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  Codenames 15
Posted by: Jkaen - August 8th, 2016, 03:36 - Forum: Codenames Archives - Replies (195)

Since 14 got fully signed up within about 5 minutes, I thought there is probably enough interest in a parallel game. anybody in?

7. Der_Zorn_Gottes
3. Old Harry
10. Rho21
1. Jkaen
2. ipecac

5. Lewwyn
8. Azoth
6. DaveV
9. T Hawk
4. Molach

Grid 1:


Results Spoilered

Spymasters Jkaen & T Hawk

Blue Clue 1: Bourbon (3): BAR, JACK, ROUND
Red Clue 1: Eagles (2): CONCERT HAWK
Blue Clue 2: Aida (2): THEATER, PYRAMID
Free Grey Reveal: BOOT
Red Clue 2: Adventuring (4): TORCH, KEY, MINE, HORSE
Blue Clue 3: Clothing (2): BELT, SLIP
Red Clue 3: Histogram (2): TIME, LINE

Grid 2:

Results Spoilered


Spymasters Old Harry & Lewwyn

Red Clue 1: Frozen (4): SNOWMAN, ANTARCTICA, QUEEN
Blue Clue 1: Light (3): RAY, DAY, MICROSCOPE
Red Clue 2: Sacrificial (2): CALF, CROSS, PRINCESS
Blue Clue 2: Godzilla (4): SCALE, WAKE
Red Clue 3: Complimentary (2): SPELL, MINT, HOTEL

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  Need a dedlurker (pb34 spolilers)
Posted by: chumchu - August 7th, 2016, 22:06 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (4)


My teammate gave up on our game in PB 34. With this being my first game here on RB I need someone unspoiled to guide and maybe play the occasional turn when I'm away. The thread is here with password and everything is here:

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  My Darlok Hackers Challenge let's play
Posted by: Psillycyber - August 7th, 2016, 16:35 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (11)

Hey all,

Recently I recorded a game where I played as the Darloks on impossible difficulty, medium galaxy, 5 opponents, with the following challenge condition:

  • No researching anything other than computer technologies until after I have killed the Guardian and colonized Orion.

Things allowed:
  • Stealing technologies through espionage.
  • Stealing technologies through ground invasions.
  • Trading for technologies.

Here is the playlist. I am still in the process of uploading episodes, but I have the first 4 parts uploaded as of today, August 7th, 2016. I just need to do some editing, and the rest will be up shortly...

On episodes 1 and 3, the game sounds didn't record, so I put some techno music on in the background to liven things up (because, let's face it, even with editing out the boring parts, my commentary isn't exactly riveting). But still, I thought you all might find it interesting.

Sadly, I don't have the 2300 save from this game, although I am thinking of repeating this challenge with the Meklar, and in that case I will make sure to remember to keep the 2300 save so that we can make it into a challenge if desired.

Some general observations about the game (spoilers) :

  • I was somewhat lucky having the pacifistic Psilons as my neighbor, as I was able to steal from them early and often without facing anything too scary militarily early on.
  • Stealing improved eco restoration, sub-light drives, and range 5 early on from the Psilons helped out my colonization immensely. As soon as I researched improved robotics III (tech level 8 around 2340), I put a full 10% of spending into spying on the Psilons, and it started paying off immediately.
  • Stealing impulse engines, hyper-X rockets, battle computers, inertial stabilizer, class II shields, ion cannons, and tachyon beams from the Psilons gave me good defense.
  • There were a couple of close calls militarily in the mid-game: I had to slap together a quick fleet to defend an ultra-poor planet that I sniped from the Psilons right after they took it over from the Humans, and then I lost a battle against the first wave of Psilon megabolt destroyer ships attacking one of my backline worlds (using their range 10 tech), but I was able to withstand the first ground invasion and regain air superiority after a couple of turns). Also, the humans sent 200+ fighters at a new-ish planet with no missile bases when I was busy elsewhere, but thankfully those fighters were crap. And the Sakkra had me worried with a death spore / fusion bomber fleet, but those ships were speed-2 - not anything that some warp dissipator ships couldn't handle (warp dissipator stolen from the Psilons, naturally).
  • I prioritized keeping up with the Psilons in computer tech and planetology tech and was able to seal a bloc of veto votes to myself in the council after facing only 1 really nerve-wracking council vote.
  • After stealing fusion bombs and megabolt cannons, and with IIR4 and good planetology tech to make my planets regrow quickly, I was ready to take over the Sakkra. That sealed the game for me.
  • At the end, the Psilons had class 31 planetary shields, scatterpack X missiles, and mark VIII battle computers. But I just built a gargantuan fleet of neutronium bombers (100+ large ships with x12 neutronium bombs each) to counter that and ended up over-killing most of the Psilon planets on the first turn of bombing, wiping out those colonies (oops!) lol

I am curious to see whether I could replicate my success in this game with the Meklar, who would have worse spying but better production (and thus hopefully more spies and even faster computer tech research) to make up for that.

