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Adventure 1: Jester's summary |
Posted by: Jester - January 23rd, 2006, 18:14 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
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Pax Brittanica
I just played this game for fun, with no particular object in mind, just to get "warmed up" for Adventure Two, which was more my cup of chocolatl.
I hogged the wonders: Stonehenge, Oracle, Pyramids, Colossus, Notre Dame, Spiral Minaret, Great Library, Taj Mahal, Versailles, Statue of Liberty, Kremlin, Broadway, Eiffel Tower, Rock 'n Roll, Hollywood, Pentagon, United Nations, Space Elevator, and Three Gorges Dam.
I spread my faith: Christianity, my primary religion, was 54% of the world's faith, and my three subordinate religions, Confucianism, Taoism and Islam, added another 8%.
I dominated the new world almost utterly: There were two foreign colonies on the islands to the north, because I got complacent and delayed colonizing them. The rest was mine, all mine, with the AI not even really being in the race (a similar experience to most peoples', I gather.)
Only three things about this game stood out for me.
One: For the first time, I used chariots as my primary early game unit. That's never happened to me before, and it's too bad that there wasn't any test of their effectiveness. Those chariots were still defending my cities in 1920.
Two: Nobody *ever* went to war. My game was 100% peaceful. Pax Brittanica indeed.
Three; Despite the outbreak of peace, I was just under 13% land area needed for a domination victory. I was 64% of the world's population. Had I realized how close I would end up, I would have pushed early expansion more, and tried for a non-violent domination victory.
The Result
Diplomatic Victory, 1920. (Really, backdoor domination, as I could vote myself the winner)
Adv1 - Xenikos's report |
Posted by: xenikos - January 23rd, 2006, 11:56 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (7)
Playing adventure one immediately after adventure two, such as I did, was more or less akin to first running a 30 mile long marathon, and then someone coming up to me and challenging me to sit on the couch and watch Arrested Development all day long. In other words, the biggest difficulty lay in keeping my diet coke restocked.
This was a good map to choose to play a Warlord game on, however, since Terra maps are interesting (just that hint of new world/old world backstory is enough to give purpose to what would otherwise be a snoozer). Like many others, I didn't do detailed reporting due to the lapse in difficulty.
Whenever I play a game that I find really easy, I tend to goof off. My goofing-off here entailed 1. just building a lot of crazy wonders I don't usually have the luxury of building and 2. not really going warlike until the end, instead just settling that other continent. After settling that continent well, and getting to robotics, I churned out a lot of mech infantry and finally went to war - first spain, then russia, then germany, then india, which I took about half of until I reached a domination victory in 1876. A few pictures:
OrthoDiablo - Adventure 1 |
Posted by: OrthoDiablo - January 23rd, 2006, 09:42 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (3)
Hello everyone!
I didn't played many games so far, and Adventure 1 was my third game, just after I grasped civ concepts well enough. My report is a bit short and I plan to improve it next time.
Appreciate any commets and/or suggestions.
Adventure 1 - Zed's Shadow |
Posted by: Zed-F - January 23rd, 2006, 06:32 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (5)
Adventure 1. My first game of Civ 4! (Well, not counting the 10 turns I took in Arathorn's Always War Prince SG.)
Sorry, but this report is not going to be the best it could be. While I did take a turn log, I didn't do it in such a fashion as to be easy to make an intelligible full-game report out of it. I also neglected to take many screenshots. Hopefully I'll be able to improve on this for the next game.
4000 BC: Seeing as I'm not playing a civ whose strong point is snagging an early religion, I won't bother to attempt to. I would like to get Stonehenge but I don't start with Mysticism or near Stone, and I'm not Industrious. We get 108 gold from a hut. We already have a worker! Ah, I see he popped from a hut. I am tempted to research Bronze Working so I can chop a second worker, or I can research Hunting to get some scouts going, or I can research Agriculture for the wheat. I decide that a second worker can wait until I have some scouting units built. So, Hunting or Agriculture? I decide to use the slower but more durable warrior for scouting and go for Agriculture.
3960 BC: Well that was quick. We meet Isabella. And I see orange borders to our east. We seem to be a bit cramped here...
