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  Adventure 2 - killara
Posted by: killara - January 16th, 2006, 01:59 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (4)

The Deep Frozen Aztecs (a loss, but not a death ;-))

Adventure 2 reports before Adventure 1 ? Confusing. *nods*.

Pre-game thoughts, as this is where all the differences in games will probably originate. Tent City has already been founded, on a lake but not on the ocean – I didn’t realise this until way too late. :-( So using water tiles is probably a good strategy whilst the place will be swarming with barbarians.

As this WILL be a horrible game – at a difficulty never played before – and with one of Aztec’s starting technologies being Hunting then Archers are the way to go and only later will Spearmen be used.

The problem is Mysticism – is there ANY chance of snagging an early religion ??

OK – let’s start what’ll probably be a short game. But it’ll be a War game played by a builder. *grins* [Edit: I should have stuck to that plan! I am way too passive. *sighs*]

4000BC – Change first build to Barracks (due 10) Research to archery (due 8 ). The Defense Gambit ™. With that mountain guarding one approach, we only need to defend Westward, but it also limits our exploration. So less need to build Scouts – more for early defense.

3290BC – Pop 1st hut – get a scout !! – Barracks definitely the correct choice! ;-)

[Image: killara_rbc4a2pik1.jpg]

We’re at the TOP of the World – with a single access only – very defensible & explains the blackness above us. *laughs*. Revise plan for Science – need sailing now. *nods*

3760BC – Pop 2nd hut – get another scout !! Gold would have been nicer. Least I get to explore early. :-)

[Image: killara_rbc4a2pik2.jpg]

3680BC – Learn archery – notice no Religion has gone – wonder who my rivals are this late into the game. Forgot – Dumb. Greek, English, Malinese, Arabian, Roman, all size 2 except Rome – must be a horror site. Good. :-) Oh – I’m size 1 also & not even on the board. :-( Try for Hinduism anyway.

3600BC – Pop 2 more huts. :-) Mining and a Map. Nice. (The Mining makes up for trying to learn Polytheism).

3480BC – Meet Roman Caesar – 1 set of scouts dodge a bear, another land by some wolves, but win.

3200BC – Found Hinduism! *dances* Build Archer – start on another. Research Bronze. Defensive Gambit – remember? ;-)

2960BC – 2nd Archer … Worker – I need a worker … all else can wait. Rome has some beautiful Southern lands too. *envy*

2800BC – Meet the Malinese – and I’m now in way behind 3rd place. Was to be expected. Will I be able to dig my way out of last place ??

2720BC – Rome has a 2nd CITY ?????? Crap.

2600BC – Bronze Working – revolt to Slavery – 0 turns Anarchy – Ohhh yeah – Nice. Go for Meditation. *laughs* No Bronze nearby at all. Horrible. Archers it will have to be.

2200BC – Meditation – Oh – It must have already been discovered. :-( Roads next. Help move the Settler out when it finally gets built. Ha ha ha.

1840BC – Only one Scout left of my 3 originals. Barbarian cities have appeared. Get Wheels. Iron Working is needed. Swords & Jags please. :-) Meet the English Victoria who’s almost double my score and way in front of everyone else. Already!

1760BC – Barbarian city – Hmmmmm ….. maybe I should use their cities instead of building Settlers ??? They always do seem to place them nicely. ;-) New Plan. Swords – Oh … I’ll need Iron first. Oooops. LOL. *waits* Only 23 more turns! Yuk. So slow.

1720BC – WHAT ??? Rome has 3 cities ????? *Sighs*

1760BC – Barbarian city needs to be neutralized – archer will distract on forest hill (as arrowed). ;-)

[Image: killara_rbc4a2pik3.jpg]

1560BC – Meet China. Now way way behind in 5th place.

1480BC – Stonehenge – whilst I was waiting for Iron Working. Well – I’ve a religion and Great Prophets could be fun. Archer next. Barbarians in distant parts are guarding huts. Can’t do anything with a Scout. :-P

[Image: killara_rbc4a2pik4.jpg]

1200BC – All my Scouts are now dead. A Sad day indeed as I won’t be exploring the world anymore. Until I conquer it. *hee hee* [Edit: yeah – ha ha indeed]

1080BC – Open borders deal with England, then others. Build Monastery, start on Settler, who’ll arrive two turns after Ironworking, so deciding where I build.

