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  Adventure One - Herbies Report
Posted by: Herbie - January 23rd, 2006, 03:21 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (11)

Hello Ladies and Gentleman. This is YOUR Reporter-on-the-field Herbie.
The game is on, and it is Adventure One. Of course you all know what that means: Yes it's a game of Conquest for the New World.
With us here on the fields in Wembley... sorry: in the Old World is Queen Victoria. While the current Queen of England is Elizabeth II., Queen mum was Elly I, so you must be Queen Granny for sure...

*Watch your mouth young man. For YOU it's Queen Victoria, Queen of England and the Commonwealth, Warden of....*

All right Vicky... Most of us know that [murmuring]... and the Rest is not interested[/murmuring]

*I have heard that !*
* (Whack!) *
* (Whack!) *
Ai! Stop that,
* (Whack!) *
Ai! it hurts!
* (Whack!) *
Ai! What IS in that Purse ?
* (Whack!) *
Ai !

Okay, okay: Queen Victoria, would you be so nice and tell our readers what your Strategy in this game will be.
* Well, splendid, of course WE will tell. WE are of course a honorable, noble Nation with no Intentions to hurt anyone. WE will live in Peace and Harmony with all OUR Neighbours and WE are going to share all our Efforts with them.. *
[murmuring] political Bullsh... [/murmuring]
* (Whack!) *
Ai ! Sorry Queenie...
* (Whack!) *
Ai ! "Sorry Queen Victoria" was what I wanted to say, of course.
[murmuring] Peaceful, eh ? [/murmuring]
* (Whack!) *
Ai !

So, let me take you and our plentyful of readers to this Game. The Ball is in the field. The English Warrior takes it, makes a move to the Hut, aaaaannnndd.... yes ! pops the Hut.
*What else would a noble Warrior of England do ?*
Meanwhile in the Backfield, the Worker goes northeast and builds a road over that Hill. What a strategic brilliant turn ! With researching Agriculture on the Home Base, the Worker will be in Place to take a strike at the Wheat as soon as it is available. Brilliant Queenie...
* (Whack!) *
Ai ! Brilliant, Oh Leader of the free World...
* (Whack!) *
Ai ! What was that for ?
*Just in case...*

Ah... alright: The Warrior brings the Ball to the northeast. THERE ! A pink-red Border.
* Isabella... [murmuring] that hussy, tart, trollop... [/murmuring] *
* [Sweet... and false] Isabella, Darling, how good to see you...[/Sweet... and false]*
Wow, she's really beaut...
* (Whack!) *
Ai! ... a bitch, I wanted to say. Can't compare with YOU, my Majesty, oh no !
Oh, what do I see there ? A spanish Warrior is on the field. He is moving eastward... away from our warrior
* Hmmm... I wonder... Did poor little Isabella left her Home Base undefended ? Warrior! What about an early Goal ?*
The spanish warrior moves further east, our warrior takes the Ball, moves west, and now: OH Golly ! That's... That's a Fou...
* (Whack!) *
Ai! Oh, I see: It's a brilliant strategic decision. Our Warrior moves into the spanish Scorezone. This means WAR with Isabella ! But as our glorious Leader of the Empire has predicted: The Home Base is undefended !
And now for an Easy Score: Spain: 0 England: Everything ! Goal! GOAL! Goooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaallllllll!
[VERY silent murmuring] And so much for "honorable" "noble" "peaceful" ... [/VERY silent murmuring]
Well, it's an early End for our spanish Neighbours. A VERY early End, indeed.
And there's a red Border to the East, now touching our own expanding borders.
*Hello Peter. Don't you have some carpenting to do... somewhere else...*
And another little Goal in the Backfield: Home Base did research Agriculture and our Worker starts irrigating those wheat. Animal Husbandry will be next on schedule, according to the great Plan of our beloved Leadress...
* (Whack!) *
Ai! What was that for ?

Next Turn our Warrior goes east, pops a hut and.... YES! YES! YEEEEES! We got Animal Husbandry out of it. This is clearly a day for feasting and party, women, wine and...
* (Whack!) *
Ai! perhaps not...

Now, our fearless Warrior moves southwest and encounters some Bears ! But, well, he's in the Forest, so nothing will happen.
A Game of Surprises, Ladies and Gentlemen. Those Bears were fought off, but at a horrible Cost: Only 0.4 Strength left... Our warrior has to heal and cannot slaughter any more unexpectant Civili...
* (Whack!) *
Ai! ... what I meant was: bring more Glory to the Empire...
Ahh, the Coach brings that Warrior to a Hill with Woods, directly southwest, to heal better protected. And from there we can see Frederick of the Germans.
*Hello Fritz, how's your Wife ? Children all well ? Any Warriors at home ?*
And look at the Southeast: There's another Hut...
While being indecisive wether to pop the hut or to pop the City, a german Scout joins us on the Field - on exactly the field we are standing on... Free area to the Southeast (with the Hut), no Hills or Forests. This scout will be there before we can...
Our warrior takes the ball and moves it to the south, on another Hill/forest-field. The Scout gets the Hut (no unit's coming out - so it must ahve been something else...) And OH MY ! Bad Luck Fritzie boy...
* (Whack!) *
Ai! I meant Mr. Friedrich of the Germans. There's Bears coming from the North. But I guess, your Scouts are faster and can outrun them...
... but not, if they circle them and now stand directly to the North of the Bears (in a Forest, but nonetheless...)
The Bears ate them, as predicted, and got beaten down to 0.3 Strength. Our Warrior could now take the Ball and make a run for the German Home Base...
Another Warrior is ready at OUR Home Base in London... What will the Coach do ? Will he Go For It ™ ?
NO, our Warrior stands and heals.
* (Whack!) *
Ai! what...
*Think ! Use that hairy, rainstopping cover on your neck for something ! Our Warrior was scheduled right at the Start of the Game. If YOU sent your Warrior scouting at the beginning: Would YOU build a Scout next ???? In an empty City ? That Coach of OUR opponents, this "Soren" knows his Job ! I bet, Fritz has his Warrior fortified and did not scout at all until now*
Oh... !
Well, on goes the Match: Warrior heals, another Warrior defends now London, and the third is done now. He goes scouting, though not far, because Queen Granny...
* (Whack!) *
...because our beloved Empress wants him to escort the Settler that is in the pipeline.
Woah! Look at that, Ladies and Gentlemen: Bears heal 0.3 Strength per turn, our Warrior only 0.2. This means, the Bears will be on full Strength (3!) one turn early of our Warrior, who is clamped to the german Borders...
But the Bears go away. Woah, that was a close one, I think...
Settler is done. Our Coach, may she live long and prosper, sends him to the place where beauti...
* (Whack!) *
Ai! ... where Spain started in this Game. The Settler moves carefully under the cover of a fearless english Warrior, but when both come to a hill, there are suddenly Bears AND Lions in reach. This can't be good. Will there be doom for the bold warrior and his brave protege ?
No, as luck has it, both beasts move away. Hmmm... I wonder, why ? ... aren't showers customary once a month or so with english warriors ?
* (Whack!) *
*you're near to treason. watch it, or I'll chop of your Head!*
[VERY silent murmuring] wasn't that the Queen of Hearts in "Alice in Wonderland" ? Well, there IS a certain resemblance... I wonder, if Lewis Carroll had someone specific in mind with that figure... [/VERY silent murmuring]
* (Whack!) *
Ai! Why...
*You were not talking, so you've been insubordinate again.*
And there's a Scout of another opponent...
*Ashoka... Have a nice Day. Hrmph! *
And yes: He founded Buddhism a few Turns ago. Our Coach with the steel bar in her Purse...
* (Whack!) *
Ai! ... is beelining for Judaism now. Perhaps we can get Hinduism ?
And on with the Game:
York is founded on the Spot, where Beauti... [duck down] *[...swwshhhhh...]* spain once was...
Our scouting Warrior examines the Lands to the South. There is copper in the Southwest of London. And Sheep and Deer... Yup. And Desert, Ice and Tundra, too...
* hmmm... WE wanted to build the Pyramids, but WE think, WE will first build another Settler and a Warrior to get that Copper...*
Well, Home Base London has researched Polytheism. No Hinduism founded, so someone else was faster... Now for Monotheism and Judaism!
Nottingham in the Southwest founded. Copper, Sheep and Deer in City-Radius. Worker, than Barracks scheduled by our charming Empress.
[Applause] Judaism was founded in York. [/Applause]
*The English Empire converts to Slavery and Organized Religion. After that, WE will convert to Judaism as State Religion. OUR scouting warrior found some Barbarian Warriors.*
Our Warrior is in a Forest... let's see... No Problem. Didn't even get a scratch.

