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Posted by: Brian Shanahan - March 12th, 2015, 14:16 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (4)

Terry Pratchett has died.

He was a great author, and while we will probably never see his plans for the world floating atop Great A'Tuin, we can always go back and revisit the many great books he wrote set on the Disc.

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  Who says that!?
Posted by: KingOfPain - March 11th, 2015, 17:46 - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (7)

I heard an Aussie said today "... Dig a hole straight to China...". I have always thought that was straightly a North American saying, wrong but close enough. It would be way off if you start from Australia, keeping to the spirit it means through the center of the earth. I mean, do Japanese say that too?

So, where are you from that you have heard of this phrase? And, if it is used in your local culture?

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  Role Deck of Madness Draft Feedback
Posted by: BRickAstley - March 11th, 2015, 08:49 - Forum: The Gaming Table - Replies (33)

I've been working more on refining and improving the Role Deck system, the same system used in WW35. After a few iterations I wanna put out what I have so far, to get opinions on how it's looking/if people think it desperately needs any more changes, especially since I won't be able to actually run this myself for a little while, so there's time to tweak.

Differences between this iteration and the WW35 version:

  • Much less killing potential in the roles, to help the game move along at a more uniform pace/prevent all of town from being nightkilled.
  • Expanded total number of roles (from 59 to 100), to allow wolves more claiming freedom to avoid suspicion.
  • changed the third party from being multiple SK options to a single third party (still could have 0, 1, or 2+ members), with a one-shot nightkill and unusual/powerful personal abilities.
  • Made a ton of the roles X-Shot, to help moderate the amount of power in the game.
  • In conjunction to above, tried to balance roles with X-shots and additional upsides/downsides to keep from there being a clear tier of which roles players 'should' always pick over another. (Both give everyone more freedom of choice and give wolves a reasonable reason to discard roles).
  • Removed roles I didn't like and added some I think would be fun.
  • Retheme the whole thing.
  • Aimed to balance things so that games *should* average a good proportion of scum to town. While doing test picks on my own, both "randomly" picking and "what I would wanna pick personally" picking, I averaged around 14.5 town to 5.5 scum (between the 2 factions) with comparable power, and low deviation from that average.

Role Deck list of "cards":

Alignment choice probabilities:

Town/Town 56.06%
Town/Scum 37.88%
Scum/Scum 6.06%

Vanilla Townie/Vanilla Townie 2.42%

Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Ascetic Sleeper
Ascetic Sleeper
Innocent Sleeper
Innocent Sleeper
2x Doctor
2x Doctor
2x Commuter
2x Commuter
2x Seer
2x Seer
3x Coroner
3x Coroner
3x Coroner
3x Watcher
3x Watcher
3x Tracker
3x Tracker
Miller 3x Vigilante
1x Vigilante
1x Vigilante
1x Day Vigilante
1x Day Vigilante
1x Day Vigilante
Macho Mason
Ascetic Mason
Mason Compulsive Bodyguard
3x Roleblocker
3x Roleblocker
3x Jailkeeper
3x Jailkeeper
2x Cheater
2x Cheater
2x Neighborizer
2x Neighborizer
Jack Of All Trades
Jack Of All Trades
Soul Binder
Grabby Tourist
Grabby Tourist
Murderous Channeler
Vengeful Townie
1x Governor
1x Governor
1x Unlynchable Townie
3x Motivator
Universal Backup
Universal Backup
Fae Touched
Fae Touched
Fae Touched
Fae Touched
Fae Touched
Fae Touched
Fae Touched
Fae Touched
Steel Trapper

Werewolf Sleeper
Werewolf Sleeper
Werewolf Ascetic Sleeper
Werewolf Innocent Sleeper
Werewolf 3x Roleblocker
Werewolf 2x Role Cop
Werewolf Avenger
Werewolf Universal Backup
Werewolf 2x Cheater
Werewolf Jack of All Trades
Werewolf 3x Watcher
Werewolf 3x Tracker
Werewolf 2x Neighborizer
Werewolf 1x Governor
Werewolf 1x Day Vig
Werewolf Fae Touched
Werewolf Fae Touched
Traitor 3x Seer

Fae 2x Power Switcher
Fae Avenger
Fae 3x Siphoner
Fae 2x Obscurer
Fae 1x Mass Redirector
Fae Monarch
Fae 3x Silencer

EDIT: Here's a quick modified role deck that removes some of the more esoteric roles and introduces more duplicates of main roles into play. On average each "Role" has 3 village cards and 1 wolf card.

Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Sleeper in Bed
Ascetic Sleeper
Ascetic Sleeper
Ascetic Sleeper
Innocent Sleeper
Innocent Sleeper
Innocent Sleeper
2x Doctor
2x Doctor
2x Doctor
2x Commuter
2x Commuter
2x Commuter
2x Seer
2x Seer
2x Seer
3x Coroner
3x Coroner
3x Coroner
3x Watcher
3x Watcher
3x Watcher
3x Tracker
3x Tracker
3x Tracker
1x Vigilante
1x Vigilante
1x Vigilante
1x Day Vigilante
1x Day Vigilante
1x Day Vigilante
Macho Mason
Ascetic Mason
Mason Compulsive Bodyguard
3x Roleblocker
3x Roleblocker
3x Roleblocker
3x Jailkeeper
3x Jailkeeper
3x Jailkeeper
Jack Of All Trades
Jack Of All Trades
Jack Of All Trades
1x Governor
1x Governor
1x Governor
1x Unlynchable Townie
Fae Touched
Fae Touched
Fae Touched
Fae Touched
Fae Touched
Fae Touched
Fae Touched
Fae Touched
Steel Trapper

Werewolf Sleeper
Werewolf Sleeper
Werewolf Sleeper
Werewolf Ascetic Sleeper
Werewolf Innocent Sleeper
Werewolf 2x Commuter
Traitor 3x Seer
Werewolf 3x Watcher
Werewolf 3x Tracker
Werewolf 1x Day Vig
Werewolf 3x Roleblocker
Werewolf 3x Jailkeeper
Werewolf 2x Role Cop
Werewolf Jack of All Trades
Werewolf 1x Governor
Werewolf Avenger
Werewolf Fae Touched
Werewolf Fae Touched

Fae 2x Power Switcher
Fae Avenger
Fae 2x Siphoner
Fae 2x Obscurer
Fae 1x Mass Redirector
Fae Monarch
Fae 3x Silencer

You are aligned with the town.
Factional Abilities
During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched.
Win Condition
You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated and at least one Town-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same).

You are aligned with the Werewolves.
Factional Abilities
During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched.
Factional Kill: The Wolves may kill one player per Night.
Factional Communication: If there are other Wolf-aligned players, there will be a Wolf QT that can be used pre-game and during the Night.
Win Condition
You win when all players without a Wolf wincon are eliminated and at least one Wolf-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same).

You are aligned with the Werewolves.
Factional Abilities
During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched.
Traitor: You do not know who the wolves are, and they do not know who you are. You do not share in the factional nightkill or communication.
Still Human: You count as a Town player for win conditions, but win only if the werewolves win.
Win Condition
You win when all players without a Wolf wincon are eliminated and at least one Wolf-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same).

You are aligned with the Fae.
Factional Abilities
During the Day, you may vote for whomever you want lynched.
Factional Kill: The Fae may one player at night one time per game. This kill is unstoppable and undetectable by any other role in the game.
Factional Communication: If there are other Fae-aligned players, there will be an Fae QT that can be used pre-game and during the Night.
Win Condition
You win when all players without an Fae wincon are eliminated and at least one Fae-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same).

Role descriptions:

Sleeper in Bed
You are a Sleeper in Bed.
Personal Abilities
Sleeper in Bed: During the Night, you may sleep in your bed.

Ascetic Sleeper
You are an Ascetic Sleeper.
Personal Abilities
Sleeper in Bed: During the Night, you may sleep in your bed.
Ascetic: You are immune to all Night actions except kills.