875BC. Iron Working arrives. Ohhh CRAP!!!!. The barbarian city has it. *Swears violently* Before I panic and think about resigning … I wonder what the Jaguar can do … can I use the Copper way away south and build down there? What’s that?? Jaguars don’t need Iron to Build ?? Really??? Cool. Ahhh … that’s OK then. Time for WAR.

825BC – City 2 – built to take advantage of the lake – but I haven’t been doing that have I ?? Hmmmm – too many choices. :-(

700BC – learn Masonry, Fishing next. After that Sailing. And Animal Husbandry as I build up Jaguars to attack that Barbarian city.

225BC – These Jaguars are draining the treasury. Balance in all things I see. Hmmmmm. Down to 60% research now as I popped no gold earlier. :-\

75BC – Great Prophet, build Hindu Shrine. Research now breaking even at 70% - Well – I do only have 2 cities. Maybe I should spread a religion ?? :-)

50AD – Notice the barbarian city with 4 Archers is now WALLED & at 50% Defense. I’ve surrounded it with 5 Jaguars and 3 Archers. Order the Attack!!! I capture it. but lose 4 Jags in the process. *Phew* Oh, but research can go back up with less troops to support. *laughs*

[Image: killara_rbc4a2pik5.jpg]

150AD – Build 3rd City (so it’s my 4th) for the Silver Resource.

450AD – First Hindu Missionary arrives in Rome. We both convert to Hinduism. China was already there. Friends I now have. Big powerful friends. :-)

500AD – Finally Meet Greek Alexander. He is so far ahead of everyone it’s not funny. Hmmmm … Game plan now to survive to watch someone Launch the Spaceship ?? *laughs*

660AD – Half a Million Souls

860AD – City 5 built – ensuring no border conflict with Rome. :-)

1120AD – Realise I’m now so far behind in Technology, even with tech trading, that it’s only a matter of time before advanced troops wipe me out. No idea what else to do. Hmmmmm. It will be interesting to see what everyone else did. *nods*

[Image: killara_rbc4a2pik6.jpg]

1140AD – 1 million Souls & then found a fishing village just south of the Capital.

1400AD – Captured an Eastern barbarian city with Jaguars – no losses. :-)

Unfortunately there was a glitch with the ‘print screen’ function and no more piks are available, but it’s all downhill from here anyway. :-(

1450AD – Build another Eastern town, pop a hut guarded by Archer & get Compass. Saladin’s obviously used a Great Artist on a captured barbarian town in the East taking most of the available remaining land. *sighs*

1510AD – 2 million souls – still way last in the rankings.

1806AD – Complete the Colossus. *smiles*

1814AD – learnt Gunpowder … clicked on the tech for the UN – it’s 10 techs away – I think the UN is my only way to win … I’ve two friends China & Rome – who are No. 2 & 3 in the world – my opponent England will be No. 1. It is do-able. *hopefully* Even if I am currently 7 techs behind the other civs. *LOL*

I need – in order:
Calendar (1)
Optics (3 )
Astronomy (11)
Paper (3 )
Printing Press (9)
Scientific Method (14)
Physics (24)
Electricity (29)
Radio (39)
Mass Media (23 )

Time to seriously trade, starting with the lowest in score (why give advantage to those already ahead?):

Saladin: Can’t trade
Alex: Paper/Calendar/Optics/220g = Military Tradition
Mansa Musa: Won’t trade tech even though they look available
My Friend Julius Caesar: Coal + 8g/turn = Silver – Won’t trade tech
My Friend Mao: 3g/turn = Marble – Won’t trade tech
Victoria: 14g/turn = Deer – Can’t trade tech

Now I can research at 100% & a 12g/turn surplus. Nice trading. Hinduism is the widest spread of the religions at 35%.

Now the tech need is:
Astronomy (11)
Printing Press (9)
Scientific Method (14)
Physics (24)
Electricity (29)
Radio (39)
Mass Media (21)

Back to the game.

1834AD – After Learning Astronomy Alex swaps Printing Press + 500g for it. I slide into 2nd last place for the first time ever – above Saladin. *grin* But more work to be done as we’re both way way behind. *nods* Visit the others but none need Astron – Hmmm … Alex has either already traded it around or they knew it ??