Well, People out there: In the last Turns our Worker chopped quite some Wood...
* Yes he did. WE told him so.*
* And now it's time to let those lazybones of London get a taste of the crack of the Whip*
Ouch ! This just had killed 3 People !
* Only Sluggards ! But now in the Year 1320 BC, WE have completed the Pyramids ! *
yeah... [Dull voice] Hail and Glory to the Empire... [/Dull voice]
* (Whack!) *
*You show a certain lack of enthusiasm...*
* NOW: Don't forget to change to Representation, like you did in Epic One...*
Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, we saw a Game of brilliant Strategy from our beloved mercyful Empress, but we are now down to 60% Science and are making NO money at all (and with 0 (in Words: NULL) Gold in the Treasury...
* (Whack!) *
Ai! What...
* Too much critizism can hurt... can't it ?*
1120 BC:
* WE need Money. York will build Stonehenge now - WE will not complete it, but get some Money out of it - WE think...*
975 BC:
* London starts on The Great Lighthouse. Hopefully WE will get it. If not: WE will get some more Money out of it...*
900 BC:
* Stonehenge was build in far Land. WE just needed another 7 turns for Stonehenge. Yet WE only got 59 Gold. Hrmpf! York now builds the Parthenon.*
650 BC:
* London has built The Great Lighthouse. Now WE can do 80% Science at -2 Gold ! *

425 BC: And now Ladies and Gentlemen, for something completely different. There is Fame, Fortune, Honor and Blood in this Game and now, there is Luck, too:
As the wise man Sirian would say: Popped another one !

We got Silver out of a mine directly Southeast of London ! Other Great Players in other Games in the "real" world would perhaps use this Phrase: First we were not unlucky, and then we had Luck, too...

[Image: herbie_0.jpg]

*Yes. And WE have researched Alphabet. WE use it to trade with Asoka and dear old Fritz for Sailing, Spirituality and Iron working*

400 BC: *Shocking ! That Scumbag Peter did just put the City of Rostow right at OUR Borders to grab OUR Horses ! How DARE he ?*

[Image: herbie_1.jpg]

325 BC:
*WE got a Great Merchant. WE will use him to get Currency !*

300BC: Well, there is something good in everything... Rostow just had it's first (?) Revolt...

[Image: herbie_2.jpg]

*Well, Peter my dear: That was a bit too close to OUR Borders, wasn't it ?*
* (Whack!) *
Ai! ...But I didn't say anything...
*Yes. But WE didn't do THAT for far too long. OUR Servants may think, WE are going to get mellow...*

275 BC:
*The Pathenon is now OURS !*
Yes. With the Price of a lot of dead trees and some serious whipping of the poor people...
* (Whack!) *

200 BC: Frederick (or "dear old Fritz", as "WE" like to call him) just got Judaism in Munich. I think, he will convert to the one true religion soon... Rostow, on the other side, is only 11% Russian... won't take long, I think...
175 BC: Rostow: 10% Russian. Counting down...
125 BC: Damn! Rostow just expanded its borders ! Now its 22% Russian again ! Grmblfx!
75 BC: Traded Monarchy from Fritz for Literature and 50 Gold. Rostow is now 29% Russian...
50 AD: * Now, that's NOT nice ! Peter founded another City (Yaroslavl) right a OUR Border ! *

[Image: herbie_3.jpg]

100 AD: *WE researched Music*
...and got the Great Artist for being the first to do so.
*We will use him in London, so the borders of magnificient London will expand four Turns after !*
...we have got 907/5000 Culture and we will get another 4000 four the Atist and we have a plus of 24 per Turn. Hopefully, this will convert both of those two little Cities at Londons Borders !
[Kaaziinng !]
Hmmm.... Rostow is back down to 21% Russian, Yaroslavl is still at 100% Russian. Lets see, what is going to happen four Turns from now...
Hey: And it took those shells from Peter by taking a bite out of Moskows borders !!!!

200 AD: *The People of Rostow recognized the true Powers in this World*
...Rostow just revolted and joined the glorious Empire of the Commonwealth...
[Funny: The Popup was in English, with one of the two options in German... Never seen that before, must be Patch 1.52...]
Yaroslavl is down to 45%... I don't think, that this will be enough for a revolt. We will see.

225 AD: *WE built The Hanging Gardens ! Another great achievement of the glorious Empire. No Parties, though, keep on working!*
* (Whack!) *

350 AD: *WE researched Theology and founded the Christian Religion.*

425 AD: * WE got a Great Engineer. WE use him to complete Notre Dame in one Turn. *

600 AD: Yaroslavl revolts, but is not yet part of the Empire... Will Peter (who has recently converted to Christianity) get enough Culture there to keep it ?

[Image: herbie_4.jpg]

620 AD: * WE researched Divine Right and founded the Islam. *

* (Whack!) *
Ai! What was tha-...
* (Whack!) *
Ai! Why-...
* (Whack!) *
*Look at London, you filthy Scumbag*
* (Whack!) *
Ai! Wha-...
* (Whack!) *
Ai! London is fine. Nothings wrong the-...
* (Whack!) *
*You retarded Idiot. You've pressed the *
* (Whack!) *
*stop-Growth-Button and never*
* (Whack!) *
*released it again!!!!*
* (Whack!) *

*And while WE're at it: didn't I tell you in 1320 BC something like "Don't forget to change to Representation as soon as WE built The Pyramids ?*
* (Whack!) *
Oooops. I didn't....
* (Whack!) *
*No you did not, you incompetent Moron, and now it's 840 AD !!!!*
* (Whack!) *
[The following scenes were censored, due to extreme use of force and Language]

920 AD: Well, Ladief and Fentlemen, we are back in the midft of the game. Pleafe excufe my Fpeaking...
Fome ofer Player haf refearched Phil.. Philofff... Filofofie and got Taoifm from it.
*And WE are only ONE TURN away from completing Philosophy! *

960 AD: *WE got another Great Engineer. WE will use him for Spiral Minarett*

1150 AD: *Splendid ! The people of Yarslavl want to join OUR empire. WE will welcome them!*
1160 AD: *And now WE have built the Sixtinian Chapel*
All Hail and Glory to fe britif empire !

