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  IronSnob Warrior Lock-in Victory
Posted by: im-plague - January 21st, 2015, 08:03 - Forum: Diablo - No Replies

I tried this variant with various b-day gift plans, amd also tried some runs with Attikas build but in the end I thought the chance to block with shield is really immanent to safe pots in lock-in and choosing two times RoE which I consider a rather weak gift also wasn't to my liking. I ended up with the following gift order for this run:

0 Executioner Blade
5 Blackoak Shield
10 Overlord Helm
15 Scavenger Carapace
20 Gotterdamerung
25 Flamedart

Uniques found:
Needler 2
The Defender 2
Bow of the Dead 13
Gotterdammerung 14

I would have needed to get a bow by dlvl12 the latest but because I dropped a needler on dlvl2 I addapted the gift order and used the flamedart only on dlvl16. I wasn't able to hit clvl9 on dlvl3 so I had to face Leoric at the cost of 8 pots, almost all the recources I had at that point. On dlvl4 I luckily got a eldritch goat shrine which turned all the mana pots I carried into yellows. When I choose the Overlords helm as a present I didn't knew that I would not be able to use it without putting 10 points into magic. Points that were wasted at that point because my first heal book droped in hell. In Catacombs I found a amulet of might +10 which I could use.

No more pots were used until dlvl10 where Stormriders and the Flayer did cost me precious pots again. I was thinking about getting The Protector as a gift for clvl20 and gamble on a Stone cauldron because I thought pots would not be enough to get me to Diablo later, but I went with the no-risk Gotterdammerung after giving it some thought. It was a good decision because I wouldn't get a stone cauldron in hell, but I did drop another Gotterdammerung on 14 which made it still a wasted present :D

On dlvl 15 I droped a Amulet of the Zodiac +20 which I would be able to use (lucky). I thought I would be clvl 25 and get the Flamedart before going to 16 but I had half the level cleared before I could get my last present. Needler was still doing good though. It would have been a solid item to choose as a gift aswell. The durability lasts, you get swiftness and the 50% tohit really helps with hitting targets off screen. Flamedart with with the regeneration stoping and bug dmg was used for the second half of 16.

I streamed dungeonlevel 13-16 and you can check the videos out on twitch if you are interested:

Lvl 13: Maw, Succubus, Snowwitch -> Good and easy level, I still scouted slowly, all Witches where trapped and disposed off
Lvl 14: Maw, Magistrate -> That level was a present

Lvl 15: Soul Burner, Steellords -> I did not have perfect block vs Steellords and these soulburners aren't that easy to fool, it was by far the hardest level but i still could do it with only 4 slots lost on pots

Lvl 16: I was moving fast here because I knew the pots would be enough and -20 dfe was really making fireballs look pathetic. The amulet of the Zodiac made it possible to tank 5 BKs at once. Weak's cage 4 cleaning method was used.

Footnote: As you can see I used the Diablo Torch mod to store the b-day gifts

I will later export the run to my youtube account:

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  Let's try again! New PB game...
Posted by: Grimace - January 20th, 2015, 22:59 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (28)

With the horrifying death of PB24, I'm down to playing in just one game, and that's not enough for an active guy like me!

So, I would like to propose a new PB game. In the spirit of cooperation, this will be a team game! So, here are the definite settings:
- Teams of two players.
- Minimum of three teams, maximum of six.
- RtR mod
- Events OFF
- Huts OFF (no PB24 repeats, even though I like them)
- Vassals OFF
- Espionage ON (annoying missions are not available in RtR mod)
- Barbs ON
- No Tech Trading
- Monarch difficulty
- Normal Speed
- All victory conditions enabled
- Snake pick with unrestricted leaders
- See starts before picking
- 48 hour timer first turn, 24 hours timer afterwards (standard)

Settings to be determind:
- Diplomacy: AI/Other?
AI diplomacy makes things easier, but seeing as how this is a team game I could see how having full or even limited real diplomacy would make things interesting.
- City Trading (General): Forbidden/Limited?
I favor allowing city trades under certain circumstances, namely to end a war or as part of a genuine trade when you get something for it. City gifting should not be allowed.
- City Trading (Team): Forbidden/Limited/Full?
Having never played a team game, not sure what the standard is here. Should teammates be allowed to exchange cities at will? Seems fine to me, but I can also see how it could be abused. Perhaps only trades allowed...a city for a city?
- Map size/type
Size is going to depend on how many players join, but type seems less clear. A hand-balanced continents-type map seems strong (one continent per team), but torusworld would also probably work. Maybe even something like a lakes map that's mostly land with some water thrown in? Weakens a number of the water-strong civs, though.

Obviously we would need someone to volunteer as mapmaker once the type of map was decided, and if the mapmaker ends up having to do a lot of manual map modification, I will ship a box of See's candy to them, assuming the cost of shipping isn't too high (continental US preferred!) and the lurkers deem the map adequate.

I've already asked Caledorn if he'd be my teammate and he said he would, so assuming that's still the case Team TalksALotOf$h!tButEndsUpGettingWhipped is ready!

So after a slightly renewed attempt, the following people have expressed interest:

There were originally 1 or 2 others who thought they might not have the time. If we can get two more people, we can have a 3 some!