3800 BC: Our borders expand, and we meet Peter of Russia.
3760 BC: Our westward-exploring warrior meets Frederick of the Germans, and we see a hut we can pop.
3720 BC: We learn Agriculture. Since we just completed a road to our wheat, I start a farm. We start research on Animal Husbandry. I want to get to this tech quickly so I swap London to working the lakes. We get Hunting from the hut... not the best tech to get, but a tech is a tech! And it makes Animal Husbandry cheaper.
3680 BC: Buddhism founded in a distant land. We grow to size 2, whoopee! Still working the lakes.
3520 BC: Animal Husbandry comes in, we start Bronze Working. Worker completes farm, starts pasture for the pigs. I spot horses nearby.
3480 BC: We complete our first warrior, start another.
3400 BC: Our westward-exploring warrior meets Asoka.
3320 BC: Hinduism FIADL.
3240 BC: Build warrior, start another. Since I have 6 happy available in London, and tons of bonus food available, I'd like to grow nice and large before popping out some more settlers & workers.
3160 BC: Discover Bronze Working. I see a source of copper south of Isabella's territory. What to research next? London is at max happy at size 5. Still I think I want Pottery first, then I'll start looking for religion techs, heading for Monarchy.
3080 BC: London completes Warrior, starts Settler. Since it will only take 1 turn longer building the settler while working the lake rather than the forests, that's what I do. My worker starts heading for a forest I want to chop at a nearby city site to claim horses and wines. On the other hand, getting copper could be important too.
3000 BC: Discover Pottery. Start Mysticism. Get 35 gold from a camp to the north of Peter's territory which I'm surprised has not been popped yet.
2920 BC: Discover sheep and game near the copper, to the south. Possibly a prime spot down here depsite all the tundra. Of course there is also a lion nearby... but our warrior is in a forest, so should be safe.
2880 BC: Warrior kills lion, we learn Mysticism. Polytheism, then Priesthood, I'm thinking. I guess I could go for Judaism, but... probably not worthwhile.
2800 BC: We complete a settler with the help of a chop, start a worker.
2760 BC: York founded, starts granary.
2720 BC: Discover Polytheism, start Priesthood.
2600 BC: Learn Priesthood, start Monarchy.
2520 BC: Build worker, start warrior.
2400 BC: York completes granary, starts the Oracle. London completes warrior, grows to 6, starts settler.
2160 BC: Learn Monarchy, start Sailing.
2040 BC: Learn Sailing, start Masonry.
2000 BC: London completes settler, starts Granary. I plan to use this settler to grab the copper. There are a couple places I could put the city... the game recommends on the desert next to the two lakes, or further south on the ocean. I think the latter will work better, as I want to be able to build a lighthouse and I think you need to be on the ocean to be able to do that.
1960 BC: Learn Masonry, start Writing.
1920 BC: Found Nottingham, start Obelisk. We connect up wine.
1840 BC: Research Writing, start Mathematics. Construct a granary in London, start a worker, planning on a barracks next.
1800 BC: We complete the Oracle in York, choose Feudalism as our free tech, and enter the Medieval era. Revolution! We swap to Hereditary Rule, Vasselage, and Serfdom. York starts on a galley for exploring, planning on a barracks next.
1680 BC: Asoka asks for Open Borders... it ain't happening.
1600 BC: Frederick asks for Open Borders... still ain't happening.
1560 BC: Complete worker in London and galley in York, start barracks in both. Nottingham completes Obelisk with help from a chop, starts granary.
1520 BC: Discover Mathematics, start Currency. Spot some barbarian warriors south of London and east of Nottingham.
1480 BC: Our exploring galley discovers an island to the north and drops off some warriors to explore it.
1440 BC: Judaism is FIADL.
1360 BC: York completes Barracks, starts Lighthouse... we are still waiting for copper to get hooked up. Discover that what we thought was an island is probably a peninsula, since Isabella has a warrior back here in what appears to be her back yard.
1280 BC: Barracks completes in London. I realize I need more happiness in both London and York and order up a warrior apiece. Copper due soon, just need a border expansion at Nottingham so I can build a mine...