I suppose that this challenge might even be possible with the other following races:
  • Humans (good at computer tech, can peacefully trade with those who aren't targeted for spying).
  • Silicoids (good at computer tech, can hopefully leapfrog across the galaxy in the early game even without better range tech).
  • Psilons (good at computer tech).

The other races would be much much harder to complete this challenge with on impossible, I suspect...

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  Grim Dawn, a Diablo-style Action RPG
Posted by: Sirian - August 7th, 2016, 15:46 - Forum: The Gaming Table - Replies (87)

EDIT: This thread starts painfully slow, and hides a gem beneath the fog. If you want the TL;DR version, skip the first page (10 or so posts).

EDIT: This post was actually a threadjack to something else, and that meandered around a little bit before I had learned enough about the game to endorse it. Well, I DO endorse it, strongly, so perhaps that will help you to wade past the slow start and find the useful info.

(In response to a post about KoP playing D2 again): Amazed it's that many (players playing old Diablo 1). 88? In 56 games? This baby is almost two decades old.

I could probably play D1 again sooner than D2, but nobody has maxed out D1 more than you have, so it's understandable there's nothing left for you to aim for there.

I recently started playing an ARPG some of my friends liked, called Grim Dawn. No idea how worthy it will turn out to be in terms of leg length (EDIT: VERY WORTHY!) but so far it has been quite entertaining. Lots of positive lessons learned from D2 in the making of this, without also copying some of the negatives. LOTS of potential builds, and the game (even on normal) hasn't been as much of a sleepwalk as D2 and D3 were on Normal.

I have been pondering on and off for a week whether to start a Grim Dawn thread in here. Still on the fence about it. Got it on Steam Sale almost a week ago ($15 instead of regular $25). Is it still on sale today? Not sure.

- Sirian

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  Codenames 14
Posted by: Lewwyn - August 7th, 2016, 06:40 - Forum: Codenames Archives - Replies (247)

Anyone up for a game of codenames?

Sounds like a yes.

1. Lewwyn
2. El Grillo
3. sunrise
4. DaveV
5. Rho21
6. Azoth
7. David Corperial
8. Bob
9. pjabrony
10. DP101

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  Dare you enter the Whizzard's Realm? Magic and Mysteries abide.
Posted by: Nicolae Carpathia - August 7th, 2016, 01:14 - Forum: Pitboss 35 - Replies (550)

[Image: YMwsIga.png]

Welcome friends!

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  Blim Blim Blim
Posted by: KingOfPain - August 6th, 2016, 12:37 - Forum: Diablo - Replies (5)

So I have been playing Diablo 2 since I saw the promote for Baal runs celebrating the release on June 29 Y2K. I must say I am hooked again, after a month of constant play, and yes, an empire of mules (somethings never changes) twirl

To be honest, I couldn't find any of my 3 copies, so I ordered one from amazon (D2+LoD for $15CAD, better deal than Bliz). In the attempt to find them again, I dug up a treasure, OMG, a copy of Classic Diablo!!! IIRC, I must have owned 5 copies of those. So I must, naturally.

It's not a video. Sadly with all the websites I own I have to use the quick and dirty YouTube slideshow trick to show a picture when file attachment fails. duh

88 lonely souls..........

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  AI race preference
Posted by: Seravy - August 5th, 2016, 16:01 - Forum: Caster of Magic - Replies (8)

When the AI wants to build a settler, it will not do so in a city that is of a race which has a lower priority than any other city they own. In case of equal priorities, any of the races might build a settler.

Since I'm revising everything related to AI settler use, I'm planning to update this table as well to contain races in the following order of priority - other suggestions are welcome if I misjudged a race.

Priority 0 - Barbarians
They generate no resources and their units, although powerful, are vulnerable due to low resistance. Amazing race to have as your start, but building more of them if you can build anything else is a bad idea.

Priority 1 - Gnolls
They cannot build quite a lot of resource producing buildings, and their units are also low resistance. Another early game race which has better late game than barbarians but probably not worth mass-producing.

Priority 2 - Lizardmen, Klackons, Halfling
Halflings are a weak choice for the AI because they lack versatile military - they only have easy to kill ranged units, if the player can counter these, Halfling cities fall in no time. However, the race accelerates research on top of having every resource production building, which balances out the poor military somewhat.
Klackons work much better but they also lack versatility : Stag Beetle is an amazing unit but once the enemy manages to deal with them, not much else the race can offer. Resource production is weaker than halfling but better than barbarian and gnoll.
Lizardmen are actually a scary weapon in the hands of the AI now due to their extreme growth - they can colonize at a crazy rate and their units are pretty good for the early game. Even in midgame Dragon Turtle can be a scary force due to the armor, but they aren't all that good for late game, and their building selection is decent but doesn't allow everything. Moving across water is effective against the human player however, so maybe they should be ranked even higher?