1856AD – Scientific Method – trading time again. Nothing doing – AND they all seem to have Physics. Yuk. Plod on I shall.

1864AD – Find out why Saladin is doing so badly, Alex is wiping him out with VERY advanced troops. And Mao completes Broadway. :-( Well – I might vote Mao in and claim a Hindu block win. Ha ha ha … Yuk.

1878AD – As I slip back to last place again Caesar offers Physics (with 6 turns to learn) as I’m so backwards. I accept. But Mao ends his gold for my Furs and I go into negative gold per turn at 100% – not critical yet, but it will need to be watched. The lack of cottages in this game has definitely hurt me.

1908AD – Mao builds Eiffel Tower … he’s obviously one step closer to the UN.

1912AD – Electricity. 25 turns to Radio. So I’m 25 turns plus the time it took Mao to build Eiffel behind. *laughs* but thankfully I’ve had a peaceful game … good neighbours make good walls. ;-)

1918AD – Victoria (score leader) completes Apollo Program.

1920AD – Munsa builds a SS Casing. *Oh* Whilst Saladin gets swarmed over by Tanks and Gunships. Thank goodness it’s not me. I’d last only a few turns!!! *gulp*

1937AD – Radio, Mass Media in 13 turns … knowing Hollywood was completed last turn. So the UN is due any moment now, but only England has it. Will they build the UN ??? That’s the deciding question. Saladin is destroyed and his land shared between Alex and Mao. I will no longer come last in this game. *cheers* Then a Great merchant appears from the Colossus. Send him off on a trip.

1947AD – With mass media due in 2 the UN election for Sec General appears. Victoria or Caesar – Hmmmm not Mao who’s points leader. Caesar, my Hindu brother it is. Ahhh – then the UN announcement appears – built by Victoria. *laughs* All the while SS Thrusters are being built by everyone. & Caesar ROMPS it in for UN leader. *lol*

1952AD – 1st UN resolution – Free Religion – vote No. I like being able to spy on the AI. ;-) It just succeeds – 3 civs vote yes, 3 no. I wonder if that was done to get a better UN vote for a win???? (by taking away negative religion influences ??) *ponders* [Edit: I don’t think it was by what happens next – shame]

1956AD – 2nd UN resolution – unanimous vote for Emancipation, probably as I was the only one who didn’t have it – Errr… were my people sad?? I didn’t notice. *shakes head* Looks like it’ll be a Space Ship loss ?? :-P

1960AD – Nukes banned.

1964AD – Caesar voted in again.

1968AD – Open markets passed.

1972AD – Universal Suffrage fails. I voted No.

1976AD – Universal Suffrage fails. I voted Yes. Please put me out of my misery.

1979AD – Space Race Loss to Mao. Finally! *grins* 5hrs 16mins, Score 2680, Game Score 1916.

[Image: killara_rbc4a2pik7.jpg]

Yes – not aggressive at all, but when was the right time ?? Should I have headed straight for Iron Working and swarmed my opponents ???? Not enough cottages, but where could they have been built ??? However, great use of religion for both income and to make some good friends. Not great use of the lakes and other water tiles. I didn’t trade well enough, nor try to get other civs to fight amongst themselves. At this difficulty it looks like you need to stir every single ingredient into the pot to get success.

Hope you all had better cooking than I.

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  Adventure 2: A Firestarter in Azteskimoland
Posted by: Kylearan - January 16th, 2006, 01:46 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (11)


you can find my report for Adventure 2 here.


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  Adventure 2 - theGrimm
Posted by: theGrimm - January 16th, 2006, 00:24 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (8)

Embarking on this adventure, allow me to say I’ve never played Monarch difficulty. And I usually restart when I get an opening position like this. Cheesy, I know. Cowardly, perhaps. But there you have it. Honesty is the best policy.
Also, forgive the gaps in my reporting, as I haven’t written many reports yet, and still haven’t perfected the habit of recording my actions.
And for some reason, a lot of screenshots didn’t come out. For example, none of my diplomacy screen screenshots appeared, and I was relying on them to reconstruct key events. If anyone can point me in the right direction for future reports…
Anyway, moving on.