1240 AD: *WE got a Great Artist. Well, well... what to do ? Do WE use him to get some small advantage in the upcoming war with Peter ? *
(Yes, he clofed our Borderf...)
*Or do WE wait for the Conquest of the New World ?*
*hmmm... WE Think, WE will wait...*

1280 AD: The englif Home Bafe refearched Liberalifm. The Coach defided to get Printing Preff af fe free Technology.

1360 AD: *And another Great Artist emerges from the british Empire. WE will use him also later on. And have a look at that: That wasn't the best of Places for Kolhapur, now, wasn't it, Ashoka, dear ?*

[Image: herbie_5.jpg]

1370 AD: And another stage in this Game - oh sorry: And anofer ftage in fis Game -
* (Whack!) *
Ahhh, okay, okay: I'll stop it. Well, another stage of events in this Game has arrived: TheWarWithRussia ™. It has just begun, let's see, how our Coach handles the Situation. And Kolhapur revolts, but does not flip...

[Image: herbie_6.jpg]

1420 AD: TheBattleForNowgorod ®. Well, Coach, that was bad Luck [chuckle]
* (Whack!) *
* Tough Russians ! After bombing away their defences at Nowgorod WE lost 1 Catapult in a suicide-Attack, 2 Horse Archers, 1 Spearman and 2 Swordsman. And they only lost one Catapult (and that one also attacked twice in the last two turns) and one Archer ! The rest of Peters troops will be much stronger next Turn...*

1450 AD: Ah, one of TheGreatMastersOfThisGame ®, Soren, DID a good job. The opponent opened the Battle with Horse Archers, delivered by a Triere at some very unexpected Place !

[Image: herbie_7.jpg]

* Rats! Bastards ! Treachery little, filthy...[censored]*

* (Whack!) *

1460 AD: The russian Player captured Kolhapur, our coach captured Nowgorod, but it was very close close capture: in the 10 seconds of the last half in this turn, the coach sends a wounded Swordsman forward - 1.5 of pure english strength are attacking 1.2 russian strength. the enemy has only one wounded Spearman left. The brave english swordsman survives the Battle with 0.4 strength... but now, the City is only defended by a 0.4 Swordsman. How risky ! Will fortune favor the Brave ? We'll see after a short commercial....

Interturn: Yes, Ladies and Gentleman, YES ! He must have had no reinforcements in reach, our coach can keep Nowgorod !

1470 AD: and now: RevengeOfKolhapur ©: A lonely, but brave english Axeman against one wounded Horse Archer in Kolhapur...
The Axeman won, but only barely... Kolhapur is again part of the Empire !

1490 AD: * WE have traded with our good friend, dear old Fritz, for Guilds, Gunpowder and Machinery. And by now WE announce Police State, Vasallage and Theocracy.*

1600 AD: * OUR War against the Russians is over. *
Russians ? What Russians ???

* Our Friend, dear old Fritz...*
[silent murmuring] ...or doF, as "WE" call him... [/silent murmuring]
* (Whack!) *
* ...wants a defence Pact - WE think that would be alright. *

1635 AD: England got a Great Merchant...
*WE are still not over in the new World... it's getting late... Come on, people of England: WORK HARDER !!*
* (Whack!) *
Ai! Why me ?
* WE could use him with one of those Great Artist WE spared for a golden Age - but on the other Hand, Taj Mahal is due next Turn... 20 Turns Golden Age ? Or Constitution ? Or 1 Food, 6 Gold, 3 Beakers and 2 Culture in a City ?
Yeah... 20 Turns of Golden Age... who would deserve THAT ?
* (Whack!) *
* WE do. And so will it be!*
oh. Vicky ?
* (Whack!) *
Sorry. Oh mighty Highness...
* (Whack!) *
Coach ?
Oh, good: A golden Age on Epic is 10 Turns... here it's only 8... so only 16 Turns of Golden Age fpr the glorious Empire

1640 AD: * At Last ! Splendid ! WE now have researched Astronomy. New World, here WE come *
And so it was... "brave" Soldiers were send on quickly built Galleons to the New World... So, is it now a "brave" new world ??
This, Ladies and Gentlemen is big Step in this Game. Now our Coach can conquer new Lands. We have enough Money to support some more Cities, we can simply conquer all those Barbarian Cities, which were founded over there by now for sure.
* And Taj mahal is done. 16 Turns of Golden Age*
16 ? Seems like last Turn did not count for my Great-People-triggered-Golden-Age ™...

1685 AD: And now, Ladies and Gentlemen: it's thew first Siege in the New World.
* Hrmph ! Those Barbarians have Longbowmen... No match for OUR Cavalry !*

[Image: herbie_10.jpg]

ah, did you just say "no Match" Queen Grann...
* (Whack!) *
"Coach", I meant, of course. Our first Cavalry got no Scratch at all - but the second was brought down to 1.5 Strength !!! GULP !
*Outrageous ! They MUST be cheating ! They have to be disqualified ! That ... can't ... be ... true ....*
* (Whack!) *

1690 AD: Goal ! GOAL ! GOOOOAAAALLLL ! The first City of the New World is captured, the second is under Siege. Have you EVER seen a Barbarian City grown to 13 (THIRTEEN !) ???

[Image: herbie_11.jpg]

But there are not so many Cities as I would have expected... strange...

1695 AD: The four Longbowmen in that second City brought all of our Cavalry down to under 5 Strength each !
* WE do some backward Charge... to regenerate and get supply troups. *

1732 AD: Ladies and gentlemen, the Conquest of the New World is on its way. Funny: There were only those two Barbarian Citys on the whole continent. So the Coach will have to help a little with Settlers... She used the last Great Artist for the first Conquered City, so there was no starving...
* ...but WE could need another one, as soon as the second City comes out of resistance... *

1780 AD: We just started to build some Cities, and soon there are Fritz and Aaahh-tschoooka with Galleons of their own and Settlers on board... Grmblfx ! You shouldn't have traded them Astronomy, coach... !!
* (Whack!) *
*No critizism !*

1826 AD: Beep... Beep... Beep... Beeeeeep: Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen, here is the News:
Aachoo-ka! has built one City in the New World: in the Northeast. Fritz is about to do so also - and also in the Northeast, since the Coach could spoil his Place of choice in the Northwest
* WE built OUR City exactly the turn, he too wanted to - bad luck this time dear old Fritz...*
Yes, indeed. And then he just went away and searched for another Place - in the very moment he is on his way eastward...)
We are on good Terms with Fritz (+15 and a defence pact) and on not so quite good Terms with Atchooo (-2). I'm going to build some Cities around their "New World Cities" and see if they convert... If not: well: I'm almost done with researching Tanks...

