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And my noobishness plauges me... |
Posted by: Farae - November 23rd, 2005, 07:05 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (6)
Ah, Civilization. No, not indoor plumbing and electricity, I mean the series. ^_^
I was SO excited when my friend told me it was out, that I went and started to drool over it on Game Spot. I begged my parents for it, and was able to procure jobs from them to get it. When I FINALLY got it, I installed and tried a peaceful game as Russia (on Cheiftain). I loved it. I won a Diplomatic victory as well. ^_^
On some of my other games, I seem not to do as well. For example, on Civ Fanatics, I made an SG where we have to win via culture. Now, we are being invaded by Mansa Musa who has elephants and the like, and we are being owned quite frankly. We are on Noble. @_@
Apparently, the biggest problems I make are these:
1 ) Not a big enough military.
2 ) My tendency to decide to switch to Christianity from Hinduism when I have 3 Hindu allies. >_> Damn you IRL religion bias, DAMN YOU!
3 ) My total failure to succeed at war. At all. My skills at war in this game are a sin against Sid.
4 ) My ineptitude at diplomacy. You see, I am not a bad diplomat in negotiations, I just *accidently* trade with an ally's worst enemy who proceeds to PMS all over me.
Tips? Advice? Training games? I would appreciate any help, any educational comments, and any advice whatsoever. Thanks in advance.
P.S What really sucks is when I was Eygpt and I was doing awesome, I was always top in score, but barbarians kept attacking me until I got horse archers and slaughtered them. Then Alexander declared war on me and he had swordsman. *sobs*
Kylearan's wish is my command: My First Emperor Win |
Posted by: Speaker - November 21st, 2005, 20:03 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (4)
In the RB3 thread, Kylearan asked for a solo game report, so I have obliged.
Unfortunately, it is a pretty weak report because I didn't keep notes while I played.
But at the end, I figured it was worth putting together some pictures and explaining how I got there. I promise my Epic reports will be better, but I hope you guys like it anywise.
(yes, I just said "anywise")
(yes, it is a word)
[size=2]Also, if you have a minute, please check out the rest of my site and let me know what you think. In September, I taught myself CSS to create it, but since I'm new to hand-coding html, it's not quite as nice as yours, Kylearan.
Apologies for the (un)clarity of several of the pictures. It's a long story, but I promise they will be better next time.
CIV Praise Thread |
Posted by: dathon - November 21st, 2005, 12:54 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (13)
After looking around/reading here and CivFanatics, I noticed that there were far fewer opportunites to give positive feedback for Civ 4 than negative. While complaints/bug reports/rants can serve a purpose, I think that praise for what the game does well is equally valuable. I know that several members here contributed a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to this effort, and that Firaxis designers also frequent these message boards. And in light of the firestorm from some corners decrying and nitpicking every little detail, I thought some encouragement might be a welcome sight. So here it is folks, your chance to give a big to whatever you really like about the game.
Now, I've only been playing for a week or so now, but one thing that has really stuck out for me so far is the EXCELLENT musical score of the game . In most games, I end up tuning out the music as it gets grating very quickly. But in CIV, I've actually caught myself pausing to listen at times. The title screen piece is particularly well-done. Not sure if that was composed or borrowed, but either way it sets the stage for the game very well. It is both upbeat and grandiose, and reminds me watching the sun rise from the point of a high cliff. Kudos!!
Newbie - Please be gentle! |
Posted by: Lukeage - November 18th, 2005, 04:32 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (17)
ok, so i found this site recently cos i just got the new CIV and it seems to be the only one i can get on at work! but it looks like a pretty cool place and I am impressed with all the epics you have run in the past. I've been lurking for a week or so now so thought I would just say hi to everyone...so, er, hi!
Anyways, i will try and give the epics a go when they come out, although i fear i may be a bit behind some of you guys, i'm playing on Noble at the moment and only just edging ahead of the AI, and i used to play on Prince on Civ 3, but hopefully i can improve my game over the next few months....
one question - do you guys struggle to keep games going once you start? i mean, i often find that after the initial set up, laying out your territory and stuff, once it gets to the later stages it can get kinda dull - i spose the epics and stuff that you do combats this, just wondered how you coped when you were playing your own games....
anyway, enough for now, i've rambled on far too long.
take care everyone! and roll on the patch!
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