There is only ONE logical thing to build with a starting position like this and the hunting tech; a worker. With only one available food until fishing, this baby ain’t gonna grow. But a camp will provide 2 extra food, and there are three deer. One of which I can’t get to yet.

Okay, I guess some people may have decided to build a warrior off the bat, and maybe gone with fishing. But the fishing route will provide less food and less production in the long term. But more commerce. Hmmm.

Research set to Mysticism; some extra happiness would be awesome. Plus, being religious…maybe found a religion? Meanwhile the scouts go off exploring. Ouch, no yummy land to be seen. We do pop Animal Husbandry, which is an expensive tech (relatively speaking), but not too useful at the moment. If ever.

3600BC sees Buddhism founded in Tenochtitlan. All hail Quetzecoatl. Research goes Mysticism->Archery->The Wheel->Fishing->Sailing, while building goes Worker->Barracks->Archer->Archer->Settler
I gambled a little bit on the opening barracks, but if anything serious had attacked me it would have been my head anyway. Besides, I only expected animals for a bit. Research into sailing was prompted by two things…the need for a lighthouse, and the need for a galley. There wasn’t much settling land near Tenoc, but maybe across the sea.
I also did not switch to Buddhism, because, despite the desire for a happy face, I cannot afford a religious war.

“Who moved my city?”
BUT CURSES, Tenoc was founded on a lake, and can’t build boats OR a lighthouse. Well, boats, yes, but they can’t go anywhere. Where’s Monty so I can smack him for founding on such a stupid site! Oh, I’m Monty. Mind you, in hindsight, it probably WAS the best site.

Anyway, city two, Teoticauhan, goes up on the hill three squares west of Tenoc, and starts a lighthouse. Tenoc->Stonehenge. I’ve got the holy city, bring on the shrine.

[Image: thegrimm_adv2earlydays.jpg]

1400BC Stonehenge completes. Archer->Settler in Tenoc. Meanwhile, Teo completes lighthouse, starts galley. There’s a nice site south of Teo with access to two fishies.

My research path goes Writing->Alphabet->Metal Casting, as I figure I can trade the techs the AI is often slow to reach for others I don’t have time to research. Plus, I need to improve trade relations.

Somewhere near 750BC, Teo: goes Galley->workboat.

“Monty the friendly dwarf”
I’ve suffered in previous Prince games due to my Noble difficulty mindset of “it’s okay if everyone hates me, ‘cos I can kill em all”, so I intend in this game to ensure my survival with good relations with the big boys.

I do some diplo scouting, and discover that Vicki, Caeser, Munsa and Saladin seem opposed to Alex and Mao, so I trade open borders with the Vicki crowd. I also make whatever other tech trades I can with the same bunch, not all of them beneficial to me. I need allies. Please don’t stomp me…

Tlat is founded south of Teo to grab two fishies, and starts lighthouse->library (it’s not a very productive area, but it can support some specialists)

“Don’t follow the white rabbit, Alice!”
Too late. Sadly, I got caught up in a little bit of wonderland. I had presumed that other civs were not too likely to have ocean side cities, and that I therefore had a good chance at Colossus and Lighthouse. Thus, at the cost of my military (at the time it didn’t even cross my mind that my five archer defence would be a tasty treat, and relied too much on my diplomacy), I started wasting resources on the great lighthouse at Teo.

Somewhere around there, I also produce another Settler and archer, and headed off to found a new city. Not a particularly productive area, but grabbing prime land is only going to make me a target. Besides, we Aztecimos like the cold, hard terrain. Grass, sheep and such is for other wussie civs!

I also built a Shrine.

But in 50 BC, Caeser declares war, despite my diplomatic sucking up (he was around + 3 at that stage). I had a little bit of advanced warning thanks to an archer perched on a hill, which game me enough time to rush an archer in Teo and a Jag in Tenoc, but it’s wasn’t enough. I should perhaps have rushed another archer in Teo, but I didn’t and the jag didn’t get there in time.

Actually, I made too many weedy moves to even remember them all, and if I hadn’t panicked at Caesers declaration, I might have done far better. I wasted a jag attacking a horse archer in the open. I didn’t rush an extra archer at Teo, whioch would have been quite unhappy but possibly alive.

