Anyone wanna? RBmod or BtS is fine by me, I can't promise blistering pace or anything. Any selection method of combo is okay, standard settings set (Hall of Mirrors, no barbs/events/huts, WE/blockades/nukes if BtS)...
Since a game with more players didn't result from this attempt to start a new game, Caledorn and Grimace signed up to play one together against some AIs. This is, therefore, a comp stomp game. Since they're playing it as a pitboss, I'm calling this Comp Stomp Pitboss 1 (CSPB1). The setup:
It's a 2 v 2 v 2 v 2 format against the AIs, on emperor difficulty. This isn't designed to be one of our old school single player Epics, although if there is interest in a cooperative Epic style game I'm sure one could be arranged at any time (sign up...wherever you want to! ).
We can consider this the players' game thread, so Grimace and Caledorn, here are your starts:
Grimace - Suleiman of Rome
Caledorn - Willem of Ottomans
Go forth and ! Last to stomp a comp is a rotten egg.
So, the rules we ended up with mean that we ought to plan out the entire campaign before starting any duel. In particular, the 'may use a civ only once' and the variable mapscripts.
HK's already offered to dedlurk, and if there's anyone else out there looking for a show, here's the happening place! I'm planning to report all my games, assuming time allows. Need to do that anyway to aid my thinking process as I play, and getting advice from dedlurkers is a nice bonus.
My duels that count:
Mardoc | Old Lion
Mardoc | Bob
Mardoc | Northstar
Tasunke | Mardoc
Greywolf | Mardoc
Q | Mardoc
I drew a pretty easy slate, actually. I'm only worried about Bob and Q out of this list, and I think I might be able to beat them, given careful play - at the least, they're an 'any given Sunday' opponent.
I don't know anything about Old Lion, but if he's not a smurf - well, newbs tend to make the same mistakes in MP FFH, that I can take advantage of. And I think I can beat the others; assuming, of course, that the duel/zero-sum nature doesn't make others do better than usual. Tasunke, in particular, seems a risk to be scarier in duel than FFA. I don't intend to handicap myself, at least not much...but it'd be good to save a powerhouse for tiebreaking. I want to keep the games interesting - but I also would like to win, or at least medal (TBS scares me, I admit).
'Bonus' games that might happen - should take these seriously as well. Why? Because I wouldn't be surprised to see TBS go 6-0, and it's quite possible that someone else will as well. Plus, well, it's more fun that way And honestly, although winning would be nice, the real reason to participate is to enjoy myself.
Mardoc | Black Sword
Mardoc | Kragroth
Mardoc | Dreylin
Black Sword | Mardoc
Auroarcher | Mardoc
The only really non-negotiable thing is that I really really want to play an elf against Northstar, due to his complaints about balance in EitB (he claims the elves have been nerfed!). Ideally this is where I'd use Volanna and keep my foot on his throat all game long. The hope to show him the error of his thinking was my main reason to sign up in the first place!
Other than that, I don't have any favorites. Gotta figure out the right tradeoff between making the games interesting, and winning. Against Bob/Q I intend to take some sort of typical favorite, but the others might need me to handicap myself
Also, as player one in the first set, I get to propose mapscripts and settings. Haven't thought much about this, need to research the options. Although Mirror means there won't be too much room for advantage - and against the newbs I'd feel bad doing something other than normal, anyway.
Should try to get at least one game moving soon. Staggering the games as Dreylin's planning is also probably a good idea.
The disadvantage of this setup is that Kragroth technically has 4 games in Round Robin I.
