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Missing uninstall shortcut? |
Posted by: Chad - December 29th, 2005, 22:14 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (4)
So, I download the 1.52 patch so I can play Adventure one. I start installing the patch and halfway through a weird error message pops up (Can't remember what it said). I quite out of the installer, and throw in my Civ IV disk so I can play something else. The menu pops up asking me what I want to do and I press play. Absolutely nothing happen when I do that, the game won't start up. All of the shortcuts (Even the one in the folder in Program Files). So, when you can't get into the game, uninstalling and reinstalling the game would fix it up, right? Well, I can't seem to find where I can uninstall the game. The menu that pops up when I put in the disk doesn't have an uninstall option, and I can't find a shortcut anywhere. Will I just have to manually uninstall the game (Delete all the CivIV files I have) or is there a shortcut somewhere that I can't find?
Your reporting style |
Posted by: Morred - December 29th, 2005, 21:23 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (17)
I've been looking through some reports for different games (Mainly Epic 1 recently) and there is always a distinct difference in style between each different person.
I was wondering how each of you report your Civ games, do you report as you play? Or perhaps take notes and report later, maybe you report from taking tons of pictures? Do you report with a turn by turn style? Or just let things flow?
Personally, I tend to report as I go along, which makes playing slow at the best of times, however when I write down what I'm thinking, I seem to be able to think with more clarity, and a lot of the time it can help me come to the best decision in the game.
Forum Odds & Ends |
Posted by: KingOfPain - December 28th, 2005, 13:10 - Forum: Off Topic
- Replies (20)
I was trying to put a note up about the forum outage but I was not able to upload. Anyhow, if the forum is down again, check the RB front door, and if the RB portal is also down or that I am not able to update it, there is still one place to go. Our old N54 forum is still online.
For those new to the RB, the N54 forum is linked from the RB portal page. Yes, we do have a home page other than the game sites.
RB front door - http://realmsbeyond.net
N54 forum - http://www.network54.com/Forum/60822/
MP Diety Strategy & Planning, also results of combat study vs riflemen |
Posted by: Drasca - December 26th, 2005, 20:28 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (17)
Hi guys, I want to use this thread to discuss our MP Diety game strategy.
Mansa Musa Open borders: I think I, as a confucianist state religion, can get open borders off mansa mula with some haggling. If we can do this, taking over Napolean will be easier, and get free scouting of Malinese territory. We'll want to know what we're facing against, and take note what obvious buildings/wonders are up in his cities.
Caesar relation building: I also want to keep my cities religion free until bhuddism pops up into one of them, and suggest any new cities you build be religionless for a while too. Then, one of us can convert to bhuddism and negate the 'traded with worst enemy.
To further this point, before we declare war on Musa, one of us that's considered most hated by Caesar should offer Mansa some worthless resource trade, so he also gains the 'traded with worst enemy.'
I did some world builder combat tests for a cost/benefit analysis. Right now, I assume Malinese riflemen will average city garrison I, and there will be initially 8 of them. We can adjust our numbers and strategy as better promoted riflemen (or even shudder infantry) and increasing defenders come forth. However, these combat results should give us a good point of reference:
Conditions: 8 Unpromoted barbarian riflemen on top of a jungle tile (+50% defense). Epic speed production costs, scale these against each other. Of course, they're lessed in normal speed, but I don't recall what speed we chose.
Catapults do collateral damage to 6 units each.
Vs full 14/14 strength riflemen, 110 production cost to us, unknown cost to Diety AI, on Jungle (50), forrest/hill (75), and jungle/hill (75) to simulate Fortify (25) and City garrison I/II (20-to-45) defensive bonuses. City garrisson III is a worst case scenario, but hopefully we will not face too many of those.
10-12 unpromoted Catapults reduce enemy stack of 8 riflemen to the half health collateral damage barrier. Total damage done 400 health and change: Cost: 50 production each. Worth it? Unquestionably. I recommend 12 suicidal Catapults ready per city of 7+ defenders. With 7 or fewer defenders, catapults do full 6 collateral damage to every other target (collateral damage to 6 units), requiring closer to 10 or less catapults to pull off the job. Against full strength riflemen, catapults do not do any normal damage, as they're unable to hit them. Catapults sometimes do normal damage when riflemen begin to weaken.
10 Chokonus, 60 cost each, vs 8 full strength riflemen on defensive tiles: I assume because of the comparative strength difference, the +2 first strikes will go wasted I was wrong. Riflemen are hit a total of 19 times for 10 damage each. Chokonu's all lost, but they did sickening damage. Maniac should produce nothing but Barracks, Theocracy, and choko's for quite some time. I'm also considering lending him some of my high food / high production cities just to do that.
10 Keshiks, cost 50 each vs 7 Half health riflemen (one 5.9 str) on jungle tile. In spite of the riflemen's +25% str vs mount bonus against Keshiks, they do fantastically well for their cost and mounted penalty. One even survives. 21 hits of 10 damage for 10 keshiks, 11 of which are from the last 4 Keshiks. Expect 10-20 damage per keshik, as they'll either usually do zero, one or two hits, usually leaning toward 1-2 hits.
210 / 500 = .42 dpu
To be continued.
Looking for tips for Highland maps |
Posted by: MWIN - December 25th, 2005, 20:47 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion
- Replies (6)
I tried some highland maps, just to prepare my slef for Frozen Jungle. But the sheer size of the world makes me nuts. Did anybody tried a standared highland map before?
I played 2 games on Monarch andwas able to take 2 civs. But I just can not handle city maitainance. My units are going into strike mode, what ever that is. It just says "Units are in strike".
Assuming you get a good starting location, how do you play these maps.
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