Another annoying bit of weed, and one I fall for every time. For some reason, if I [ALT]-Queue a unit while something else is being built, the city builds ONE unit, and then switches back to the original building. Weedily, I often miss that, which is why Teo spend a turn building the great lighthouse and Tenoc a forge in the face of Caesers hordes!!!

Teo fights valiantly for 100 years, but is RAZED by Julius in 50AD.

“You call yourself a Preatorian? Eat Jaguar Steel”
I’ve seen MANY people complain the Praetorian is too powerful, and the Jaguar too weak. Okay, both have been tweaked since earlier patches, but this game certainly provides some anecdotal evidence that the competition is fair. Monty vs Caeser, Praetorian vs Jaguar.

Caesars first wave, badly injured by the attack on Teo, pillaged somewhat and then died, mostly attacking Tenoc. Uh, which still didn’t have walls. And which never got built for some time! Weedy.

Between waves, I built a worker (to recamp), a forge (to speed up production), archers with hill defence (to try and protect my improvements), and jags for city defence. (I say waves, because Caeser refused peace for a long time.)

In at least 5 attacks by Praetorians on Tenoc, my jags never lost a fight. Mostly the Jags were promoted with Shock, but they faced some nasty praets, including a couple with City Attack 2. Also, numerous horse archers, chariots, archers and spearmen, in stacks of between 1 and 6. My other two lake cities provided some archers to try and regain my chokepoint, but were usually cut down.

To add insult to injury, Mao jumped on the bandwagon twice to declare war on me, though fortunately never bothered to send troops, otherwise it would have been curtains. And usually accepted peace quite quickly for free or some minor trinket. Moa was never too friendly with me, as I kept refusing his demands (to stay buddies with the Vikki crowd, including Julius (sic)).

To add further insult to injury, my carefully fostered diplomatic allies felt no pressing need to assist me. But they had no qualms about squishing me some more.

Monty: “Howzit, Munsa. How’s things?”
Munsa: “Hey, life’s good? You?”
Monty: ”Pretty bad. Caesar is ripping up my lands and threatening to tear up Tenoc.”
Munsa: “Yeah, life’s hard sometimes.”
Monty: “You wouldn’t perhaps be willing to distract Caeser, say, for music and drama? For old times sake?”
Munsa: “Uh, no, sorry, old chap. I’m a little busy with the rose gardens at the moment. But it’d be cool if you’d pass drama up along this way. You know, in the spirit of friendship…”
Monty: “Sigh. Okay, sure. Hey, Vicki…”
Vicki: “Go away.”

[Image: thegrimm_adv2caesersucks.jpg]

Now, you’ll recall I’d been researching those less-than-popular techs all along, and finally Caesar was willing to accept Music and Drama in exchange for peace. (Three turns away from a 12 unit odd assult on Tenoc, phew).
I think he smelt blood after Teo, and refused every attempt at a peaceful resolution for 1000 years.

Tenoc immediately switched to settler, as I wanted to move my defensive front forward to the chokepoint hill, protecting my “productive lands”, while research goes to Construction for catapults.

Huh? A turn or two into peace, Caeser merrily asks for open borders again? Well, I grant it. He doesn’t bother using it, though, and starts marching his troops back home, while I struggle to erect a more effective defensive front. The relationship is back to +3. This eight turns after he told me to take my punishment like a man?

Sadly, I got too excited during those wars to document it any better, and I missed a couple of crucial screenshots. Sorry.

Life continues happily on for the Azteczimos. Gaining some religious allies didn’t ever really pan out; although I eventually got Caeser to switch to Buddhism, but many of my other allies where Jewish, so I wasn’t prepared to risk losing them over Caeser as a dubious ally. Nor did I ever switch to Buddhism myself.

“Diplomatic la-di-da”
The next few hundred years or so were quite peaceful. Although most of my cities had cardboard archers on defence duty, the AI seemed to recognize that all of the cities they could reach (namely Texcoco and Tlaxcala), where “well” defended, and unless an AI founded a city on my lake, couldn’t build ships to attack my other three cities. I had founded Calixblahblah one square SE of the former Teo site, and I figured it could would at least pull some decent commerce.