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  Jeitinho Brasileiro! - Ichabod's Civ5 PBEM4 Spoiler Thread
Posted by: Ichabod - January 20th, 2015, 09:09 - Forum: Civilization V PBEM 4 BNW - Replies (57)

How about we roleplay Brasil (with "s", not "z"!!) in this game?

The description on this article is not entirely correct. The one in portuguese is way better. Especially that first quotation is pretty bad (it's a book about cinema, shouldn't be making such a wide sociological statement). "Jeitinho" has a certain imoral connotation (especially between those around here that insist that all brazilians - besides them, obviously - are worst than "the developed world"), but it's not that clear cut.

Oh, well, whatever. No need to get so technical about it...

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  [spoilers] Alhazard and Yossirian's game
Posted by: Alhazard - January 19th, 2015, 18:13 - Forum: PBEM 65 - Replies (385)

Making thread during my 30 min lunch


pass is pbem21

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  TheHumanHydra Loses His Head(s) [Spoilers]
Posted by: TheHumanHydra - January 19th, 2015, 17:05 - Forum: PBEM 65 - Replies (285)

This shall be my thread. My thread shall this be. More later.

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  [Spoilers] Ceterum Peter censet Carthaginem fore triumphatrix - Adrien + Miguelito
Posted by: Miguelito - January 19th, 2015, 16:33 - Forum: PBEM 65 - Replies (847)

Players who drop in here accidentally are hereby sentenced to watch the following:

I assume that it was funnier 8 years ago when I was given that name and was... younger

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  Firaxis: Beating a Dead Horse
Posted by: Krill - January 19th, 2015, 12:30 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (9)


Quote:2K also teases that Beyond Earth and Starships will feature cross-connectivity for people who own both games. The developer isn't talking specifics, but says that this integration will "enhance and expand upon both game experiences."

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  [SPOILERS] Mardoc gets back on the horse
Posted by: Mardoc - January 19th, 2015, 12:14 - Forum: PBEM 65 - Replies (189)

So, I haven't had a whole lot of luck with my games so far. That's because I haven't had a whole lot of skill... But I enjoy myself, usually, so I figure it's worth trying again.

Main lessons:

  • Don't try to conquer in the ancient era
  • Don't convince your neighbor to try to conquer you in the ancient era
  • Don't use Knights as 1-movers
  • Don't start a fight without siege
  • Don't push onward when you know you're running ragged
  • Don't expect you can make a perfect war
  • Don't skimp on the early turns
  • Don't skimp on the middle turns
  • Don't skimp on the late turns
  • Don't leave your valuable cities unguarded when your rival sails a force nearby
Plus, of course, likely a number of things I could have learned from my failures as well, if only I'd been paying attention wink.

Basically: I need to spend time, consistently, on each and every turn, for best results. I need to swallow my pride, and ignore aggressive moves, and focus on growing - while maintaining enough army to deter. War will happen, will have to happen - but there's no point in starting one unless I can get a miltech and/or production advantage, first. Or, even better, until I can be the second one piling in to an already going war, and get the lion's share of the spoils.

Fortunately the proposed map should make ancient era war unlikely. That way, I can discover new and exciting failure modes!

All that said, I still rate my chances of winning this somewhere around 25% wink. I'm better than I was, and we've got some newbs, and still I'm probably not better enough. Plus luck can always matter.

Who do I want to play? Well, with Fin and GLH banned, and a probably smallish lush map, I'm torn between two routes. I'm pretty sure I want Expansive, as the best unbanned trait, but there's a lot of variance in the other trait. And in overall gameplan.

Route 1 is Mids! Take Bismarck (Exp/Ind), or Isabella, and race for the mids. Use that for a tech lead, turn tech lead into land lead, win. Pro: Mids is extremely hard to compete with when there's no Fin. I want to play a specialist-heavy game anyway, after reading some analysis elsewhere. Only three competitors! Cons: Spend too much too early, or worse - fail by a turn - and I'll be too far behind on land grab and growth. Then the Mids becomes the tool my conqueror uses to win lol

Route 2 is balance. Take Peter (Exp/Phi IIRC), Sury (Exp/Cre), Isabella (Exp/Spi), something like that, and just go for the best conventional game I can play. Heavy growth, grab more than my share of land, sit back and grow it tall, wait for opportunities. Pro: Straightforward, not luck-dependent. Con: It hasn't worked for me before. Hard to get motivated for those early turns without a tangible goal. Depending on the initial island size, tech might limit growth more than production.

Civ? Probably will be chosen strictly for starting techs; the really good ones are already banned, after all. So either that'll have to wait on a starting screenshot, or it'll be one of the always seen civs like China if we don't use screenies.

Flugauto, you around? Any opinions?

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  Need a sub
Posted by: classical_hero - January 18th, 2015, 13:58 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (3)

If you are available to take over for a game over at civfanatics, then I would greatly appreciate the help. It would be easier to contact me over there than here.

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  Need subs in 2 games.
Posted by: mackoti - January 18th, 2015, 10:05 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (6)

I need sub in pbem 63 and pb 22.Situation is medium in both.Details in the thread os the game.

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