Priority 3 - Orc
Orcs can build anything, they grow fast, and they have some not outstanding but at least decent late game units, hordes and wyvern riders can be effective, especially the latter with the high mobility can punish the player for leaving places undefended very well.

Priority 4 - Nomads
Nomads can also build everything that matters for the AI, and although they have 5 pop smaller cities due to no food buildings, their units are way better than orcs : Griffons are not only fast but have first strike and armor pierce, pikemen are way better than halberdiers, and the race has high resistance, so it's harder to defeat by resistance based units as well. Not sure if they should be priority 3 or 5 or just stay in the middle. Fewer categories can let the AI have more variety between their units as they are not limited to producing settlers of one race only.

Priority 5 - High Men, High Elf, Troll, Dwarf, Beastmen
High Men are an amazing race for the AI which is less concerned with having to maintain a lower tax rate due to extra rebels, while Paladins, Magicians and Pikemen are all amazing units and the race can build every resource building as well.
High Elves are equally good, Elven Lords are almost as powerful as Paladins, Pegasai have high mobility and are flying ranged units, other units are also above average thanks to the +1 hit bonus, and everything can be built.
Trolls are a pretty strong race, regenerating powerful units are hard to stop, and Mammoths are amazingly powerful, especially if buffed. They can build quite a lot of stuff although less than the other races in this group, the regenerating units make up for that.
Beastmen are very much like High Elves as their units are also above average and they also produce power and can build everything.
Dwarves are hard to place but I believe they belong here, as they cannot build the magic boosting buildings, but they have even more amazing military units than the others in this group and their mineral, tax and production bonus is crazy.

Priority 6 - Dark Elves, Draconian
Draconians are an obvious choice for top priority : they produce power, they fly which is important for the AI both in combat and overland, and their Doom Drakes are unstoppable, fast units that can easily wipe out opposition.
High Elves I'm not 100% sure about but their double power production paired with all buildings is scary in the hands of the AI, and their units are excellent at defense since everything can use magical ranged, and warlocks are pretty hard to get around without massive losses, so I believe it should be the best possible race for the AI, the only concern is their slow growth, so slow that it might even hold the AI back a bit too much?

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  RMOG: Renaissance Men of Genius
Posted by: oledavy - August 5th, 2016, 15:34 - Forum: Pitboss 35 - Replies (369)

Because let's be real here, we all know how this one ends

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  [LURKERS] Setting Up Tents for a Ren Faire
Posted by: Mardoc - August 5th, 2016, 14:56 - Forum: Pitboss 35 - Replies (425)

So I wanted to lurk this super-badly, and therefore volunteered to make their map. I'm a bit nervous, though, given the field. If I leave in a major imbalance, they're all talented enough to take advantage.

Plus, honestly, cylindrical natural-looking but balanced is a high bar to clear even in an ancient game, let alone advanced start that hasn't been played here before.

So...anyone have any advice for me?

Here's my current thinking:

Size and script
Map needs to be a bit bigger than usual, because of the turbo-boosted start. Maybe 200 land tiles/person. I also want to aim for the smaller end of relevant water, so that there's a chance land units stay relevant. Maybe 20% water. I can't decide how dense hills should be in general. More hills shifts the balance away from knights and toward 1-movers.

I'm not sure what script will produce that result. Probably something like Lakes or Fractal?

Initial Starting Area
Starts absolutely must have hills available to found on, to keep rushes from being realistic. Need those longbow bonuses. Also must provide Iron and possibly horses? Do I want to make Knights easy to get? Is it more of an imbalance for knights to be easy, or for them to be hard and therefore non-universal?

Should I go for mirrored 7x7 starts? I tend to think yes, because I don't want the game to be determined on T0. The main downside is that is about a quarter of the total available tiles. Tricky to manage both that much mirroring and leave the overall map natural-looking.

Overall Land Shape
I think it's got to be a 3x2 offset grid. Lakes style is requested, so I don't have to do anything in particular except make sure the lakes connect/isolate everyone equally.

Most resources are already unlocked in this era. Free Forges make metals particularly valuable. I lean toward giving them mostly Calendar resources at the starts and making gold/silver/gems require more work. Maybe those will even be on islands?

I do need to make sure that all the strategics are common. Losing due to 'I didn't know I needed to settle there until it was too late' is infuriating, while the advantage of sparse strategics is mostly that they can be a target at the start of a war.

Probably going to end up on the lusher side of things. I feel like people have more fun racing for the prizes than trying to eke out a civ from a weak map, even if it does shift the relative value of traits and civs.

Given that everyone starts with Iron Working, I'm tempted to include a lot of jungle, especially on borders, maybe also on a bunch of the happy resources. Delay interaction and growth curves a bit.

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