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  5.61 Brainstorming
Posted by: Seravy - July 2nd, 2019, 15:57 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (22)

It'll be a while until the next version at this rate but might as well start the thread.

-We need to remove Call Centaurs and add Boars instead. We already agreed on the approximate stats and role of the new summon, but we need someone willing to actually create the combat graphics for the unit. It doesn't have to be "Boars" specifically though, as long as it make sense for a nature summon with those parameters.
-I tested Night Stalkers and they seem to be good as is now. I don't think there is a need to take further action for those at least not immediately. Same is true for Shadow Demons and Wraiths which I used extensively in the last game.
-Should look at the rock graphics for the tile types that had them added, and replace them with better choices where they look odd.
-Swamps would be better if they displayed puddles/lakes instead of river parts but this is mostly up to Drake178 who provided the feature in the first place.
-No one replied to the bonus hp vs irrecoverable damage issue. We can leave it as is though, it's not an urgent decision.
-In my last game the Myrran wizard found 6 picks worth of books/retorts while others found 0-1 only. While we do want the Myrran wizard to be a last boss, this is a bit pushing it. Maybe we should alter the treasure generator to weight picks that can result in book picks to appear more on the Arcanus plane and less on Myrror. This could have a double effect : Normally it means the extra picks end up distributed between more wizards (Arcanus has 4 people although some human players might end up hogging all of it) but if the human plays Myrran it actually helps the Arcanus "last boss" to have more of them, and they are by definition weaker. This would make picking Myrran ultimately less powerful. Note that while the picks have the same chance regardless of location, Myrror does have higher budgets overall so while not significantly, it is more likely the picks end up there simply because it has more valid targets to choose from. (Or not, as it has fewer nodes total, not sure which effect is stronger)
Ultimately the extra picks were assigned with the assumption that they get found by multiple players, and the "other plane" having only one does mess with it. Of course I might be overthinking this, maybe having an AI with this many extra books every once in a while is a reasonable variety in difficulty.
-I'll need to continue testing trolls. Hadriex happens to play them right now as well, and I get the impression that maybe they have a little bit too much extra hit points? Especially the halberdiers. This is nowhere near a sure thing, more like a feeling. He does have poor garrisons though because the units are kinda expensive and troll economy isn't good so that might be enough to balance the good units.

I think that's all unless I missed something?

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Posted by: Nelphine - July 1st, 2019, 13:26 - Forum: The Gaming Table - Replies (6)

Yes, the 1990 version. Or at least the update that allows setting players to enhanced.

I know I know I'm 30 years late to be discussing this game, but this was the game that started it all for me.

I played on my uncle's Amiga, then was told I could get it for my birthday if I wanted, and I did. Since then I've spent thousands of hours playing it, and I've installed it, or emulators to run it, on almost every computer I've ever owned.

I'm bad at the multiplayer though, as I've never had a group of friends who could commit to hot seat games.

I've done things like winning in 11 turns with save scumming.

What I'm looking for now, is challenges other people have tried. For instance the next game I play, I intend to try to conquer the AI in a predetermined but random order. Randomly choose my species, then roll d8s to find out what order I need to right in - and I can't conquer cities of he wrong AI even if they conquer mine.

What kind of challenges are out there?

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  RtR Bug Bugs
Posted by: Charriu - June 29th, 2019, 23:33 - Forum: Rebalance the Realms Mod - Replies (5)

Please post all the bugs you find in the RtR Bug version here. Any pictures or python exceptions are appreciated. You can activate python exceptions by doing the following:

  1. Open your Civ4.ini file (\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword)
  2. Change "hide python errors" to 0
  3. Change "LoggingEnabled" to 1
  4. Save
From now on you will get exception messages and a log output here:

\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Logs

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  Getting back into MOO
Posted by: haphazard1 - June 24th, 2019, 21:01 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (19)

The recent activity here in the MOO forum has inspired me to fire up the game again. smile It has been a while since I played and I am not as brave as RFS-81 (cats on impossible eek), so I will try to ease back into the game by playing on Hard as the powerful Klackons. Bug power for the (I hope) win! lol

Medium galaxy, five opponents. Let's see what the RNG gives me....

[Image: 2300-map.png]

OK, southwest corner of the galaxy. A mix of very dangerous opponents and some less dangerous ones. Almost certain to be multiple races in those five yellows in the middle of the galaxy. I sure hope the Psilons are not alone in those eastern yellows -- they would end up owning that whole half of the galaxy before I could do anything about them.

