Should 'ave done that almost 40 turns ago...
End Scores:
RBCiv1 : 5199
Gandhi : 3545
Washing: 3087
Alexand: 1715
Genghid: 1093
Montezu: 0000
victory points: 15566 (Augustus Caesar)
Well: what surprised me most, was that I actually won... Never ever played a game on prince (not even with civ3). After those three aggressive civs appeared, I really saw them wiping the floor with me... And Barbarians weren't that hard, either. Rumor has it, that they go madly at the one with the highest Score - so it was probably a good thing, that I was so low on score during the first half of the Game. Perhaps this could become a Strategy ??
Fun game.
okay: now I have to do something for my marriage and I have to cuddle with my daughter... JUST ... ONE ... MORE ... TURN ...
Ah, 'erbie ?
*yes, Louis ?*
What about that Axe of mine...
Epic One - DaveShack's Report |
Posted by: Griselda - December 18th, 2005, 22:32 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (7)
Realms Beyond Epic 1
DaveShackâs Demise
Or, How to make enemies and get destroyed very fast
It started innocently enough, just another game of civ4. Or so I thought, having forgotten my first GOTM experience almost two years ago. Then, as a relative (ok, complete) newcomer to Civ, it was hardly surprising that I would lose the first âcompetitiveâ game I played. The level was far higher than what I was used to, there were pages of discussions on the really cool things that were being done special to the game, and people with funny and not so funny names were turning in winning games in the early A.D.âs with incredibly high scores. How hard can this be, I thought to myself. Then I found out that the AI on Emperor level would actually invade and destroy a player. That wasnât how things went on Warlord.
Fast forward to early December 2005. Itâs a brave new world, with a bigger badder civ, and instead of being a newcomer in a forest of people who played like deities, Iâm a newcomer in a forest of newcomers with the occasional lucky soul who has had the game for a couple of months and plays like a deity. Should be fun, right? :rolleyes:
Downloaded the game, took a quick look at the starting location and said to myself âthatâs nice, itâs pretty average for a changeâ. And I merrily went on my way learning how to die very, very quickly.
The French people, in 4000 BC, found a lake and decided to settle Paris on its shores. Having read the exploits of Sirian the Great and his partner Sulla the Also Great in the game of the Cuban Isolationists, the French leader DaveShack thought that it would be incredibly cool to work one of the lake tiles and speed ahead to founding one or more of the worldâs religions. Hey wait a second, the French canât research a religion directly, they need a pre-requisiste technology. OK, thatâs no biggie, with the faster science we can probably get one anyway. Now hold on here, whaddaya mean the citizens refuse to work on the waterâs edge? How can that be? Quickly reviewing his well-worn copy of âhow to lead a nationâ, DaveShack finds that the shoreline cannot be worked until the secrets of âfishingâ are known.
Oh well, maybe itâs not to be. Weâll just research Animal Husbandry so we can put the nearby 4-legged beasts to use. After 7 turns and 280 years (whatâs with the 40 years per turn he wonders), our exploring warrior finds a village. Upon entering the seemingly peaceful village, he discovers two war parties were lurking in its outskirts, ready to pounce. What rotten luck, DaveShack thought, as the camp-followers returned with news that our brave warriors were mercilessly slaughtered by a horde of barbarians.
Another 3 turns and 120 years later, Paris trains its first band of warriors. DaveShack the not-so-great sends these warriors out too, to explore the surrounding countryside some more. In 3240 BC, research on Animal Husbandry finishes, and the French start learning how to mine the earth for minerals. Another warrior is finished with training, so Paris begins the long process of equipping some settlers. Fearing the appearance of more barbarians, this warrior formation remains home to defend the city. In 3080 BC the exploring warriors survive a massive bear attack, and again survive against panthers in 3000 BC. DaveShack thinks this might mean the whole land is populated with barbarians and wild beasts. Having gained a little experience the exploring warriors learn how to be woodsmen, and find a village from which they garner a small amount of gold.
In 2800 BC, the secrets of extracting minerals from the ground are learned, and the wise men next turn their thoughts to learning how to turn copper into a more useful metal. In 2520 BC, villagers give the French the knowledge of Mysticism, and an emissary of the Aztec empire comes to deliver greetings from that tribeâs leader. In 2240, the Americans and Incans join our little circle of friends. Nobody can do anything but say hi though, since nothing is tradeable yet. At long last, in 2000 BC the settlers are done. They set off with a warrior escort, and Paris starts training a replacement warrior. Over the next 200 years Bronze working finishes and we start on Fishing, Orleans is built and starts a warrior, Paris finishes the warrior and starts a worker. After Fishing is learned we start on Iron Working.
In 1625 BC, we discover there are two more budding civilizations, the Mongolians and the Greeks. Orleans finishes a warrior and starts a worker, and quiet reigns until 1375 BC when Paris finishes the worker and starts a settler. Wow, thatâs not many units build or cities founded, and weâre pretty far behind. In 1200 BC we lose another exploring warrior to barbs, this time an archer. In 1125 BC, yet another warrior loses to a barb, and Iâm starting to get just a teensy bit upset. Orleans starts on yet another warrior when its worker finishes. In 880 BC we learn Iron Working starting Masonry, and Paris completes the settler. Masonry is learned in 640 BC, starting Writing. At this time, I was probably toast and just didnât know it yet. In retrospect, should have done the archery path first.