Innocent Sleeper
You are an Innocent Sleeper.
Personal Abilities
Sleeper in Bed: During the Night, you may sleep in your bed.
Innocent: You will always show as NOT GUILTY to Seer results.

2x Doctor
You are a Two-Shot Doctor.
Personal Abilities
Doctor: Twice in the game, at Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be protected from all nightkills for that Night.
Two-Shot: You may use your ability 2 times during the span of the game.

You are a Bodyguard.
Personal Abilities
Bodyguard: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. If this player is nightkilled, you will die instead.

2x Commuter
You are a Two-Shot Commuter.
Personal Abilities
Commuter: During the Night, you may "commute". All Personal Abilities that target you that Night will fail.
Two-Shot: You may use your ability 2 times during the span of the game.

2x Seer
You are a Two-Shot Seer
Personal Abilities
Seer: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will receive You believe NAME to be GUILTY if that player is aligned with the Wolves. You will receive You believe NAME to be NOT GUILTY if that player is not aligned with the Wolves. You will receive No result if your investigation failed.
Two-Shot: You may use your ability 2 times during the span of the game.

3x Coroner
You are a Three-Shot Coroner.
Personal Abilities
Coroner: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. If this player is dead before the next Day, you will be informed of the role-name that killed them. Note that this can be used on players already eliminated from the game.
Three-Shot: You may use your ability 3 times during the span of the game.

3x Watcher
You are a Three-Shot Watcher.
Personal Abilities
Watcher: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will be informed of the name of anyone who targeted that person during that Night.
Three-Shot: You may use your ability 3 times during the span of the game.

3x Tracker
You are a Three-Shot Tracker.
Personal Abilities
Tracker: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will be informed of the name of anyone that player targeted during that Night.
Three-Shot: You may use your ability 3 times during the span of the game.

3x Tailed Vigilante
You are a Three-Shot Tailed Vigilante.
Personal Abilities
Vigilante: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will die.
Three-Shot: You may use your Vigilante ability 3 times during the span of the game.
Tailed: You will investigate as "GUILTY" to any Seers.

1x Vigilante
You are a One-Shot Vigilante.
Personal Abilities
Vigilante: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will die.
One-Shot: You may only use this ability once during the game.

1-Shot Day Vigilante
You are a 1-Shot Day Vigilante.
Personal Abilities
Day Vigilante: During the Day, you may post "Kill: NAME". This player will immediately die.
1-Shot: You may only use this ability once during the game.

You are a Mason.
Personal Abilities
Mason: If there are other Masons in the game, you will form a Mason group with them. There will be a Mason QT that can be used pre-game and during the Night.

Macho Mason
You are a Macho Mason.
Personal Abilities
Macho: You cannot be successfully protected by any protective roles.
Mason: If there are other Masons in the game, you will form a Mason group with them. There will be a Mason QT that can be used pre-game and during the Night.

Ascetic Mason
You are an Ascetic Mason.
Personal Abilities
Mason: If there are other Masons in the game, you will form a Mason group with them. There will be a Mason QT that can be used pre-game and during the Night.
Ascetic: You are immune to all Night actions except kills.

Mason Compulsive Bodyguard
You are a Mason Compulsive Bodyguard.
Personal Abilities
Mason: If there are other Masons in the game, you will form a Mason group with them. There will be a Mason QT that can be used pre-game and during the Night.
Bodyguard: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. If this player is nightkilled, you will die instead.
Compulsive: You are required to use your ability each Night. If you do not submit a target, it will be randomized.

3x Roleblocker
You are a Three-Shot Roleblocker.
Personal Abilities
Roleblocker: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be unable to use his/her ability (if he/she has one).
Three-Shot: You may use your ability 3 times during the span of the game.

3x Jailkeeper
You are a Three-Shot Jailkeeper.
Personal Abilities
Jailkeeper: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be unable to use his/her ability (if he/she has one). This player will also be immune to nightkills for that Night.
Three-Shot: You may use your ability 3 times during the span of the game.