1846 AD: Yes ! splendid ! England's got a Great Artist !!! Great ! Artist ! This is REALLY going to put some pressure on those two non-english New-World-Cities !

1860 AD: * WE are not amused ! Logistic problems took US from getting that Great Artist to the New World... And now at last WE got a Great Prophet. That's OUR first in this whole Game !! Only now WE can build Salomons Temple to hopefully get some Money...*

1866 AD: The Great Artist arrived at "The Spot ™"
[Image: herbie_12.jpg]

[Image: herbie_13.jpg]

1898 AD:
* All of the New World is now Part of OUR Empire... *
...All of it ? ... No, TWO little Cities are resisting the Glory and Culture pressing on them...
* (Whack!) *
*No... (Whack!) *
* ...criti... (Whack!) *
* ...zism !*
* (Whack!) *

* Well, not everything is bad. WE got a Great Engineer... But since WE don't really know what to do with him, so WE will keep him for a Golden Age or such...*

1928 AD:
[Image: herbie_14.jpg]

* Those two Cities are still resisting... 50% German and 47% Indian... This is an offense ! They do it on Purpose ! WE cannot tolerate such ! *
...and we are quite close to a Domination Victory: 63% from 68% Landmass...

[Image: herbie_15.jpg]

A few cultural Expansions and everything is over... hmmm.... But I would REALLY like to end this peacefully without attacking Goofi (GOod Old FrItz...)
* Well, WE are not so sure, that WE can tame OUR temperament... *

1931 AD: Yes, Laaaaaddiiiiiiiies and Gentlemen, the Clock is ticking, the End is near. We are in the last third and those annoying two Cities are down to 49% German and 45% Indian - total Landmass is 64,5%.

1935 AD: Yeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhh ! Goal! GOAL! GOOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLLLLL ! And again England scored ! A Great Artist is born in York !
* Yeah ! Let's giv'em ! WE will put some more Pressure on those two resisting Cities !*
* Ehm, Ehm... WE meant: Splendid. What a good fortune shines down on our beloved Country...*

1938 AD: 44% German and 40% Indian - 64,98% Landmass... and Ashhhhoooooookaaaahhh...
* Bless you *
...has Tanks, too...

1946 AD: * And now, WE will launch another Culture Bomb *
... afterwards: 40% German and 37% Indian - 65,61% Landmass... well, that Artist did not achieve much... yet. In a few turns that Town will expand with 5000 Culture...

1950 AD: Grmblfx!
* Yes indeed. WE got a Great Engineer in London. *
Bah! Chances were 53% for a Great Artist and 47% for a Great Engineer...

1951 AD: * And again WE got another Great Engineer...*
Yes. This time for researching Fusion...
*WE think, WE will put them as super spezialists in a Town near those two resisting Cities *

1954 AD:
* 96 Turns left... and these pesky resisting pains in OUR A... Area !*
yup. still 37% German and 34% Indian - 66,24% Landmass...

[Image: herbie_16.jpg]

1967 AD:
* WE had an 80% Chance of a Great Artist in Rostow... And what WE got is a Great Prophet ! This is an Insult. Chop off his Head ! *
Ehm ? Whose Head ?
*Doesn't matter, just chop a head off !*
Ehm... yes... I don't think, we should deepen this point any more...
33% German and 30% Indian - 66,88% Landmass... and there is a Border-Bug...

[Image: herbie_17.jpg]

1976 AD: * This #'!@#\'§$&# Ashoka has built Three-Gorges-Dam - WE would have done it next Turn !!! *
33% German and 28% Indian - 66,88% Landmass... hmmm there is no movement with that any more... Will those Cities - or just one of them - flip before this Game is over ?

1981 AD: Something has happened: Changed to Cast System and ordered some (14 !) Artists-specialists around those Cities. Now its: 32% German and 26% Indian AND 67,04% Landmass... -of 68% needed!!!

[Image: herbie_18.jpg]

1982 AD: * WE have built the UN. *

1983 AD: * And now WE have elected OURself General Secretary *
not very difficult with 379 of 297 needed votes...
* (Whack!) *

1987 AD: * First Resolution: No Atomic Weapons... No, WE don't want to end this Game with a diplomatic Victory. WE want a domination victory with these two Cities !!! *

1988 AD: ...and another Great Engineer where a Great Artist should have emerged...
*WE could have used all those engineers in the Beginning, to build even more Wonders... but now ??*

1993 AD: ...another 60% Chance to get a Great Artist.
* And this Time WE got him !*
[Image: herbie_19.jpg]

[Image: herbie_20.jpg]

hm. no Change at all ? Well: it's 28% German and 23% Indian - 67,04% Landmass

2008 AD: 27% German and 20% Indian - 67,67% Landmass

2010 AD: 26% German and 19% Indian - 67,67% Landmass

2011 AD: At last: A First Sign of a revolt:

[Image: herbie_21.jpg]

2013 AD: And Another Great Engineer...

2020 AD: 25% German and 18% Indian - 67,67% Landmass

2022 AD: Ashoka has built Spaceship-Engine

2023 AD: YES ! Ladies and Gentlemen. Shortly before the Game is over, another Great Goal !
Frankfurt flipped ! Hooray ! Now its only one little Village full of repenting Thickheads... now it's only "18% Indian" left... and 67,83% Landmass... of 68% needed !!
* Splendid *

2025 AD: Grmblfx !
* (Whack!) *
* (Whack!) *
* (Whack!) *
* [censored] *
* (Whack!) *
* [censored] *
* (Whack!) *
* [censored] *

Well, our Coach is a little upset, because we just won a domination. Must have been some cultural expansion somewhere else...
* No, you Fool ! It was the fix from Patch 1.52: Score from land doesn't count until you own land for 20 turns. *
* LEARN your Lesson: read the changes, and MEMORIZE them !*
* (Whack!) *

So: this is what is missing from the New World, just because I am a peaceful guy...

[Image: herbie_22.jpg]

ONE LOUSY FIELD ! (of Land - and three fields of Water)

Domination Victory, 2025 AD
3 of 5 Civs left
4 of 5 biggest Cities are English
And: There was a mistake ! I had only 67.99% of Landmass. HAH ! So, probably that Indian Town could still have flipped...

[Image: herbie_23.jpg]

But: I had a lot of Fun ! I hope you had some fun too, reading this report...
* If not, don't tell anybody, or WE will come for you !*
* Whack! *
Ai !

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  Mike Lemmer: Adventure 1
Posted by: Mike Lemmer - January 23rd, 2006, 01:47 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (3)

My Report

An easy scenario, so I decided to add a bit to the goal...

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  Wyatan - Adv1 - Filigree and Shadow
Posted by: Wyatan - January 23rd, 2006, 01:26 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - No Replies

Just a very short summary because I've lost all my notes, and those concerned the early game only : I quickly realized the game would be a cakewalk, and deemed the resulting report wouldn't be worth the effort.
I planned to focus my reporting efforts on Adventure 2 instead, but RL got in the way, and my gaming hours have been far and between ever since. frown

The turning point of the game happened very early : first border expansion, when I was shocked to discover that Moscow was right on my doorstep ! eek
One of us had to go, and that wasn't me. wink

So I went for swords, and a medium stack of swords was enough to erase Peter from the game in BC times. I kept Moscow, razed a coupla cities, and maybe kept another one.