Map Picks
Session I
Session II
Session III
Session IV
Session V
Session VI
Game 1
Map: Mirrorland
Size: Tiny
Era: Thaw
Speed: Quick
Resources: Standard
Water Type: Inland Seas
Scattered Improvements: None
Allow BFC Improvements: No
Always War: On
Map: Mirrorland
Size: Duel
Era: Thaw
Speed: Quick
Resources: Standard
Water Type: Lakes
Scattered Improvements: None
BFC improvements: None
Always War: on
Wildlands: On
All Unique Improvements: On
Map: Mirrorland
Size: Tiny
Speed: Quick
Resources: Critical Resources close
Water Type: Inland Seas
Scattered Improvements: None
Always War: On
Map: Mirrorland
Size: Tiny
Climate: Temperate
Water Type: Lakes
Resources: Standard
Always War: On
Scattered Improvements: No
Era: Thaw
Map: Mirrorland
Size: Duel
Era: Thaw
Speed: Quick
Resources: Standard
Water Type: Lakes
Scattered Improvements: None
BFC improvements: None
Always War: on
Wildlands: On
All Unique Improvements: On
Map: Inversed_Inland_Sea
Size: Tiny
Climate: Temperate
Sea Level: Medium
Map: Mirrorland
Size: Small
Climate: Temperate
Water Type: Lakes
Scattered Improvements: None
Allow BFC Improvements: No
Always War: On
Map: Hall of Mirrors
size : small
Climate: temperate
Sea Level: Medum
Era Thaw
Speed : Quick
Landmass : Snaky continents
Width per player : 12
Map length 44
Ressources : Normal BTS
Climate zones : Planet
Capital Boost : as is
Allow bad capital : no
Map: Hall of Mirrors
Size: Small
Climate: Arid
Sealevel: Low
Era: Thaw
Speed: Quick
Landmass Type: Small Lakes
Width Per Player: 24
Map Length: 32
Resources: Disappointing
Climate Zones: 100% Temperate
Capital-Boosting: +1 Food
Difficulty: Monarch
Map Size: Small
Start Era: Thaw
Game Speed: Quick.
Barbarians: Normal
No Technology trading: On
No Vassal States: On
No Tribal Villiages: On
No Lairs: On
No Acheron: On
No Orthus: On
Victories: All
Map: Mirrorland
Size: Tiny
Era: Thaw
Speed: Quick
Sea Level: Standard
Water Type: Inland Oceans
Scattered Improvements: None
Allow BFC Improvements: No
Always War: On
Game 3
Map: Mirrorland
Size: Tiny
Era: Thaw
Speed: Quick
Sea Level: Medium
Resources: Standard
Scattered improvements: None
Water Type: Inland Oceans (1.5x water)
Always War: On
Map: Hall of Mirrors
Temperature: Arid
Sea Level: Low
Landmass Type: Wide Contient
Width per Pllayer: Super Wide (24)
Map Length: 24 (tinyish)
Resources: Disappointing
Climate Zones: 100% Temperate
Capitol Boosting: As Is
Allow Bad Capitol Terrain: Yes
Always War: On
Map: Mirrorland
Size: Small
Era: Thaw
Speed: Quick
Resources: Standard
Water Type: Inland Seas
Scattered Improvements: None
BFC improvements: None
Tribal Villages: Off
Wildlands: On
Orthus: Off
Acheron: Off
No Unique Improvements: On
Map: Hall of Mirrors
Era: Thaw
Speed: Quick
Land Type: Snaky Continents
Wdith: 24r wide width per player
Map Length: 32 (smallish)
Resource distribution: Paradise
Climate: Mild Planet
Capital Boosting: All-around boost
BFC improvements: Off
Wildlands: On
All Unique Improvements: On
Map: Mirrorland
Size: Tiny
Era: Thaw
Speed: Quick
Resources: Critical Resources close
Water Type: Inland Seas
Allow Scattered Improvements: No
Allow BFC Improvements: No
Always War: On
No Technology trading: On
No Vassal States: On
No Tribal Villages: On
No Lairs: On
No Unique Features: On
No Acheron: On
No Orthus: On
Game 4
Mapscript: Mirror
Mirror Type: Reflection
Landmasses: Snaky Continents
Size: Tiny
Climate: Temperate
Era: Discovery
Lairs: On
Huts: On
All Unique Features: On
Game 5
Map: Mirror
size : Tiny
Climate: Temperate
Sea Level: Low
Era Mastery
Speed : Quick
Landmass : Lakes
Difficulty: Monarch
Barbarians: No
Lairs: No
Acheron: No
Orthus: No
Always war: No
Unique features: All
Compact Enforced: On
Blessings of Amathaon: On
Religious Victory: Off
No Barbarians: On
No Technology Trading: On
Always War: On
No Vassal States: On
No Tribal Villiages: On
No Lairs: On
No Unique Features: On
No Acheron: On
No Orthus: On
Bonus Game 7
Bonus Game 8
Bonus Game 9
Bonus Game 10
Bonus Game 11
Civilization Picks
Black Sword
Old Lion
Game 1
Volanna Svartalfar
Rhoanna Hippus
Cassiel Grigori
Auric Ulvin Illians
Cassiel Grigori
Tasunke Hippus
Varn Gosam Malakim
Volanna Svartalfar
Mahala Doviello
Auric Ulvin Illians
Cardith Lorda Kuriorates
Game 2
Rhoanna Hippus
Falamar Lanun
Faeryl Viconia Svartalfar
Tasunke Hippus
Beeri Brawl Luchiurp
Varn Gosam Malakim
Charadon Doviello
Tasunke Hippus
Hannah the Irin Lanun
Beeri Brawl Luchiurp
Sandolphon Sidar
Game 3
Hannah the Irin Lanun
Cardith Lorda Kuriorates
Volanna Svartalfar
Volanna Svartalfar
Rhoanna Hippus
Falamar Lanun
Keelyn Balseraphs
Cardith Lorda Kuriorates
Arendel Phaedra Ljosalfar
Game 4
Jonas Endain Clan of Embers
Cassiel Grigori
Cassiel Grigori
Game 5
Valledia the Even Amurites
Tebryn Arbandi Sheiam
Game 6
Thessalonica Elohim
Falamar Lanun
Bonus Game 7
Bonus Game 8
Bonus Game 9
Bonus Game 10
Bonus Game 11
Please post your map and Civ picks for your game in this thread!