2x Cheater
You are a Two Shot Cheater.
Personal Abilities
Cheater: During the night, you may PM me the name of a role (independent of alignment). You will receive PRESENT if at least one player has that role in this game, and NOT PRESENT if no player has that role in this game.
Two-Shot: You may use your ability 2 times during the span of the game.

2x Neighborizer
You are a Two-Shot Neighborizer.
Personal Abilities
Neighborizer: During the night, you may PM me the name of another player. During the following day period, you will have a private QT opened with that player. This QT will close at the conclusion of the day or death of either player.
Two-Shot: You may use your ability 2 times during the span of the game.

You are a Jack-of-all-Trades.
Personal Abilities
Know a Little of Everything: You may use each of the following Personal Abilities once per game. You may not use more than one ability per Night.
Roleblocker: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. Any targets/nightkills that player make will fail.
Role Cop: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will receive their role name, not including their alignment.
Doctor: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be protected from all nightkills for that Night.

You are an Avenger.
Personal Abilities
Avenger: If you are lynched, whomever placed the last vote on you will also die.

Soul Binder
You are a Soul Binder.
Personal Abilities
Soul Binder: During Night 1, you must PM me the name of another player. You will form a Lover bond with them (aka if you or your partner is killed, the other Lover will also die). You will also find out the role and alignment of your target. Your target will not know that they were targeted.

Grabby Tourist
You are a Grabby Tourist.
Personal Abilities
Tourist: During the night, you must PM me the name of another player. You will target that player that night, to no effect. If a target is not selected, a random target will be chosen for you.
Grabby: If your Tourist target is killed that night, you will gain a 1-Shot use of your target's power, if any. This only works on active powers. You may use the gained power instead of your Tourist action at night.

Murderous Channeler
You are a Murderous Channeler
Personal Abilities
Murderous: You will always be viewed as guilty by Seers and Fae Touched, and as killing any players killed that night by Watchers and Trackers.
Channeler: Any time after the start of Day 4, you may exchange your role and alignment for that of any dead player. It will be made public that a switch happened, but not who did it or which role was switched.

Vengeful Townie
You are a Vengeful Townie.
Personal Abilities
Vengeful: If you are lynched, you may choose to kill one player immediately by posting in-thread Kill: PLAYERNAME. If you do not want to kill anyone, please post Kill: No one.

1x Governor
You are a 1-Shot Governor.
Personal Abilities
Governor: During the Day, you may post 'PARDON NAME' in bold. That player will be unable to be lynched that day.
One-Shot: This ability can only be used once during the game.

1x Unlynchable
You are a One-Shot Unlynchable
Personal Abilities
One-Shot Unlynchable: The first time you are lynched, you will not die.

3x Motivator
You are a Three-Shot Motivator
Personal Abilities
Motivator: During the might, you may select another player. That player's vote will coult for double the following day.
Three-Shot: You may use your ability 3 times during the span of the game.

Universal Backup
You are a Universal Backup.
Personal Abilities
Universal Backup: You will acquire the Personal Abilities of the first player aligned with your faction who dies. If their ability is X-Shot, you will have as many charges as they had remaining.

Fae Touched
You are Fae Touched.
Personal Abilities
Fae Touched: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will receive GUILTY if that player is aligned with the Fae. You will receive NOT GUILTY if that player is not aligned with the Aliens. You will receive No result if your investigation failed.
Pixie Dusted: You will investigate as "GUILTY" to other Fae Touched

Steel Trapper
You are a Steel Trapper
Personal Abilities
Steel Trapper: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will be roleblocked (any targets that player make will fail) if they are Fae. This does not block their night kill.

Role Seer:
You are a Two-Shot Role Seer
Personal Abilities
Role Seer: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. You will learn the name of their role, independent of their alignment.

2x Power Switcher
You are a Two-Shot Power Switcher
Personal Abilities
Power Switcher: During the Night, you may PM me the name of two other players. These players will swap their Personal Abilities. This will take effect at the start of the next day, and the players will be informed of their new powers.
Two-Shot: You may use your ability 2 times during the span of the game.

3x Siphoner
You are a Three-Shot Siphoner.
Personal Abilities
Siphoner: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will lose any Personal Abilities they have. This will take effect at the start of the next Day, and the player will be informed of this.
Three-Shot: You may use your ability 3 times during the span of the game.