Now, this is really interesting, considering the recent debates around here regarding diplomacy. I did experience Vicki giving me the whole “we fear you are too advanced”, despite very little trading. I had cancelled some trades with her in favour of Julius and Saladin, as Vicki had dropped back a little in the score and didn’t seem to be the great ally she once was, so that’s probably why.

But when Munsa came a calling and offered me Machinery as a GIFT, I nearly fell out of my chair. Six turns later, Saladin offers me GUILDS! Which, of course, I accept. Cool!

Something else I hadn’t seen before. I cancelled deals with Mao at the request of another AI, and for perhaps 500 years he refused to talk to me. From around 1200 to around 1700 or 1800. Like, wow.

During this time, a number of AI also said things like “we encourage you to stop trading with Moa, our worst enemy!” I’m, like, I’d love to, but I’m not. He won’t even talk to me!

[Image: thegrimm_adv2middledays.jpg]

“Die, Aztec scum”
In 1625, quite by chance, I noticed a fairly big Greek stack sitting outside my borders in Saladin’s territory; outside Texcoco. Doh! Texcoco had 2 jags, 2 archers and a ‘pult. Alex had an eleven unit stack including phalanx, war elephants, swordsmen and axemen. Which turned out to be his advance party; I suspect he had between 20 and 30 units in the area, if not more.

Needless to say, war was declared, and I had a situation. If Texcoco was captured, Alex would be able to build ships to take the rest of my paper cities. I considered gifting the city to Saladin, who was friendly to me (and seemed willing to accept it), but Caeser had already proved that friendship was proportional to the thickness of my defences.

[Image: thegrimm_adv2alexsucks.jpg]

To my great relief, Alex only razed the city. (How often do you say THAT?) He paid for it though. The Aztec warriors fought like demons, and I suspect the loss ratio was 2:1 in my favour. Maybe more. Alex’ strategy was interesting, though. Despite not bringing any cats (dumb move), he attacked with his weaker older troops first to apply some softening up. So many units did he have, that he never even got around to using the war elephants.

So, Monty was back down to 4 cities, which focussed exclusively on research. What else could I do but take a shot at the UN? I had two civs friendly toward me, I had a chance. Certainly more chance than I did of taking Roman cities, defended by riflemen, with jags.

“Till the world went to Hell in a Bucket”
Okay, despite having 15 units on duty in Tlaxcala, I was under no illusion that I was safe from invasion. By 1800AD, the world was, at least, in the age of Riflemen and Cavalry, and despite my research beelines, the AI was way more advanced than I. I had longbowmen on duty.
But for a change, when war broke out, I wasn’t the whipping boy. Not that I wasn’t involved, of course.

Saladin asks for a Defensive Pact. Sure, I need help more than Sally does.
A turn later, Alex declares war on Sally. Huh?
I declare war on Alex
And over the next few turns.
Rome declares on Alex.
Rome declares on Vicki
Mao declares on Munsa.

And for quite some time, I hear a lot of screamings as cities are razed or captured. Mao seems to have success against Munsa, and Alex gets smacked by Sally, and Rome has some success against Vicki.

And in 1846, Moa completes broadway. At this point I realise a UN beeline is impossible. Although it’s amazing how little one needs to research for a Mass Media Beeline. I have physics, but no democracy, no banking, no riflemen, no…

On the point of no riflemen…I decide to switch to research in that direction.

Ah, why bother, there’s no way to make the rest of the report sound anything but boring. The world made peace. Monty hid quietly in his cage and tried not to annoy anyone. I may finish last, but I sure won’t finish dead.

Caeser built the UN, but even with my help couldn’t scrape together a vote (rather vote for my “ally”, than Moa the annoying.). And when the Chinese completed the Space Elevator and hit a Golden age on the same turn, it was only a matter of time. Space Race Victory, 1981AD and, incidentally, my final score was also 1981. I’d researched Assembly Line by then.

Oh, and Caeser gave me Biology. Sweet of him. Again, no asking.

Hey, why don’t you bunch all go along with Moa…I’ll hang around here and keep the earth in order, eh?

“Not so elementary, eh, Watson?”
-My first mistake was playing the game with a losing attitude. Monarch, hideous opening position (more because of the lack of good land nearby than because Tenoc was on a bad site. Actually, Tenoc’s production was far from terrible); I figured I was going to lose anyway, may as well lose as LATE as possible.
Had I gone for a win, I would probably still have lost, but I’d have maybe lost with style.
-Not enough military. Underestimated the AI. Well, put that down to lack of monarch experience.Although I’ve read enough save games to know by now.