1160 BC: We get a border expansion at Nottingham so I can finally build a copper mine. We also get a notice that we are at a half-million people. I've been waiting in Vasselage for a while now to get the resource I was waiting for, I'm thinking I should have gone with a horse archer attack rather than an axeman one, since I had horses more readily available. Oh well...
1040 BC: Discover Currency, start Code of Laws. My copper mine finally completes, I start Axemen in York and London.
875 BC: We are the first to discover Code of Laws and found Confuscianism in York. We start Alphabet next.
825 BC: Nottingham completes Lighthouse, starts... hmm. Stonehenge, because I can? It costs the same as a Courthouse, which is the other thing I would consider building. Meanwhile in other news, I declare war on Peter of Russia; I have been eyeing his lands for a while now. First action is to capture a worker. I have 4 Axemen in his territory now, with a fifth just arriving and two more due shortly. I think that should be enough.
800 BC: York completes Axe, starts Great Lighthouse. London completes Axe, starts Spearman (who was a partial warrior before.)
725 BC: We capture Moscow, at the cost of a couple Axemen. I decide I will need some more troops after all, so I swap London back to Axes.
700 BC: Research Alphabet, start Metal Casting. Trade Agriculture to Isabella for Archery, Pottery to Asoka for Meditation, and Monarchy to Frederick for Iron Working.
675 BC: Destroy Novogrod. Complete another axeman in London, back to a Confucian Temple.
650 BC: Hinduism has spread in Nottingham.
625 BC: Moscow comes out of resistance. It has no buildings, but there is a bonus food hooked up. It starts a granary.
575 BC: London completes a Confucian Temple, and starts a Monastery. We capture St. Petersburg, and eleminate Peter of Russia.
475 BC: Resistance in St. Petersburg ends, starts on Granary. We finish Stonehenge in Nottingham, start a Hindu Monastery.
450 BC: We complete the Great Lighthouse in York, and start a Forge.
425 BC: We learn Monotheism and start on Civil Service.
400 BC: Moscow completes Granary, starts Lighthouse.
350 BC: Moses is born in York, and makes the Confucian shrine.
325 BC: Asoka wants Metal Casting as a free gift... nah. I do some some deals to get gold from the AIs for backwards techs instead.
300 BC: Confucianism spreads in Moscow. London builds a forge, starts Colossus.
250 BC: Forge completes in York, starts on a settler.
200 BC: St. Petersburg completes lighthouse, starts forge. Moscow completes lighthouse, starts work boat. Research Civil Service, start Literature. Revolt to Bureaucracy, Slavery, and Organized Religion.
150 BC: Nottingham completes forge, starts settler. Research Literature, start Compass.
125 BC: Barb village Minoan finally grows to 2, I send in the Axemen. We capture the city on the first attack. One less settler to build...
100 BC: London builds the Colossus, starts Library. York builds settler, starts another. Moscow builds work boat, starts settler.
50 BC: Compass completes, start on Machinery. Frederick converts to Confucianism... despite my not having sent any missionaries there yet. I decide to convert to Confucianism as well. (Should have done so earlier...)
1 AD: London build Library, starts Aqueduct.
25 AD: Isabella wants Monarchy as a gift... I agree, as I don't want to go to war just now. Nottingham builds settler, starts Hindu Temple.
50 AD: York builds settler, starts another. Found Canterbury to claim furs.
75 AD: London completes Aqueduct, starts Hanging Gardens.
100 AD: Learn Machinery, start Optics. Moscow builds a settler, starts another. We're now 2 million people. Found Coventry, which starts a lighthouse.
125 AD: Warwick founded to get silver, starts lighthouse.
175 AD: York builds settler, starts Confucian temple. Since I am about to settle the last spots in my back lands, I open borders with Asoka and Frederick. Isabella won't comply due to religious differences.
200 AD: Discover Optics, start Music. Nottingham completes Hindu Temple, starts Harbour. Found Newcastle, which starts a lighthouse.