Nothing significant other than unit builds happened until 240 BC, when writing finished and alphabet started. Copper was connected in 220 BC and an Axeman started. Iâm paying attention to the barbs to the West, not knowing that leaving my eastern border lightly defended will trigger AI aggression. I continue to fruitlessly pursue barbarians in the west until 240 AD, when Genghis Khan surprises me by declaring war. Tours was razed in 260 AD, Rheims lost in 310 AD, Paris in 360 AD, and I was finally defeated in 620 AD.
At the time, I wrote the following into my game log:
Post-mortem, looks like it is a mistake to drill deeply on the Alphabet
path with these settings. Also a mistake to have only 1-2 fairly weak
defenders per city, the AI's on Prince level will jump you if given a
Were Barbs on raging or something? That's a lot more barb activity than
I'm used to seeing. And what's with the overly aggressive neighbors,
and how did they generate so many units so fast? Even with a fairly good
ratio, the AI still didn't go for the kill quite as fast as a human might.
Epic One- The Honorable French - Reports and Discussion |
Posted by: Griselda - December 18th, 2005, 22:22 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (34)
Hello everyone. We've grown a bit since the last time we had an Epic One. One of the things that has changed is that we're using vBulletin instead of Network5t4 forum software. With our old forums, the entire thread tree was always visible, and it was easy to follow even incredibly long threads.
While the current forums have a threaded option, not everybody is using it. As a result, it could become very confusing if people aren't careful to reply to the correct report (and even then, it might be hard to follow in linear mode).
Speaker suggested that we create a subforum for Epic One reports and discussion to avoid this confusion, so that everybody could have their own thread. I decided that we should give it a try, but I didn't want to worry about maybe having 50 subforums for each tournament game.
So, this forum will be for reports and discussion for all tournament games. It's not the "tournament" forum, though. I still plan to announce games and discuss ideas for future games on our main civ forum. This forum is just to keep the reports together, in one place, and easy to follow.
So, if you played in Epic One, reporting is now open! Please create a new thread in this forum to post your report.
My First Civ IV game... |
Posted by: Chad - December 18th, 2005, 20:16 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (13)
I just got Civ IV today and it is totally awesome. In my first game I'm playing as Saladi on Noble and at around 400 AD I am in 3rd place out of 7 civs (But the 2 civs above me, Cyrus and Catherine, are Pleased with me, so it's all good.) and I've found 6 of the 7 civs so far (I assume the mysterious 7th civ is on another continent.). I've had some health and anger problems in my capitol, but I was able to clean that up with some trading with Cyrus. I went to war with Elizabeth (Accidentally, mind you. But hey, she's the weakest civ I know, and I didn't like her anyway. Plus she is the only one who isn't Jewish which I founded.) So far I razed one of her junk cities that she had on the front lines (I wasn't even allowed to keep it. At least the Japanese got to keep that Barb city they captured just before I did.) So far I'm having barrels of fun.
No screenshots now, but I'll get some.
The Corrupted Wish Game |
Posted by: Griselda - December 18th, 2005, 17:47 - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (151)
How to play:
One person makes a wish. The next person grants that wish with a caveat that makes the wish go bad, then makes their own wish for the next person to corrupt.
I wish I had a new Corvette.
Granted. Here's your Corvette. The license plate reads NO TAG, so all violations committed by a car with no license plate will be attributed to you, as will the associated fines and points on your license (because the cops and meter maids write NO TAG where it says "License Plate" if the car has no tag).
I wish I was out on my boat on a beautiful summer day.
Granted. You're out on Lake Superior, which is really cold even in the middle of summer. There's a hole in your boat the size of a dinner plate, you're three miles from shore, your cell phone is dead, and you have no life jacket.
Corruptions are invalid if they undo the grant. Consider this wish:
I wish I had blonde hair.
An appropriate corruption would be:
Granted, but you can't write checks anymore because you don't look at all like your driver's license photo. The next time you are pulled over for speeding, you are arrested on suspicion of using a fake ID.
An INAPPROPRIATE corruption would be:
Granted, but three days later it turns back to its original color.
Hopefully you get the picture.
Anyone who uses toilet humor to corrupt wishes will die a horrible, screaming death, trapped in the tank of a Port-o-Potty throughout the month of July (how appropriate). Punishments for other crimes, such as failing to grant or make a wish or improper corruption (see above) must be creative; see previous punishments to make sure you don't repeat. Punishments for failing to make a wish may be carried out by anyone; punishments for failing to grant or improperly corrupting a wish may only be carried out by whoever made that wish.
(thanks to Lady Vashj who started this thread, with these rules, at the Lurker Lounge, and game me the idea!)
OK, here's my wish, to get us started:
I wish my cold would go away.
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