2x Obscurer
You are a Two-Shot Obscurer
Personal Abilities
Obscurer: Using your power will cause all investigators to receive "No Result" when they use their power that night.
Two-Shot: You may use your ability 2 times during the span of the game.

1x Mass Redirector
You are a One-Shot Mass Redirector.
Personal Abilities
Mass Redirector: Once during the game, at Night, you may PM me the name of another player. All Night actions will be redirected to this player.
One-Shot: You may use your ability 1 time during the span of the game.

You are a Monarch.
Personal Abilities
Monarch: You have each of the following Personal Abilities. However, once any of the Personal Abilities are used, you will not be able to use any further Personal Abilities. You will be informed when this happens.
Bulletproof: You cannot be nightkilled.
Unlynchable: You cannot be lynched.
Day Vigilante: During the Day, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will die.

3x Silencer
You are a Three-Shot Silencer.
Personal Abilities
Silencer: During the Night, you may PM me the name of another player. This player will not be able to vote during the next Day phase.
Three-Shot: You may use your ability 3 times during the span of the game.

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  EitB Microplan Potluck! Get feedback on your micro skills
Posted by: Qgqqqqq - March 10th, 2015, 18:06 - Forum: Civilization General Discussion - Replies (14)

There have been a lot of requests for help of this sort, so I thought I'd start something like this off to give us a no-spoiler environment to critique and improve one another's micro.

(November 21st, 2013, 21:34)SevenSpirits Wrote: Here's the idea: I provide a turn 0 save file. You play around with it. Decide on your best plan for t0-30 (quick speed), and post it here. Then, read other peoples' plans and get feedback on yours! Also, I may do a little bit of "judging", and reserve the right to determine a "winner", but that's not the important part.

Here, I suggest playing to t50 quick speed (or t75 if you want to, but please report t50), as I think that's enough to start seeing the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches.


You are Valledia the Evan of the Amurites!

[Image: 1plan%20%281%29.png]
I chose her because she's all-but a blank slate, both as a leader and as a civ, so you can take her wherever you want. Ingenuity also helps offset event gold and the like.

You are playing in a 5-player PBEM on RB! The map has been randomly rolled, but the start has been altered to about the level that most MP maps are on, with an eye to opening up different strategies. You start on a continent all by yourself, but the game is on Monarch, and some lairs have been scrubbed, so you shouldn't be overwhelmed by barbs. AI opponents are Cassiel and Auric, so there will be no competition for religions, should you choose to focus on them. Game speed is quick. Here's your start:

[Image: 1plan%20%282%29.png]
Copper has been labelled in the final save.

Sevenspirits (with mild adaptations) Wrote:Figure out a plan for the first 51 turns (t0-50). Then post it here. There are no particular requirements for the format of your plan, except that it should include an empire overview shot from t50. But here are some further suggestions:
  • Describe the reasoning behind your choices.
  • In addition to your t50 screenshot, include screenshots from t10, t20, t30, and t40. More screenshots are (almost) better, of course.
  • Provide an ordered list of the techs you research.
  • Provide an ordered list of what things you build in each of your cities.
  • Note turns on which you finish builds and on which your cities grow.
  • Provide a link to a google spreadsheet showing detailed instructions for reproducing your plan.
I suggest not changing the names of your cities so that we all have the same city names.

Once you've played around with the sandbox and made plans, you should be able to better comprehend other players' plans. Take some time to see what other players chose to do. Any comments you have on other players' plans are highly welcome. You are free to look at other players' plans before posting your own; I just think you will get more out of it if you look at it yourself first. If you go back to revise your plan after seeing other players' plans, even better! However, please mention when reporting if you've read some other plans already.

I am planning to read and provide some feedback on every plan that someone posts. I'm not yet sure what schedule to do this on (or even if anyone will take me up on it!), but I was thinking I would give other people a few days to get started before chiming in myself next week.