Several worlds are within range, so I decide to send my colony ship plus a scout escort to the green southeast of Kholdan. The other scout heads to the purple. I want to try to push towards the center, as those systems will be contested early. Hopefully I can claim the systems to the west later.

Three turns of factory building later, my ships arrive at their targets. The RNG apparently wants to give me a really easy welcome back: the purple star (Firma) is a minimal 30 artifacts world and gives me Duralloy. dance The green star (Denubius) is a jungle 85. Amazing start. smile

Kholdan has built some additional scouts and fanned them out. The neighborhood is very fertile, with two more habitable planets already in range from Denubius plus two barren worlds. The system in the southwest corner is a radiated rich planet that will hopefully be useful someday. Trouble is looming, however: the red star directly east of Firma has been colonized by the Silicoids. frown Keeping the rocks off MY planets is going to take some work; I have already turned back unarmed Silicoid scouts from Firma and an ocean planet east of Denubius.

Kholdan spends several turns building some popgun laser fighters to screen the local systems from rock intruders. They won't stop a serious force, but hopefully will turn back any early probes until I can colonize them. At least as the bugs I can stand up new planets faster than any other race.

With no need for additonal range yet, Kholdan builds factories until colony ship construction drops to 5 turns, then starts cranking them out. Artifacts Firma is grabbed first, then the ocean planet east of Denubius. These new systems bring contact with the Silicoids:

[Image: 2330-map.png]

Xenophobic technologists, allied with the Psilons. Wonderful. rolleye Just what I need: the brains using the rocks' worlds to intrude into my territory. I hope Controlled Barren is in my tree; a handful of popgun fighters won't hold those two barren planets for long.

Not that I have actually even begun research yet. The urgent demand for colony ships and seed pop has kept Kholdan and Denubius busy. Well, as of 2330 I have four worlds with a colony ship on the way to a fifth. It is about time to open research and see what I have available...but first, a scout reports in from the north. It encountered a Meklar scout; the cyborg homeworld is probably that northern yellow in the west.

This galaxy is getting interesting. nod

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  issue with traveling to Solstheim(Skyrim) on PS4
Posted by: Voldymort - June 24th, 2019, 03:39 - Forum: The Gaming Table - No Replies

I meet with Gjalund Salt-Sage the captain on his ship, where he keeps saying he is not going back to Solstheim...I managed to convince him and he agrees to take me...The screen fades to black and then I see his ship travelling through the walls of Windhelm in a weird circle around the city which has water underneath it...the ship ends back where it started and fades to screen is back on with Gjolund keeps repeating : ``I already told you, I`m not going back to Solstheim``...I try again to convince him, he agrees,
Rinse & Repeat
no matter what option i choose (bribary, persuade or intimidate) or which one i pick the first time (i tried reloading a previous save over and over), the same thing happens.
I've tried disabling all the graphic mods. nothing. Can anyone help? I've looked online and the only similar post i can find is one on pc that offers a solution via patch management or by using console commands


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  The Tedium of Repulsor Beams
Posted by: Psillycyber - June 22nd, 2019, 12:33 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (10)

Repulsor Beams.  We all know how powerful they can be against AI doomstacks of beam fighters, bombers, and/or death sporers.  Perhaps even too powerful.  Many of my wins on impossible have hinged on getting repulsor beams at just the right moment to nullify a particularly nasty AI doomstack.  

We also probably know how tedious it can be to employ repulsor beams with optimal play in certain situations.  Stick a few 2-range beams on your cruiser and ping away at the enemy fleet for 50 turns.  Be prepared to listen to the repulsor beam sound effect MANY MANY times.  

MoO1 is well-known for being an unusually quick and breezy 4X game to play with the lack of micromanagement, but if there's one thing that currently bogs down my MoO1 turns from flying by, it is long, drawn-out repulsor beam battles in the middle-game.  

I think a simple change would correct both problems with repulsor beams (being a bit of a "YOU WIN!" button, and making tedious tactics the key to optimal play in many situations).  Namely, remove the passive activation of the repulsor beam on the enemy turn.  Have the repulsor beam only activate on the player's turn as an actively-targeted special, as almost all specials work in the game (is repulsor beam the only one that activates passively on the enemy's turn?  I can't recall others at the moment...)