Each player will play 3 games against a different opponents. Each game has a time limit of 6 months. If requested, a game may be extended up to a 12 month time limit. If mutually agreed to, opponents may decide to start early any games from round Robin II
A player must choose a different different civilization to play in each Round Robin I & 2 game. Duplicate civilizations between opponents are not allowed. If a player summons and switches to Hyborem or Basium in a game, they may summon but not switch to Hyborem or Basium respectively in a future Round Robin I or II game.
II. Round Robin II
Each player will play 3 additional games against different opponents. Each game has a time limit of 6 months.
A player must choose a different different civilization to play in each Round Robin I & 2 game. Duplicate civilizations between opponents are not allowed within the same game. If a player summons and switches to Hyborem or Basium in a game, they may summon but not switch to Hyborem or Basium respectively in a future Round Robin I or II game.
III. Tie-breaker
The top two players with the most Round Robin games won go onto the Final Game. However, if there is a tie that would otherwise cause more than 2 players to ascend to the finals, a tie-breaker game/games is/are held. This/these games will either be a multiplayer free for all or a set of simultaneous duel games. The winner of this game or set of games is the one chosen to go onto the finals
Duplicate civilizations are allowed in the Tie-breaker game
IV. Finals
By default, the top two players with the most Round Robin games won go onto the Final Game. If a tie-breaker was held, the winner(s) there will go to the Finals.
Duplicate civilizations are allowed in the Finals game.
The winner of this game is declared the "Master of Fall from Heaven"
If you know any non-public info, either lurkers with setup stuff you know from talking to me, or players dying that know secret info from their role/alignment, you absolutely may not post it in here.
I don't think it will be an issue, but I like to err on the side of caution, and to give lurkers a chance to try and figure out who is who without being spoilt.
Note: I didn't follow up writeups for this original theming, and changed the end of day/night posts to regular terms for easy re-reading.
It was a dreary Monday morning at the TecSynergyTek headquarters.... Everyone was busy typing away on their computers, which meant that no one was actually doing any real work of consequence. You see, here at TecSynergyTek, Management has perfected a system of being completely clueless and irrelevant, which has been nice for the common engineer. The jobs that they do aren't that hard, and by this time, almost everything they are responsible for either has been scripted and automated, or secretly outsourced to Elbonian workers for 1/4 of the cost, so that the Engineers can spend their days getting paid to play forum mafia games and watch the latest season of The Walking Dead.
But this Monday was different. The office scuttlebutt was that Management had somehow learned to make independent thoughts on their own, and decided to secretly offer some of the engineers a huge lump sum if they were able to identify who slacked off the most, and get rid of them "by any means necessary", so Management could then take over the outsourcing to Elbonia and line their pockets more. This sort of betrayal could only be carried out by the most spineless Sycophants you could imagine, and the Engineers agreed that these traitors had to be rooted out just as harshly.
Still worse, other rumors have surfaced that some idiot in HR has been secretly hiring Consultants but not telling anyone, since no one in HR cares about actual humans. If there are any consultants in the mix, they would probably just be looking out for themselves and getting their money #1, and would be fine taking out anyone in the way, whether they suck up to the bosses or not.
So when lunch hour came, everyone logged off of the local Minecraft server, grabbed their little brown bags of processed carbs, and got on the private intra-office forums. There was no need to discuss this vocally, they agreed to just start trying to whittle down who was who from their usual seats. It was known that some people had already received the offers to snitch to Management, so it was time to give alibis and try to catch people fibbing. As for what would happen when they selected someone to publicly humiliate? Well, they'd cross that bridge when they came to it. The important thing now was to start discussion, and they all knew that as long as they trusted their heart, and remembered that everyone else is a lying, cheating dundler, then everything would turn out alright.