225 AD: London builds the Hanging Gardens, starts harbour, then Confucian Missionary, the Great Library.
250 AD: Moscow buils settler, starts worker. Asoka has built the Pyramids and adopted Universal Suffrage.
275 AD: We learn Music, start Theology. Homer, the great artist, is born. Nottingham finishes harbour, starts Caravel. St Petersburg completes forge, starts Harbour. Oxford founded, starts Granary.
325 AD: Christianity founded in St. Petersburg. We research Paper next.
350 AD: Moscow builds worker, starts another. St Petersburg builds harbour, starts Courthouse.
375 AD: Nottingham builds Caravel, starts Confucian Temple.
400 AD: Learn Paper, start Printing Press.
520 AD: Construct Great Library in London, start work on Notre Dame. Moscow builds harbour, starts forge.
540 AD: Multiple things completing every turn now, too much of a pain to take note. We are up to 5 million population and are nearly triple Frederick's score. Imhotep is born in London and builds the Parthenon because I can.
560 AD: We complete Parthenon and learn Printing Press. Next up is Philosophy, then Nationalism. Land ho! We have discovered a new world with our Caravel.
580 AD: Our explorers pop a hut, gaining 54 gold.
620 AD: We discover Philosophy and found Taoism in Newcastle.
740 AD: Discover Nationalism. Heron is born in Madrid. He will rush the Taj Mahal after I finish Notre Dame next turn. I trade the Germans wine for silks, and Code of Laws for Construction.
780 AD: Complete the Taj Mahal...
800 AD: I am soooo far out in front of the AIs it's not funny. Tedium is beginning to set in as the game was won long ago. I haven't bothered to build any military out of sheer laziness and out of knowing the AIs will never attack. Obviously warlord is much too easy.
At this point I decide that I really don't want to bother finishing up here; the game was over the moment I decided to invade Peter. It's just a matter of clicking next turn several dozen times while I settle the new world, unopposed. Rather dull, all things considered. I don't really feel I learned a lot this game; the backpressure from the AI wasn't sufficient to punish any weedy moves I might have made. (Actually, the backpressure was pretty much non-existent.) I do have an idea that the amount of troops I brought to the war against Russia was not sufficient for games on higher difficulties, and that if an early rush is in the cards, it might be better to tailor the unit I choose to send to the resources I have most readily available. I also got the idea that going for Feudalism with the Oracle tech was a nice gambit that probably wouldn't be available in a more competitive game, seeing as I needed to research the relatively expensive Monarchy (and a few other techs) first. Metal Casting is probably, in general, a better bet. I also got to see just how strong a Financial civ can be.
Adventure 1 Ziggy's Report |
Posted by: Ziggy - January 23rd, 2006, 04:38 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports
- Replies (7)
From the diaries of Her Royal Highness Victoria I Queen of the English , Defender of the Hamptons , Empress of Saxony and Apache and Regent of the Indias
Chapter I The Plan
In the darkest ages of prehistory a new tribe forms. Led by a woman known as Elizabeth and armed with the skills of gathering food from the waters and metals from the land the story of these people begins with the founding on the shores of a great sea a permanent camp known as London. Within the first season small boats are put out to gather food and pretty shells, and laborers work tho lay paths towards the areas set out for the growing of crops and the raising of swine. Victoria looked out upon the growing camp from her crude tent and it pleased her. She then called upon her wisest seers and asked them what they forsaw for the English.
The first one told her of a vision he had had, of farmers tilling the land in huge fields of wheat and raising huge pastures of animals and of other English camps spread to the 4 winds farming and mining their own land but still loyal to England. Victoria nodded and said this was a good vision.
The second wise man then told of his vision, a vision of a land far across the great sea. A land filled with strange creatures and plants and even stranger people. Vicroria asked him how it was possible to cross the seas in the small rafts her people used to gather the fish and the seer replied that they must build bigger ones. Victoria nodded again and said this also was a good vision. The English now had a destiny, to seek out, explore and dominate a new world.
Victoria then ordered that warriors be trained and sent out to explore this land, for before the new world can be found the old one must be explored. A small squad of men left that day to the west and soon found a smaller camp. the natives were in awe of the Englishmen and treated them as gods, showering them with precious stones and other gifts.