I then went for a builder phase, settling the whole Eastern part of the old world.
Around 1000 AD, I declared on Isabella with maces, catapults and knights, and she was quickly gone.
I should have pushed on and ended the game there and then, but instead went for a second builder phase.
Hostilities were renewed around 1600 AD with rifles, and Bismarck and Asoka quickly bit the dust.

Conquest victory in 1680 AD.

I wasn't satisfied with the game :
- it had been far too easy (I played sloppily, and still cruised to victory)
- I hadn't played in the spirit of the game : my only city in the new world was a captured barb city.

So I decided to replay the game, this time with a variant : London would be my only city in the old world. I would only build new cities in the northern isles and the "new world".

Unfortunately, that game also happened to be far too easy : London was a powerhouse and I got a huge tech lead, meaning I could settle the new world undisputed. The other civs only got a coupla cities in the northern tip of the second continent, and a coupla others in the northern isles.
The only interesting aspect of that game turned out to be diplomacy : I had decided from the start to aim at a diplomatic victory, but no "factions" ever formed among the AI.
I thought I'd need to get 2 AIs to vote for me, and I was without a clue as to which ones to ally, since the diplomatic picture was evershifting.
In the end, the only stable aspect was that everybody hated Peter. And it turned out I only needed one vote to win vs Asoka.
So started wooing Peter in earnest, and got him to finally vote for me in 1952.

I just might try that variant again, but at a higher level : Prince, most likely.

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  Odd Demographics
Posted by: Speaker - January 23rd, 2006, 01:11 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (5)

I've come across this weird "bug" several times and finally in a game that I can report. [Image: wink.gif]

As you can see from the Demographics, I'm 2nd in GNP, right? Right? But I've been by far #1 on the graph all game except for one tiny blip (where I shifted to hills/forests instead of cottages for a few turns). And by the "look test," I definitely have more commerce than anyone else (ie Maniac who should be in 2nd).

[Image: Weird2.jpg]

[Image: Weird1.jpg]

What's going on here?

PS- Sebmono, Maniac and I won an easy conquest victory in this MP 3v3 game.

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  Adventure 1 - killara - The New World is for the English ?
Posted by: killara - January 23rd, 2006, 01:06 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (1)

Hello again all, the benefits of being in Oz – report earlier. ;-)

I played this game before Adventure 2. Which I think I’m glad I did. So much easier. ;-) Pre game thoughts, as this is where all the differences in games will probably originate. London’s already been founded, on a lake and on the ocean. So the same process that made the Cuban Isolationists a powerhouse – the lighthouse on a lake – will work here too. Was Sirian trying to make us follow that path [Edit: again!], or is it just a ploy? ;-)

And with one of England’s starting technologies being Fishing & Victoria being financial – it’s a very obvious ploy too. *smiles*

Which, along with us being on Warlord level – all means we should be able to out-tech our rivals. Nice. Pity the Frozen Aztecs didn’t have those same advantages. ;-)

Actually – this being a Small World Size & at Normal Speed will probably mean we’ll out-tech ourselves and build units that become obsolete almost as soon at they’re built! *laughs*

Mining should help us to keep up with productivity, and the free Worker unit (with the Wheel tech also thrown in for free) means we’ll have things to do from turn one. But what to learn first ???

Our strengths – Expansive (extra health) along with cheaper extra health builds (granary & harbour) AND the resources of Pig (health), Wheat (health) & Clam (health) visible all mean Happiness will determine our early city size – how many free happiness does Warlord provide ? Hmmm … looking at the London city screen …

Pik 1 – Happiness Versus Health in the capital.

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik01.jpg]

It looks like 6 for the capital and 5 for every other city. Workable. *nods* I’ll just have to keep a lookout for those luxury resources – which are all probably over in the new world, like Chocolate, Coffee, and Potato Chips, oh – sorry – that’s the real world. *laughs* [Edit: Religion brings happiness too! *must remember all these details*]

Our other strength – Financial – means money – which means research – which means farming the oceans and building cottages as early as possible. So many changes from Civ 3 – must knock the old ways out of my head. But what to learn first ???

Pik 2 – The Tech tree options – decisions decisions.

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik02.jpg]

Firstly, I never think this much when I usually play. *laughs*

Path 1: The sailing gambit – to really make the lake and ocean pay as we use them whilst researching once we build the lighthouse, but that’ll take some time to build and cannot be our 1st priority build. It’ll also give us a gallery so we can explore if there’s a quick way to the new world – cannot forget our goals now. ;-)

Path 2: The farmer gambit – use those nearby resources and grow the city, so mines become viable with the extra food obtained, and settlers / workers are much much quicker to build. I’d probably do that if we didn’t have a worker already.

Path 3: The religious gambit – well we NEED happiness, religion’s one way, we’re not creative so obelisks are essential, and Stonehenge (with it’s Great Prophets and free obelisks AND map will help us locate the new world – it’s my 2nd favourite Wonder – after the Pyramids because of its multiple uses). The only problem is if there’s Spiritual Civs out there who grab the Early religions first. But at the difficulty level … it is possible.

Path 4: The chop gambit – research Bronze working to get early forest chops, build up the capital and get axes early. Sorry, I’m just not the war monger I should be.

Mysticism it is then. But checking on turn 2 to see who’s out there. And micromanaging the capital to use only water tiles to start with.

Stay with warrior as first build. Yup. And lets start exploring, in a generally northern direction after popping that hut as we already know we’re at the southern end of the world. :-)

And the worker ? Should I start roads to the resources to prepare for future development ? and then a road network towards the 2nd city cite ? No – I’ve a TWO move unit, I’m actually going to use it to explore southwards, hopefully there’s no animals in the first few turns, and I then won’t waste later turns with my 2nd warrior heading south. Those southern hills will give good views. I wonder how many will use the free worker in this way. ;-)

Pik 3 – The Initial plans for exploration with TWO units.

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik03.jpg]

4000BC – work the little lake – Mysticism in 5 ??? wow – I suppose that’s Normal speed for you – I usually only play on Epic. *laughs* Pop the hut for 108 gold. Move worker also – sheep seen – more health resources. *blah*

Hit enter & notice another border appear (damn – forgot to check out our neighbours) Germany, India, Russia, Spain – Great TWO Spiritual civs. *blah* again. The border’s orange – is that Russia ??? I’ll meet them when our borders expand – looks like I’ll miss out on that clam resource – and sailing out might be a problem without Open Borders – ouch.

3960BC – the 2nd move and I meet Spain with my warrior! *eyes wide open* How small IS a small world ?????? *laughs* Oh yeah – the worker finds a deer (another health resource anyone ?)

3800BC – I’ve finished exploring the South with the Worker – there’s Fur down there! Yippee (happiness resource at last) Mysticism discovered & try for Polythesim – thinking Meditation has to go first – it’ll take 7 turns – one more than London takes to grow. My border expands to hit Russia – Peter says hello & blocks me from coastal exploration until Open Borders.