Obviously, this would be a big nerf to the repulsor beam.  It would retain some usefulness as something to slow down enemy bombers in the early game from reaching one's planets.  Speed-1 bombers would still be entirely nullified unless facing multiple designs at once.  A speed-2 bomber would make progress towards your planets, but only at half the rate.  One could also still use them effectively against beam ships if also paired with superior initiative, speed, range, and/or missiles.  With the initiative and a speed-2 beam ship with a missile, one could still move next to the enemy ship, fire and drive the enemy ship back, and then slip back a space, and a speed-1 enemy beam ship would not be able to counter-attack.  

But it would still be a nerf.  Therefore, I would propose the following changes to balance:
1.  Move Repulsor Beam tech from level 16 to level 8 (where personal deflector shields are currently).  
2.  Move personal deflector shields from level 8 to level 10 (where class III deflectors currently are).  
3.  Move Class III deflectors to level 9 (which makes them slightly more attractive and more evenly-spaced between Class II at level 4 and Class IV at level 14).  
4.  For good measure, move personal absorption shield from level 21 to level 24 so it sits evenly between PDS at level 10 and Personal Barrier Shield at level 38, and move Class VI deflectors from level 24 to 25 so it sits evenly between Class V at level 20 and Class VII at level 30.  

If I had my druthers, I'd really re-work the early-game weapons tech tree with some tech level changes for balance, but one idea at a time....

Edit: Actually, I have to address the early weapons balance because this nerf to repulsor beams would make NPGs even more overpowered since they would be guaranteed to be viable and not easily countered for much longer in the game. So I'm thinking, move NPGs from level 7 to level 9 just below ion cannons, and bump fusion bombs and Hyper-X missiles down a tech level each. And while we're at it, put hand lasers at level 5 and gatling lasers at level 3.

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  Temporary sub request PB 44[week 26-27]
Posted by: chumchu - June 19th, 2019, 11:53 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (2)

I will be needing a sub as I have not yet been able to repair my laptop and I'm going away for two weeks vacation from next monday. I might buy a new one when I get money for it but that is not happening until after the vacation.

Instructions are in my thread. I would be immensely grateful towards anyone who volunteers to take the rickety rudder of the Aztec skiff of state.

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  Dealing with Erratic neighbors and over-expansion
Posted by: Zalson - June 17th, 2019, 13:08 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (6)

So I've just lost 3 straight games where I've had an erratic neighbor that I've expanded into early. No DoW actions but just taking space that's rightfully theirs without the backup.

Any tips on dealing with Erratic neighbors? In the last game as the Psilon, I had erratic Meklar and erractic Alkari where their cheese alliance won the game on 2394 or something.

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  Damn fine coffee! And hot!
Posted by: unicurse - June 16th, 2019, 20:15 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (10)

This game is absolutely brutal. I can't even handle Normal difficulty quite yet. I'm still fairly new to MoM and trying not to use wikis but I'm no 4x newbie by any stretch of the imagination. 

I fuckin' love it! Thank you so much to Seravy and contributors for making this absolute treat of a mod!

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  PB45 Tech Thread
Posted by: naufragar - June 15th, 2019, 17:18 - Forum: Pitboss 45 - Replies (271)

Edit for settings:

Quote:PBSpy Link
Mod: Rebalance the Realms Download here.
Difficulty: Monarch
Speed: Normal
Era: Ancient
Turn Speed: 24 real hours per one turn
Vassals, Huts, and Events: Off
Barbarians: On, Normal
Espionage: On
Tech Trading: Off
Diplomacy: AI diplomacy. No renaming cities or units to communicate. No trading cities. No using the trade screen to communicate, with one exception: same resource for same resource trade deals are allowed (Examples: fish for fish, copper for copper).
Double Moves: Regular Realms Beyond rules. Don’t be a jerk.
Map Trading: Not allowed
Pick Style: Snake Pick

1. MSCC- Kublai Khan/Babylon
2. naufragar and Rusten- Japan/Alexander
3. boak and GeneralKillCavalry - Vikings/Bismarck
4. superdeath - Sury/Korea
5. Borsche - Mehmed/Carthage
6. Mr. Cairo - Willem/China

My civ itch is flaring up and with PB 42  ending and the active PBs in the early phases I figure there might be enough players around for a new game before 43/44 end and BUG and RtR testing is needed.

Since we do have two full pitbosses just over two months old, I don't know how many people are available, so I was envisioning a small game on a starts-normalized but otherwise random land-heavy map. I would like to try a random 1-off roll for picking civ/leader combos, but if that's too crazy, so be it. Maybe quick speed?

Anyone up for a light, refreshing summer game  in whatever the current canonical RtR version is? (

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