With the founding of a new empire it is the duty of every regent to take stock of their situation and develop a plan. We start with the knowledge of fishing and mining, this means we can work the water right away. we also get an extra coin on spots that produce 2 or more, like water, a good combo. Our cities have extra health and we build granaries, harbors and banks faster. We also seem to mysteriously have knowledge of the wheel so early roads are allowed. As a final note we start with a worker as well so he will have something to do right from the start.
London can pump food out for ages, It has pigs and a wheat in range, however , if we work the coast we get 2 food and 3 $ which gives us 12 science, a good start. We start researching on agriculture with the plan to go to animal husbandry to make use of our nearest resources. Our goals are to A) hook up our resources B) get to sailing for a boat and C) build some settlers. Our first project is another warrior for exploration.The worker starts off by hooking up the resources with roads and the warrior starts off by popping the hut for 108 gold.
Chapter II First Contacts
Victoria's warriors wandered the shores of the lake for many days. Eventually they came across another band much like themselves. The 2 bands camped for the evening and shared bread and fish. This new band called themselves 'Spanish' and told stories of their leader Isabella and of their great city Madrid which lay just to the north.That night the leader of the English band had a dream. He dreamed of a strange world but somehow the same as this one. There were English in this world and Spanish as well. Also in the dream world there was a new land and the leader saw the English and Spanish fight long and terrible wars over it. In the end the 2 tribes had to settle for splitting the new land in half. When the leader awoke he knew it was a sign. he knew that mighty Victoria would never settle for half an empire and so he quietly roused his men and snuck out of camp towards the unsuspecting Madrid. The city lay wide open to them when they arrived at dawn. No warriors to defend it or walls to hold them off. With the fore-knowledge of his dream urging him on the leader ordered his men to descend upon the city and raze it to the ground.The fires burned long into the night and the people called 'Spanish' vanished into the ashes of history forever, At least in this world. Even the band of Spanish warriors was never seen again.
The ruins still stand to this day as a testament to Englands might.
Victoria heard of this and smiled, she too had had the dreams. In the camp of London things progressed. Our fishermen explored deeper seas and met up with other fishermen of a tribe called Russia from the other side of the sea. Her farmers tame the pigs and cultivated the wheat.
Her travelling band sends word back of another tribe far to the west called India as well as another smaller one that again showered them with gifts. They also tell of uncountable resources in the lands of the Spanish. They are forced to return home however when it turns out the Indians consort with wild animals. The dawn of Victoria's first millenium of rule has her fishermen experimenting with bigger boats and taming the wild animals known as horses. A splinter group heads off to the north to found a new camp with her blessing with another group packing up to go south into the unknown.
The rumors of a great Indian wise man called The Buddha do not Interest her in the slightest for all is going according to her plans.
The westward exploring warrior meets Spain in 3960BC just across the lake to the northwest
I can see Madrid's outline and know it can't have expanded yet and her warrior is outside the city.
I move closer and get to the border. Madrid is 2 spaces away. If i was to move next to Madrid, and IF her warrior died attacking me and IF she only has the one, then bye bye Spain. I decide to go for it and in 3900 I inform her that her head would look good on a pole and move into Spain. Madrid is indeed empty! The warrior, for reasons known only to itself, moves instead of attacking me?! In 3880BC my mighty warrior runs into Madrid and auto razes it to the ground. Scratch one AI from the gene pool.
Meanwhile London expands and I touch borders with Russia to the east but across the sea.
Spanish lands are full of resources and after popping another hut for 45g I then meet up with an Indian warrior and his pet panther to the west. My warrior runs away and the panther chases off after the Indian.
We discover agriculture and i connect the wheat and London grows to size 2 in 3520BC
In 3480 we discover Animal Husbandry and go for Sailing. We have horses and wine to the north.
India founds Buddhism this year as well, I never considered an early religion and it looks like it was a good call.
In 3440 a second warrior heads out to the north and we start a settler.
3320 sees the pigs hooked up and Sailing quickly follows in 3200. the worker moves north to hook up the horses.
in 3000 bc the 1st settler finishes and a second one is started. I want one for the north and one for the south which I am just starting to explore.It is at this point I realize all 3 of my early goals are completed.
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