3760BC – Meet Fredrick of Germany – Small world is SMALL !!!

3680BC – Buddism in a distant land – I’ve still 4 turns to Polythesim. *worry* looks like I’m between people too, now I can see more of the world. Worker returns home and starts on a road to the Pigs. I actually think that exploration WAS the best use for that free worker. *nods*

3640BC – Isabella coverts – ahhhhh – Spain now leads in score. Did they change the worker graphics in the patch ?? I never noticed the dirt flying like that as they dug roads before. Nice.

3560BC – London grows to size 2 – work TWO lake tiles now – worker starts road to wheat (via the plains hill) and Polythesim due NEXT turn. Decide to take warrior on a trip around the outside of Spain.

3520BC – Hinduism founded in London. Praise Be. ;-) Do not convert. I usually don’t until I know the politics of the other civs. Decide on Agriculture & then Animal Husbandry – to use the resources when I need that settler – hmmmm – takes longer to build things on Normal Speed (compared to discovering stuff – or is that just because I’m writing this at the same time ?).

3440BC – Meet India – just as they pop a hut I’d found – I swear it was meant for me. :-( Say hello but I will remember their greed. *winks*

3400BC – Warrior produced – off to explore I think – or is that TOO dangerous leaving London unguarded ?? Dial up another warrior – due in 15. Those that don’t gamble don’t win – he’ll head due north.

3360BC – Discover that we have wine to the North & then the Ocean – we might have the option of blocking in Russia ?? or actually – us being blocked in by everyone else – hmmm, which is the more likely ? :-\ Start farming the wheat now it has a road built to it.

3160BC – When the Wheat farm is complete – I re-jig the food so that London is using it – and move the worker back to the Pig to start working it next go when I discover Animal Husbandry – even I think that’s nice timing. *laughs*

What to learn next though ?? Bronze working I think – with space this limited I better know where it is – just in case. *sighs* [Edit: I’m morally against using the whip as I see these as my real citizens and think it’s a harsh way to rule, and worry about civil war and a coup d'état. *laughs* But after reading Adventure 2 now realise just how powerful it can be]

3120BC – Northern warriors see a bear – who moves away instead of attacking … so I change direction and head south again. Moscow has Gold and TWO Clams – now that’s greedy. I will remember that also. Start Bronze working and look for horses. Due north – right near Spain – Setter – oh settler – that’s the next build. *nods* Already short of military. *laughs* Good thing warrior 1 is being recalled. ;-)

3080BC – The other advantage of religion and it’s Holy city is that borders expand faster! I expand before Russian – but after Spain. One land-bridge to the south is cut off.

2880BC – Bronze Mining – Due West – where my 3rd city was going to be – but will Spain take it ? It’s not a very food rich place. Choices such as these make Civ such a great but painful game. *smiles* I decide to try for Monothesim, via Masonry – two religions could be fun – especially with border expansion. ;-) I rearrange the city resources now I’ve got the Pigs farmed and it IS possible to get that 2nd city before discovering Monothesim. Having religious culture grow in the 2nd city would offset the Hydra benefits of both in the capital. Yup.

2760BC – I’ve finished the road to the wine – for the settler to get north easily & connect trade routes. Then I rush back to that pains hill (which was earlier roaded) and chop. Should have the settler earlier than planned. Then I can go back to research. Plan A. *nods*

2640BC – Settler builds – with enough chop left over to build a warrior in 1 turn !! I rearrange the worked tiles back to lake only – and Monothesim drops from 11 turns down to 6. Now that’s a surprise – but shows the power of the Financial trait! Start a mine on the hill – I try to never combine the chop/mine order due to the delay in hammer payments – the government’s bad enough, why have a game do it too? ;-)

2600BC – Warrior for London built – start Stonehenge with some ridiculous time to complete (117 turns – as I’m working only water tiles) … but I’ll change that as soon as I discover Monothesim. I’ll have uses for those Great Prophets now. *grins*

It’s a big year – I found York to the north … and don’t want an obelisk in case I don’t need it – either Stonehenge or Judaism would be as good … so decide to build walls – that way it can expand a little, which building a worker wouldn’t allow.

BUT … then discover Russian Peter already has a STONE QUARRY worked !!!! Not good … and he’s only got a small area off to himself – a nice area though – very nice. *grins wickedly*

2400BC – Yes !!!! Plan A worked – York becomes the Jewish Holy City. Decide to work Horseback Riding – I’ve horses in range, and military never hurts. Switch York over to Barracks. Walls – ahh well – 2 turns lost. Pasture on the Horses being built. Time to rearrange London’s resources – time for Stonehenge drops from 55 to 11 turns. However Horseback Riding changes from 10 to 17 turns, and growth from 3 to 12. But that’s ok – it’s my priorities. :-) And this early in a game it makes all the difference. -1 Gold per turn at 100%. [Edit: looking at that I probably should have waited until I’d grown in 3 before rearranging citizens]

2200BC – Horse are linked – I’ve fully explored Russia’s probable territory. And so recall that warrior. 6 turns to Stonehenge.

1960BC – Stonehenge built – I’m at the bottom South East corner – which makes Russia a very nice jumping off spot to the new world. Dial up Barracks – never realised just how useful they are until Civ 4. Warriors near Russia kill a lion – 1st animal fought – hmm barbarians from the south will probably appear soon – recall warrior ASAP for sentry duty due South!

Pik 4 – The English Empire – 1960BC – Notice I’ve already begun to reduce the Russian border.

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik04.jpg]

1760BC – Learn & decide it’s way past time I should have lighthouses! Sailing next – due in 5 turns.

1720BC – Barracks complete in London – and even though the first barbarian warrior appears – I decide upon a Settler – to head West. I’ve my Lion killer Warrior that’ll be there to meet them. ;-)

1560BC – Sailing Researched – Iron working next – could be interesting. *nods* That southern barbarian warrior acting strangely – not really doing anything.

1520BC – York has Barracks and Walls – starts on a lighthouse.

1440BC – Barbarian warrior attacks my Lion Warrior in the forest – and dies. Realise I hadn’t promoted that warrior. *shakes head* Settler built & moves West. London finishes barracks and begins lighthouse as its borders expands. Interesting – Russian Peter converts to Judaism.

Pik 5 – 1360BC – The choice of site for Nottingham (red arrow) – Ignore the advice of the computer as to city placement – and build Nottingham on desert – as it saves one wasteful tile & gets the entire lake in the city border. First build is lighthouse to take advantage. Even though this misses out on the deer – I’m planning on a southern city taking in deer and furs a bit later. Move my sentry warrior on that hill to the left in for guard duty. Research to 90% now (-1 gold per turn still – that first hut of gold was useful).

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik05.jpg]

1240BC – London is size 6 – maximum size before unhappiness kicks in – builds the lighthouse – I rearrange to maximize the hammers and head for the Pyramids – a huge 32 turns – might have to chop that grassland hill then mine it. But only after mining the copper – that free worker’s been very busy !!!

