I'm on my first 3 legendary run. Here's the Priest deck:
1 Light of the Naaru, Northshire Cleric, Worgen Infiltrator, Zombie Chow
2 Divine Spirit, Explosive Sheep, Faerie Dragon, Stonesplinter Trogg, Youthful Brewmaster
3 Velen's Chosen x2, Dark Cultist x2, Goblin Sapper, Harvest Golem, Raging Worgen,
4 Lightspawn, Twilight Drake
5 Azure Drake, Frostwolf Warlord, Silver Hand Knight, Sludge Belcher, Stampeding Kodo
6 Boulderfist Ogre, Frost Elemental x2, Illidan Stormrage, Toshley
8 Kel'Thuzad
10 Mind Control
Really solid deck but I'm 2-2 with it so far. First loss against zoo (I have no AoE to deal with that), second loss to a windfuried Power Overwhelming.
I'm interested to start some runs again. I have experience and I would also be interested in continuation games.
Ruleset: Lock-In
Class: Any
Timezone: GMT+1
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Yeah! Not only is a forum reader back after a months long hiatus, she decided to play the first CivIV adventure!
This lovely Adventure was a Terra map with no restrictions or scoring, but the objective was to colonise the new world with Victoria of the Brits. I ended up not even getting to Optics before winning! How, you may ask? Well...
(NOTICE: I didn't take many pictures because I didn't plan on posting anything, but this story...)
First few turns, I notice that Isabella is very close to me. And some Russians (turned out to be Peter) were bordering my Civ on our first border expansion!
Animal Husbandry comes in, and horses are north of London! I race a settler over there and colonise my second and last self-founded city. Yes, I went for an early rush. First to die was Peter. Chariots were created and sent for Moscow. Peter's light defences (an archer and 2 warriors I believe) were no match for four chariots. Despite the "late" date, Moscow was the only city.
Next up was Isabella. I planned on not attacking her, but her city of Barcelona bordering me just became the Jewish holy city. Luckily for me, I had a few horse archers on hand from researching Horseback Riding. Barcelona became mine, and Madrid was not that much more heavily defended.
Isabella's dead now. At this point, I knew my fate. I wouldn't wait to colonise the New World. Frederick and Asoka must be destroyed. My economy won't tank, however, due to my military strategy...
Frederick = 532'd. Dead. Destroyed. No maintenance.
The story of Asoka's last archer! Oh dear God was it a story to tell! Asoka's last city had three archers in it. I had 4 at the beginning of the "siege". Archers #1 and #2 were killed at 70% odds. It took the last archer 3 kills (all at 70%! ) for reinforcements to take it out and win me a Conquest victory.
That archer killed all of my veterans from the other wars, and delayed my victory by a turn. I honestly feared that the RNGods were going to revert to CivIII days (as so I hear)
Conquest Victory before the AD years! 550 BC Not bad for my first RB Adventure, huh? Fine, it WAS a Warlord difficulty game but still.
I'll writeup a bunch of proposals in the following posts, and keep this one for stuff that's been determined/is being implemented.
Progress Report:
Done and untested: Blue
Done and Tested: Green
Implemented: Naval units gain +50% vs. Disciple units (Mod Notes: hard-coded in.)
Conquest Civic: Moves back to Warfare (from Education).
Military Strategy: Moves back to Military State (from Warfare).
Decius: Decius gains the Tolerant trait.
Summer Palace: Pedia Background and Strategy Entries updated/filled in.
Winter Palace: Pedia Background and Strategy Entries updated/filled in.
I believe that this game could use a function with some similarities to Civilization and Master of Orion. If a wizard falls, there is a chance that a new wizard, usually with at least one spellbook of the same class of the predecessor, will appear and rebel settlements formerly controlled by the defeated predecessor will come under his/her control. Of course, if you launch an unprovoked (not at war) sneak attack on the fortress of a wizard starting on this realm and defeat that wizard, next turn another wizard (provided that there is another settlement for the predecessor) will establish a fortress in a most populated/defended settlement and will at the same time unofficially declare war on you (unofficial in which the diplomacy screen, the wizard, in anger with statue eyes being red, will make dialogue of the birth of his/her new empire and not mention anything about making war on you). Of course, after that, the wizard is treated as if he/she just declared war on you after the speech and relations start at hate and he/she won't talk to you for some time. This makes it so competition in the game lasts longer.
I'm new to RB and interested in getting in on a new Fall From Heaven 2 (with or without Erebus in the Balance, depending on player preferences) Play By E-Mail game.
Please post here and/or PM me if you're interested in joining such a game- or better yet, hosting it (I probably wouldn't be the best guy to actually host it, as I'm new- although if nobody else steps up I could try with a little help from you ugys...)
I look forward to becoming part of one of the many awesome games that goes on here in Realms Beyond!
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