Greater Idea Mafia is a semi-open setup, designed to be flexible while adding an extra layer of WIFOM and almost entirely removing the need for random votes to start the game.
Here's how the 'Greater Idea' idea works: each player is randomly dealt two roles from a deck of 54 roles. They must immediately choose one to keep and discard the other. Once every player has chosen a role, the mod that checks the game is satisfactory (e.g., a roughly correct % of scum) - otherwise the game is rerolled. The game begins with any factional/partnered roles being informed of their partners. At the start of Day 1, every player's discarded role is publicly revealed - this information allows the village something to immediately discuss from the beginning.
In this game, Townies are Engineers, Mafia are Sycophants, and Serial Killers are Consultants. This is just for writeup flavor and there are no gameplay differences or changes to the role PMs. Editors Note: I went back and changed all instances to the original names, since I didn't follow through with themed writeups.
Cops return 'Guilty' upon investigating Mafia, 'Not Guilty' otherwise. FBI Agent returns 'Guilty' upon investigating a Serial Killer, 'Not Guilty' otherwise.
Roleblocks only work on targeting actions - but roleblocking effects cannot be roleblocked. Roleblockers have top priority.
No roles can self-target.
When mentioned, the abilities of a role refer to all of their role details which are unrelated to their faction or win condition.
The Innocent Child can choose to reveal itself at whatever moment it chooses. It is not revealed automatically at the start of Day 1.
Do not post an official day action (innocent child claim, day kill, governor action, etc) if you do not have the role that allows you to do so, or you might receive punishment appropriate for the situation (making a statement on this because it is an action during the day that involves the GM.)
The Enabler affects one randomly mod-selected other player. If the Enabler dies, its Enablee can no longer use any role powers other than a factional nightkill.
If only one Mason or Lover is chosen, then they are essentially a named Vanilla Townie.
If more than 2 Masons or Lovers are chosen, then all the Masons form one Mason group, and all the Lovers form one Lover group (rather than separate pairs).
Masons/Lovers will be informed who the other Masons/Lovers are, if there are any others.
Any groups with the ability to nighttalk (Mafia, Masons), are only allowed to communicate in their private thread during the night phase.
In this game, Townies are Engineers, Mafia are Sycophants, and Serial Killers are Consultants. This is just for writeup flavor and there are no gameplay differences or changes to the role PMs. Editors Note: I went back and changed all instances to the original names, since I didn't follow through with themed writeups.
Days and nights end at 1100 CST / 1700 UTC. The forum clock is used as the official clock. Votes and actions posted at xx:59 count, votes and actions posted at xx:00 do not.
Posting is not allowed after the day and night deadlines until the GM has posted a phase resolution.
In the event of extended forum downtime or downtime that occurs in close proximity of the deadline or some other event that disrupts the game, the day may be extended 24 hours at the GM's discretion.
During the day each player may cast one vote for someone to be lynched. Players may also vote for "no lynch" and if "no lynch" receives a plurality there won't be a lynch.
Votes must be posted in red text or they will not count. Votes with spelling errors of names do count so long as it's unambiguous in the GM's opinion whom is being voted for. Votes embedded in quotes do not count.
The player with most lynch votes at the end of the day is lynched and eliminated from the game. Normally, in the event that two or more players are tied for the most votes, the tied player that reached their current vote total first is lynched. (A gets to 4 votes first, B gets to 4 votes later in the day, A is lynched).
Night actions have been preassigned a priority order.
Anyone failing to vote for 2 consecutive game days or 3 days total will be mod killed and removed from the game with a loss.
Dead players may make one posthumous post that doesn't contribute to discussion.
Forum profile camping is not allowed.
To prevent confusion that may arise in the case of cross posting, posts may not be edited for any reason.
Players may not communicate with other players about the game outside the thread via PM, email, chat, quicktopics etc. unless told otherwise.
Players must check their PMs and make sure they're alive each game day before posting.
If all players are simultaneously eliminated, or the game reaches a stalemate situation, the game is a draw.
The main scum faction (Mafia in this game) win in a tie situation (like 3 scum 3 villager), unless the GM judges that the outcome of the game would be still in question (GM's discretion).
Directly quoting role PMs or other communication from the GM isn't allowed unless otherwise specified.
Breaking rules will result in penalties ranging from warnings to loss of abilities to being mod killed, depending on the severity of the infraction and the GM's discretion.