1200BC – A year that’ll go down as the luckiest ever !! One of my mines pops Gems !! Happiness – Yes Please !! Rearranging workers within the city to grow and produce more. :-) And Iron’s discovered – and in the radius of London !! Research moves to Monarchy to link those grapes into the network – as barbarians start appearing from North of Russia. I need another worker and some military might in York next. *nods*

Pik 6 – Gems !

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik06.jpg]

925BC – Iron is linked to the network. *evil grin* The barbarians north of Russian ain’t doing much (walking back and forth) – do they behave differently on this level ?? Hinduism spreads to Nottingham – that’ll keep Robin Hood in check. :-P

Again forget to rearrange workers within the city screens. :-( Pyramids now due in 19 turns.

875BC – Discover Monarchy as York builds the worker for the winery. Start on a Swordsman. Pottery – Granary (only 2 turns) – now have too much knowledge to know what to do with. *laughs* It’s at this point I start losing the strategy plot and just have fun … more wine, more wine, more wine, sing along … *hic*

825BC – No idea what to research next – so look at F6 and realise I’ve forgotten about archery – Whoooops. 3 turns to both do both Hunting and Archery isn’t bad. :-)

775BC – Learn Archery and decide on Metal Casting (Colossus). Then ANOTHER mine pops a resource – this time the other hill in London gives Iron ! WOW !!! Is that the difficulty or pure luck ?? And the winery is complete. I’m going to chop that next hill by London NOW and mine it if they keep popping resources!! *laughs* Rearrange the workers again. ;-) London will be my dynamo! :-)

675BC – Open Borders agreement with India – build first Swordsman. Finish chopping that hill forest – London has 10 turns to the Pyramids.

650BC – Confusionism (hee hee) founded elsewhere. Turns out to be India who converts next turn.

600BC – My Sword take out those stupid northern barbarians and will next explore what else is out there – I start my first cottage near London.

550BC – Open Borders agreement with Germany – something Russia won’t ever get. ;-)

Pik 7 – 500BC – The Pyramids are built (and the location of my 2nd Iron) ! Forge next. York now on it’s 3rd Sword. The bank is now starting to be positive – Another settler soon – or invade Russia ?? *laughs* And time to change civics !! Happiness here I come. :-) To representation and slavery – now that’s a combination that just doesn’t make sense – slaves can vote ?? *laughs* Oh yeah – I just saw two Axemen guarding a Russian settler – I’m leaving Russia well alone. *nods*

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik07.jpg]

425BC – Linked up Copper. Moses – Great Prophet Born. Use him for knowledge or shrine …. *ponders* Well – I’ve just learnt Writing – and go for Theology. Lets use brainpower for it *nods* so Plan B it is. Build the Hindu Shrine, The Kashi Vishwanath, in London.

400BC – I don’t give Russian Peter Open Border Agreement. ;-) and I never actually do. *hee hee*

375BC – Half a Million Souls.

325BC – Finally remember to rearrange workers within London now we’ve more happiness. York builds 3rd Sword – to Granary. Nottingham builds Lighthouse – to Granary. London Completes Forge – Great Lighthouse then Colossus. Workers are chopping to cottages for that.

275BC – Spain asks for Open Borders – agree. A sword can go exploring northwards through Spanish territory. Germany converts to Judaism also – hmmm – might have built the wrong shrine. ;-P

Pik 8 – 150BC – Christianity and the Great Lighthouse! Found Christianity in Nottingham. Three cities – all Holy cities. :-) London completes the Great Lighthouse, starts Colossus. I’ve a Settler building in York.

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik08.jpg]

25BC – Just potter along now – expanding and building. Colossus in London, Setter in York, sent North.

Pik 9 – Just look what lighthouses, lakes, the Colossus and the Financial traits can do! Worked tiles highlighted by red circles.

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik09.jpg]

125AD – Found Hasting way to the north (set to build lighthouse, the move for Financial civs) – 1 move before Spain gets there. :-) 2nd Great Prophet, Mahavira born – builds the jewish Shrine – The Temple of Solomon in York.

Pik 10 – The start of my game of intimidating Moscow. All those units on Galleys and the Work Boat are trapped without an Open Borders agreement. *winks*

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik10.jpg]

400AD – Found Canterbury south – near Deer and Fur – still in positive income – 1 more city ? ;-)

Pik 11 – The known world – 400AD.

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik11.jpg]

425AD – Yes! – another Holy City – Islam in northern Hastings – nice culture bonus. Whilst the Parthenon completes in London (Library next).

From here on there are less notes because the game’s less interesting. Onwards we progress, and not a single war is fought between me nor any of the AI. It’s a totally peaceful world. So what’s my only fun ?? I’m adding culture to London to see if I can actually culture flip Moscow! *laughs* That’s all I want from this game now. *huge grin*

Some key dates follow:

600AD – Christian Shrine in Nottingham.

1030AD – Great Merchant to Delhi = 1,300g

1040AD – Coventry founded on the little northern island (does that count as part of the New World ?? *laughs*)

Pik 12 – 1050AD – In order to facilitate New World conquest, ensure I circumnavigate the globe first. :-) Note how uneven those scores are. *smiles*

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik12.jpg]

1070AD – Taoism founded in Hastings as I explore the coastlines of the New World & plan conquests of the barbarian cities I see there.

1280AD – Great Merchant to Delhi = 1,500g

1470AD – Great Merchant to Delhi = 2,100g (subsidized research forever!)

1500AD – Taj Mahal induced Golden Age, during which I received my 1st Great Artist – who’ll be used in the New World as a land grab. :-) And a mine near Nottingham pops Silver resource. Happiness unending. ;-)

Pik 13 – 1585AD – Build Warwick in the New World, Nice road network already built – Only 2 Barbarian cities ?? what have they been doing ?

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik13.jpg]

Pik 14 – 1585AD – Culture bomb Warwick – then upgrade knights to Cavalry & attack barbarian city of Yue-Chi. Cavalry (when unsupported) die against entrenched longbows but finally capture it in 1630AD. Redcoats die against longbows at Zhou but capture it in 1660AD.

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik14.jpg]

Pik 15 – 1655AD – Meanwhile, the cultural impact of London on Moscow amuses. ;-) Down to 41%! (30% in 1818AD, 26% in 1854AD, 22% in 1896AD)

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik15.jpg]

Over the intervening years … Great Merchant = 2,500g, subsidizing the building of city after city in the New World. In order to reduce the number of cities required, I culture bomb the city of Reading in the small islands found to the north.

1854AD – London achieves Legendary Cultural status! :-)

1878AD – the first known foreign city founded on the New World – ice bound German Frankfurt.

Pik 16 – 1882AD – What happened with this cultural bomb ?? Does it need continuous land to work ?? Or do later Cultural bombs become less affective (I don’t think so as I culture bombed Richmond a 2nd time later – with no affect), or is this a glitch in the program ??? (Which allowed an Indian city to later be built where it wasn’t meant to be able to). :-(

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik16.jpg]

Pik 17 – 1908AD – Moscow is totally isolated without an Open Borders deal. *laughs* Note on the mini map the English conquest of the rest of the world. ;-)

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik17.jpg]

1912AD – Build UN, but cannot win via diplomatic without destroying the Spanish, which I finally decide to do as they’ve the numbers I need and I’m still trying to cultural flip Moscow. It doesn’t, even though it’s down to 16% & Size 3 in 1964AD. And I just cannot be bothered building the spaceship.