My thinking is that this would be a really useful exercise for some of our newer members, and would also be a fun diversion for those of us who've done it many times already. I hope you give it a shot!


(November 21st, 2013, 21:36)SevenSpirits Wrote: FAQ

Q: Should I care about the AIs?
A: Treat it as a sandbox for a game against human players. You should not be interacting with the AIs.

Q: How are the rules for this different from a normal game?
A: You have full map knowledge. You get as many tries as you want. The goal is to come up with a plan from t0 through t50 that would be good in a PBEM where, unlike usual, you know the map.

Q: Should I use spoiler tags for my results?
A: Sure, that seems like a good idea.

Q: Do I need to settle in place?
A: No.

More detailed settings:

[Image: 1plan%20%283%29.png]

In case it's not clear, this is modelled extensively on SevenSpirit's excellent BTS version, and full credit goes to him.

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  Strategy Articles & General Information Thread
Posted by: Qgqqqqq - March 10th, 2015, 03:33 - Forum: Erebus in the Balance Mod - Replies (11)

This is for posting strategy articles to do with EitB, or ones from BTS/FFH that are largely applicable to this mod. Many of these articles will, in turn, be applicable to strategy in vanilla or other mods, but that is by no means guaranteed. These do not need to be written with the intent of being a strategy article to apply - I'll try and find an example.

General Information is written with the intent of posts like DaveV's lair results - information about the mod that has been collected by forum users and is hard to access otherwise. If popular demand is for it, I may start an FAQ thread.

For ease of access, I'd ask that people do not discuss them in this thread, as this will create clutter. If you wish to discuss one, or disagree with it's content, either start a new thread or follow the link (if posted) to one.
(If enough people disagree that I think it's not worth putting here, I'll move/delete it.)

In the same vein, if people could spoiler posts and name them with something appropriate, that would be appreciated

I'll kick this off with a couple over the next few posts, including the ones that prompted me to start it.

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  MOO1 tech reform
Posted by: WhiteMage - March 10th, 2015, 00:52 - Forum: Master of Orion - Replies (6)

How would you change the technologies in MOO1?
Which techs would you drop, add, or mod? How?

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  New WW Game (Role Madness, 13+ players)
Posted by: Bobchillingworth - March 9th, 2015, 19:01 - Forum: Werewolf Archives - Replies (39)

Basically what the title says. I'm looking to finally run my game, which has been thoroughly reviewed by Brick and once by Jowy.

It's Role Madness, with everything that entails. Looking for 13-15 players. Can probably accommodate more, should I be so blessed- I'll do a balance check before expanding the game further.

Post if you're interested and I'll add you to the list. Looking to end days / nights at 6 PM EST, I believe Brick can assist. Will go with standard 48-hour days and 24-hour nights, unless a majority wants otherwise.

I'm flexible regarding start date, should be good to launch on Friday unless people would prefer I push it back a bit.

Signups are CLOSED

1. Lewwyn
2. Pindicator
3. Mattimeo
4. Goreripper
5. Agnes The Orphan
6. Fenn
7. Jabbz
8. Zakalwe
9. Rowain
10. novice
11. Gazglum
12 Shadeun
13. dtay

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  Sensible anarchy - Grigori [G4 Session I OldLion vs Bob]
Posted by: Old_Lion - March 9th, 2015, 17:43 - Forum: EitB PBEM XL: Duel League - Replies (11)

Bob, this thread is not for you

Bob if you read this I'll call a moderator !

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  Master of Magic has a queue! (and less stupid bowmen)
Posted by: kyrub - March 9th, 2015, 08:56 - Forum: Master of Magic - Replies (7)

I updated Insecticide patch, for 1.40o.
It's alpha, there are some problems. I think they are just flaws, but I had little time testing, sorry.

See opening post here
Play and enjoy!

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  Mecha Maker Kragroth [Game 2 Sesson II Greywolf vs. Kragroth]
Posted by: Kragroth - March 8th, 2015, 22:32 - Forum: EitB PBEM XL: Duel League - Replies (4)

This thread is not for Greywolf. If you are Greywolf, please leave

[Image: nGUWjFi.jpg]

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