[Image: thegrimm_adv2latedays.jpg]

I still don’t have any great ideas about how to pursue a winning strategy, but two ideas:
-Early war, and move my empire to more juicy lands. Beating Praetorians in the early game…not easy.
-Diplomatic. Not let all my cities get toasted, (more and better placed military), and focus on science and defence)

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  A2 - VoiceOfUnreason
Posted by: VoiceOfUnreason - January 15th, 2006, 23:54 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (11)

The Report

Result: Loss

Mansa Musa wins the space race in 1982. I wasn't anywhere near close, though I was in better shape than Alex and Saladin.

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  Adventure Four - Hatshepsut's Hieroglyphics - Information Thread
Posted by: Griselda - January 15th, 2006, 23:48 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (41)

Arathorn is sponsoring the next game in our Extreme Adventures series - Adventure Four - Hatshepsut's Hieroglyphics, which is now open.

Oh, and happy birthday to Arathorn! :2dance:

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  Adventure Two - Sullla's Game
Posted by: Sullla - January 15th, 2006, 23:33 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (17)

Report is up at the usual spot. Happy reading. smile

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  Sirian's Shadow - Adventure Two
Posted by: Sirian - January 15th, 2006, 23:18 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - Replies (22)

My results from this game are a Shadow. I had a great time with it anyway.

CLICK HERE to begin the adventure. smile

- Sirian

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  Adventure Two - REPORTING IS CLOSED! - information here
Posted by: Griselda - January 15th, 2006, 11:08 - Forum: Civ4 Event Reports - No Replies

Edit- The reporting period is now closed, but you can still post a shadow report if you want.

Hello everyone,

Reporting is now open for Adventure Two!

You have until the end of Monday, your local time, to complete the game. If you do not finish it by that time, make a final save at the end of your last Monday play session, and note the date at the time of your final save (not as critical for an unscored Epic, but a good habit to get into anyway). If you want, you can continue playing until the end later, as you have the time, but that portion of the game will not be official.

One this thread's title says that reporting is open, you can post your report. Make a new thread in our reporting forum that contains your report. With a scored game, you would need to note at least the information that would be relevant to scoring your game. With an unscored game, what you include in your report is up to you.

You can post your report until the end of Tuesday, your local time, to be included in the official results. If you can't complete your report by that time, post an "executive summary" of your game by Tuesday night, then you can complete your report as you have time.

If you have any questions about the reporting process, ask them here.


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  Adventure Two - REPORTING IS CLOSED! - information here
Posted by: Griselda - January 15th, 2006, 11:07 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (3)

Edit- Reporting is now closed, but you can still post a shadow report.

Hello everyone,

It is now reporting time for Adventure Two!

You have until the end of Monday, your local time, to complete the game. If you do not finish it by that time, make a final save at the end of your last Monday play session, and note the date at the time of your final save (not as critical for an unscored event, but a good habit to get into anyway). If you want, you can continue playing until the end later, as you have the time, but that portion of the game will not be official.

One this thread's title says that reporting is open, you can post your report. Make a new thread in our reporting forum that contains your report. With a scored game, you would need to note at least the information that would be relevant to scoring your game. With an unscored game, what you include in your report is up to you.

You can post your report until the end of Tuesday, your local time, to be included in the official results. If you can't complete your report by that time, post an "executive summary" of your game by Tuesday night, then you can complete your report as you have time.

If you have any questions about the reporting process, ask them here.


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  Shake off the dust. Diablo question.
Posted by: Rakhir - January 14th, 2006, 12:28 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (9)

It's been years since I've been here, and I have a techical question about running Diablo Classic. That's right Classic.

I've installed it on my Pentium 266 (blazing eh?) and loaded the 1.09 patch so I can play online. Problem is I get an error with the 1.09 patch telling me that there is an issue with my sound card. To be precise, its looking for

Funny thing is, that file\directory doesn't exist.

Any suggestions?


The Rakhir of Rakhalia.

P.S. Ya know. When you spend 3 days installing updates, you're bound to overlook one. Updated Directx and problem solved.

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