1957AD – Declare war on the Spanish. It doesn’t last long, Modern Armor against Spanish Riflemen.

1963AD – Spanish destroyed, along with their votes. I now have 301 votes of the 477 total, whilst only 295 are needed for …

1964AD – Diplomatic Victory! I think a change needs to be made to this victory condition to make it such that at least one other has to vote for you also! Next patch ?? ;-) *smiles*

6hrs, 51mins. Score = 11807, Game Score = 5919.

Pik 18 – My influence in the New World (the other civ’s influences are circled in red. I didn’t find out about that one group of islands until they’d already been settled, and in this peaceful world, couldn’t be bothered invading).

[Image: killara_rbciv4adv1pik18.jpg]

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  theGrimm - Adventure 1
Posted by: theGrimm - January 23rd, 2006, 00:29 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - No Replies

I hadn't intended to play a warlord game, having started civ 4 on Noble, but I had an afternoon free and thought I'd muck about and see what a Terra map was like...

Only a brief report though (sorry, no pictures).

With England, I decided to go for a cottagy opening and play off the advantage of my financial trait, so all the grassland tiles where cottaged. A scout revealed another early worker, so the necessary tiles had cottages early. I don't think I ever DID build a worker.

Early scouting also revealed Issy and Peter quite close by.

London was very strong, with lots of food, commerce or production (after iron revealed itself beneath one of my cottages), depending on which tiles I worked. (A strategy I use at all levels if possible is to OVER-improve my land, improving almost all the most useful tiles around a city. This allows a city to choose tiles depending on it's needs.)

Scouting also revealed horses NNW of my capital, and I beelined for horseback riding and a second city there. Peter had a great capital, with some nice resources.

London switched to productivity mode, and build Horse Archers. Moscow was captured, and then two more Russian cities where razed. Moscow became probably my second most productive city, with a fair amount of cottages, mines and whatnot.

After going Monarchy too hook up wine, I realized that Guilds wasn't too far off, and having already captured the Spanish capital (8 horse archers with nothing to do), I headed for knights. At which point, I also changed my strategy. The best way to claim all of the new world was to make sure there wasn't competition!

The rest of the game was just cleanup. On warlord, the AI could never produce more than three longbows per city, and I probably wasted my time on catapults. 15 knights vs 3 longbows is usually sufficient, even against a city on a hill with 60% cultural bonus. And the nice thing is, in civ 4 units aren't "healed" (in this case via a promotion) during your turn.

I think I only defeated Asoka and won by conquest in 1500AD. Could have been faster if I'd beeline for an aggressive victory.

Interestingly, a Terra map does lend itself to early conquest, what with everyone crammed into a small space at the beginning.

A brief history of time (without dates)
-England discovers horseback riding, builds horse archers.
-Peter is eradicated.
-"It's better to be lucky..." - Three horse archers take Madrid against three archers at slightly negative odds. But it takes 2 turns.
-England has 5 cities; 3 self-founded, 2 captured capitals (Moscow and Madrid). No more cities will be founded or captured.
-Guilds are founded. Knights are build/upgraded. Isabella is eradicated. All builds turn to knights or catapults.
-A single caravel heads off to find the new world for later.
-Bismarck is attacked.
-Asoka is attacked.
-Bismark is eradicated.
-Asoka is eradicated.
-Conquest victory 1500AD. My first.
-"One...more...turn...In theory" English Galleon's head off en masse to populate the New World. Er, but there's still so much space left in the Old World!

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  Adventure One - reporting is closed
Posted by: Griselda - January 22nd, 2006, 23:29 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (3)

Hello everyone,

Reporting is now closed for Adventure One!

You have until the end of Monday, your local time, to complete the game. If you do not finish it by that time, make a final save at the end of your last Monday play session, and note the date at the time of your final save (not as critical for an unscored Epic, but a good habit to get into anyway). If you want, you can continue playing until the end later, as you have the time, but that portion of the game will not be official.

One this thread's title says that reporting is open, you can post your report. Make a new thread in our reporting forum that contains your report. With a scored game, you would need to note at least the information that would be relevant to scoring your game. With an unscored game, what you include in your report is up to you.

You can post your report until the end of Tuesday, your local time, to be included in the official results. If you can't complete your report by that time, post an "executive summary" of your game by Tuesday night, then you can complete your report as you have time.

If you have any questions about the reporting process, ask them here.


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  Adventure One - reporting is closed
Posted by: Griselda - January 22nd, 2006, 23:28 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - No Replies

Hello everyone,

Adventure One reporting is now closed.

You have until the end of Monday, your local time, to complete the game. If you do not finish it by that time, make a final save at the end of your last Monday play session, and note the date at the time of your final save (not as critical for an unscored Epic, but a good habit to get into anyway). If you want, you can continue playing until the end later, as you have the time, but that portion of the game will not be official.

One this thread's title says that reporting is open, you can post your report. Make a new thread in our reporting forum that contains your report. With a scored game, you would need to note at least the information that would be relevant to scoring your game. With an unscored game, what you include in your report is up to you.

You can post your report until the end of Tuesday, your local time, to be included in the official results. If you can't complete your report by that time, post an "executive summary" of your game by Tuesday night, then you can complete your report as you have time.

If you have any questions about the reporting process, ask them here.


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  Chapter2 impression
Posted by: KingOfPain - January 21st, 2006, 01:11 - Forum: Guild Wars - Replies (19)

What do you like from what you have seen this weekend, likewise, what don't you like?


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  Creative + Organized
Posted by: Liquidated - January 20th, 2006, 22:34 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (20)

From this Gamespy interview with Soren

Quote:I didn't want that to happen for Civilization III, so I was very careful, and we didn't have people to test things to the extreme. Only when people were playing the game we knew there were some things out of balance.

That was different in Civilization IV. The civics, the unique units, the trade balance all came to be what they are through extensive testing. I remember a pre-release Civilization IV game where Aeson had got 40 or 50 great people, and I thought: “You can't have half the tech tree from great people. I need to adjust the algorithm a bit.” I suppose another good example is that there is no industrious and philosophical civilization. There are 28 trait combinations and 26 leaders, so there are two missing. One of the two is industrious-philosophical. That used to be Rome. Friedrich and a few other people, probably Aeson, made a strong case that philosophical and industrious is just too dangerous. Multiplicative math: If you're industrious then you can build more wonders, and if you can build more wonders you get more great people, which then is multiplied by your philosophical trait. They basically had proven that the Romans were too powerful.

The other one missing is Creative and Organized.

I can see the unbalanced nature of phil +indus popping out great people too fast, but the other one sort of baffles me..

Creative is +2 culture innate per town with half priced theatres and colloseums, organized is half cost civics with half priced light houses and courthouses.

I can see how those two support a culture rush but broken enough to omit those two traits appearing in the same leader?

I'm just not seeing this clearly enough to understand fully.


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